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The Race For 2024

aides did note that her refusal to use the same technology as the rest of the campaign was also a frustration.

The candidate refuses to use the digital messaging app Slack, where the majority of internal communication takes place in her operation. But sometimes the 70-year-old’s struggles with technology could also reveal her other flaws. Staff said an errant tweet from April 28 that she meant to email to Jason Call, her since departed deputy campaign manager, best typified her demeaning tone.
Dear Jason,

When people have ideas from me that they send to you please just forward them on to me unless they're totally crazy.

I don't need a gate keeper. I can interpret what | want, for myself.

I can see in 5 seconds whether it's something I want. will delete what I don't want and send to the appropriate person what I do.

Please send me the ideas that people want me to see. Those are for me.

Thanks, Marianne

“People join up as fans, and then they get burned,” the former staffer said. “She burns through people quickly.”
FFS, this guy is running for president?

President Biden has fallen on stage while handing out diplomas to Air Force Academy cadets in Colorado. The 80-year-old commander-in-chief stumbled and fell to his knees and then got back up during the graduation ceremony in an incident likely to spark more concerns about his age as the nation's oldest president seeks a second term. He was assisted by Air Force officials when he fell to the ground.

Daily Mail

The guy tripped over a sandbag that someone had placed where it might trip people. Even very young people trip over things. Get a grip.
This was a deliberate and masterful act of distraction to turn the conversation of the Agitated Right away from the debt ceiling loss they suffered.

Well played, Biden. Well played.
True but look at Biden, he is a frail old man.

That frail old man has been doing a competent job of running the country since he took office.

If you are willing to overlook the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle, the highest inflation rate in decades, the highest interest rates in decades, a trashed economy, a porous border, the canceling of the Keystone pipeline, dubious appointments such as Sam Brinton, sure he is doing sterling work.

But it is obvious the old duffer is losing it. But if that's your guy. . . . .
So, Bidenopolis tripped and fell and then later hit his stupid and criminal head while disembarking his helicopter. 2 incidents in one day,
I guess there is a hope for US. If only Trump fell too.
So, Bidenopolis tripped and fell and then later hit his stupid and criminal head while disembarking his helicopter. 2 incidents in one day,
I guess there is a hope for US. If only Trump fell too.

Biden has pwned you, Putler, Trump and the extreme factions of US government on both right and the left. Russia would be a thriving State if it had a leader of such quality. Lamentably though, you’re stuck with a paranoid, egomaniacal KGB flunky who lacks both vision and wits.
But he doesn’t let it be shown on tv when he falls down or hits his head, so at least you have that!
Trump is probably going to be indicted soon. And convicted. A number of blue states would refuse to allow Trump to appear on their ballots. Article 14. I can just hear the shrieks of outrage from the MAGAts now. Meanwhile, in Florida, citizens are beginning to get organized to deal with DeSantis autocracy and insanity. Pudding Ron will be so noxious over the next year he has no chance of being president. A GOP melt down is beginning.
A GOP melt down is beginning.
We can only hope it comes to full fruition in 17 months, not sooner or later. If by some miracle the Dems can take full control, we might be able to repair the SCOTUS and protect democracy from the corrosive effects of trumpy fascism.
Pudding Ron will be so noxious over the next year he has no chance of being president.
That's what they said about 45...

What has me worried is that the public has a notoriously short attention span and bad memory. If DeSantis wins the nomination, there will be a reset while people roll their eyes at all of the bad stuff said about DeSantis that they know about but that happened in the past. Now they will have this new guy that doesn't really look as bad as his critics claimed, and DeSantis will be doing everything he can to woo so-called independents away from Democrats. At that point, we will have a much younger, more vigorous Republican running against an old guy that grabs headlines every time he stumbles or slurs a word in public. DeSantis's popularity is at rock bottom now, but the downward trend can reverse itself rapidly if Trump is taken out of the picture. Trump himself will back the guy, in return for promise of a presidential pardon. DeSantis himself isn't as stupid as he is made to look by the media these days, so people will be surprised when he doesn't appear to be the incompetent fool that all the buzz was about in the past.
Pudding Ron will be so noxious over the next year he has no chance of being president.
That's what they said about 45...

