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The Democrats are going to rig the next election the same way they cheated last time

Your claims are crazy. Have you been watching Newmax or something as crazy as that? Each mail in ballot is checked against the voter registration. One can even go to ballotopia, to see who is registered, if you have their date of birth. I've done it for friends when they asked me to check and make sure that their registration was up to date, or explained to them how to do it themselves. Immigrants who aren't citizens aren't on the list of those who are registered to vote. You really need to educate yourself about how this process works! Don't believe or make up stupid conspiracy theories.
You're just part of the conspiracy! Anyone who doesn't agree it's stolen is part of the coverup!
If you have a hypothesis (even if it is fed to you by a known source of lies and manipulation) I encourage you to investigate it using scientific reasoning. Trace the causal chain. Look for evidence that may support your hypothesis but always look doubly hard for evidence that may refute it.
That sounds well and good but very difficult in practice due to ones limited time and resources.

If I understand correctly what you have written you do at least agree our election process has issues but that those weaknesses favor the Republicans more than the Democrats. And that the last election could not have been rigged.

So why is there so much resistance from the Democrats to at least look into these issues that might be a problem? Of all the responses so far, only Laughing Dog has made a fair response to improvement of voter ID, IMO.
Yes, the election process has a fair amount of fraud--of the very type you are determined to add more of.

The fraud isn't fake ballots, the fraud is improperly keeping legitimate voters from voting. It is big enough that it might have changed the 2016 outcome. 2016, not 2020.
If it is so easy to cheat in elections using mail-in ballots the Republicans could have done it just as easily as the Democrats.

You might as well say God rigged the election if you can provide no evidence of the fraud.
But according to the Republican's there is a big difference in the pool of potential fraud Democrat versus what would be possible for Republicans. That is because (according to them) most of the illegals were motivated by Democrat entitlements to cross the border in the first place and their pool is huge. It would be huge stack of illegal ballots for Democrats versus Republican votes. See the above video.
So, since there’s no evidence of it, please explain how exactly an illegal immigrant votes by mail and gets it counted?
I'm not a fraud expert but even I can see how you could dupe the system. Just canvass immigrants with ballots when you bus them to their new motel rooms that you have just provided for them. Help them fill them out. Then mix those ballots at the post office with good ballots to the election office.
Optometrist, now!

Handing them a ballot does nothing without a corresponding voter registration. And said registration checks citizenship.
In his scenario why would they even need the immigrants at all. Just fill in fake ballots and mix them in. Of course as you said unless these ballots have names on the registration lists and don’t show up as duplicates they won’t be counted.

Hence why I was asking about how exactly this process is supposed to work because the supporters of the fraud claim don’t appear to know how it works.
I can say with confidence, you will not get an answer to this question, for a couple of reasons, but the most significant is you are not the target audience. The intended recipients of election fraud lies are those who lack the analytic skills to recognize the contradictions and those who know it is based on lies, but believe lying is a necessary strategy to gain political power.

This is the same group of people who believe it's possible for a person who has no documents to establish their identity or address can receive government benefits, without wondering how the money is actually transferred and the people who continue to repeat this paradox.
Trump is going to kill democracy in America if he gets reelected? I can’t think of a much more anti-democratic action than to openly endeavor to keep the opposition off of our ballots entirely. The DNC are the ones that have, and are, trying just that very play. That's today. And Prior. Not some what-if.
He's already said he's going to kill it. Why won't you listen?

I can’t think of a much more anti-democratic action than to openly endeavor to keep the opposition off of our ballots entirely. The DNC are the ones that have, and are, trying just that very play. That's today. And Prior. Not some what-if.

Really? What the actual hell are you talking about?
The Colorado decision to keep Trump off the ballet. The bogus Russia collusion crap and impeachments. The bogus lawfare, some which has already failed but all of it designed to keep a candidate off the ballot.
Colorado: I actually disagree with this one because I consider the 14th flawed in that it does not indicate the standard for measuring insurrection.

Russia collusion: Not crap.

Impeachments: Not crap, but political nonsense anyway.

