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The Race For 2024

Since I live in a swing state, my vote is a lot more important than those who live in Ca.
Only until the secession, god willing.
It would be better if we could get rid of the stupid electoral college, then all of our votes would count the same.
That would only be for President. Our votes still wouldn’t count the same when it comes to representation in the legislature, an arguably more important aspect of our government than the administration of the executive branch.
Our state is fucked though. Wasn’t enough to have Scott as governor. Had to make him senator. But fuck we have to have War On Woke DeSantis? He is so cartoon evil that his latest proposal is to turn Jonathan Dickinson State Park into a golf resort and instead of controlling nutrient pollution he has instructed DEP to bleach the algae blooms.
Trump posted an AI deep fake of Taylor Swift endorsing him for his presidency.

WTF is wrong with him? He keeps insulting the people he needs to win. Just appealing to the base isn't going to cut it.

Lets hope she sues him. She can afford real lawyers instead of quacks.
Public figure, I would think it would probably be considered acceptable parody.

Besides, why sue him? Either he wins and it all goes away or he loses and he's almost certainly bankrupt.
Fascinating. I understand though. Republicans prefer giving away money on the front end, Democrats prefer giving money away on the back end.
Republicans prefer making it look good and then taking it back.

Just about all of The Felons tax cuts for the average person will be expiring in the next few years--it's going to be a net tax increase. The tax cuts for the rich will not expire.

Or look at his current two-bracket proposal. Huge tax increase for the average person, big tax cut for the rich.
When Democrats in the Senate tried to raise the Child Tax Credit a few weeks ago, not a single Republican voted in favor. Vance didn’t even bother to show up. So you can stuff your “Kamala copying the republicans” BS. Vance can go fuck a sofa.
Why would you do that to a poor sofa??
When Democrats in the Senate tried to raise the Child Tax Credit a few weeks ago, not a single Republican voted in favor. Vance didn’t even bother to show up. So you can stuff your “Kamala copying the republicans” BS. Vance can go fuck a sofa.
Why would you do that to a poor sofa??
Please. As if Vance would fuck a poor sofa.
But fuck we have to have War On Woke DeSantis?
Because Dems decided to nominate a meth head in 2018.
GOP picked DeSantis over Putnam and have fully supported his stupid shit into a second term. Don’t forget that Florida is so fucked that the Dems thought they had to run a Republican in 2022 and picked Crist over Fried to challenge DeSantis.
Since I live in a swing state, my vote is a lot more important than those who live in Ca.
Only until the secession, god willing.
It would be better if we could get rid of the stupid electoral college, then all of our votes would count the same.
That would only be for President. Our votes still wouldn’t count the same when it comes to representation in the legislature, an arguably more important aspect of our government than the administration of the executive branch.
Yes. I agree that our representation isn't fair. It's crazy that a state that has sometimes less than a million people has the same number of Senators as a state that has over 30 million people. One step at a time, maybe, just maybe.
I've never seen so much energy and enthusiasm for 2 candidates in my life.
Indeed, it is quite remarkable how Harris has gone from an inept and unpopular VP to the only person who can save the USA from crashing and burning in a matter of weeks. It resembles a religious awakening of sorts.
You seem to be under this odd conception that politicians aren't impacted by circumstances and coincidences. VP Harris was in the right place, at the right time., for the right occasion. VP Harris was one of the only logistical alternatives available. She is hardly inept. Her campaign fell apart in 2016, but I recall Biden not having a campaign of value in 2008 as well. It was clear that the Democrat base was open to a swap.

The honeymoon is about over now, presumably. Harris has to get to work now. Her numbers have to sustain and grow, this can't be a bounce.
Trump posted an AI deep fake of Taylor Swift endorsing him for his presidency.

WTF is wrong with him? He keeps insulting the people he needs to win. Just appealing to the base isn't going to cut it.

Lets hope she sues him. She can afford real lawyers instead of quacks.
Public figure, I would think it would probably be considered acceptable parody.
"Parody" like that needs to be labeled parody in order to be considered parody.
Besides, why sue him? Either he wins and it all goes away or he loses and he's almost certainly bankrupt.
Certainly no gain in suing if it is a one or two time deal. Overall, the image has no impact with Swifties not being users of Truth Social.
The Repugs making fun of Walz's son was despicable. I read that Ann Colter immediately deleted a nasty tweet about him. Perhaps she heard that the teenage boy has a learning disability and suffers from ADHD and even Colter realized it was really mean to make fun of him. It would have been mean anyway, but extra mean for making fun of a child who struggles with things like that. Shame on anyone making fun of a teenage boy who is moved to teats due to how proud he is of his father.
I've never seen so much energy and enthusiasm for 2 candidates in my life.
Indeed, it is quite remarkable how Harris has gone from an inept and unpopular VP to the only person who can save the USA from crashing and burning in a matter of weeks. It resembles a religious awakening of sorts.

There ya go. Somebody had to counter the people here from California who aren't happy about the Dem candidates.

I am pretty sure there are many people who are not happy with the choice of candidates, even within the democratic party but I am not one of them. I am indifferent. I wasn't voting democratic this time around.
It's not that she was unpopular, it's that we really didn't get a chance to know her. Now we are seeing a brilliant, experienced, excellent communicator that certainly is qualified to be president, especially when we consider the current alternative. Sorry you don't see it. I honestly don't understand how anyone, especially someone who has read much of Project 2025, or has heard Trump's insane and cruel comments can vote for a man who is also a convicted felon. I guess I'd do a write in if I couldn't vote for Harris, and I lived in a state like Ca. But, as my former Republican Lt. Governor said the other night, "A vote for Harris doesn't mean you're a Democrat. It means you're a patriot." It's so good to see the better Republicans doing the right thing.
Maine and New Hampshire polls continue to be in line with 2020 after underperforming in June and July. Of particular interest, Harris leads Trump is District 2 of Maine. He won that in 2016 and 2020. That poll also has Harris up 58-41 in a one on one matchup, which might indicate there is an imbalance in their turnout model. Biden won Maine by 9 pts in 2020. It isn't unprecedented, Obama won by 17 points in 2008 and 16 points in 2012. If Harris really is up that much (right now let's not conclude that), the game would be over.
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