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gm. is this the correct thread for a fact-check of Kamala Harris' speech at the DNC last night?


(Fact Check) Final Day of Democratic National Convention – Kamala Harris Speech
TOPICS: Daily Fact Check, Democratic Convention
Posted By: Media Bias Fact Check

MBFC has summarized the most interesting fact checks from final night of the Democratic National Convention. The night featured Kamala Harris accepting the nomination and delivering a mostly factual speech with some exceptions. Here are the results:
The Repugs making fun of Walz's son was despicable. I read that Ann Colter immediately deleted a nasty tweet about him. Perhaps she heard that the teenage boy has a learning disability and suffers from ADHD and even Colter realized it was really mean to make fun of him. It would have been mean anyway, but extra mean for making fun of a child who struggles with things like that. Shame on anyone making fun of a teenage boy who is moved to teats due to how proud he is of his father.
I saw she actually apologized for that. At least one Republican has a thimble-full of integrity.
The Repugs making fun of Walz's son was despicable. I read that Ann Colter immediately deleted a nasty tweet about him. Perhaps she heard that the teenage boy has a learning disability and suffers from ADHD and even Colter realized it was really mean to make fun of him. It would have been mean anyway, but extra mean for making fun of a child who struggles with things like that. Shame on anyone making fun of a teenage boy who is moved to teats due to how proud he is of his father.
I saw she actually apologized for that. At least one Republican has a thimble-full of integrity.
Remember when Ann Coulter was the minority of the right-wing media?
I saw she actually apologized for that. At least one Republican has a thimble-full of integrity.

She said she apologized because she learned he was autistic, as though it would have been okay otherwise. (His family says he has a learning disorder but not autism.)
To be honest, I'm feeling pretty down after the convention. The country seems to be deciding whether it is better to cave a little or a lot to the philosophy of neo-fascism, and neither version of the country is really going to have a place for someone like me. "Leave then", you might say, but there's no safe place for the weirdos to go, anymore. The far Right is on the march everywhere, and normal people aren't going to get the memo until they've plunged the entire world into war and chaos again.
To be honest, I'm feeling pretty down after the convention. The country seems to be deciding whether it is better to cave a little or a lot to the philosophy of neo-fascism, and neither version of the country is really going to have a place for someone like me.
Dude, I was there in '98. Right now it is which party will install SCOTUS justices that won't undo the Civil Rights Act. (<- this is barely an exaggeration).

There is no liberal party in this country, just the party that isn't out of their fargin' minds!
It would have been nasty even without the learning disability, what the hell is wrong with these people? Mocking a young man for being proud of his dad? That's the norm for the "family values" party? Fuck these misanthropic twats.
Yes. I mentioned that, even if I did misspell tears.
To be honest, I'm feeling pretty down after the convention. The country seems to be deciding whether it is better to cave a little or a lot to the philosophy of neo-fascism, and neither version of the country is really going to have a place for someone like me. "Leave then", you might say, but there's no safe place for the weirdos to go, anymore. The far Right is on the march everywhere, and normal people aren't going to get the memo until they've plunged the entire world into war and chaos again.

I’m feeling sad too. Not so displaced as you express, but just down. It is related to how stupid and easily amused people are, and how embarrassingly evident that has been throughout the DNC
The cheesy pageantry, catchphrasing, sloganeering and repetitive hammering on the obvious is not so much the source of my mini-depression, as is the fact that it is all required for the success of Democrats in this election.
The failure of the Republican ticket is far more important than Dems’ success IMO, but there are no other options.
To be honest, I'm feeling pretty down after the convention. The country seems to be deciding whether it is better to cave a little or a lot to the philosophy of neo-fascism, and neither version of the country is really going to have a place for someone like me.
Dude, I was there in '98. Right now it is which party will install SCOTUS justices that won't undo the Civil Rights Act. (<- this is barely an exaggeration).

There is no liberal party in this country, just the party that isn't out of their fargin' minds!
The Dems are left of center and the Repugs are autocratic assholes. I think it’s pretty easy to support the left of center candidates. For fucks’s sake, the Dem candidates support all liberal social concepts, including the rights of LBGTQ+, voting rights for all, an easier path to immigration for true asylum seekers, and keeping the DACA young people legal, keeping Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, free lunches for school kids etc. intact, higher taxes on the Uber wealthy, and reproductive rights for women, to name a few. I don’t see how that equates with neo-fascism. WE’ve never been a far left country, but I am very pleased with the what these candidates support. Of course, making these things become reality will be easier said then done. They will need a supermajority to get much if anything done. I’ve read some conservatives say they really like Harris, but she’s far too liberal to vote for her. I guess the saying, “there is no reality, only perception” is quite factual.

