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The feminazis have taken over and ruined Star Wars!

Why all this carrying on about a stupid violent movie with the same old plots we have seen from Hollywood since it started doing heroic movies? It is pure shit. Adults have to abjure retreating into the childish world of fantasy long enough to see that we have duties and moral responsibilities that are real and crying for attention in our REAL LIVES.
Did you not see the pictures from World War 2? It's obvious that the SJW movement existed and was replacing more qualified men with less qualified women since WW2 if not sooner! They risked the entire war effort for political correctness! [/conservolibertarian]

Gertrude uber alles (stiff arm and pointed breast)

At least the Nazis didn't do any of that social justice warrior crap. They knew a woman's place!
Wasn't Luke trying to bang his sister for the first couple of movies?

Yeah, but I don't think he knew that Leia was his sister until Return of the Jedi.
Gertrude uber alles (stiff arm and pointed breast)

At least the Nazis didn't do any of that social justice warrior crap. They knew a woman's place!

Star Wars was always a typical Hollywood bundle of heroic shit...where it always was that might (the rebels with their better fighters) prevailed over the stupid empire with its poorer (X fighters). Nothing but explosions and admonitions...(slightly altered here to emphasize real message) "Use Force, Luke! Use Force!"
Neither grown up nor children should watch this crap. It glorifies violence and never leaves any room for peaceable solutions to problems.
So I only recently saw this movie and one of my first reactions to it was, "wow. The strong female lead role is so incredibly forced and in my face"

Early in the movie the female lead complains to the male lead, "I can run without you holding my hand!".. and from there every line and action sequence involved an obvious, "it used to go this way in movies, but we are flipping the script on this classic interaction, again.. again.. and again"..

I enjoyed the film, and really liked all the parallels to the original, "Last Hope".. but the "we are going to be totally femanazi PC" was just way too literal and obvious.
At least the Nazis didn't do any of that social justice warrior crap. They knew a woman's place!

Star Wars was always a typical Hollywood bundle of heroic shit...where it always was that might (the rebels with their better fighters) prevailed over the stupid empire with its poorer (X fighters). Nothing but explosions and admonitions...(slightly altered here to emphasize real message) "Use Force, Luke! Use Force!"
Neither grown up nor children should watch this crap. It glorifies violence and never leaves any room for peaceable solutions to problems.

Plus, the Rebel Alliance took down the Empire with no well-defined plan for after the war.

Thet are responsible for the vacuum that led directly to the rise of the even more eviler and badder First Order.
What is your evidence that this is the case with Star Wars?

In case you didn't notice, there were two lead roles in The Force Awakens, Rey, and Finn. Only one of the two was female. There was only one other major character who was female in the movie, Leia, who was the token female in the first 3 movies.
Leia was not a "token female". She was a major character and one of the only three human protagonists.

Those damn SJWs must have traveled back in time to the '70s, it's the only explanation for Leia having a major role!

I called her a token female because she is the only memorable female character in the entire original trilogy, and after episode 4, AFAIK she is the only female character with a speaking role in the original trilogy.

I can only assume, given the portion of you post I placed in boldface above, that you also have a problem with Finn being black. Is that a correct assumption on my part?
Actually I did not have a problem with either Finn or Rey as such. I am starting to wonder now whether it will be politically correct to have a straight white man lead a SW movie again.

If you don't have a problem with Finn being black, or Rey being female, then why the fuck do you say "I am starting to wonder now whether it will be politically correct to have a straight white man lead a SW movie again."? It seems very much like you are expressing that such a thing is problematic for you.

As far as Luke being gay, I'm not sure there is much credence to that rumor. It stems from JJ Abrams saying that there will be a major character in the next main story line movie who is gay. Later, Mark Hamill was interviewed, and he said that Luke's sexuality is open for interpretation.
Seems like a pretty strong series of hints. In any case, I do not mind gay characters, but I do mind retconning established characters to further some PC point.

Except that Mark Hamill was referring to something entirely different. He was talking about how Luke can be seen as straight for straight viewers, and gay for gay viewers, simply because his sexuality is never explored. It seems to me like Hamill, if he has any advance knowledge of the scripts, is hinting that Luke's sexuality will continue to be unexplored in upcoming movies.

Social Justice Warriors do not have a time machine.

