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The Democrats are going to rig the next election the same way they cheated last time

So why is there so much resistance from the Democrats to at least look into these issues that might be a problem? Of all the responses so far, only Laughing Dog has made a fair response to improvement of voter ID, IMO.

Why have you utterly failed to recognize the fact that "these issues" HAVE been looked into? Extensively. You're acting like everyone's just throwing up their hands and saying "welp, the election may or may not have been stolen. Who knows?" then not doing anything.

Not only have the Democrats looked into it, they're the ones fighting hardest for legitimate, fair access to voting for all citizens. Meanwhile, the Republicans have been attempting to enact restrictions to access in the name of "election integrity" which - I refer you to my previous posts - they know is not a problem. In fact, the strength of our voting rights and access is the very thing they are trying to undermine, since with a minority of voters in their corner, gerrymandering and suppressing the vote in blue areas is the only way they can remain competitive.

The fact that you continue to insist our system is hopelessly broken and that massive voter fraud is a self-evident truth after everything that has been said to you in this thread is frankly bonkers.

Eight years ago, after claiming this widespread fraud you imagine, the Trump administration thoroughly investigated the matter, and found nothing. In the wake of the 2020 election, Republicans in every state thoroughly investigated the matter, along with independent entities and some (like Cyber Ninjas) outfits dedicated to proving Trump won, yet all of them came up with NOTHING. As has been mentioned, the handful of cases of provable voter fraud came at the hands of Trump supporters.

How long are you going to keep pushing this phony narrative of yours?
Speaking of cheating, the GOP has been suing in several states.

article said:
Trump’s demands for the RNC to take more action on supposed ballot fraud was a key factor in the departure in March of national chairwoman Ronna McDaniel. Trump handpicked her successor, Michael Whatley, and as co-chair selected his daughter-in-law Lara Trump. They took over the central committee with an explicit emphasis on expanding “election integrity” lawsuits and monitoring.

Since then, the party has been filing new lawsuits and publicizing them more emphatically. A recent memo touting the RNC’s accomplishments in the current cycle included cases in Arizona, North Carolina and New York that Republicans lost, as well as a New York case that dealt with local rather than federal elections and a Michigan case from 2022. Lara Trump routinely notes that the RNC has more than 90 active cases, a tally that includes 75 cases filed before 2024 and many in which the RNC played a supporting role with amicus briefs rather than leading the litigation.

“We are pulling out all the stops, and we are so laser-focused on election integrity,” Lara Trump said at the California GOP convention in May. The new party platform approved on Monday adds a plank about election rules that calls for “measures to secure our elections, including voter ID, highly sophisticated paper ballots, proof of citizenship, and same day voting.”
I hope they have one lawsuit in there to require automatically test any Biden supporting ballot be tested for bamboo.
Doncha y'all get it? People are sayin' there is election fraud by Democrates, so there must it is true.
How to tell if you're about to hear one of the stupidest, most obvious and brazen lies you've ever heard: the speaker begins with "Many people are saying..."
One big problem is that there are a very large number of fake news sites out there that mostly publish conspiracy theories and so called news that isn't based on any legitimate evidence. Sadly, some people believe the nonsense they read on these sites and it's very hard to convince them that they have been victims of lies.
Doncha y'all get it? People are sayin' there is election fraud by Democrates, so there must it is true.
How to tell if you're about to hear one of the stupidest, most obvious and brazen lies you've ever heard: the speaker begins with "Many people are saying..."
In the OP case, it was What Elon Musk is saying.

So why is there so much resistance from the Democrats to at least look into these issues that might be a problem? Of all the responses so far, only Laughing Dog has made a fair response to improvement of voter ID, IMO.

Why have you utterly failed to recognize the fact that "these issues" HAVE been looked into? Extensively. You're acting like everyone's just throwing up their hands and saying "welp, the election may or may not have been stolen. Who knows?" then not doing anything.

Not only have the Democrats looked into it, they're the ones fighting hardest for legitimate, fair access to voting for all citizens. Meanwhile, the Republicans have been attempting to enact restrictions to access in the name of "election integrity" which - I refer you to my previous posts - they know is not a problem. In fact, the strength of our voting rights and access is the very thing they are trying to undermine, since with a minority of voters in their corner, gerrymandering and suppressing the vote in blue areas is the only way they can remain competitive.

The fact that you continue to insist our system is hopelessly broken and that massive voter fraud is a self-evident truth after everything that has been said to you in this thread is frankly bonkers.

Eight years ago, after claiming this widespread fraud you imagine, the Trump administration thoroughly investigated the matter, and found nothing. In the wake of the 2020 election, Republicans in every state thoroughly investigated the matter, along with independent entities and some (like Cyber Ninjas) outfits dedicated to proving Trump won, yet all of them came up with NOTHING. As has been mentioned, the handful of cases of provable voter fraud came at the hands of Trump supporters.