Lawfare: Who has been engaging in lawfare? Try Republicans!! The cases against The Felon are pretty clear. And none of them have failed, just been put on hold until after the election so he can handwave them away.
The Colorado decision to keep Trump off the ballet.
If there is one person who shouldn't ever appear in tight tights and a tutu, it's DJT.
Yeah. I take a very much so-what attitude towards skin and nudity. But The Felon in tight tights and a tutu--that's indecent exposure!
If it is so easy to cheat in elections using mail-in ballots the Republicans could have done it just as easily as the Democrats.

You might as well say God rigged the election if you can provide no evidence of the fraud.
But according to the Republican's there is a big difference in the pool of potential fraud Democrat versus what would be possible for Republicans. That is because (according to them) most of the illegals were motivated by Democrat entitlements to cross the border in the first place and their pool is huge. It would be huge stack of illegal ballots for Democrats versus Republican votes. See the above video.
So, since there’s no evidence of it, please explain how exactly an illegal immigrant votes by mail and gets it counted?
I'm not a fraud expert but even I can see how you could dupe the system. Just canvass immigrants with ballots when you bus them to their new motel rooms that you have just provided for them. Help them fill them out. Then mix those ballots at the post office with good ballots to the election office.
Optometrist, now!

Handing them a ballot does nothing without a corresponding voter registration. And said registration checks citizenship.
In his scenario why would they even need the immigrants at all. Just fill in fake ballots and mix them in. Of course as you said unless these ballots have names on the registration lists and don’t show up as duplicates they won’t be counted.

Hence why I was asking about how exactly this process is supposed to work because the supporters of the fraud claim don’t appear to know how it works.
I can say with confidence, you will not get an answer to this question, for a couple of reasons, but the most significant is you are not the target audience. The intended recipients of election fraud lies are those who lack the analytic skills to recognize the contradictions and those who know it is based on lies, but believe lying is a necessary strategy to gain political power.
So, which one is RVonse? The liar or the one who lacks the analytic skills to recognize the lie?
In his scenario why would they even need the immigrants at all. Just fill in fake ballots and mix them in. Of course as you said unless these ballots have names on the registration lists and don’t show up as duplicates they won’t be counted.
Oh, come on now! Illegal immigrants have to be responsible. Where's your faith?!
One of the reasons that it is so easy or even possible for people to believe an election is rigged is that we, as a nation and perhaps the world over have stopped listening to and talking with people who hold ideas different than our own. If everyone you know is going to vote for XYZ and ABC wins, it can seem impossible because you don't know anybody who would ever consider voting for ABC. Must have been rigged.

The fact is that our elections are pretty darn secure. I realize that most of the population lives in larger urban areas where this is not true but my voting place is a block from my house and typically, election workers greet voters by name, catch up a bit on what's going on, etc. Not everyone will have that and some states are deliberately making polling places scarcer, increasing voting times and frustration with long lines. It's a kind of voter suppression. But so is casting doubt about the security and validity of our elections. Please see it for what it is.

I would like to urge RVonse and others who are skeptical to volunteer to work at your polling place. Might learn something.
Moreover, even if the poll workers do greet voters by name, they nevertheless ask for birthday and name to be matched to the roster.
they still think that Trump won in 2020
I say we agree with them, and declare Trump ineligible for the 2024 election on 22nd Amendment grounds.

Sorry, Donald, but you won twice, so you can't run a third time.

Yes. His running now is a de facto admission of his loss in 2020.
The Democrat party used to be the blue-collar working class party
Can you PLEASE stop pretending to give a flying fuck about the working class? Fucking please! Your faux Tucker-esque "Hey I wear plaid so I'm one of you" bullshit is wearing pretty fucking thin. Biden was the first American President to join a picket line for the workers. That you have so overlooked this fact is so insulting it's clear you aren't ignorant - your arguments are fundamentally dishonest.

Here's a legit question - when was the last time you wanted workers to have a basic living wage?

You have not kept up with current events. Both parties are changing and they have not finished changing yet.
He's hoping to speak at both conventions and he hasn't endorsed Trump. You keep up!


