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The Race For 2024

A comment about the video I posted above:
Both my husband and adult daughter take methylphenidate (Ritalin/Concerta) for ADHD and have for over 20 years. I can always tell when it takes effect and when it wears off.

Something Dr. Kruse said caught my attention regarding Trump pretty much standing still during the debate compared to his actions during rallies, interviews, etc. Trump ALWAYS talks with his hands, usually the "playing the accordion" motion. He didn't during the debate. That is indicative of methylphenidate being in effect. When my husband's med wears off, he can't just sit still while watching TV. He constantly has to be moving something, usually he moves his toes or drums his fingers on the armchair.

As Dr.Kruse noted, he counted Trump's movements of more than 4 inches within a minute. He moved less than 10 times compared to his baseline of 40-50 times. That's telling.
I don't think methylphenidate is the only thing that produces that effect. Almost any stimulant will do something similar. I was prescribed Ritalin years ago, and in fact still have a bottle of it, and still take it on rare occasion when I have a long period of required focus in front of me. I know what it does, and what the crash is like. It is consistent with what we see with The Felon, but also consistent with Adderall consumption, which we know Trump has been taking for years. Potatoe potatoe.
A comment about the video I posted above:
Both my husband and adult daughter take methylphenidate (Ritalin/Concerta) for ADHD and have for over 20 years. I can always tell when it takes effect and when it wears off.

Something Dr. Kruse said caught my attention regarding Trump pretty much standing still during the debate compared to his actions during rallies, interviews, etc. Trump ALWAYS talks with his hands, usually the "playing the accordion" motion. He didn't during the debate. That is indicative of methylphenidate being in effect. When my husband's med wears off, he can't just sit still while watching TV. He constantly has to be moving something, usually he moves his toes or drums his fingers on the armchair.

As Dr.Kruse noted, he counted Trump's movements of more than 4 inches within a minute. He moved less than 10 times compared to his baseline of 40-50 times. That's telling.
I don't think methylphenidate is the only thing that produces that effect. Almost any stimulant will do something similar. I was prescribed Ritalin years ago, and in fact still have a bottle of it, and still take it on rare occasion when I have a long period of required focus in front of me. I know what it does, and what the crash is like. It is consistent with what we see with The Felon, but also consistent with Adderall consumption, which we know Trump has been taking for years. Potatoe potatoe.
Basically the same reaction.
Are drugs also a possible reason why Biden is sometimes mumbly, gibberish-y Sleepy Joe, but other times is Dark Brandon?
Possible. Of course, we know Biden has a stutter... and is old. Trump is also old, which can explain his physical behavior at 9/10 PM at night. Speculation that he is on medication really seems less important that he tried overturn the election results by organizing a mob on January 6th, when he realized that not going to court to make official challenges regarding voter fraud didn't help much.
Holy cow. Harris is running a raffle.
I just saw an ad. One random doner (and a friend) gets a free strip search by the secret service... NO WAIT, that's not what it said.
One random doner +1 gets to meet Harris and Walz on the campaign trail. All expenses paid.
I'm not joking. Harris herself said so in the ad. I can't wait for the bake sale.
In some parts of the world this is a doner

doner kebab.jpg

A strip search of that would be sticky but tasty.
Holy cow. Harris is running a raffle.
I just saw an ad. One random doner (and a friend) gets a free strip search by the secret service... NO WAIT, that's not what it said.
One random doner +1 gets to meet Harris and Walz on the campaign trail. All expenses paid.
I'm not joking. Harris herself said so in the ad. I can't wait for the bake sale.
In some parts of the world this is a doner

View attachment 47778

A strip search of that would be sticky but tasty.

According to
there are FOUR different English words 'doner.'
#1 is an alternate spelling of döner, as Tigers! points out.
#2 example: "Throw that grenade soon or you're a doner." [Dublin slang]
#3 example: "I like my steak pretty well done. My friend Hal likes his even doner."
#4 -- this is the word unapologetic intended.

While at that Wiktionary page I noted that 'doner' means 'womanizer' in Catalan and is also a word in Latin, Norwegian Bokmål and Old French.
In Portage County, guy running for re-election as Sheriff posts on social media for people to send him addresses of people with Harris/Walz signs in their yards.