I guess I try to be positive instead of dwelling on what seems negative. I suggest you do the same. This is one of the most inspiring elections of my lifetime, but then again, I’ve been waiting for a smart, reasonable woman to be president for a long time. I don’t expect perfection.

Ain’t ever gonna happen.
To be honest, I'm feeling pretty down after the convention. The country seems to be deciding whether it is better to cave a little or a lot to the philosophy of neo-fascism, and neither version of the country is really going to have a place for someone like me. "Leave then", you might say, but there's no safe place for the weirdos to go, anymore. The far Right is on the march everywhere, and normal people aren't going to get the memo until they've plunged the entire world into war and chaos again.

I’m feeling sad too. Not so displaced as you express, but just down. It is related to how stupid and easily amused people are, and how embarrassingly evident that has been throughout the DNC
The cheesy pageantry, catchphrasing, sloganeering and repetitive hammering on the obvious is not so much the source of my mini-depression, as is the fact that it is all required for the success of Democrats in this election.
The failure of the Republican ticket is far more important than Dems’ success IMO, but there are no other options.
For me, it was just fun to see so many people feeling so happy, and joyous. There’s not enough joy in the world. To see people from all different backgrounds, with lots of smart women, enjoying themselves together in hopes of taking us away from a cruel tyrant and his cult, gave me hope. Maybe you have to be a woman to totally understand.
To be honest, I'm feeling pretty down after the convention. The country seems to be deciding whether it is better to cave a little or a lot to the philosophy of neo-fascism, and neither version of the country is really going to have a place for someone like me.
Dude, I was there in '98. Right now it is which party will install SCOTUS justices that won't undo the Civil Rights Act. (<- this is barely an exaggeration).

There is no liberal party in this country, just the party that isn't out of their fargin' minds!
The Dems are left of center and the Repugs are autocratic assholes. I think it’s pretty easy to support the left of center candidates. For fucks’s sake, the Dem candidates support all liberal social concepts, including the rights of LBGTQ+, voting rights for all, an easier path to immigration for true asylum seekers, and keeping the DACA young people legal, keeping Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, free lunches for school kids etc. intact, higher taxes on the Uber wealthy, and reproductive rights for women, to name a few. I don’t see how that equates with neo-fascism. WE’ve never been a far left country, but I am very pleased with the what these candidates support. Of course, making these things become reality will be easier said then done. They will need a supermajority to get much if anything done. I’ve read some conservatives say they really like Harris, but she’s far too liberal to vote for her. I guess the saying, “there is no reality, only perception” is quite factual.

I guess I try to be positive instead of dwelling on what seems negative. I suggest you do the same. This is one of the most inspiring elections of my lifetime, but then again, I’ve been waiting for a smart, reasonable woman to be president for a long time. I don’t expect perfection.

Ain’t ever gonna happen.
Life isn't painted in shades of pure black and white, sohy. I know they say that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", but just because someone hates Hitler, it doesn't make them FDR.
To be honest, I'm feeling pretty down after the convention. The country seems to be deciding whether it is better to cave a little or a lot to the philosophy of neo-fascism, and neither version of the country is really going to have a place for someone like me. "Leave then", you might say, but there's no safe place for the weirdos to go, anymore. The far Right is on the march everywhere, and normal people aren't going to get the memo until they've plunged the entire world into war and chaos again.

I’m feeling sad too. Not so displaced as you express, but just down. It is related to how stupid and easily amused people are, and how embarrassingly evident that has been throughout the DNC
The cheesy pageantry, catchphrasing, sloganeering and repetitive hammering on the obvious is not so much the source of my mini-depression, as is the fact that it is all required for the success of Democrats in this election.
The failure of the Republican ticket is far more important than Dems’ success IMO, but there are no other options.
For me, it was just fun to see so many people feeling so happy, and joyous. There’s not enough joy in the world. To see people from all different backgrounds, with lots of smart women, enjoying themselves together in hopes of taking us away from a cruel tyrant and his cult, gave me hope. Maybe you have to be a woman to totally understand.

