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The Race For 2024

They didn't just say it, they said with a whole, like, multi-page multimedia extravaganza. They really hate this guy.

Lately I've been listening to a podcast series on the Nixon/Kissinger war crimes dream team, and let me tell you, it does not inspire confidence in the best judgement of the New York Times editorial board. That said, on this matter it is hard to make the case that they are incorrect.
Political engagement may be the key to fighting our loneliness epidemic | Salon.com - July 9, 2024 5:45AM (EDT) - Amanda Marcotte - "In "Democracy in Retrograde," Emily Amick and Sami Sage argue activism can be good for mental health"

It was for AOC, for instance. Career coach Megan Hellerer helped AOC go from bartender to Congress and What Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez learned from her career coach Like learning to have a sequence of small goals rather than one big goal. After feeling that her life was in a dead end, she went into activism, volunteering for Bernie Sanders's campaign, going to the Standing Rock protest encampment, and running for Congress.
Hilarious, Pelosi is even older than Brandon :ROFLMAO:

I wonder who Harris will pick as a running mate. Oh please let it be Newsom :ROFLMAO:
Harris can’t pick Newsom. President and vice president must come from different states
Not true. It would be unwise in this case, though, as it would be illegal for California's electors to vote for both unless one or both of them ceased to be Californians before the election. Ergo, to save the election, Harris would have to "move" to another state, as Dick Cheney did in 2000 to avoid the exact same problem.
Hilarious, Pelosi is even older than Brandon :ROFLMAO:

I wonder who Harris will pick as a running mate. Oh please let it be Newsom :ROFLMAO:
Harris can’t pick Newsom. President and vice president must come from different states
Not true. It would be unwise in this case, though, as it would be illegal for California's electors to vote for both. to save the election, Harris would have to "move" to another state, as Dick Cheney did in 2000 to avoid the same problem.
Not picked. That was the point I was making
Governor Newsom could get around that problem by moving to Oregon or Nevada or Arizona. :D

Suspense builds around Trump's vice presidential pick - ABC News
Former President Donald Trump is expected to announce his running mate in the coming days, with the focus zeroing in on Sens. Marco Rubio, J.D. Vance and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum.

Trump has been teasing his vice presidential pick for months and whoever he chooses will speak at the Republican National Convention next week.
So he might pick "Little Marco"? :D
Though, come to think of it, it's easy to imagine the stink the Republicans would raise about such a maneuver. "Lock her up"! Hypocritical yes, but they're obviously not afraid of a little bit of hypocrisy, and they have short memories, anyway. Dick Cheney, who's that?

I don't know why I'm defending this notion, Newsom would be quite possibly the worst possible pick for VP. He's well liked here of course, but doesn't the rest of the country hate the guy?
To Woo Trump, VP Contenders Show Off Their Rich Friends - The New York Times - June 30, 2024 - "Vice-presidential hopefuls are posturing as part of a bid to highlight their ties to wealthy donors."
During his 2016 campaign, Donald J. Trump orchestrated a takeover of the Republican Party in part by blasting wealthy political donors as the root of corruption and delivering a populist message that appealed to working-class voters.

Eight years later, one of his key decision points in choosing a running mate is connections to the superrich.
... Republican hopefuls are looking to convince Mr. Trump that they have the financial backing behind them that could help swing the race.

There are other factors that could make for a good match. Mr. Trump is said to be considering candidates with discipline on the campaign trail, who will not steal his precious spotlight and would fare well in a debate with Vice President Kamala Harris.
Someone who is competent and charismatic but who won't try to upstage him?

"The posturing, in some cases, has drawn sneers from some Republican donors, who feel like they are being used as pawns in internecine warfare."
I don't know why I'm defending this notion, Newsom would be quite possibly the worst possible pick for VP. He's well liked here of course, but doesn't the rest of the country hate the guy?

Not hardly. His approval rating stinks and he faces another possible recall because of the shitty job he does. He's out campaigning for Brandon while California turns to shit.
I think your assumptions are wrong, there've been a few polls out there that show that if Michelle Obama were running, she would have the absolute best chance to beat trump. Are you somehow under the impression that Michelle Obama is not a black woman? Or is it possible that you're trying to find an easy out by brushing aside the dislike of Harris as being vacuous and bigoted instead of recognizing that people don't much like her as a person, regardless of her sex or melanin content?
There are those who have non-demographically driven rationales for liking Ms Harris. And there are those who have demographically driven dislike of Ms Harris.
Of course. There are also those who have a non-demographically driven rational for disliking Harris, and those who have demographically driven like of Harris. Not sure what your point is other than to attempt a false dichotomy, perhaps?
It u
Is the latter who pose an unfair (in a rational world) to a successful candidacy.
I don't know what this is supposed to mean.
To be fair: The power structure of the GOP wants to so severely change the USA that it in effect will destroy our democracy, severely limit women’s rights an led greatly curtail the rights of immigrants and persons of color while expanding the ability of corporations to trash the environment.
For example... ? Do you have insight to this grand plan in some way? Or is this more a case of what you think the slippery slope of some general GOP positions would lead to?
I don't know why I'm defending this notion, Newsom would be quite possibly the worst possible pick for VP. He's well liked here of course, but doesn't the rest of the country hate the guy?
Not hardly. His approval rating stinks and he faces another possible recall because of the shitty job he does. He's out campaigning for Brandon while California turns to shit.
 2021 California gubernatorial recall election - look at the map. The Central Valley supported recalling him while the coast opposed recalling him, especially the big coastal cities. The vote was yes 38.12%, no 61.88%.

