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The Race For 2024

they should easily win with any candidate other than Trump.
Yeah, but why should they?
They don't want a President, and Trump doesn't want to be President. They want a King and Trump wants to be King.
Someone else might want to be President and that would mean they could be made to go away in four years and the blacks, browns migrants and the dreaded Others® could take over.
Fear is a fabulous motivator. I think the racist 'murkin trumpsucking dickweeds have already won the day.
As for the far right engine that fuels the Trump grift game, they have firmly opposed law and order ever since it started to protect blacks as well, and nothing has changed. They just come up with new excuses to avoid accountability.

The "undecided middle" are honest idiots, though. Literally have no idea what's going on, even in their own heads. And Fox has a few new clips of Biden stuttering to use.
If the Republicans were smart then so should Trump because if Biden is so bad they should easily win with any candidate other than Trump.

That’s not the way this is going to play out.
I agree. But the logic is sound if Biden doesn’t drop out.

I think it is increasingly likely that Brandon will drop out. He gets more feeble every time I see him.

Possible. But he really should have done it a while back so Democratic voters could have had time to get energized behind a new candidate. I don’t think Kamala Harris is particularly compelling, likely the reason that Joe felt he had to stay in the race.

Trump wasn’t exactly spry either.
He looked about the same as recent public appearances, which he has had many more than Biden, between his rallies and his outside the courtroom rants.

If a voter doesn’t care one wit about fitness for office then Trump looked the better for the debate.
they should easily win with any candidate other than Trump.
Yeah, but why should they?
They don't want a President, and Trump doesn't want to be President. They want a King and Trump wants to be King.
Someone else might want to be President and that would mean they could be made to go away in four years and the blacks, browns migrants and the dreaded Others® could take over.
Fear is a fabulous motivator. I think the racist 'murkin trumpsucking dickweeds have already won the day.
and what happens when Trump dies, as the ole SOB will someday, being almost as old as Biden, their indoctrination wears off, and they are stuck with the consequences of rule by his now royal grifting family? How soon will they sour on that? If that comes to pass, we have decades of turmoil and political violence, just to get back to where we once were in 2016, if we are so lucky.
As for the far right engine that fuels the Trump grift game, they have firmly opposed law and order ever since it started to protect blacks as well, and nothing has changed.
Protecting blacks was unforgivable, but the capital crime was trying to impose law and order on their blue eyed blond haired orange guy. At that point, law and order gotta go.
One name that doesn't appear on most of these lists is Gretchen Whitmer. I hereby throw her hat into the ring, and direct my delegates to support her!

Whitmer is of course the Governor of Michigan whom MAGAites conspired to assassinate.

She is smart of course. Like Kamala Harris she is a former prosecutor. But she is seven years younger than Kamala, more charismatic I think, and -- yes, it DOES matter -- more photogenic.

The GOPlins and hate-drenched racists are unlikely to come to their senses, but if they do they'll push for Nikki Haley. Will the D's need to put forth a female of their own? I'm afraid Haley wins in a Haley-Harris contest.

Gretchen Whitmer for President
So, back to Gretchen Whitmer, do you agree with Swammerdami that its just sufficient for her to be photogenic and have charisma to get his vote for President? Frankly, I'm a little surprised that I seem to be the only one who has given him a little grief for his comments. Maybe people do agree with me, but are afraid to expose themselves agreeing with a "right wing ogre" like me. ;):D\

I reached way back in this thread for a quote.... And discovered that Mr. thebeave had seen fit to insult me and to mischaracterize my remarks.

Let me correct his rubbish.

It is neither necessary nor appropriate for every citizen to attempt to micromanage Every.Single.Political.Issue. Jut the opposite in fact; the whole idea of "republican" government is to choose representatives we trust and then trust them to make decisions.

Several political issues come to mind -- e.g. unrestricted school vouchers -- where one's ill-informed "gut reaction" might lead one to take one stance, but politicians whom one respects and trusts take an opposite stance. Only a fool suffering from Dunning-Kruger effect would take that as a cue to distrust the politicians one formerly trusted. Instead the proper course is to LEARN.

Similarly I don't feel the need thebeave apparently does to spend my waking hours scrutinizing the resume and writings of Every.Single.Politician in the country. (Despite his pretense I don't think thebeave does either: He chose to spend his waking hours insulting me rather than using Google to answer his own questions!)

