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The Race For 2024

Trump is an existential threat to democracy here and throughout the world.
Why do you think this? What do you think Trump will do that will destroy democracy throughout the whole world?
For a person so adamant on women's rights, not certain why you are supporting the Christian Taliban.
What? I'm not supporting a christian taliban, I don't even know what you mean.
Have you not paid attention to who is supporting Trump? Do you know nothing about Project 2025? Do you know nothing about the USSC justices appointed by Trump?

Do you not know WHO he is talking about installing as head of the FBI and other agencies? HIS TOADIES. Not people who are about the US as a nation or its people or the rule of law but people who are loyal to HIM not to the USA.
Yes. His first term, he had no clue and just put wildcards into many positions, and some politicians.

This time around, he wants to load things up with Dominionists and make the Courts so radical, Barrett will look like a moderate.
I seem to recall that back in 2016 when Trump was running the first time, progressives throughout the country were insistent that if he got elected, it was going to be the complete end of the country and doom would befall us all.

I seem to recall that back in 2016 when Biden was running the first time, conservatives throughout the country were insistent that if he got elected, it was going to be the complete end of the country and doom would befall us all.
It's been a pretty repetitive refrain for a while now. It's widespread fearmongering that increases partisan division and makes the government pretty much useless since they're all worried about toeing their party's stupid line instead of actually serving the people.
I don't think I've seen in my lifetime a president serve the people better than biden has.
A friend just sent us this quote:

Just because you think Alfred is too old to take care of Bat cave, you don't replace him with the Joker

Loved it. Dems are their worst enemy. So Biden had a bad night. He just needs to admit that he's old and sometimes he screws up his words, but he doesn't want to be a dictator, he's not a pathological liar and he won't destroy democracy. Too bad they didn't fact check Trump's constant lies last night.
Trump is an existential threat to democracy here and throughout the world.
Why do you think this? What do you think Trump will do that will destroy democracy throughout the whole world?
Did you not hear Trump say he wanted to be dictator on day one? Did you not read about Project 2025? That's the plan to make Trump dictator. They actually say that shit out loud. WTF kind of an American says shit like that?
No, I have not heard that, and no I have not read about that. Do you have references?

Trump is an existential threat to democracy here and throughout the world.
Why do you think this? What do you think Trump will do that will destroy democracy throughout the whole world?
For a person so adamant on women's rights, not certain why you are supporting the Christian Taliban.
What? I'm not supporting a christian taliban, I don't even know what you mean.
Have you not paid attention to who is supporting Trump? Do you know nothing about Project 2025? Do you know nothing about the USSC justices appointed by Trump?

Do you not know WHO he is talking about installing as head of the FBI and other agencies? HIS TOADIES. Not people who are about the US as a nation or its people or the rule of law but people who are loyal to HIM not to the USA.
I'm actually quite surprised by Emily's lack of knowlege of such things. Makes me wonder what else she has no knowledge of and yet speaks so authoratively about.
A friend just sent us this quote:

Just because you think Alfred is too old to take care of Bat cave, you don't replace him with the Joker

Loved it. Dems are their worst enemy. So Biden had a bad night. He just needs to admit that he's old and sometimes he screws up his words, but he doesn't want to be a dictator, he's not a pathological liar and he won't destroy democracy. Too bad they didn't fact check Trump's constant lies last night.
Dumbledore who needs a cough drop is still better than Voldemort.
A friend just sent us this quote:

Just because you think Alfred is too old to take care of Bat cave, you don't replace him with the Joker

Loved it. Dems are their worst enemy. So Biden had a bad night.

lol, you keep pretending this was just a “bad night” for Brandon. Nobody believes that for a minute. Not his own party, his aides and if you were truthful, you would admit that Brandon’s time is coming to a close because the poor old man has lost it.

I’d be shocked if Brandon gets another debate. The curtain is coming down, the fat lady is going through the scales warming up.
Trump is an existential threat to democracy here and throughout the world.
Why do you think this? What do you think Trump will do that will destroy democracy throughout the whole world?
Did you not hear Trump say he wanted to be dictator on day one? Did you not read about Project 2025? That's the plan to make Trump dictator. They actually say that shit out loud. WTF kind of an American says shit like that?
No, I have not heard that, and no I have not read about that. Do you have references?


Alrighty. Yep.
Presidential debate tonight: Biden blunders dominate debate with Trump
President Biden's answers during the first debate of the 2024 election were sputtering and rambling at times, with allies immediately expressing grave concerns about the impact on his race against Donald Trump.

The big picture: Trump's repeated falsehoods, and his unwillingness to say whether he'd accept the results of the 2024 election, will also make headlines. But Biden set the tone with a subdued start and struggled at times to make coherent arguments.

Democrats in "state of shock" over "awful" Biden debate performance
We're going to lose 20 seats in the House if this is what goes on," said one House Democrat, who, like others for this story, spoke on the condition of anonymity to offer candid thoughts on their party's leader.