No, I felt the same. Seeing all that joy and enthusiasm brought me back to the first Obama campaign, and I like that feeling. I don't care that the candidates aren't perfect. They never are from my perspective, but individuals don't elect leaders. It isn't about what I want, but being able to join with others that share common goals, even if not all of mine. Electing a government of representatives is a group effort.
I’ve been waiting for a smart, reasonable woman to be president for a long time. I don’t expect perfection.
I've been waiting for that too. Now I'm waiting for that to NOT be a remarkable event.

Don't get ahead of yourself. She isn't president yet, so we are still waiting for the first time to happen. There is still a surprising amount of resistance to electing a woman into that office, although people don't frame it anymore in stark sexist terms. Usually, it comes out as "I just don't feel like she's ready. She should wait a little longer."
To be honest, I'm feeling pretty down after the convention. The country seems to be deciding whether it is better to cave a little or a lot to the philosophy of neo-fascism, and neither version of the country is really going to have a place for someone like me.
Dude, I was there in '98. Right now it is which party will install SCOTUS justices that won't undo the Civil Rights Act. (<- this is barely an exaggeration).

There is no liberal party in this country, just the party that isn't out of their fargin' minds!
The Dems are left of center and the Repugs are autocratic assholes. I think it’s pretty easy to support the left of center candidates. For fucks’s sake, the Dem candidates support all liberal social concepts, including the rights of LBGTQ+, voting rights for all, an easier path to immigration for true asylum seekers, and keeping the DACA young people legal, keeping Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, free lunches for school kids etc. intact, higher taxes on the Uber wealthy, and reproductive rights for women, to name a few. I don’t see how that equates with neo-fascism. WE’ve never been a far left country, but I am very pleased with the what these candidates support. Of course, making these things become reality will be easier said then done. They will need a supermajority to get much if anything done. I’ve read some conservatives say they really like Harris, but she’s far too liberal to vote for her. I guess the saying, “there is no reality, only perception” is quite factual.

I guess I try to be positive instead of dwelling on what seems negative. I suggest you do the same. This is one of the most inspiring elections of my lifetime, but then again, I’ve been waiting for a smart, reasonable woman to be president for a long time. I don’t expect perfection.

Ain’t ever gonna happen.
Life isn't painted in shades of pure black and white, sohy. I know they say that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", but just because someone hates Hitler, it doesn't make them FDR.
FDR wasn't exactly a saint, was he? After all he did lock up Japanese Americans in what could be called concentration camps during WWII. I'm no history buff but I bet if I looked, I could find some other negative things that happened during his presidency. Imo, your comment makes no sense. Of course there are no pure shades of anything, and I certainly hope we never have another president who locks up people in concentration camps. Seems as if FDR had at least some things in common with Trump, who wants to lock up immigrants and who knows how else in concentration camps.

Not a single one of our presidents has ever been close to perfect, but some have done a lot of good, while others have done a lot of harm, and some have done both. Nixon, despite being a crook, did start the EPA. LBJ couldn't get us out of Nam, but he did get us Medicare, and Bush, despite being responsible for two unnecessary wars, did get us Part D Medicare, which may not mean much to you at your young age, but for older adults, it was a wonderful thing. I remember having to help my former home health patients decide which drugs were most important to buy because they couldn't afford them all and back in the 80s, Medicare didn't pay for any Rx. drugs. So, even W did a few good things. Now, thanks to Biden, we have inexpensive insulin and M'care can negotiate drug prices for the first time ever. Thanks to Biden, gay marriage became legal. He supported it before Obama, if you recall. But, thanks to Trump, and his SCOTUS appointments, these things are in jeopardy, but you're not inspired by those who are working hard to keep him from stepping back into power? We've come a long way. Life is about compromise. Nobody ever gets everything they want.
I'm sure it must be nice to be the target demographic of a propaganda campaign, but that will never happen to me. Your party has my vote. That's all it gets. Don't demand my "joy" at being a disposable side project for half of the well-to-do and and open target to the other half.
The Repugs making fun of Walz's son was despicable. I read that Ann Colter immediately deleted a nasty tweet about him. Perhaps she heard that the teenage boy has a learning disability and suffers from ADHD and even Colter realized it was really mean to make fun of him. It would have been mean anyway, but extra mean for making fun of a child who struggles with things like that. Shame on anyone making fun of a teenage boy who is moved to teats due to how proud he is of his father.

She did say she deleted it after learning he had autism. She is still a stupid c___, though.
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