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The hush money indictment

So eight GOP Senators have struck back!
article said:
In a joint statement, the senators said they would not “allow any increase to non-security related funding for this administration, or any appropriations bill which funds partisan lawfare.” They also said they would refuse to vote to confirm President Biden’s political and judicial appointees and vowed to block “expedited consideration and passage of Democrat legislation or authorities that are not directly relevant to the safety of the American people.”
The statement was signed by Sens. Mike Lee (Utah), J.D. Vance (Ohio), Tommy Tuberville (Ala.), Eric Schmitt (Mo.), Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.), Rick Scott (Fla.), Roger Marshall (Kan.) and Marco Rubio (Fla.).
Well fuck man! These people were tried and true supporters of Democrat priorities and judicial nominations right up until the verdict in this trial. Now we've lost the support of always willing to reach across the aisle Mike Lee, JD Vance, and Tommy Tuberville. Oh, where do we go from here? :eek:
Two words: Banana republic.
Twenty-two words: Was it a banana republic when Michael Cohen was convicted and did time for three of the same crimes that Trump committed?
Would Trump have been convicted if he decided not to run for POTUS again?
Hint: No, he would not have.
YES! He would be under investigation for his horrific handling of classified documents too.

In the US, we actually go after people who commit crimes when they commit crimes, generally.

I understand how this would be confusing to someone who lives where the only reason for government intervention is political oppression, but the US works differently than that.
At least for now. There's no telling what the future holds if Trump and his Congressional cultists win in November, especially considering the corrupt partisanship of SCOTUS.
I disagree that there's no telling what's going to happen.

I think it's fair to speculate that if Trump is allowed into office that within the next 2-3 years we'll be the Christian version of Iran. They'll keep Trump in power until he dies. In the meantime the fundies already have their laws and policies ready to roll out. There will be no on to oppose Trump because he'll be Stupid Putin. All political opposition of any note will be killed, imprisoned, or simply fired and replaced with people who swear fealty to Trump/GOP.

We don't have to reach for an example of this. Saddam Hussein required all who held a government job to be Baath party members. The same thing would happen here.
Maybe. Oddly enough, almost every commenter on the NYTImes site this morning thought that Paul Krugman was going overboard when he mentioned, Trump would ruin our democracy, and if he wins, that might be our last election. I'll try and find the article and gift it here. I don't think we will end up like Iran, but the end of the SCS will be under a much greater threat than it already is. It's been abused since day one, but I really don't expect to be forced to attend a conservative Christians church, wear what the most conservative Christian women wear, and things like that. They will just keep trying to push religion into the public schools, and things like that, but considering that some states are pretty blue, it's even hard to imagine that will be a nationwide thing. Floriduh yes. Georgia, maybe. California, I seriously doubt it. Let's just hope that people get off their butts and "vote blue no matter who".
I'll take your word for it about the article. :)

What I'm envisioning is the murder or arrest of every Democrat sitting in Congress and the removal of at least 3 members of SCOTUS. Any other federal judge with known left of center leanings will be replaced or simply removed outright. The same thing is going to happen in red states.

I'm not making this up. This is what Trump has promised. And history tells us that there absolutely will be more than enough people in Trump's corner to ensure this happens.

As for blue states, it might (might) take a little bit longer to remove leadership and replace it with Trump lackeys, but it will happen.

There's not going to be any due process. There aren't going to be anymore elections. There won't be any "pushing" of an agenda. The agenda will be dictated and implemented.

Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I don't think so.
There's not going to be any due process. There aren't going to be anymore elections. There won't be any "pushing" of an agenda. The agenda will be dictated and implemented.

Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I don't think so.
It’s what I’ve been preaching since 2015, so I hope it’s not paranoid.
No, wait. - I hope it IS paranoid!

One thing for sure; we are going to find out a lot about who we are in fairly short order.
Here ya go!


