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The Race For 2024

Harris struggles to win over male voters in key states
“It’s battle of the sexes,” said Ross K. Baker, a professor of political science at Rutgers University, regarding the trend of male voters turning toward Trump and away from Harris. “The feeling is that for every advance women make, men necessarily lose.”

“In some instances, the statistics bear out this apprehension among men,” he added, pointing to the declines in the number of men attending college as well as some of their earning power. Women still earn 84 cents for every dollar earned by a man, on average.

Baker said Harris’s choice of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, a former high school football coach, as her running mate appeared designed to give the Democratic ticket more appeal with male voters.

“They saw him as a man’s man, and I think the idea was that he is somebody who could connect with these very alienated male voters who feel that the trend of national policy in recent years has been very much tilted in favor of women,” he said.
He also was in the armed forces, another stereotypical expression of maleness.
Donald Trump’s debate challenge: Avoid personal attacks
Trump has frequently drawn criticism and poor reviews from voters when he has been overly aggressive, frequently interrupting his opponent and moderators. And he went viral in 2016 during a town hall-style debate with Clinton when he followed her around the stage as she spoke.

“What Trump’s goal will be is to get her into word salad, rambling answers that don’t make any sense,” said Chuck Coughlin, an Arizona-based GOP consultant who has been critical of the former president.

While the vice president has been holed up in Pennsylvania for days preparing for the debate, Trump held a series of campaign events last week and has been meeting with advisers and allies to go over policy topics and potential lines of attack Harris might use.
Among them is Tulsi Gabbard, who had some memorable debate moments with KH back in 2020.
“You have to be real. You know, you can’t cram knowledge into your head for, you know, 30 years of knowledge in one week,” Trump said in late August when asked how he’s preparing. “So, you know, there’s a little debate prep, but I’ve always done it more or less the same way. You have to know your subject. And I think I know my subject.”
Seems like KH is much more diligent than DT is.
Harris struggles to win over male voters in key states
“It’s battle of the sexes,” said Ross K. Baker, a professor of political science at Rutgers University, regarding the trend of male voters turning toward Trump and away from Harris. “The feeling is that for every advance women make, men necessarily lose.”

“In some instances, the statistics bear out this apprehension among men,” he added, pointing to the declines in the number of men attending college as well as some of their earning power. Women still earn 84 cents for every dollar earned by a man, on average.

Baker said Harris’s choice of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, a former high school football coach, as her running mate appeared designed to give the Democratic ticket more appeal with male voters.

“They saw him as a man’s man, and I think the idea was that he is somebody who could connect with these very alienated male voters who feel that the trend of national policy in recent years has been very much tilted in favor of women,” he said.
He also was in the armed forces, another stereotypical expression of maleness.

I do worry about a hidden misogynist vote not showing up in polling. I think that hurt Hillary Clinton and maybe actually cost her the election. A lot of the “Bernie Bros” ended up voting for Trump. There are tremendous numbers of very stupid people in this country
Donald Trump faces night-and-day difference in debate with Kamala Harris
It has also prompted a number of moments that have made Republicans cringe, including Trump questioning the vice president’s ethnicity and implying that her rise in Democratic politics was due to sexual favors.

“She’s formidable. She has a record. Stay away from race. Stay away from the idea that she is a promiscuous woman that’s slept her way to the top. That does you no good,” one GOP operative with Trump ties told The Hill. “That’s a losing message. Policy is a winning message. If he has that discipline, he’ll win.”
But then again, DT may be sure that personal insults are a good campaign strategy. Consider his defeat of "Low-Energy Jeb" Bush, "Little Marco" Rubio, "Lyin' Ted" Cruz, "Sloppy" Chris Christie, Nikki "Birdbrain" Haley, ...  List of nicknames used by Donald Trump

He defeated "Crooked Hillary" Clinton back in 2016, and he was up against "Sleepy Joe" Biden, but he pulled out, and he's now up against "Laffin' Kamala" Harris.
Harris struggles to win over male voters in key states
“It’s battle of the sexes,” said Ross K. Baker, a professor of political science at Rutgers University, regarding the trend of male voters turning toward Trump and away from Harris. “The feeling is that for every advance women make, men necessarily lose.”

