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The Race For 2024

Immigration is a good thing.
Prove me wrong.

Fearmongers keep on fearmongering.
Ask Africa, the Americas, and Oceania about the dangers of allowing European "traders", "mercernaries", and "missionaries" into the sovereign territories of non-European nations...
Those weren't immigrants.
It's useful to note how the Red/Blue (Elephant/Donkey) divide has evolved in the USA. Throughout much of the 20th century, one could guess which way a person voted by looking at the clothes they wore Monday through Friday! Those with white collars voted for the Rs; those with blue collars voted for the Ds. Of course there were millions of exceptions, but the correlation was very strong.

By 3 or 4 decades ago, religion had replaced career path as the better predictor. Those who went to church every Sunday voted R; non-churchgoers voted D. Again correlation was very high but of course not absolute.

More recently education level has become an excellent predictor. PhDs overwhelmingly vote for the Ds, while high-school dropouts vote overwhelmingly for the Rs. College grads, some college, high school grads form a gradient in the obvious way. Of course education level has an (imperfect) correlation with IQ. AFAIK, researchers haven't determined whether party affiliation correlates even more strongly with IQ than it does with education.

This has had a profound effect on American politics. In the time of the Bushes, at least the GOP was elected based on "Christian values." But what about now? Is the GOP running on "stupid values"? 8-)

As a case in point, consider Dick and Liz Cheney. These two were considered poster kids for the extreme right-wing. They were widely despised but nobody ever called them unintelligent. Their IQs are at least 110+ so it's little surprise they have abandoned the Party which caters to stupidity and now support Harris. (Of course politicians often pursue a path very different from ordinary voters. Ted Cruz, for example, surely has a very high IQ, but he knows how to butter his bread.)

I write all this as preface to my response to Mr. unapologetic. Boards like this with intense political discussions do need input from Republican thinkers but spokesmen for "the right" articulate enough to post on message-boards are hard to come by.

I wasn't sure if TSwizzle is reportable.
Am I the only one who recognizes he is a contrarian? A troll who only posts shit to antagonize people.
Why would anyone read project 2025?
So that you know what the fuck you are talking about.

No need to insult. The IIDB should be very grateful it has a Trump supporter as intelligent, articulate and well-informed as Mr. TSwizzle.
Well, at his rally in Madison Square Garden the audience got warmed up by a 'comedian' telling all kinds of racist jokes.

Makes me wonder what the black and latino people in the audience were thinking.
Just for the record, I have ruled this 2024 race a Unknown. I think the polling can be interpreted to support a widespread Electoral College win for either candidate and it could swing anywhere in between. I think Harris has at least an Al Gore size popular vote win.
Well, at his rally in Madison Square Garden the audience got warmed up by a 'comedian' telling all kinds of racist jokes.

Makes me wonder what the black and latino people in the audience were thinking.

It reminds me of Chris Rock going on about women dancing to sexist lyrics because... you know it doesn't apply to me. Trump has made a hard push for the bigoted minority vote. It is the Undiscovered Country for the GOP. The GOP have for decades convinced poor white people to support them despite most of the stuff the GOP supports is against their own personal interests. Stephan Miller saw a last untapped population center in bigoted minorities.
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