I like Governor Whitmer because other people I trust admire her. Even a brief glance at her Wikipedia bio -- more than thebeave could muster apparently -- shows that she has strong credentials, and strong liberal stances on issues.

But ANY competent Democrat will make a better President than Trump or anyone of that Ilk, so Electability is the quality that matters most.

Now. Watch thebeave -- who self-describes as "right-wing ogre"! -- insult me again by claiming that I put Demo women in a line-up and just picked the most attractive to support!
I think it is increasingly likely that Brandon will drop out. He gets more feeble every time I see him.

Possible. But he really should have done it a while back so Democratic voters could have had time to get energized behind a new candidate.

Indeed but anyone who suggested such a thing were gaslit and told in no uncertain terms that Brandon was fine and people were ageist and the clips of feeble Joe bumbling and wandering off were deep fakes.

The panic is palpable.
I think it is increasingly likely that Brandon will drop out. He gets more feeble every time I see him.

Possible. But he really should have done it a while back so Democratic voters could have had time to get energized behind a new candidate.

Indeed but anyone who suggested such a thing were gaslit and told in no uncertain terms that Brandon was fine and people were ageist and the clips of feeble Joe bumbling and wandering off were deep fakes.

The panic is palpable.

The DNC at it again. Always making the right choices. :rolleyes:
Trump is an existential threat to democracy here and throughout the world.
Why do you think this? What do you think Trump will do that will destroy democracy throughout the whole world?
The whole world might be a stretch, but it's not what he will do, rather what he won't do.

Russia will invade (the rest of) Ukraine, and perhaps some other European countries. Trump won't try to stop this, nor even help those countries to resist.

China will invade Taiwan, and perhaps some other South East Asian countries. Trump won't try to stop this, nor even help those countries to resist.

North Korea will try to invade South Korea. Trump will support this attempt (albeit with words rather than deeds), even though it will probably fail, and will cause millions of civilian deaths in the process, because he and Kim are besties.

An isolationist America is bad for the world; An America whose President actively admires foreign dictators, and who dislikes other democratic nations (whose populations are rarely brought to book for saying mean things about Donald Trump) is disastrous.
I'm not arguing, but I want to know why you think these are thinks Trump would (not) do? I'm a bit surprised by you saying Trump would tacitly support China invading Taiwan, seeing as Trump actually recognized Taiwan as a sovereign entity where other presidents have decidedly stayed out of it and continued to be silent when China claims Taiwan as a Chinese territory.
I seem to recall that back in 2016 when Trump was running the first time, progressives throughout the country were insistent that if he got elected, it was going to be the complete end of the country and doom would befall us all.

I seem to recall that back in 2016 when Biden was running the first time, conservatives throughout the country were insistent that if he got elected, it was going to be the complete end of the country and doom would befall us all.
It's been a pretty repetitive refrain for a while now. It's widespread fearmongering that increases partisan division and makes the government pretty much useless since they're all worried about toeing their party's stupid line instead of actually serving the people.
I seem to recall that back in 2016 when Trump was running the first time, progressives throughout the country were insistent that if he got elected, it was going to be the complete end of the country and doom would befall us all.

I seem to recall that back in 2016 when Biden was running the first time, conservatives throughout the country were insistent that if he got elected, it was going to be the complete end of the country and doom would befall us all.
Did anyone think Biden could win in 2016?
Wait.... Biden didn't run in 2016. Now I'm extra confused.
Trump is an existential threat to democracy here and throughout the world.
Why do you think this? What do you think Trump will do that will destroy democracy throughout the whole world?
Did you not hear Trump say he wanted to be dictator on day one? Did you not read about Project 2025? That's the plan to make Trump dictator. They actually say that shit out loud. WTF kind of an American says shit like that?
No, I have not heard that, and no I have not read about that. Do you have references?
If the Republicans were smart then so should Trump because if Biden is so bad they should easily win with any candidate other than Trump.

That’s not the way this is going to play out.
I agree. But the logic is sound if Biden doesn’t drop out.

I think it is increasingly likely that Brandon will drop out. He gets more feeble every time I see him.