What has me worried is that the public has a notoriously short attention span and bad memory. If DeSantis wins the nomination, there will be a reset while people roll their eyes at all of the bad stuff said about DeSantis that they know about but that happened in the past. Now they will have this new guy that doesn't really look as bad as his critics claimed, and DeSantis will be doing everything he can to woo so-called independents away from Democrats. At that point, we will have a much younger, more vigorous Republican running against an old guy that grabs headlines every time he stumbles or slurs a word in public. DeSantis's popularity is at rock bottom now, but the downward trend can reverse itself rapidly if Trump is taken out of the picture. Trump himself will back the guy, in return for promise of a presidential pardon. DeSantis himself isn't as stupid as he is made to look by the media these days, so people will be surprised when he doesn't appear to be the incompetent fool that all the buzz was about in the past.
I hate it when you bring up an issue that happened a few months ago and people are like "You're still talking about that? Move on, snowflake!" even though the person has not changed and their policies have not changed and the thing that was bad then is still bad now. DeSantis will still be a wannabe dictator who tried to kill Mickey Mouse out of spite at the time of the election. But to the American public, that will be old news they're bored from talking about. Yawn.
Pudding Ron is giving speches about being President now. He loudly declares he will outlaw "Wokeness" and "CRT". And don't say gay, and he is anti-vax. He might get vores from right winger whack jobs, but he is going to repel progressives, centrists, and a lot of young people. If he keeps this up, by early 2024, Pudding Ron will have all the appeal of week old road kill. Pudding Ron will sooner or later be asked to explain his opinions and policies on cuting Social Security, stagnant minimum federal wages, greedflation, rising income inequity, and more. There is still lots of room for him to be a fool with unpopular policies this nation's majority loathes.
At that point, we will have a much younger, more vigorous Republican running against an old guy that grabs headlines every time he stumbles or slurs a word in public.
That's what I have been saying. Biden's best chance is against another geriatric - Trump. But that is a risky gamble, and I do not think Trump will end up the nominee. Against a younger, fitter opponent Biden's age and (perceived) frailty will be a major factor.

DeSantis's popularity is at rock bottom now, but the downward trend can reverse itself rapidly if Trump is taken out of the picture. Trump himself will back the guy, in return for promise of a presidential pardon. DeSantis himself isn't as stupid as he is made to look by the media these days, so people will be surprised when he doesn't appear to be the incompetent fool that all the buzz was about in the past.
You don't get into Yale and Harvard as a white non-legacy guy by not being smart.
And there is also the wildcard of the economy. The debt ceiling crisis is averted until 2025, but we could still go into a recession. If, as seems likely, there is a recession before the election, that would immensely the Republican nominee, whoever he or she ends up being.
We can only hope it comes to full fruition in 17 months, not sooner or later. If by some miracle the Dems can take full control, we might be able to repair the SCOTUS and protect democracy from the corrosive effects of trumpy fascism.
By "repair the SCOTUS", you mean pack it with at least four more partisan justices?
Trump is probably going to be indicted soon. And convicted. A number of blue states would refuse to allow Trump to appear on their ballots. Article 14.
There goes Biden's best chance at winning this thing then.
Pudding Ron will be so noxious over the next year he has no chance of being president.
Christie 2024 then?
Who would be his running mate? Tim Scott? Nicky Haley? Winsome Sears?
What's Wrong With RFK Jr.'s Voice?
If you saw Robert Kennedy Jr.'s announcement for his bid for Democratic Candidate for President against President Joe Biden, you may have wondered why his voice sounds hoarse.

While it should have no impact on one's opinion of RFK, we thought it might be fair to share information about it.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a medical condition called spasmodic dysphonia, which affects the muscles in the voice box and causes the voice to sound strained or hoarse. It causes involuntary movements or spasms of the vocal cords.
Spasmodic Dysphonia | Johns Hopkins Medicine

That aside, I can't stomach his anti-vaxxism.
We can only hope it comes to full fruition in 17 months, not sooner or later. If by some miracle the Dems can take full control, we might be able to repair the SCOTUS and protect democracy from the corrosive effects of trumpy fascism.
By "repair the SCOTUS", you mean pack it with at least four more partisan justices?
As if only the Republicans are allowed to appoint partisan Justices.
If you are willing to overlook the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle, the highest inflation rate in decades, the highest interest rates in decades, a trashed economy, a porous border, the canceling of the Keystone pipeline, dubious appointments such as Sam Brinton, sure he is doing sterling work.
But it is obvious the old duffer is losing it. But if that's your guy. . . . .
"Losing it" may be overstating it, but age is definitely getting to him. To borrow from Don Lemon, he is definitely past his prime.

He has a long list of policy missteps, both domestic and foreign (like fubaring Afghanistan), but his fans on here will ignore them and insist that if anything he did not go too far enough - like manage to pass the $3.5T Spendapalooza (that would have made inflation worse, and consequently also the interest rates) or cut ties with KSA over that Muslim Brotherhood propagandist who got liquidated.
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