How long are you going to keep pushing this phony narrative of yours?
I think the Democratic party is losing/lost control of their narrative and their legacy corporate media machine is legacy for good reason and floundering more and more. The Democrat party used to be the blue-collar working class party. The antiwar party. The anti establishment party. The anti-censorship free speech party. The anti-authoritarian party. It seems out of phase with that now to more, at least me. What the hell happened?

Trump is going to kill democracy in America if he gets reelected? I can’t think of a much more anti-democratic action than to openly endeavor to keep the opposition off of our ballots entirely. The DNC are the ones that have, and are, trying just that very play. That's today. And Prior. Not some what-if.

So why is there so much resistance from the Democrats to at least look into these issues that might be a problem? Of all the responses so far, only Laughing Dog has made a fair response to improvement of voter ID, IMO.

Why have you utterly failed to recognize the fact that "these issues" HAVE been looked into? Extensively. You're acting like everyone's just throwing up their hands and saying "welp, the election may or may not have been stolen. Who knows?" then not doing anything.

Not only have the Democrats looked into it, they're the ones fighting hardest for legitimate, fair access to voting for all citizens. Meanwhile, the Republicans have been attempting to enact restrictions to access in the name of "election integrity" which - I refer you to my previous posts - they know is not a problem. In fact, the strength of our voting rights and access is the very thing they are trying to undermine, since with a minority of voters in their corner, gerrymandering and suppressing the vote in blue areas is the only way they can remain competitive.

The fact that you continue to insist our system is hopelessly broken and that massive voter fraud is a self-evident truth after everything that has been said to you in this thread is frankly bonkers.

Eight years ago, after claiming this widespread fraud you imagine, the Trump administration thoroughly investigated the matter, and found nothing. In the wake of the 2020 election, Republicans in every state thoroughly investigated the matter, along with independent entities and some (like Cyber Ninjas) outfits dedicated to proving Trump won, yet all of them came up with NOTHING. As has been mentioned, the handful of cases of provable voter fraud came at the hands of Trump supporters.

How long are you going to keep pushing this phony narrative of yours?
I think the Democratic party is losing/lost control of their narrative and their legacy corporate media machine is legacy for good reason and floundering more and more. The Democrat party used to be the blue-collar working class party. The antiwar party. The anti establishment party. The anti-censorship free speech party. The anti-authoritarian party. It seems out of phase with that now to more, at least me. What the hell happened?

Trump is going to kill democracy in America if he gets reelected? I can’t think of a much more anti-democratic action than to openly endeavor to keep the opposition off of our ballots entirely. The DNC are the ones that have, and are, trying just that very play. That's today. And Prior. Not some what-if.
Who tried to throw the election in 2020?

So why is there so much resistance from the Democrats to at least look into these issues that might be a problem? Of all the responses so far, only Laughing Dog has made a fair response to improvement of voter ID, IMO.

Why have you utterly failed to recognize the fact that "these issues" HAVE been looked into? Extensively. You're acting like everyone's just throwing up their hands and saying "welp, the election may or may not have been stolen. Who knows?" then not doing anything.

Not only have the Democrats looked into it, they're the ones fighting hardest for legitimate, fair access to voting for all citizens. Meanwhile, the Republicans have been attempting to enact restrictions to access in the name of "election integrity" which - I refer you to my previous posts - they know is not a problem. In fact, the strength of our voting rights and access is the very thing they are trying to undermine, since with a minority of voters in their corner, gerrymandering and suppressing the vote in blue areas is the only way they can remain competitive.

The fact that you continue to insist our system is hopelessly broken and that massive voter fraud is a self-evident truth after everything that has been said to you in this thread is frankly bonkers.

Eight years ago, after claiming this widespread fraud you imagine, the Trump administration thoroughly investigated the matter, and found nothing. In the wake of the 2020 election, Republicans in every state thoroughly investigated the matter, along with independent entities and some (like Cyber Ninjas) outfits dedicated to proving Trump won, yet all of them came up with NOTHING. As has been mentioned, the handful of cases of provable voter fraud came at the hands of Trump supporters.

How long are you going to keep pushing this phony narrative of yours?
I think the Democratic party is losing/lost control of their narrative and their legacy corporate media machine is legacy for good reason and floundering more and more. The Democrat party used to be the blue-collar working class party. The antiwar party. The anti establishment party. The anti-censorship free speech party. The anti-authoritarian party. It seems out of phase with that now to more, at least me. What the hell happened?