Portage County is east of Akron and Cleveland. Lesser populated, more conservative than the adjacent Summit (Akron) and Cuyahoga (Cleveland) Counties.

article said:
Bruce Zuchowski, the sheriff of Portage County who is seeking reelection, made the remarks Friday in two identical posts on his personal and professional Facebook accounts.

“I say … write down all the addresses of the people who had her signs in their yards!” Zuchowski (R) said. That way, he said, when undocumented immigrants — which he referred to as a “locust” — flooded in, “We’ll already have the addresses of their New families … who supported their arrival!”

The sheriff’s posts sparked tension across Portage County, which President Donald Trump carried by 12 points in the 2020 election. Some residents accused Zuchowski of voter intimidation ahead of November’s election. One Republican official described the post as “bullying” and stepped down from a role with a county GOP committee, the Portager reported.
Yeah, voter suppression anyone? And this isn't just some guy running for the position, he is the person in that elected position already, and he is likely to win, because enough people in that county think like that.
Trump may win even without 269 electoral votes.
Thom Hartmann said:
— Will Trump’s people embedded in our election systems disrupt this year’s vote? According to a new report from the Center for Media and Democracy, it sure looks like they’re going to try. Under the 12th Amendment, if no candidate can get to a majority of the electoral college votes (a plurality doesn’t work), then the election gets thrown to the House of Representatives, where each state gets one vote. With 26 Republican-controlled states — the result of years of efforts by rightwing media and think tanks to flip rural states where it’s cheap to buy radio/TV stations and run advertising — the vote in the House would definitely go for Trump. So their plan is to so screw things up, mostly by refusing to certify votes or claim “irregularities,” that the vote will ultimately end up being handled by now-Speaker Mike Johnson, the guy who literally led the election deniers coup attempt on January 6th. CMD reports that Trump partisans who dishonestly claim the election was stolen from him in 2020 now have the power to disrupt elections in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. There are, in those states alone, 50 deniers running for Congress, 81 deniers running local GOP groups, six running for statewide offices, and 102 who are now members of state or county election boards. All have supported Trump’s efforts to end democracy in America; some even participated in the coup attempt on January 6th. They frankly laugh at the disapprobation of America. Keep an eye on this; if/when Trump loses on November 5th, the fireworks will really begin, with Roger Stone — who orchestrated the successful “stop the steal” effort in Florida in 2000 that put Bush into the White House even though Gore won the state and the national vote — running the program again this year. It could be a real mess, and many Republicans are now planning for violence and even advocating outright bloodshed in a second Civil War.
Harris is at 49% in PA, with a 3 point lead on Trump. Almost there. About where Biden was at this point. Again, the the polling in the last couple of elections has been good on the Democrat. So 49 / 50% is close to home.

Meanwhile Former Maryland Gov. Hogan is trailing by several points in the state Senate Race. If Hogan can't win in the Senate in Maryland, pretty certain it might be a while before a Republican ever does again. He the exact opposite of a state candidate that Lake is in Arizona.
He didn't incite the riot in the Capital. He told people to peacefully go home. He did not tell them to enter the Capital. He did not tell them to invade the Capital. He did not tell them to steal the lectern. He did not tell them to go into Nancy Pelosi's office and take her laptop. He didn't even tell the police to shoot one person and cause the one death that occurred during the incident.

He did, however, order the strike that killed Nawar Al-Awlaki. But you don't want to talk about that for some reason.
If he didn't do those things why have multiple 1/6ers thought they were following his instructions? Just because he didn't spell it out in a 72 point font doesn't mean the message wasn't communicated.

As for Nawar Al-Awlaki--a human shield died in a strike on a terrorist. It happens. Ugly, but the only alternative is to surrender to the terrorists.
There were idiots on his side who thought he gave instructions. There are also idiots against him who think he gave instructions. Idiots gonna idiot. Produce quotes if you want to convince me otherwise.

I'm glad you are comfortable with war crimes, we're in for a lot more of them in the future.
You need to show a war crime.

A civilian dying from a strike doesn't make it a war crime.

Donald Trump said that he is thinking about filing a lawsuit to block mail-in balloting for the 2024 election because of issues he had read about with the U.S. Postal Service.

Trump has long objected to both mail-in balloting and early voting because it is heavily favored by Democrats, where Republicans tend to vote on election day. After the 2020 election, he lobbied state legislatures around the country to either ban the practice or make it more restrictive. RNC Co-Chair Lara Trump said last March that Trump intends to push for a federal statute to ban all early and mail-in balloting if he is elected president. Now Trump has moved on to his next plan, which is to use a pretext for a lawsuit to toss all or some mail-in ballots.