“In some instances, the statistics bear out this apprehension among men,” he added, pointing to the declines in the number of men attending college as well as some of their earning power. Women still earn 84 cents for every dollar earned by a man, on average.
The fuck? The colleges are bending over backward trying to recruit male students, we're in a panic over the supposed "imbalance" (which of course, only radicals worried about when there was a male majority). Men just aren't enrolling. That's not discrimination, and it certainly isn't evidence that women can only advance at a cost to men. What cost? If everyone were attending college, everyone would be better off, women included. You think the women of America want a situation in which only they have degrees? Who would that benefit? Our secondary schools now refuse to honor their charges, so it's all up to higher ed. But how are supposed to get anything useful done if less than half the population knows anything tangible or usable about science, math, political science, or history?
Harris struggles to win over male voters in key states
“It’s battle of the sexes,” said Ross K. Baker, a professor of political science at Rutgers University, regarding the trend of male voters turning toward Trump and away from Harris. “The feeling is that for every advance women make, men necessarily lose.”

“In some instances, the statistics bear out this apprehension among men,” he added, pointing to the declines in the number of men attending college as well as some of their earning power. Women still earn 84 cents for every dollar earned by a man, on average.

Baker said Harris’s choice of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, a former high school football coach, as her running mate appeared designed to give the Democratic ticket more appeal with male voters.

“They saw him as a man’s man, and I think the idea was that he is somebody who could connect with these very alienated male voters who feel that the trend of national policy in recent years has been very much tilted in favor of women,” he said.
He also was in the armed forces, another stereotypical expression of maleness.

I do worry about a hidden misogynist vote not showing up in polling. I think that hurt Hillary Clinton and maybe actually cost her the election. A lot of the “Bernie Bros” ended up voting for Trump. There are tremendous numbers of very stupid people in this country
Most certainly. And not only men, either. The conceptualization of the President as a Man is a myth with deep roots, and plenty of Americans struggle to think past that barrier.
“That’s a losing message. Policy is a winning message. If he has that discipline, he’ll win.”
that’s hysterical. Has anyone seen Trump try to answer a policy question? Did they see his answer to the childcare question.

He’s much better at personal attacks than policy.
He has extensive, detailed policy documents waiting in the wings, he just refuses to admit any personal connection to them.
“That’s a losing message. Policy is a winning message. If he has that discipline, he’ll win.”
that’s hysterical. Has anyone seen Trump try to answer a policy question? Did they see his answer to the childcare question.

He’s much better at personal attacks than policy.
He has extensive, detailed policy documents waiting in the wings, he just refuses to admit any personal connection to them.
No. He doesn’t. I dare anyone to ask him what those policies and how they would be implemented by government. It’ll be more incoherent rambling ending in “make America great again”.

Recall that he was asked about “specific legislation” in the childcare question.
“That’s a losing message. Policy is a winning message. If he has that discipline, he’ll win.”
that’s hysterical. Has anyone seen Trump try to answer a policy question? Did they see his answer to the childcare question.

He’s much better at personal attacks than policy.
He has extensive, detailed policy documents waiting in the wings, he just refuses to admit any personal connection to them.
No. He doesn’t. I dare anyone to ask him what those policies and how they would be implemented by government. It’ll be more incoherent rambling ending in “make America great again”.
True! I don't think Trump himself is aware of much of anything. But he'll put these people in power, and they most certainly have agendas. They're not even secretive about them.
‘We’re in a constitutional crisis’: Adam Kinzinger warns of chaos at documentary premiere | Toronto film festival 2024 | The Guardian
After the screening, Kinzinger said history could repeat itself at a time when his party “lost its mind” but doesn’t believe the violence will play out in exactly the same way. The battle grounds won’t be Capitol Hill, according to the politician who recently spoke during a prime slot at the Democratic national convention, but individual states.