“At the end of the day, the Teamsters are not interested if you have a “D,” “R” or an “I” next to your name. We want to know one thing,” O’Brien said. “What are you doing to help American workers?”

Appearing Tuesday on “Inside Politics,” O’Brien told CNN’s Dana Bash he would speak at both conventions, but has not yet been invited to the Democratic convention.

“The partisanship is not working. We need bipartisan support, we need bipartisan cooperation,” O’Brien said, adding he would definitely speak at the Democratic convention.

Perhaps if the Republicans would leave the Trump cult, there might be more bipartisan support, but the Republicans to quote a woman who I knew who was in her 80s once told me, The Republican Party is the party of the rich and the Democratic Party is the party for everyone else. Neither is perfect, but the Republicans don't give a shit about the average person although they pretend they do. Btw, Biden did get some bipartisan bills passed.
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If it is so easy to cheat in elections using mail-in ballots the Republicans could have done it just as easily as the Democrats.

You might as well say God rigged the election if you can provide no evidence of the fraud.
But according to the Republican's there is a big difference in the pool of potential fraud Democrat versus what would be possible for Republicans. That is because (according to them) most of the illegals were motivated by Democrat entitlements to cross the border in the first place and their pool is huge. It would be huge stack of illegal ballots for Democrats versus Republican votes. See the above video.
So, since there’s no evidence of it, please explain how exactly an illegal immigrant votes by mail and gets it counted?
I'm not a fraud expert but even I can see how you could dupe the system. Just canvass immigrants with ballots when you bus them to their new motel rooms that you have just provided for them. Help them fill them out. Then mix those ballots at the post office with good ballots to the election office.
Optometrist, now!

Handing them a ballot does nothing without a corresponding voter registration. And said registration checks citizenship.
In his scenario why would they even need the immigrants at all. Just fill in fake ballots and mix them in. Of course as you said unless these ballots have names on the registration lists and don’t show up as duplicates they won’t be counted.

Hence why I was asking about how exactly this process is supposed to work because the supporters of the fraud claim don’t appear to know how it works.
I can say with confidence, you will not get an answer to this question, for a couple of reasons, but the most significant is you are not the target audience. The intended recipients of election fraud lies are those who lack the analytic skills to recognize the contradictions and those who know it is based on lies, but believe lying is a necessary strategy to gain political power.
So, which one is RVonse? The liar or the one who lacks the analytic skills to recognize the lie?
You will have to address that question to RV.
If it is so easy to cheat in elections using mail-in ballots the Republicans could have done it just as easily as the Democrats.

You might as well say God rigged the election if you can provide no evidence of the fraud.
But according to the Republican's there is a big difference in the pool of potential fraud Democrat versus what would be possible for Republicans. That is because (according to them) most of the illegals were motivated by Democrat entitlements to cross the border in the first place and their pool is huge. It would be huge stack of illegal ballots for Democrats versus Republican votes. See the above video.
So, since there’s no evidence of it, please explain how exactly an illegal immigrant votes by mail and gets it counted?
I'm not a fraud expert but even I can see how you could dupe the system. Just canvass immigrants with ballots when you bus them to their new motel rooms that you have just provided for them. Help them fill them out. Then mix those ballots at the post office with good ballots to the election office.
Optometrist, now!

Handing them a ballot does nothing without a corresponding voter registration. And said registration checks citizenship.
In his scenario why would they even need the immigrants at all. Just fill in fake ballots and mix them in. Of course as you said unless these ballots have names on the registration lists and don’t show up as duplicates they won’t be counted.