Trump is going to kill democracy in America if he gets reelected? I can’t think of a much more anti-democratic action than to openly endeavor to keep the opposition off of our ballots entirely. The DNC are the ones that have, and are, trying just that very play. That's today. And Prior. Not some what-if.
That is untrue. The DNC is tried to correctly apply the US Constitution to keep an ineligible single traitorous insurrectionist off the ballot.
I think the Democratic party is losing/lost control of their narrative and their legacy corporate media machine is legacy for good reason and floundering more and more. The Democrat party used to be the blue-collar working class party.
They still are if you look past Republican lip-service and lies. Who do unions support? Dems. Why? Because dems actually deliver for them. Not as much as they used to or as much as they should IMO, but it sure beats the Republicans whose every action is designed to siphon money and power from the working class to the 1%.
The antiwar party.
Eh, I don't know when the Dems were ever actually "anti-war" or what you even mean by that. Maybe you are thinking of the GW Bush Era and Iraq here but even then the Dem support was split because back then many Dems didn't think that even a Republican president would lie about issues serious enough to mobilize for war. The Dems learned just how duplicitous Rs could be.
The anti establishment party.
What are you referring to here? The anti-establisment clause in the consituition? The Dems are still the ones trying to holding back the Republicans from their theocratic impulses.

The anti-censorship free speech party.
Free speech has never meant that you are free from consequences. Upset about people getting "Cancelled?" That's always been a thing. Republicans in Florida and Texas think that telling children that gay people are a thing that exists should get you sent to prison. Dem's are still the party of free speech.
The anti-authoritarian party.
Are you even paying attention to anything actually happening? Do you even know what an authoritarian is? Donald trump wanted the military called in to start shooting Democratic protesters outside the whitehouse. The Dems were protesting. The president was upset with with their disobedience and wanted to kill them for it. Look up the definition of authoritarian and get back to me.
It seems out of phase with that now to more, at least me. What the hell happened?
Maybe what happened is that you started listening to liars and believing the lies. Stop doing that and you'll understand the world a little better.
Trump is going to kill democracy in America if he gets reelected? I can’t think of a much more anti-democratic action than to openly endeavor to keep the opposition off of our ballots entirely. The DNC are the ones that have, and are, trying just that very play. That's today. And Prior. Not some what-if.
You are unbelieveable.
Dems: Hey, there is this part of the US constituition where it says traitors can't hold office and we all saw Trump try to subvert the transfer of power and illegetimately install himself as president. That seems pretty tresonous and it certainly violates the spirit of the constituition. So maybe we should... you know... uphold the consitiuition and not let Trump do the thing that the Consitution says is illegal.

RVonse: Democracy is dying because Dems want to kick Trump off the ballot!

Dems: No, Republicans can totally run for office, but this one (Trump) isn't eligible because the constituition forbids it. Notice how nobody else is getting kicked off of ballots? That's because Trump is special. He did the bad thing. If anyone else does the bad thing, they can't take office either.
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I think the Democratic party is losing/lost control of their narrative and their legacy corporate media machine is legacy for good reason and floundering more and more. The Democrat party used to be the blue-collar working class party. The antiwar party. The anti establishment party. The anti-censorship free speech party. The anti-authoritarian party. It seems out of phase with that now to more, at least me. What the hell happened?

Trump is going to kill democracy in America if he gets reelected? I can’t think of a much more anti-democratic action than to openly endeavor to keep the opposition off of our ballots entirely. The DNC are the ones that have, and are, trying just that very play. That's today. And Prior. Not some what-if.
Who tried to throw the election in 2020?
RVonse is relying on word salad to get out of defending their baseless assertion that the Democrats stole the 2020 election.
I think the Democratic party is losing/lost control of their narrative and their legacy corporate media machine is legacy for good reason and floundering more and more. The Democrat party used to be the blue-collar working class party. The antiwar party. The anti establishment party. The anti-censorship free speech party. The anti-authoritarian party. It seems out of phase with that now to more, at least me. What the hell happened?

Trump is going to kill democracy in America if he gets reelected? I can’t think of a much more anti-democratic action than to openly endeavor to keep the opposition off of our ballots entirely. The DNC are the ones that have, and are, trying just that very play. That's today. And Prior. Not some what-if.
Who tried to throw the election in 2020?
RVonse is relying on word salad to get out of defending their baseless assertion that the Democrats stole the 2020 election.
Or confirmation bias. It reminds me of the line from the old Simon and Garfunkel song, "The Boxer" from the 70s. "People hear what they want to hear and disregard the rest". That goes for a lot of things these days.

So why is there so much resistance from the Democrats to at least look into these issues that might be a problem? Of all the responses so far, only Laughing Dog has made a fair response to improvement of voter ID, IMO.