“Look at Arizona for instance,” Kinzinger said. “Assume Arizona goes for Kamala. But it’s a Republican legislature. The legislature has to be the one to certify Kamala as the winner. I can see a pressure campaign where these people simply will not vote to certify her the winner. And what happens then? We’re in a constitutional crisis. According to the constitution, if the state legislature decides, it’s just going to certify Trump, even if its [voters] went the other way, we have to accept that in the federal government … That’s a real concern I have. You can see violence at these statehouses that don’t have the security, we have. Our security got overrun that day for God’s sakes and we have 500 times the security that state houses do.”
Joe Biden's attorney anticipates legal challenges to 2024 election but some Trumpies may do more than litigate, like they did on January 6, 2021.
“That’s a losing message. Policy is a winning message. If he has that discipline, he’ll win.”
that’s hysterical. Has anyone seen Trump try to answer a policy question? Did they see his answer to the childcare question.

He’s much better at personal attacks than policy.
He has extensive, detailed policy documents waiting in the wings, he just refuses to admit any personal connection to them.
No. He doesn’t. I dare anyone to ask him what those policies and how they would be implemented by government. It’ll be more incoherent rambling ending in “make America great again”.
True! I don't think Trump himself is aware of much of anything. But he'll put these people in power, and they most certainly have agendas. They're not even secretive about them.
Sure. But he is the one who will have to speak to policy in the upcoming debate. His handlers foolishly believe that if does that it’s a winning strategy. Have they never heard him speak??
True! I don't think Trump himself is aware of much of anything. But he'll put these people in power, and they most certainly have agendas. They're not even secretive about them.
Sure. But he is the one who will have to speak to policy in the upcoming debate. His handlers foolishly believe that if does that it’s a winning strategy. Have they never heard him speak??
I wish I shared your optimism! All they need to get him to say is "KAMala has no policies" and then wander off onto some other topic as usual. Everyone from Fox to the New York Times will fluff it up as "Trump Pounds Harris on policy" the next day, and they don't need anything more than that to keep their machine going.
Joy derision: Democrats turn Trump’s deadliest weapon against him | US elections 2024 | The Guardian
In Trump in Exile, her recent book on the former president’s life after losing power, the reporter Meridith McGraw describes how aides to Donald Trump set about destroying Ron DeSantis, the Florida governor who threatened to lure Republican voters away.

“One Trump adviser referred to Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals,” McGraw writes. “Rule number five: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”
 Rules for Radicals (1971) -"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."
DeSantis was ridiculed for his lack of height and his heightened sanctimoniousness but most effectively for his simple weirdness: a discomfiting public manner the Trump camp indelibly linked to an alleged incident on a donor’s jet in which, lacking a spoon, the governor chose to eat a cup of chocolate pudding using his fingers.

With Joe Biden as his opponent, it seemed Trump would once again dominate with nicknames and ridicule, based on “Sleepy Joe’s” (even more) advanced age.
But then he dropped out, and Trump then thinks of the likes of "Kamabla" and "Laffin' Kamala". But his opponents have been calling him and his running mate "weird", and it's stuck, especially for his running mate.
“That’s a losing message. Policy is a winning message. If he has that discipline, he’ll win.”
that’s hysterical. Has anyone seen Trump try to answer a policy question? Did they see his answer to the childcare question??

He’s much better at personal attacks than policy.
Has anyone ever seen Trump excercise the slightest amount of discipline?
“That’s a losing message. Policy is a winning message. If he has that discipline, he’ll win.”
that’s hysterical. Has anyone seen Trump try to answer a policy question? Did they see his answer to the childcare question??

He’s much better at personal attacks than policy.
Has anyone ever seen Trump excercise the slightest amount of discipline?
My point is that if he were disciplined on only discussing policy recent history shows he would be even worse at it than simply attacking Harris. It Boggles the mind that anyone would think him discussing policy is a winning strategy.
"lacking a spoon, the governor chose to eat a cup of chocolate pudding using his fingers."
(shrug) I've done that. Recently, on a full bus.
"lacking a spoon, the governor chose to eat a cup of chocolate pudding using his fingers."
(shrug) I've done that. Recently, on a full bus.
That’s the only time I do it! It makes people ask for your autograph. But then they stare at your shoes.
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