Some of the Americans protesting the war in Gaza have turned on President Biden. They assert that the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel is killing huge numbers of civilians, which is true, and that Biden can stop it, which is more doubtful. But how do they deal with the reality that in a second term Donald Trump would be far more pro-Netanyahu and anti-Palestinian than our current president?

The answer I’ve been hearing is that the goal is to send a message: If Gaza costs Biden the election, Democrats will understand that in the next election they will need to rethink their seemingly reflexive support for Israel’s government and commit as a party to the protection of Palestinian rights.

There are many questions one could ask about this argument, but from a certain perspective, the most important one for American voters may well be: What next election?

There’s a very real possibility that if Trump wins in November it’ll be the last real national election America holds for a very long time. And while there’s room for disagreement here, if you consider that statement to be outrageous hyperbole, you haven’t been paying attention.

If you're not a NYT subscriber, you can read the entire article as I'm "gifting" it.
I would think that more damaging than Trump actually fairly winning the election would be Trump losing but the politicians figuring out a way to give him the Presidency, which could only be done by completely undermining the fair election process.
I heard on the news that when it comes to sentencing Trump the judge will have to take into account that he is a first time offender (no prior criminal record). I would think that the judge would have to take into consideration that when Trump committed his crimes he had a top official position, that should make him more responsible, and therefore subject to greater punishment.
There's a lot that will be taken into consideration. How he fares in the probation officer interview. Does he show any real remorse. Flight risk, probably a lot more.
I heard on the news that when it comes to sentencing Trump the judge will have to take into account that he is a first time offender (no prior criminal record). I would think that the judge would have to take into consideration that when Trump committed his crimes he had a top official position, that should make him more responsible, and therefore subject to greater punishment.
Also the 14 violations of the gag order...the fact that Cohen did real prison time on 3 of the same indictments. I wonder if Merchan could or should cite what actual sentences have entailed for similar defendants (besides Cohen) with this many guilty verdicts. No matter what he says, our Repub friends will go apeshit crazy, so there's no fixing that. Best to be honest and back up your decision with solid legal reasoning.
He's still under the gag order and he violated it again this morning.
Two words: Banana republic.
Twenty-two words: Was it a banana republic when Michael Cohen was convicted and did time for three of the same crimes that Trump committed?
Would Trump have been convicted if he decided not to run for POTUS again?
Hint: No, he would not have.
YES! He would be under investigation for his horrific handling of classified documents too.

In the US, we actually go after people who commit crimes when they commit crimes, generally.

I understand how this would be confusing to someone who lives where the only reason for government intervention is political oppression, but the US works differently than that.
At least for now. There's no telling what the future holds if Trump and his Congressional cultists win in November, especially considering the corrupt partisanship of SCOTUS.
I disagree that there's no telling what's going to happen.

I think it's fair to speculate that if Trump is allowed into office that within the next 2-3 years we'll be the Christian version of Iran. They'll keep Trump in power until he dies. In the meantime the fundies already have their laws and policies ready to roll out. There will be no on to oppose Trump because he'll be Stupid Putin. All political opposition of any note will be killed, imprisoned, or simply fired and replaced with people who swear fealty to Trump/GOP.

We don't have to reach for an example of this. Saddam Hussein required all who held a government job to be Baath party members. The same thing would happen here.
Maybe. Oddly enough, almost every commenter on the NYTImes site this morning thought that Paul Krugman was going overboard when he mentioned, Trump would ruin our democracy, and if he wins, that might be our last election. I'll try and find the article and gift it here. I don't think we will end up like Iran, but the end of the SCS will be under a much greater threat than it already is. It's been abused since day one, but I really don't expect to be forced to attend a conservative Christians church, wear what the most conservative Christian women wear, and things like that. They will just keep trying to push religion into the public schools, and things like that, but considering that some states are pretty blue, it's even hard to imagine that will be a nationwide thing. Floriduh yes. Georgia, maybe. California, I seriously doubt it. Let's just hope that people get off their butts and "vote blue no matter who".
The NYT board wants Trump to win.