Why have you utterly failed to recognize the fact that "these issues" HAVE been looked into? Extensively. You're acting like everyone's just throwing up their hands and saying "welp, the election may or may not have been stolen. Who knows?" then not doing anything.

Not only have the Democrats looked into it, they're the ones fighting hardest for legitimate, fair access to voting for all citizens. Meanwhile, the Republicans have been attempting to enact restrictions to access in the name of "election integrity" which - I refer you to my previous posts - they know is not a problem. In fact, the strength of our voting rights and access is the very thing they are trying to undermine, since with a minority of voters in their corner, gerrymandering and suppressing the vote in blue areas is the only way they can remain competitive.

The fact that you continue to insist our system is hopelessly broken and that massive voter fraud is a self-evident truth after everything that has been said to you in this thread is frankly bonkers.

Eight years ago, after claiming this widespread fraud you imagine, the Trump administration thoroughly investigated the matter, and found nothing. In the wake of the 2020 election, Republicans in every state thoroughly investigated the matter, along with independent entities and some (like Cyber Ninjas) outfits dedicated to proving Trump won, yet all of them came up with NOTHING. As has been mentioned, the handful of cases of provable voter fraud came at the hands of Trump supporters.

How long are you going to keep pushing this phony narrative of yours?
I think the Democratic party is losing/lost control of their narrative and their legacy corporate media machine is legacy for good reason and floundering more and more. The Democrat party used to be the blue-collar working class party. The antiwar party. The anti establishment party. The anti-censorship free speech party. The anti-authoritarian party. It seems out of phase with that now to more, at least me. What the hell happened?

What the hell happened to your proof that they "rigged" the election last time?

I mean, you asserted that they were going to rig this one just like they did the last time.

Would you care to back that statement up with some actual evidence?
If you have a hypothesis (even if it is fed to you by a known source of lies and manipulation) I encourage you to investigate it using scientific reasoning. Trace the causal chain. Look for evidence that may support your hypothesis but always look doubly hard for evidence that may refute it.
That sounds well and good but very difficult in practice due to ones limited time and resources.

If I understand correctly what you have written you do at least agree our election process has issues but that those weaknesses favor the Republicans more than the Democrats. And that the last election could not have been rigged.

So why is there so much resistance from the Democrats to at least look into these issues that might be a problem? Of all the responses so far, only Laughing Dog has made a fair response to improvement of voter ID, IMO.

Because the “issues” are are bullshit manufactured by douchebags like Donald Trump and his lapdog Giuliani. Trump is even on tape admitting he lost the election. But indeed they have been “looked into,” and there is NOTHING THERE. If you inanely think the Democrats in some impossible fashion “rigged the election,” then PRODUCE THE EVIDENCE. You have the burden of proof. Trump for the last four years has repeatedly promised such evidence. Of course he has never provided it, because he doesn’t have it and because he is a douchebag.
The Democrat party used to be the blue-collar working class party
Can you PLEASE stop pretending to give a flying fuck about the working class? Fucking please! Your faux Tucker-esque "Hey I wear plaid so I'm one of you" bullshit is wearing pretty fucking thin. Biden was the first American President to join a picket line for the workers. That you have so overlooked this fact is so insulting it's clear you aren't ignorant - your arguments are fundamentally dishonest.

Here's a legit question - when was the last time you wanted workers to have a basic living wage?
The Democrat party used to be the blue-collar working class party
Can you PLEASE stop pretending to give a flying fuck about the working class? Fucking please! Your faux Tucker-esque "Hey I wear plaid so I'm one of you" bullshit is wearing pretty fucking thin. Biden was the first American President to join a picket line for the workers. That you have so overlooked this fact is so insulting it's clear you aren't ignorant - your arguments are fundamentally dishonest.

Here's a legit question - when was the last time you wanted workers to have a basic living wage?

You have not kept up with current events. Both parties are changing and they have not finished changing yet.

I can’t think of a much more anti-democratic action than to openly endeavor to keep the opposition off of our ballots entirely. The DNC are the ones that have, and are, trying just that very play. That's today. And Prior. Not some what-if.

Really? What the actual hell are you talking about?
The Colorado decision to keep Trump off the ballet. The bogus Russia collusion crap and impeachments. The bogus lawfare, some which has already failed but all of it designed to keep a candidate off the ballot.
You have not kept up with current events.
Oh, I have kept one eye on your country son. Don't worry about that. And just so we're clear - a union boss crossing the line is hardly unprecedented. Perhaps it is you who is not kept up with current events.

Stop pretending you give a fuck about working families Mr "I can afford to go out to eat every night of the week whilst quoting trickle down economics". You literally don't have a clue.
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