Did you not see the pictures from World War 2? It's obvious that the SJW movement existed and was replacing more qualified men with less qualified women since WW2 if not sooner! They risked the entire war effort for political correctness! [/conservolibertarian]

It is just more proof that SJWs do have a time machine.
Star Wars was always a typical Hollywood bundle of heroic shit...where it always was that might (the rebels with their better fighters) prevailed over the stupid empire with its poorer (X fighters). Nothing but explosions and admonitions...(slightly altered here to emphasize real message) "Use Force, Luke! Use Force!"
Neither grown up nor children should watch this crap. It glorifies violence and never leaves any room for peaceable solutions to problems.

Plus, the Rebel Alliance took down the Empire with no well-defined plan for after the war.

Thet are responsible for the vacuum that led directly to the rise of the even more eviler and badder First Order.

And that was my problem (one of them) with the updated Return Of the Jedi and the "dancing in the streets" scenes.
Star Wars was always a typical Hollywood bundle of heroic shit...where it always was that might (the rebels with their better fighters) prevailed over the stupid empire with its poorer (X fighters). Nothing but explosions and admonitions...(slightly altered here to emphasize real message) "Use Force, Luke! Use Force!"
Neither grown up nor children should watch this crap. It glorifies violence and never leaves any room for peaceable solutions to problems.

Plus, the Rebel Alliance took down the Empire with no well-defined plan for after the war.

Thet are responsible for the vacuum that led directly to the rise of the even more eviler and badder First Order.

That is totally unfair. The Bothans presented them with credible evidence that the Empire was working on weapons of mass destruction which they were more than willing to use, so the Alliance had a moral obligation to intervene. Their advisors' assumptions that the citizens of the Empire would welcome liberation from a Sith tyrant and throw roses at their soldiers' feet was reasonable given what they knew at the time as well as the assumption that the overthrow of the Empire would lead to a domino effect throughout the galaxy of fascist regimes falling and the light side winning over everywhere.

The rise of the First Order and disruption of these events was due to the existence of an unknown Sith Lord influencing events and the leaders of the Alliance had no way to factor such a thing into their calculations of the consequences.
Why all this carrying on about a stupid violent movie with the same old plots we have seen from Hollywood since it started doing heroic movies? It is pure shit. Adults have to abjure retreating into the childish world of fantasy long enough to see that we have duties and moral responsibilities that are real and crying for attention in our REAL LIVES.

Hey man, I take care of my duties and responsibilities for most of my waking hours, what business is it of yours if I want to retreat into the childish world of fantasy for a few hours a week? Go curmudgeon up a new thread if you don't like to be entertained every once in a while.
Why all this carrying on about a stupid violent movie with the same old plots we have seen from Hollywood since it started doing heroic movies? It is pure shit. Adults have to abjure retreating into the childish world of fantasy long enough to see that we have duties and moral responsibilities that are real and crying for attention in our REAL LIVES.

Hey man, I take care of my duties and responsibilities for most of my waking hours, what business is it of yours if I want to retreat into the childish world of fantasy for a few hours a week? Go curmudgeon up a new thread if you don't like to be entertained every once in a while.

Whadda you mean "entertainment" these movies promote a serious philosophy and way of life.

Now where do I get me one of those Grand Admiral outfits?
At least the Nazis didn't do any of that social justice warrior crap. They knew a woman's place!

Star Wars was always a typical Hollywood bundle of heroic shit...where it always was that might (the rebels with their better fighters) prevailed over the stupid empire with its poorer (X fighters).

Dude, if you are going to talk Star Wars, you should at least get your facts straight. The Empire does not use X-Wing fighters, those are rebel fighters. The X-Wings are not necessarily better, just more versatile. The Empire's TIE fighters are faster and more maneuverable than X-Wings, but they lack shielding, and the capacity to carry torpedoes. Further, TIE fighter's have no warp capability, as they benefit from the Empire's carrier fleet to move them around. X-Wings actually have functional wings that allow them to perform well in planetary atmosphere's, as well as in space, whereas the TIE fighter "wings" are just solar panel arrays that severely hamper the pilot's visibility.

I simply can't take you seriously with that many errors in your post.
Plus, the Rebel Alliance took down the Empire with no well-defined plan for after the war.

Thet are responsible for the vacuum that led directly to the rise of the even more eviler and badder First Order.

That is totally unfair. The Bothans presented them with credible evidence that the Empire was working on weapons of mass destruction which they were more than willing to use, so the Alliance had a moral obligation to intervene. Their advisors' assumptions that the citizens of the Empire would welcome liberation from a Sith tyrant and throw roses at their soldiers' feet was reasonable given what they knew at the time as well as the assumption that the overthrow of the Empire would lead to a domino effect throughout the galaxy of fascist regimes falling and the light side winning over everywhere.

