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The Race For 2024

I think you have never been in a prison?
I teach a basic skills course in one, from time to time, and I can tell you with some confidence that US prisons and Finnish prisons are not the same. It is true that not all jails are maximum security prisons, but guard brutality, isolation units, denial of medical care, substance abuse, sexual abuse, and organized crime are common experiences within the entire penitentiary system, save for some rural overnight pokeys and a handful of boutique private prisons for the wealthy. Even those are not as nice as tv would have you believe.

Kamala sat down the with enemy - and called it a draw.

Typical male interrupting a female trying to speak. Baier said, well I had to interrupt because she wasn't answering (in the way I wanted).

:hysterical: Harris is fucking clueless.

Baier: You've been in office for three and a half years.
Harris: And Donald Trump is running for Office
Harris: We both know what I am talking about
Baier: Actually I don't, what are you talking about?


Baier: When did you notice Biden was losing it?
Harris: panic sets in, goes off on a rant about Trump

Mark Cuban gives the PERFECT response to Kamala Harris's Fox interview:

"The beautiful thing about the Bret Baier interview is that Kamala Harris understood and responded to each question.

She used examples of policies. She gave real world context.

When Brett went hard after her. She didn’t call him names. She didn’t quit the interview. She didn’t make things up. She never once complained the questions were tough. She never played the victim card. She didn’t lose her temper. She didn’t take the bait to diminish or talk down to Trump supporters.

She stood up to him with force and never backed down.

He has been the President and campaigning for 9 years. Kamala Harris has caught up to him in just 100 days. That speaks volumes.

It’s why people want to vote for her. That’s why so many Republicans and Independents are supporting her.

She is everything her opponent is not and will never be: strong, smart and measured."​

Too bad your Orange Jesus can’t do any of that eh?
Baier: You're administration relaxed sanctions on Iran allowing billions of dollars to go to Iran's proxy armies


Baier: What are you turning the page from
Harris: TRUMP!!! TRUMP!!! TRUMP!!

What a train wreck dopey Harris is. She offers nothing.
Interviewer: What is your plan to bring down home prices?

Trump: burble gurgle sharks, everyone knows! The immigrant murderers! It’s homes, they’re eating the dogs gurgle burp!

See, Swiz? Anyone can type out false quotes like yours. Maybe your little friend believes you? > :hysterical:

Nope. Even he knows how full of it your desperate posts are. 😊
“He has been the President and campaigning for 9 years. Kamala Harris has caught up to him in just 100 days. That speaks volumes.

It’s why people want to vote for her. That’s why so many Republicans and Independents are supporting her.

She is everything her opponent is not and will never be: strong, smart and measured."​

Too bad your Orange Jesus can’t do any of that eh? So you’re stuck with sixth grade name calling. Congrats! 😛
As we speak, some friends of mine are getting savagely beaten by park police in the Capitol, and their horses abused. Why? Because they showed up to observe Indigenous People's Day. A holiday our government supposedly acknowledges now. Of course, they are allegedly blocking a thoroughfare, which as you know is a capital crime in the Capitol, so everyone is fine with the violence. You block a street, you get beaten, right? Even if you're a fucking horse. The officers who are beating these brave women and their animals do not, in theory, work for Trump.
Are you saying that in fact they do work for Trump? If so then you are truly stuffed.
They work for Debra Haaland, herself Native, and she works for us the people under the supervision of Joe Biden. Yet here we all are. Yes, we all need to vote, and for the Democrats. But the Democrats have no power to save us from ourselves if we sit on our laurels while Trump and his people seize estate after estate within our government through no democratic process of any kind. The insurrectionists are happy to take an electoral victory when that is a possibility, but they do not give up just because they've lost an election.
Are you saying that in fact they do work for Trump? If so then you are truly stuffed.
I'm saying that fascist ideology is not the sole property of the Trump campaign.
You almost sound like you think the Democrats are not the solution and neither are the Republicans. (Perhaps I am misunderstanding you?)
Solution? Let's focus on survival. But I certainly do not trust the national party system to solve anything, communities need to look after themselves as best as they can. If the party system was a rigorous defense against corruption and manipulation by extreme ideologies, Trump would not be a national figure in the first place.
Prison labor wages in the United States are typically low, and vary significantly by state:
Right. I don't object to prisoners being paid more. Not as much as they would earn outside because of expensive room and board, but certainly much more than now.

That said, I think calling prison labor "slavery" as Politesse is doing, or saying that prisoners should not be expected to contribute to the kitchens, libraries and other facilities they are using goes way too far.
Are you using some off-beat or confused definition of fascism? Fascism typically succeeds BECAUSE of the ballot box (or other popular power), when demagogues push prejudices which "democratically" overwhelm leadership by rational good-spirited statesmen.
Proto-fascists succeed when the mainstream politics fails a country.
Take Europe. I oppose parties like AfD or National Rally, but their popularity is due to the failure of mainstream parties. Take mass migration as an example. Mainstream parties, including center-right parties like C?U in Germany, opened the floodgates to Muslim mass migration from cultures incompatible with the West, resulting in creation of a fifth columnesque parallel society.
Example: Radical Islamists gather in Hamburg to call for caliphate
What's worse, the mainstream parties as well as media pushed the narrative that anybody who objected to this Willkommenskultur was a racist and xenophobe. That pushed people who were rightly concerned about creeping Islamization right into the arms of the far right.
When fascists do come to power, they usually revise political rules to make their power long-lasting. We already see that in the U.S. where "red" states have been routinely changing rules to keep a Democratic majority out of power.
Not that Dems don't do things like gerrymandering when it benefits them, for example in Illinois and New York.
In the (increasingly unlikely) event that Harris-Walz win next month's election, the threat of fascist take-over will not disappear overnight but should diminish over time. Victory by Trump-Vance OTOH will immediately escalate Russian influence in Europe and that of other fascists around the world; and it is likely to represent the end of America's great experiment in democracy.
We will see soon enough, one way or the other.
Prison labor wages in the United States are typically low, and vary significantly by state:
Right. I don't object to prisoners being paid more. Not as much as they would earn outside because of expensive room and board, but certainly much more than now.

That said, I think calling prison labor "slavery" as Politesse is doing, or saying that prisoners should not be expected to contribute to the kitchens, libraries and other facilities they are using goes way too far.
You're braver than your party! They haven't dared to openly endorse slave labor this time, didn't so much as prepare a statement.
But then, perhaps they simply suspected that voters would do the job on their own, without any expensive campaigning needed. As does seem unfortunately likely. Polling has the issue at around 50% right now.
As is already happening. Numerically, the Trump machine has been losing all along. Again and again. But here we are, on the brink of once again electing Trump president against the will of a strong majority of our citizens.
Under the rules of US elections, Trump won fair and square in 2016. Yes, he got fewer votes, but he had a better battleground game than Hillary.
Seizing control of Congress against the will of most of our elected representatives.
How so?
Seizing control of the Supreme Court by refusing to following Constitutional law as regards appointment and daring anyone to do anything about it.
McTurtle refusing to vote on Obama's SCOTUS pick was scummy politics, but it was not contrary to COTUS.
And if you want to know how they plan to continue to widen the gap between what they know the will of the citizens to be and that which they desire to impose, they published their plans in detail in a not-so-secret document that Trump pretends not to know about. If, as seems almost certain, Trump is about to be re-elected, the path to their goals is more straightforward for them.
You and Swammerdami are very pessimistic about the election, but it is very much a tossup. I would not call it one way or the other yet.
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