I keep saying this and I guess I'll say it again, the NYT is aligned to consistently deliver the most conservative spin they can get away with to a liberal audience to push the Overton window right.

You can only shift the average by attacking the lower end so much. It's only half as effective as pushing both ends at the same time.

That is the role of the NYT in media.

The editorial direction as a manifestation of the will of the board will always be spinning rightward, calling Republicans "Congress" when republicans do something shitty, calling Democrats "Congress" when Democrats do something right, and calling them by name whenever the good/bad is inverted on each.

They will continue to push stories that call Trump's judges "porn judge" or whatever rather than just discussing it without spin (serious WTF?!?), and printing story after story to put Trump's name in the public awareness.

I have consistently seen this bias across any article from the NYT that comes across my feed, and I am entirely unsurprised.

*They will often have some writers get past the editors to hold up a more leftist stance, however this doesn't change the overall trend of leaning right while standing left.
That’s crazy. It sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. Krugman is one of the most liberal economists around and he’s been writing opinion pieces for the NYT for decades. Sure, they do permit some conservative opinion writers, but I’ve been reading the NYTImes since I was in high school. It’s one of the best sources of journalism around. The comment section usually trends liberal, and just because we all aren’t totally paranoid, doesn’t mean we are wrong. Time will tell. There is plenty to fear about a Trump second term, but imo, some of the claims here are a bit extreme. Just sayin’ Trump has promised to shut down the NYT because it’s so far left. That’s something to fear.

I’ll leave at that, but I have no idea what you base your claim on. The NYT has won more awards for excellent journalism compared to just about any other source. I doubt you read it on a regular basis or you wouldn’t make such a claim.
So, you're not disputing the jury's finding of guilt.
LOL, of course I am not disputing it, I would have send him in prison in 1990s.
Same with Biden, I would send him in prison in no time. The whole US Congress - the same thing - prison.
Back up your statement with facts and logical argument.
Democrat Mass Media goons were saying openly "Drop out and your problems go away"
Sorry if I don’t believe you when you make claims of what other people have said. You’ve openly lied about what I’ve said so you have no credibility.

If you provide citations then I might listen. As i said “facts and logical argument”.
I heard on the news that when it comes to sentencing Trump the judge will have to take into account that he is a first time offender (no prior criminal record). I would think that the judge would have to take into consideration that when Trump committed his crimes he had a top official position, that should make him more responsible, and therefore subject to greater punishment.
Yeah, I would like to see all crimes have a substantial aggravating factor of being committed related to their position of power.
Two words: Banana republic.
Twenty-two words: Was it a banana republic when Michael Cohen was convicted and did time for three of the same crimes that Trump committed?
Would Trump have been convicted if he decided not to run for POTUS again?
Hint: No, he would not have.
I didn’t know you were on the jury, who saw all the facts and heard all the arguments. Sorry for doubting you.
There would not have been any jury if trump simply dropped out of the race. No jury ->no conviction.

And note that there are other more serious cases still pending. This one is only important because he was unable to stall it and thus it happened before the election. And dropping out isn't an option--he has to be all-in, he needs to subvert the country in order to make all the other cases against him go away.
He's saying that the DA only pursued the charges because Trump is running for President. Many Republicans are saying that too. And I'm sure many people are believe that too. And even if it were true, it wouldn't change the fact that he got convicted on the facts of the case and his poor defense. So, presumably the argument is that the crime was too small for the DA to have wasted time and energy pursuing. He should have let this criminal go and pursued other criminals instead.
And to some extent he's probably right. They're going to care more about a crime that a person might commit again than a crime where there's no chance of recurrence.
Back up your statement with facts and logical argument.
Democrat Mass Media goons were saying openly "Drop out and your problems go away"
Sorry if I don’t believe you when you make claims of what other people have said. You’ve openly lied about what I’ve said so you have no credibility.

If you provide citations then I might listen. As i said “facts and logical argument”.
Rachel Maddow said that, you can't go more democrat goon than that.
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