Hence why I was asking about how exactly this process is supposed to work because the supporters of the fraud claim don’t appear to know how it works.
I can say with confidence, you will not get an answer to this question, for a couple of reasons, but the most significant is you are not the target audience. The intended recipients of election fraud lies are those who lack the analytic skills to recognize the contradictions and those who know it is based on lies, but believe lying is a necessary strategy to gain political power.
So, which one is RVonse? The liar or the one who lacks the analytic skills to recognize the lie?
You will have to address that question to RV.
And as you said, he's not going to answer. I've asked several times now for proof that the Democrats "rigged" or "stole" the last election, but so far it's been crickets. Or more accurately, RV has asserted that the lack of evidence is itself the proof.
And as you said, he's not going to answer. I've asked several times now for proof that the Democrats "rigged" or "stole" the last election, but so far it's been crickets. Or more accurately, RV has asserted that the lack of evidence is itself the proof.
I used to joke, after the Iraq invasion: “the fact that we couldn’t find the weapons of mass destruction was proof Saddam was hiding them.”

This kind of “logic”, which is common to conspiracy theorists, is essentially unarguable.

And once these types of people buy into their conspiracy they never want to be proven wrong lest it destroy their identity (see, e.g., flat earthers).
If it is so easy to cheat in elections using mail-in ballots the Republicans could have done it just as easily as the Democrats.

You might as well say God rigged the election if you can provide no evidence of the fraud.
But according to the Republican's there is a big difference in the pool of potential fraud Democrat versus what would be possible for Republicans. That is because (according to them) most of the illegals were motivated by Democrat entitlements to cross the border in the first place and their pool is huge. It would be huge stack of illegal ballots for Democrats versus Republican votes. See the above video.
So, since there’s no evidence of it, please explain how exactly an illegal immigrant votes by mail and gets it counted?
I'm not a fraud expert but even I can see how you could dupe the system. Just canvass immigrants with ballots when you bus them to their new motel rooms that you have just provided for them. Help them fill them out. Then mix those ballots at the post office with good ballots to the election office.
Optometrist, now!

Handing them a ballot does nothing without a corresponding voter registration. And said registration checks citizenship.
In his scenario why would they even need the immigrants at all. Just fill in fake ballots and mix them in. Of course as you said unless these ballots have names on the registration lists and don’t show up as duplicates they won’t be counted.

Hence why I was asking about how exactly this process is supposed to work because the supporters of the fraud claim don’t appear to know how it works.
I can say with confidence, you will not get an answer to this question, for a couple of reasons, but the most significant is you are not the target audience. The intended recipients of election fraud lies are those who lack the analytic skills to recognize the contradictions and those who know it is based on lies, but believe lying is a necessary strategy to gain political power.
So, which one is RVonse? The liar or the one who lacks the analytic skills to recognize the lie?
You will have to address that question to RV.
And as you said, he's not going to answer. I've asked several times now for proof that the Democrats "rigged" or "stole" the last election, but so far it's been crickets. Or more accurately, RV has asserted that the lack of evidence is itself the proof.
The core of every nut job conspiracy theory is the belief that lack of evidence is proof of how good the conspirators are at hiding evidence.

The MAGA messengers whose duty it is to feed false information to the faithful, take a different tact when dealing with those outside the group. They know better than to repeat easily refuted lies, which make them look like gullible fool. They want to sow doubt. They aren't going to give evidence that fraudulent votes were cast. Instead they want people to think that it could happen. They play Iago to Othello, and say things like, "Desdemona seems to be wearing a lot of make up, just for a trip to Walmart."
You will have to address that question to RV.
And as you said, he's not going to answer. I've asked several times now for proof that the Democrats "rigged" or "stole" the last election, but so far it's been crickets. Or more accurately, RV has asserted that the lack of evidence is itself the proof.
The core of every nut job conspiracy theory is the belief that lack of evidence is proof of how good the conspirators are at hiding evidence.

Unfortunately the majority of the Republican Party and the right wing in America have been gripped by a nut job conspiracy theory. The GOP under Trump has become like the "Weekly World News" tabloid that used to be on grocery store shelves, but instead of being an absurd rag where the creators clearly got the joke, the Republicans (as evidenced by their convention) aren't joking.
Moreover, even if the poll workers do greet voters by name, they nevertheless ask for birthday and name to be matched to the roster.
I don't recall ever being asked for my birthday.

However, I always bring the sample ballot along, they simply scan it.
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