Last week, the National Association of State Elections Directors sent a letter to Trump's Postmaster General appointee Louis DeJoy expressing concerns that protocols and regulations that govern election mail are not being followed and training of workers has not been done. The USPS issued a short statement that everything is fine and their concerns are unwarranted.

Democrats have long expressed dissatisfaction with DeJoy as Postmaster General. But the bipartisan Board of Governors for the USPS has refused to remove him and President Biden has steadfastly refused to call for his firing.

Trump seized upon that letter in a social media post to begin setting up his plan to challenge mail-in ballots on the grounds that the Post Office isn't handling ballots properly.
In my neck of the woods, the political ads are starting. Last night there was an anti-Biden/Harris ad based on the increase in the price level over the past 4 years. The best part was - and I quote this verbatim - "ABC proved it with charts".

I really resent being reminded about how fucking stupid the parties think the public is.
In my neck of the woods, the political ads are starting. Last night there was an anti-Biden/Harris ad based on the increase in the price level over the past 4 years. The best part was - and I quote this verbatim - "ABC proved it with charts".

I really resent being reminded about how fucking stupid the parties think the public is.
Starting! Lucky duck.
I’ll tell you one thing, when a politician wants to get in touch with the general public, they sure do a good job of finding common man to put up on the screen. In Ohio, we get some real characters on these political ads.
In my neck of the woods, the political ads are starting. Last night there was an anti-Biden/Harris ad based on the increase in the price level over the past 4 years. The best part was - and I quote this verbatim - "ABC proved it with charts".

I really resent being reminded about how fucking stupid the parties think the public is.
Starting! Lucky duck.
I’ll tell you one thing, when a politician wants to get in touch with the general public, they sure do a good job of finding common man to put up on the screen. In Ohio, we get some real characters on these political ads.
I'm sick and tired of being told Sherrod Brown wants children to get sex changes and have men in women's sports. It is as the GOP has nothing to work with regarding a plan. There are very few pro-Moreno ads at all.

On the House side, I live in the heavily diluted gerrymandered district that Sykes managed to beat GOP version of AOC in 2022. I have seen only ads for Sykes. I haven't seen a positive or negative ad for her opponent. If the GOP wanted to hold onto the House, this seat is one of the rare pickups available.
He didn't incite the riot in the Capital. He told people to peacefully go home. He did not tell them to enter the Capital. He did not tell them to invade the Capital. He did not tell them to steal the lectern. He did not tell them to go into Nancy Pelosi's office and take her laptop. He didn't even tell the police to shoot one person and cause the one death that occurred during the incident.

He did, however, order the strike that killed Nawar Al-Awlaki. But you don't want to talk about that for some reason.
If he didn't do those things why have multiple 1/6ers thought they were following his instructions? Just because he didn't spell it out in a 72 point font doesn't mean the message wasn't communicated.

As for Nawar Al-Awlaki--a human shield died in a strike on a terrorist. It happens. Ugly, but the only alternative is to surrender to the terrorists.
There were idiots on his side who thought he gave instructions. There are also idiots against him who think he gave instructions. Idiots gonna idiot. Produce quotes if you want to convince me otherwise.

I'm glad you are comfortable with war crimes, we're in for a lot more of them in the future.
You need to show a war crime.

A civilian dying from a strike doesn't make it a war crime.
Cheato sat around and watched 1/6 unfold on TV and DID NOTHING. Even when his VP had death threats.

And you conveniently forgot that.
In my neck of the woods, the political ads are starting. Last night there was an anti-Biden/Harris ad based on the increase in the price level over the past 4 years. The best part was - and I quote this verbatim - "ABC proved it with charts".

I really resent being reminded about how fucking stupid the parties think the public is.
I really wish there was a web site that would debunk those lying ads.
In my neck of the woods, the political ads are starting. Last night there was an anti-Biden/Harris ad based on the increase in the price level over the past 4 years. The best part was - and I quote this verbatim - "ABC proved it with charts".

I really resent being reminded about how fucking stupid the parties think the public is.
I really wish there was a web site that would debunk those lying ads.
The size of the staff required... you'd need a budget comparable to that of the campaigns.
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