Gavin Newsom recall, Governor of California (2024) - Ballotpedia - not likely to be much different.
I think your assumptions are wrong, there've been a few polls out there that show that if Michelle Obama were running, she would have the absolute best chance to beat trump. Are you somehow under the impression that Michelle Obama is not a black woman? Or is it possible that you're trying to find an easy out by brushing aside the dislike of Harris as being vacuous and bigoted instead of recognizing that people don't much like her as a person, regardless of her sex or melanin content?
There are those who have non-demographically driven rationales for liking Ms Harris. And there are those who have demographically driven dislike of Ms Harris.
Of course. There are also those who have a non-demographically driven rational for disliking Harris, and those who have demographically driven like of Harris. Not sure what your point is other than to attempt a false dichotomy, perhaps?
Is the latter who pose an unfair (in a rational world) to a successful candidacy.
I don't know what this is supposed to mean.
In a close election, the loss of bigot and misogynist votes could be sufficient to lose the election.
The other candidate wants to be a dictator and the Supreme Court just gave him their blessing.
Why is it so hard to avoid ridiculously disingenuous hyperbolization? Can you not defend your position and your candidate without such rhetoric?
Why is it so hard to understand that it's not hyperbole? Have you looked at Project 2025? And remember that it's just how much of the quiet part they have said out loud?
Given that neither Trump nor the Supreme Court developed Project 2025, I'm not quite sure what point you're making.

While we're at it though, what are your thoughts on Biden's Congressional Progressive Caucus Progressive Proposition Agenda for 2025 that will turn American into a socialist country and destroy our economy?
The other candidate wants to be a dictator and the Supreme Court just gave him their blessing.
Why is it so hard to avoid ridiculously disingenuous hyperbolization? Can you not defend your position and your candidate without such rhetoric?
Why is it so hard to understand that it's not hyperbole? Have you looked at Project 2025? And remember that it's just how much of the quiet part they have said out loud?
Given that neither Trump nor the Supreme Court developed Project 2025, I'm not quite sure what point you're making.

While we're at it though, what are your thoughts on Biden's Congressional Progressive Caucus Progressive Proposition Agenda for 2025 that will turn American into a socialist country and destroy our economy?

This explains a lot about you and your posts. None of it to your credit.
What's even more interesting is that the ruling itself is agnostic with respect to which president - it applies to any and all presidents. So if you really want to stick to your guns on your bespoke chicken-little interpretation, allow me to point out that by your logic, the Supreme Court has given BIDEN their blessing to be a dictator too.
Yes, it has. I don't see anyone saying it doesn't. It's just he's not the type to actually use that power.
Lol, honestly. The blinders are magnificent. Why on earth do you think that Democrats are all saints and Republicans are all sinners? If the Supreme Court has made dictatorships legal within the US, I am quite certain that BOTH parties would be anxious to install themselves forever.
NYT Editorial board now says Trump is unfit to lead. I guess that makes two of them that NYT says are unfit to lead.


A once great political party now serves the interests of one man, a man as demonstrably unsuited for the office of president as any to run in the long history of the Republic, a man whose values, temperament, ideas and language are directly opposed to so much of what has made this country great.

Guess they are still reticent to directly refer to him as The Felon, a career criminal, a mob boss, a cheater in all aspects of life or a liar plain and simple.
But it's all there, buried between way too many lines.
Realistically, all MSM except Fox has been saying Trump is unfit to lead since 2015. I don't disagree with them. I just think that Biden is also unfit to lead.
Though, come to think of it, it's easy to imagine the stink the Republicans would raise about such a maneuver. "Lock her up"! Hypocritical yes, but they're obviously not afraid of a little bit of hypocrisy, and they have short memories, anyway. Dick Cheney, who's that?

I don't know why I'm defending this notion, Newsom would be quite possibly the worst possible pick for VP. He's well liked here of course, but doesn't the rest of the country hate the guy?
I think Newsom might be the only Democrat that would be a worse choice than Biden. He's not even all that well-liked in Cali.
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