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The Race For 2024

RFK jr
Worm brain suspense campaign!
may support tRump!

Has endorsed Trump, by my latest news feed bulletin. What a stupid little shit. Wonder what his father and JFK would think of how this guy turned out.
I thought Kamala gave a very good speech last night. Not really great —I regret the loss of memorable presidential rhetoric in an age where everything is dumbed down to poll-tested sound bites. It was good, but not quite in league with FDR’s 1932 acceptance speech and JFK’s in 1960. I liked a New Way Forward, which is capitalized in the campaign’s release of the speech. Reminds me of FDR’s New Deal unveiled in his acceptance speech and JFK’s New Frontier unveiled in his. Simple, direct, memorable. She should hammer home that phrase and put it at the end of every ad.
I'm sure it must be nice to be the target demographic of a propaganda campaign, but that will never happen to me. Your party has my vote. That's all it gets. Don't demand my "joy" at being a disposable side project for half of the well-to-do and and open target to the other half.
What would you have liked to see that you did not?
Unless you are not talking about the speech specifically, but her campaign in general. I think she has delivered some substance, but substance really doesn’t win elections. Image does.
substance really doesn’t win elections. Image does.
I'm all too aware of that.

And do you know what hurts the image of a Democratic politician trying to pull votes from Trump?
I’m not sure that Harris is trying to pull votes from Trump. I think she is firing up the base and wooing independents. But what would hurt her image if she indeed were trying to pull votes from Trump? IMO the way to pull votes from Trump is to convince them that Trump holds them in contempt and their best hope for improvement in life is with Democratic polices, which since the days of the New Deal has helped Red State dwellers. West Virginia is out of reach for Harris this year, but JFK sure carried it back in 1960. In my view, the biggest historical mistake the Democrats made was the transition from FDR’s New Deal Democrats to Bill Clinton’s New Democrats.
I'm sure it must be nice to be the target demographic of a propaganda campaign, but that will never happen to me. Your party has my vote. That's all it gets. Don't demand my "joy" at being a disposable side project for half of the well-to-do and and open target to the other half.

Thank you. On behalf of my party, I accept your vote. In exchange, you can remain just as unhappy, gloomy, and curmudgeonly as you have been in the past. Nobody wants to inflict joy on you.
I’m not sure that Harris is trying to pull votes from Trump. I think she is firing up the base and wooing independents. But what would hurt her image if she indeed were trying to pull votes from Trump? IMO the way to pull votes from Trump is to convince them that Trump holds them in contempt and their best hope for improvement in life is with Democratic polices, which since the days of the New Deal has helped Red State dwellers. West Virginia is out of reach for Harris this year, but JFK sure carried it back in 1960. In my view, the biggest historical mistake the Democrats made was the transition from FDR’s New Deal Democrats to Bill Clinton’s New Democrats.
That's what helps. What hurts is being seen as too "progressive" or "woke". Which is shorthand for concerned about the rights of Amercian citizens who aren't middle class, Christian, straight, and white. Or anyone from another country.
I'm sure it must be nice to be the target demographic of a propaganda campaign, but that will never happen to me. Your party has my vote. That's all it gets. Don't demand my "joy" at being a disposable side project for half of the well-to-do and and open target to the other half.

Thank you. On behalf of my party, I accept your vote. In exchange, you can remain just as unhappy, gloomy, and curmudgeonly as you have been in the past. Nobody wants to inflict joy on you.
All I said was that I was feeling depressed. Still am. We face a grim future.
I'm sure it must be nice to be the target demographic of a propaganda campaign, but that will never happen to me. Your party has my vote. That's all it gets. Don't demand my "joy" at being a disposable side project for half of the well-to-do and and open target to the other half.

Thank you. On behalf of my party, I accept your vote. In exchange, you can remain just as unhappy, gloomy, and curmudgeonly as you have been in the past. Nobody wants to inflict joy on you.
All I said was that I was feeling depressed. Still am. We face a grim future.

