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The Democrats are going to rig the next election the same way they cheated last time

So why is there so much resistance from the Democrats to at least look into these issues that might be a problem? Of all the responses so far, only Laughing Dog has made a fair response to improvement of voter ID, IMO.

Why have you utterly failed to recognize the fact that "these issues" HAVE been looked into? Extensively. You're acting like everyone's just throwing up their hands and saying "welp, the election may or may not have been stolen. Who knows?" then not doing anything.

Not only have the Democrats looked into it, they're the ones fighting hardest for legitimate, fair access to voting for all citizens. Meanwhile, the Republicans have been attempting to enact restrictions to access in the name of "election integrity" which - I refer you to my previous posts - they know is not a problem. In fact, the strength of our voting rights and access is the very thing they are trying to undermine, since with a minority of voters in their corner, gerrymandering and suppressing the vote in blue areas is the only way they can remain competitive.

The fact that you continue to insist our system is hopelessly broken and that massive voter fraud is a self-evident truth after everything that has been said to you in this thread is frankly bonkers.

Eight years ago, after claiming this widespread fraud you imagine, the Trump administration thoroughly investigated the matter, and found nothing. In the wake of the 2020 election, Republicans in every state thoroughly investigated the matter, along with independent entities and some (like Cyber Ninjas) outfits dedicated to proving Trump won, yet all of them came up with NOTHING. As has been mentioned, the handful of cases of provable voter fraud came at the hands of Trump supporters.

How long are you going to keep pushing this phony narrative of yours?
Speaking of cheating, the GOP has been suing in several states.

article said:
Trump’s demands for the RNC to take more action on supposed ballot fraud was a key factor in the departure in March of national chairwoman Ronna McDaniel. Trump handpicked her successor, Michael Whatley, and as co-chair selected his daughter-in-law Lara Trump. They took over the central committee with an explicit emphasis on expanding “election integrity” lawsuits and monitoring.

Since then, the party has been filing new lawsuits and publicizing them more emphatically. A recent memo touting the RNC’s accomplishments in the current cycle included cases in Arizona, North Carolina and New York that Republicans lost, as well as a New York case that dealt with local rather than federal elections and a Michigan case from 2022. Lara Trump routinely notes that the RNC has more than 90 active cases, a tally that includes 75 cases filed before 2024 and many in which the RNC played a supporting role with amicus briefs rather than leading the litigation.

“We are pulling out all the stops, and we are so laser-focused on election integrity,” Lara Trump said at the California GOP convention in May. The new party platform approved on Monday adds a plank about election rules that calls for “measures to secure our elections, including voter ID, highly sophisticated paper ballots, proof of citizenship, and same day voting.”
I hope they have one lawsuit in there to require automatically test any Biden supporting ballot be tested for bamboo.
One big problem is that there are a very large number of fake news sites out there that mostly publish conspiracy theories and so called news that isn't based on any legitimate evidence. Sadly, some people believe the nonsense they read on these sites and it's very hard to convince them that they have been victims of lies.
Doncha y'all get it? People are sayin' there is election fraud by Democrates, so there must it is true.
How to tell if you're about to hear one of the stupidest, most obvious and brazen lies you've ever heard: the speaker begins with "Many people are saying..."
In the OP case, it was What Elon Musk is saying.
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