Trump wasn’t exactly spry either.
I would LOVE to have both of them replaced with other people.
Trump is an existential threat to democracy here and throughout the world.
Why do you think this? What do you think Trump will do that will destroy democracy throughout the whole world?
The whole world might be a stretch, but it's not what he will do, rather what he won't do.

Russia will invade (the rest of) Ukraine, and perhaps some other European countries. Trump won't try to stop this, nor even help those countries to resist.

China will invade Taiwan, and perhaps some other South East Asian countries. Trump won't try to stop this, nor even help those countries to resist.

North Korea will try to invade South Korea. Trump will support this attempt (albeit with words rather than deeds), even though it will probably fail, and will cause millions of civilian deaths in the process, because he and Kim are besties.

An isolationist America is bad for the world; An America whose President actively admires foreign dictators, and who dislikes other democratic nations (whose populations are rarely brought to book for saying mean things about Donald Trump) is disastrous.
I'm not arguing, but I want to know why you think these are thinks Trump would (not) do? I'm a bit surprised by you saying Trump would tacitly support China invading Taiwan, seeing as Trump actually recognized Taiwan as a sovereign entity where other presidents have decidedly stayed out of it and continued to be silent when China claims Taiwan as a Chinese territory.
Trump has demonstrated over and over again that he cannot be trusted and that he has great admiration for dictators and strong men. China awarded his daughter many patents while Trump was POTUS, which would make Trump want to continue to have good relations with China. I also think that what Trump says in public is different than he behaves in private. This is often true of many of us but when one is POTUS or hopes to be, the ramifications are much different.

OTOH, if Putin wants Trump to maintain ties with China, or in Trump parlance, go easy on China, then I think Trump will do exactly that. I think he will talk tough to the US audience and then do whatever he thinks is best for HIM, not for our country and not for the world. Ditto re NK: whatever Trump thinks will get him the most support from a strong man dictator, he will be grateful to do--just perhaps not openly.

The fact that he did not do more during his term as POTUS was mostly because he did not actually expect to or want to win so he was unprepared. He filled positions based on people saying nice things to him, personal flattery, proximity (to be fair, this is often a factor for any job), not on competence. We were fortunate. This time around, though Project 2025 is fully prepared and ready to go to dump as many civil servants as possible and replace them with their idealogues who wish to change the US into a pseudo-Christian theocracy for their own profit. I don't believe a word of their so called 'faith.'

To present some evidence: Remember how he put every possible obstacle in front of actually getting the COVID vaccine out to the people (while taking full advantage of every cutting edge medication and vaccine himself--in secret--and lying about it)? He spouted nonsense 'cures' and prevantatives in public over and over again--and took care to protect himself and hopefully his family who are despicable but everyone should be protected during a pandemic. Last night, he was bragging about all that HE DID to help people but I was alive and awake and I saw differently. There is every reason in the world to believe that he will continue to behave along these same lines. Why would he not?
Trump is an existential threat to democracy here and throughout the world.
Why do you think this? What do you think Trump will do that will destroy democracy throughout the whole world?
Did you not hear Trump say he wanted to be dictator on day one? Did you not read about Project 2025? That's the plan to make Trump dictator. They actually say that shit out loud. WTF kind of an American says shit like that?
No, I have not heard that, and no I have not read about that. Do you have references?
Trump is an existential threat to democracy here and throughout the world.
Why do you think this? What do you think Trump will do that will destroy democracy throughout the whole world?
For a person so adamant on women's rights, not certain why you are supporting the Christian Taliban.
What? I'm not supporting a christian taliban, I don't even know what you mean.
Have you not paid attention to who is supporting Trump? Do you know nothing about Project 2025? Do you know nothing about the USSC justices appointed by Trump?

Do you not know WHO he is talking about installing as head of the FBI and other agencies? HIS TOADIES. Not people who are about the US as a nation or its people or the rule of law but people who are loyal to HIM not to the USA.
Trump is an existential threat to democracy here and throughout the world.
Why do you think this? What do you think Trump will do that will destroy democracy throughout the whole world?
For a person so adamant on women's rights, not certain why you are supporting the Christian Taliban.
What? I'm not supporting a christian taliban, I don't even know what you mean.
Yeah, that's exactly the problem.
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