Yes, and I'm not trying to talk you out of your depression. If I feel the need to get depressed, all I have to do is think about global warming or all the wars going on. Bashing the people I intend to vote for isn't necessary.
If I feel the need to get depressed, all I have to do is think about global warming or all the wars going on.
If you're worried about global warming, you should be pretty worried that Harris and Walz are pulling back from addressing climate change.

Harris Goes Light on Climate Policy. Green Leaders Are OK With That.
While President Biden has made climate change a signature issue, signing into law the largest clean energy investments in American history, Ms. Harris has yet to detail for voters her climate or clean-energy positions. Some analysts chalked that up to strategy and said new promises to slash greenhouse gas emissions or rein in fossil fuels could alienate voters particularly in the energy-rich swing state of Pennsylvania.

“This doesn’t look accidental, it looks like a deliberate choice,” said Kevin Book, managing director of ClearView Energy Partners, a Washington-based research firm, referring to the sparse mentions of climate change in the speeches of Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz.

“I think they are worried if she takes a strong position on climate, even it fits the same position that Biden took, it will make her look too progressive,” Mr. Book said, adding, “It’s a divisive issue and they need both sides as much as possible to win Pennsylvania.”

If you're worried about war, but aren't worried about Harris gladly crowing about how "as Commander-in-Chief", she "will ensure America always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world", I don't know what to tell you. That is not a promise to stop our reckless imperial adventurism overseas.

Or is it just the very likely if not inevitable possibility of losing some of those proxy wars that concerns you? Would you feel more comfortable if we were landing some more of our lethal troops on foreign shores, to kill some more bad guys and make you safe? Because that is unlikely to change the outcome. Because we do not actually have the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world, nor does having the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world necessarily win wars.
If I feel the need to get depressed, all I have to do is think about global warming or all the wars going on.
If you're worried about global warming, you should be pretty worried that Harris and Walz are pulling back from addressing climate change.

Harris Goes Light on Climate Policy. Green Leaders Are OK With That.
While President Biden has made climate change a signature issue, signing into law the largest clean energy investments in American history, Ms. Harris has yet to detail for voters her climate or clean-energy positions. Some analysts chalked that up to strategy and said new promises to slash greenhouse gas emissions or rein in fossil fuels could alienate voters particularly in the energy-rich swing state of Pennsylvania.

“This doesn’t look accidental, it looks like a deliberate choice,” said Kevin Book, managing director of ClearView Energy Partners, a Washington-based research firm, referring to the sparse mentions of climate change in the speeches of Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz.

“I think they are worried if she takes a strong position on climate, even it fits the same position that Biden took, it will make her look too progressive,” Mr. Book said, adding, “It’s a divisive issue and they need both sides as much as possible to win Pennsylvania.”

If you're worried about war, but aren't worried about Harris gladly crowing about how "as Commander-in-Chief", she "will ensure America always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world", I don't know what to tell you. That is not a promise to stop our reckless imperial adventurism overseas.

Or is it just the very likely if not inevitable possibility of losing some of those proxy wars that concerns you? Would you feel more comfortable if we were landing some more of our lethal troops on foreign shores, to kill some more bad guys and make you safe? Because that is unlikely to change the outcome. Because we do not actually have the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world, nor does having the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world necessarily win wars.

Except that saying these things is necessary to win an election. That’s politics. Let’s elect her and then see what she actually does. I have a feeling that she will do a lot of right things, IF she can get a solid Democratic majority in Congress. That is one thing I felt was missing from her speech — telling the people that electing her is not enough. They have to broom out the MAGGOTS in Congress.
Also, I really suspect that Copernicus would not feel “more comfortable landing some more of our lethal troops on foreign shores,” though I will let him/her speak for his/herself. I believe it was you who leveled this kind of charge at me once and it’s really rather disgusting.
saying these things is necessary to win an election
That fact dampens my enthusiasm, even as I am inwardly pleased that Kami is saying them.
People have to be led by the nose; what actually nourishes them does not attract them.
Let’s elect her and then see what she actually does.
I know more or less exactly what she'll do, or more importantly, won't do. The Overton Window is a bitch when there are neo-Nazis in the halls of Congress. We've been seeing this play out for the last four years. It will be meaningless after the fact to point out that "I told you so", but I suppose I probably will anyway...
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