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The Race For 2024

let him think he won and humor him
BIG problem; he won’t think he won.
He knows he lost the pop vote BIGLY in 2016, he knows he lost the whole shooting match in a landslide in 2020, and he is probably pretty sure he’s gonna lose again this time, but has plans to ensure that it won’t matter.
I'll give you a hint - you're supporting that long schlepp towards Gehenna with your attitude.
I have a feeling that if I tell what I think you're getting at, you'll wail that I mischaracterized you. So why don't you spell it out for me in clearer terms, and we can go from there. There's no need to be shy, we're all friends here. Go on. Make your argument.
No problem. That's actually fair enough.

There is a choice in front of you. Because it is not the exact precise choice that you have fantasized about, you believe throwing a tantrum is the better solution. Personally, I think the upcoming US election is probably the most defining election for the US because of the 2 stark differences on the ballot at the top.

But it's not just the ballot at the top is it? On the first Tuesday of November as citizens you get to vote for a whole bunch of other shit don't you? Like the legislative body (or what you call Congress). Or like the Senate (or what you call the Senate). You even get to vote for "propositions" and Judges and fucking Sheriffs!

And that is how actual change is done. From the fucking ground up. Deciding who is President is a start, but it's only a start.

And if you think that is hard work...tough fucking shit. I'm pretty certain why you only quoted half of my post instead of my whole fucking post; and that was in the hopes you don't get an answer such as this which is to say -

- for the government you want, you have to put the fucking work in and not be a lazy whiny cunt. Those Taliban-esque Christian who basically banned abortion in your country? Those fucking cunts put the work in for fucking decades to make your country more like what they think it deserves. You don't like that? Stop being a lazy cunt and put some effort into it. Or be a first world Afghanistan. I'm done giving a fuck.

Call me what you'd like, mate.
I did vote. I voted for Harris. I voted to end slavery in my state. I voted for my own right to marry. I voted to remove a corrupt city council member. I voted to continue funding the education system and remove carcinogens from school walls. I voted against the frivolous and idiotic attempt to remove my county DA for being too Black. I voted against a measure that was a transparent attempt to confuse voters through unclear wording. I voted against a quiet push to stuff the local school board with anti-literacy Trumpers with deep pockets.

I also work in the public sector amd volunteer most of my "free time" to prison educational outreach, two anti-slavery organizations, the homeless transit center in my neighborhood, environmental cleanup down on the Tuolomne River, and a tutoring program for the kiddos, all on top of my ongoing research interests. I donate well more than a tithe of my pitiful income to school foundations, MSF, Unicef, and Trevor. Just how much more would you ask of me? There are only so many hours in the week. Only so many dollars in the account. The things I do already put me in frequent danger of physical and mental collapse, and you say you want me to give more? A lazy whiny cunt indeed! I barely sleep. I have no friends who aren't colleagues. What more could I possibly be giving? What is it you do that gives you the right to talk down to me? What does a normal week look like for St Patooka the Tireless?

But of course, what you're really upset about isn't my charitable work, or my ballot choices. You didn't even know about those. You don't want to say it, but since it's the only thing you could have known from reading this thread, you must be upset that I dared to criticize Harris. Yes? For heaven's sake. Ignoring the dangerous inaction, occasional collaborationism of the "Left" in this country is not going to make the "Right" go away. You really believe Harris bragging about how big her gun is and how many Republicans she's friends with will bring more voters to her side? Because her polling numbers say this this strategy is not working for her at all. It's been slip, slip, slip for two weeks now, and by all accounts its starting to affect perception of down-ballot issues.
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