What they're saying: One House Democrat described the president's debate performance as "awful," exclaiming, "What the f**k?"

"I am in a state of shock," said another.

A third House Democrat said "Jamaal Bowman is the hero we need now ... we need him to pull the fire alarm."

One female House Democrat said it is "time for a woman to save both these men from their misery ... President Whitmer has a strong ring to it," referring to Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.
Trump is an existential threat to democracy here and throughout the world.
Why do you think this? What do you think Trump will do that will destroy democracy throughout the whole world?
Did you not hear Trump say he wanted to be dictator on day one? Did you not read about Project 2025? That's the plan to make Trump dictator. They actually say that shit out loud. WTF kind of an American says shit like that?
No, I have not heard that, and no I have not read about that. Do you have references?


The Trump babbling you just Yepped is Trump's ordinary brat-like bluster. Instead Trump intends to turn his transition over to Koch-backed organizations who have "Project 2025" planned. I suggest you peruse a webpage like the following:
(Sadly, many informative pages these days are paywalled or infested with click-bait.)

Does that sound like it might be bad for democracy?
Donald Trump Suffers Triple Primary Blow - Newsweek
In South Carolina, Colorado, and Utah.

 List of endorsements by Donald Trump
Endorsements by Donald Trump - Ballotpedia
Most of his winning endorsements are of incumbents, and given how often incumbents win, they usually don't need his help. His endorsed candidates win some of the time in open-seat races, and rarely win in challenges to incumbents. They may win primaries, but they then almost always lose general elections, like Mehmet Oz PA-Sen, Herschel Walker GA-Sen, and Kari Lake AZ-Gov did.
There is no choice to be made here. It is Methuselah's great-grandfather or literal bust for the nation.
I seem to recall that back in 2016 when Trump was running the first time, progressives throughout the country were insistent that if he got elected, it was going to be the complete end of the country and doom would befall us all.

OMG, Trump is going to destroy democracy and drop nukes on people for no reason!

It didn't happen then, but the same talking points have been resurrected now. I'm not worried about Trump ruining the US. I'm worried about the unelected appointees for either of these two fossils fucking it all up.
Because the Republicans were as usual incompetent. They have learned better, now they have Project 2025, a detailed plan for scuttling the system.
Will the two debaters stand on an open stage? With nothing to prevent Trump prancing around when it is Biden's turn to speak? Or nothing to stop Trump from shouting when his microphone is cut off?
CNN actually did a demonstration of how the mic system will work. There are two green lights next to the mics on the podium. When the lights are on the mic is active. When they are off the mic is inactive. One of the CNN guys talked into his active mic while another talked with the mic off. You hear the other person talking but just barely. They reversed the procedure and got the same result. Almost nothing loud enough to be understandable.
Directional mikes are quite common. Most of us have one in our phone. Likewise, I have a headset with no discernible microphone yet it manages to pick up my voice apart from the background.

I have no idea why two lights right next to each other are being used. Seems a little redundant.
Sometimes redundancy is intentional, especially in situations where it's important.
I seem to recall that back in 2016 when Trump was running the first time, progressives throughout the country were insistent that if he got elected, it was going to be the complete end of the country and doom would befall us all.

I seem to recall that back in 2016 when Biden was running the first time, conservatives throughout the country were insistent that if he got elected, it was going to be the complete end of the country and doom would befall us all.
It's been a pretty repetitive refrain for a while now. It's widespread fearmongering that increases partisan division and makes the government pretty much useless since they're all worried about toeing their party's stupid line instead of actually serving the people.
The Republicans have made it clear where they stand. The Felon gutted SCOTUS, we got Dobbs. But they were lazy in implementing the plans and failed to ensure they couldn't be thrown out. And when they were getting thrown out they tried a coup, but as incompetent as ever.

This time they have an organized plan to ensure democracy is no more.
Trump is an existential threat to democracy here and throughout the world.
Why do you think this? What do you think Trump will do that will destroy democracy throughout the whole world?
For a person so adamant on women's rights, not certain why you are supporting the Christian Taliban.
What? I'm not supporting a christian taliban, I don't even know what you mean.
Then I suggest you do some learning before November rolls around. You profess to be an atheist yet appear to be intending to vote for theocracy.

The panic is palpable.

The DNC at it again. Always making the right choices. :rolleyes:
Always? You mean they’re firing Biden’s debate prep team right now?

Nobody ever won against a wall of lies with a wall of truth, and Biden can’t put up a wall of anything with his mouth due to his speech impediment.

Be that as it may, Dems are stuck with Biden, as much as the fascists are stuck with trump. They can’t switch him out even if they wanted to.
The election crowds. Sorry I'm only finding these images on Reddit, I'm sure they must be elsewhere also:

and note his sign: "Building a Better America".

The Felon:
Same facility. The shots are from somewhat different angles but you can match up the features. The two visible sections of upper deck seating are not being used while they are some approximation of full in the Biden picture. And note his sign: "Philadelphia is Trump Country".

One is about America, one is about himself. The signs alone say enough about the candidates.
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