The rise of the First Order and disruption of these events was due to the existence of an unknown Sith Lord influencing events and the leaders of the Alliance had no way to factor such a thing into their calculations of the consequences.

Now, I'm not saying the Empire were saints, but you can't just take down the main source of order in the Galaxy without a plan for after the war.

Also, the killing of the 1.7 million people of the so-called "death star" crew is one of the most barbaric atrocities ever perpetrated. Most of those people were peaceful civilians with families or soldiers from poor planets who had signed up to get free college.
That is totally unfair. The Bothans presented them with credible evidence that the Empire was working on weapons of mass destruction which they were more than willing to use, so the Alliance had a moral obligation to intervene. Their advisors' assumptions that the citizens of the Empire would welcome liberation from a Sith tyrant and throw roses at their soldiers' feet was reasonable given what they knew at the time as well as the assumption that the overthrow of the Empire would lead to a domino effect throughout the galaxy of fascist regimes falling and the light side winning over everywhere.

The rise of the First Order and disruption of these events was due to the existence of an unknown Sith Lord influencing events and the leaders of the Alliance had no way to factor such a thing into their calculations of the consequences.

Now, I'm not saying the Empire were saints, but you can't just take down the main source of order in the Galaxy without a plan for after the war.

Also, the killing of the 1.7 million people of the so-called "death star" crew is one of the most barbaric atrocities ever perpetrated. Most of those people were peaceful civilians with families or soldiers from poor planets who had signed up to get free college.

Not to mention the Endor Holocaust. http://www.techinsider.io/endor-holocaust-star-wars-science-physics-2015-12
Plus, the Rebel Alliance took down the Empire with no well-defined plan for after the war.

Thet are responsible for the vacuum that led directly to the rise of the even more eviler and badder First Order.

I don't think the Rebel Alliance expected to win the war that way. Episode VI was an attempt to remove a major piece from the board and got an inadvertent checkmate in the process. Since it didn't look like they were anywhere near a final victory why would they need a detailed after-war plan?
Now, I'm not saying the Empire were saints, but you can't just take down the main source of order in the Galaxy without a plan for after the war.

Also, the killing of the 1.7 million people of the so-called "death star" crew is one of the most barbaric atrocities ever perpetrated. Most of those people were peaceful civilians with families or soldiers from poor planets who had signed up to get free college.

But think of the millions of voices that suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. Does that not justify some sort of response?



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Now, I'm not saying the Empire were saints, but you can't just take down the main source of order in the Galaxy without a plan for after the war.

Also, the killing of the 1.7 million people of the so-called "death star" crew is one of the most barbaric atrocities ever perpetrated. Most of those people were peaceful civilians with families or soldiers from poor planets who had signed up to get free college.

They signed up for service in an army they should have known is repressive. I don't have a big problem with their deaths.
That is totally unfair. The Bothans presented them with credible evidence that the Empire was working on weapons of mass destruction which they were more than willing to use, so the Alliance had a moral obligation to intervene. Their advisors' assumptions that the citizens of the Empire would welcome liberation from a Sith tyrant and throw roses at their soldiers' feet was reasonable given what they knew at the time as well as the assumption that the overthrow of the Empire would lead to a domino effect throughout the galaxy of fascist regimes falling and the light side winning over everywhere.

The rise of the First Order and disruption of these events was due to the existence of an unknown Sith Lord influencing events and the leaders of the Alliance had no way to factor such a thing into their calculations of the consequences.

Now, I'm not saying the Empire were saints, but you can't just take down the main source of order in the Galaxy without a plan for after the war.

Also, the killing of the 1.7 million people of the so-called "death star" crew is one of the most barbaric atrocities ever perpetrated. Most of those people were peaceful civilians with families or soldiers from poor planets who had signed up to get free college.

And most of the sailors on a warshuip are just dudes who need a paycheck. If that warship is going around levelling cities, however, there's a moral obligation for people to respond and take down the warship. The Death Star had just destroyed Alderran and killed countless millions of innocent people and was on track to do the same sort of thing again. The collateral damage to the innocent worker bees on the ship was an acceptable loss.

Now, you do have a point about a lack of a plan by the Rebel Alliance. The galaxy is filled with countless tribes that have longstanding historical conflicts with each other and they've only been kept from each others' throats due to the presence of a strongman central government, first run by the Jedi and then by the Emperor, and when those strongmen were removed, everyone just started up with their old wars.
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