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The Race For 2024

You think Biden is fit for another five years?! Really?
Of course he is. He has the best people.
Thats why he has accomplished record job growth, the fastest economic recovery in the world and dozens of bipartisan bills passed with thinnest of margins in Congress.
Talk about contrast ….
Trump’s “best people” are all testifying against him in CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS. If they’re not in jail already.

This is very important.
I started to edit my post to include it.

Biden has a staff of people with demonstrated abilities to do their jobs. Trump surrounded himself with lackeys.
The prestigious Daily Mail would never stoop to embellishing a story to smear a Democratic candidate, would it? 🥱 I looked at the hit piece to see what could possibly be behind Biden's disastrous behavior on this trip. It looks like they did manage to get some cell phone footage of a small group of people shouting insults at his motorcade. (I listened for the f-bomb but must have missed it.) I guess that there are even some MAGA Republicans in Hawaii after all. Obama's home state. How could that be? The "reinforced boots" video snippet was basically some harmless banter he engaged in with folks, but nobody seemed to take it amiss. Like Trump, the man occasionally rambles. Both men are advanced in their years. No question about it. I guess this is how the MAGA crowd hopes to get Trump reelected. Play the dementia card, and hope the voters don't care about all the criminal trials. :shrug:

You think Biden is fit for another five years?! Really?
More so than Trump.
I take Tswizzle's response of rolling eyes as an admission that he has no counterargument to this. Thanks.
The prestigious Daily Mail would never stoop to embellishing a story to smear a Democratic candidate, would it? 🥱 I looked at the hit piece to see what could possibly be behind Biden's disastrous behavior on this trip. It looks like they did manage to get some cell phone footage of a small group of people shouting insults at his motorcade. (I listened for the f-bomb but must have missed it.) I guess that there are even some MAGA Republicans in Hawaii after all. Obama's home state. How could that be? The "reinforced boots" video snippet was basically some harmless banter he engaged in with folks, but nobody seemed to take it amiss. Like Trump, the man occasionally rambles. Both men are advanced in their years. No question about it. I guess this is how the MAGA crowd hopes to get Trump reelected. Play the dementia card, and hope the voters don't care about all the criminal trials. :shrug:

You think Biden is fit for another five years?! Really?
More so than Trump.
I take Tswizzle's response of rolling eyes as an admission that he has no counterargument to this. Thanks.
Thank you for reconfirming.
The prestigious Daily Mail would never stoop to embellishing a story to smear a Democratic candidate, would it? 🥱 I looked at the hit piece to see what could possibly be behind Biden's disastrous behavior on this trip. It looks like they did manage to get some cell phone footage of a small group of people shouting insults at his motorcade. (I listened for the f-bomb but must have missed it.) I guess that there are even some MAGA Republicans in Hawaii after all. Obama's home state. How could that be? The "reinforced boots" video snippet was basically some harmless banter he engaged in with folks, but nobody seemed to take it amiss. Like Trump, the man occasionally rambles. Both men are advanced in their years. No question about it. I guess this is how the MAGA crowd hopes to get Trump reelected. Play the dementia card, and hope the voters don't care about all the criminal trials. :shrug:

You think Biden is fit for another five years?! Really?
More so than Trump.
I take Tswizzle's response of rolling eyes as an admission that he has no counterargument to this. Thanks.
Thank you for reconfirming.
Uh oh… it’s a race now!
The prestigious Daily Mail would never stoop to embellishing a story to smear a Democratic candidate, would it? 🥱 I looked at the hit piece to see what could possibly be behind Biden's disastrous behavior on this trip. It looks like they did manage to get some cell phone footage of a small group of people shouting insults at his motorcade. (I listened for the f-bomb but must have missed it.) I guess that there are even some MAGA Republicans in Hawaii after all. Obama's home state. How could that be? The "reinforced boots" video snippet was basically some harmless banter he engaged in with folks, but nobody seemed to take it amiss. Like Trump, the man occasionally rambles. Both men are advanced in their years. No question about it. I guess this is how the MAGA crowd hopes to get Trump reelected. Play the dementia card, and hope the voters don't care about all the criminal trials. :shrug:

You think Biden is fit for another five years?! Really?
More so than Trump.
I take Tswizzle's response of rolling eyes as an admission that he has no counterargument to this. Thanks.
Thank you for reconfirming.
Uh oh… it’s a race now!
Sigh… if you insist on winning this one I’ll gladly admit you can reach the bottom of the barrel faster than I. Congratulations! You’ll likely just eye roll this post too. That’s how we will know you’ve won.
I’ll be away from my phone for a bit so I’m not likely to respond to the next eye roll. Need to go check the weather forecast in Santa Monica.
Cheer up, Swizzle. If Biden doesn't run, you could get 4 years of Gruesome Newsom. 😁
Cheer up, Swizzle. If Biden doesn't run, you could get 4 years of Gruesome Newsom. 😁

It is likely that Newsom will run when Biden is forced to quit. If I were Biden, I wouldn't let Newsom stand behind me when at the top of the stairs. I wonder who Newsom's running mate would be? What a combo that would be, Kamala Harris and Governor Goodhair Newsom.
Cheer up, Swizzle. If Biden doesn't run, you could get 4 years of Gruesome Newsom. 😁

It is likely that Newsom will run when Biden is forced to quit. If I were Biden, I wouldn't let Newsom stand behind me when at the top of the stairs. I wonder who Newsom's running mate would be? What a combo that would be, Kamala Harris and Governor Goodhair Newsom.
I would be embarrassed at how childish the above is. But you do you.
Cheer up, Swizzle. If Biden doesn't run, you could get 4 years of Gruesome Newsom. 😁

It is likely that Newsom will run when Biden is forced to quit. If I were Biden, I wouldn't let Newsom stand behind me when at the top of the stairs. I wonder who Newsom's running mate would be? What a combo that would be, Kamala Harris and Governor Goodhair Newsom.

I'm pretty sure that the presidential candidate with the most to worry about, concerning vicious, even violent, attacks from his party fellows,

Isn't Biden.
Oh dear lord;

Trump reelected. Play the dementia card, and hope the voters don't care about all the criminal trials. :shrug:

To say nothing of Trump’s own evident dementia — covfefe, anyone? :unsure:

All in all, it looks like another Swizzle Fizzle. Anyone who uses the Daily Mail as a source may have his own cognitive issues to consider.
It’s also interesting how the “cabbage” had more important legislative accomplishments in his first two years in office than any president since LBJ, and unlike him, he did it with sharply divided, polarized, partisan Congress. And how the same Republicans who dismiss him as a cabbage were howling like stuck pigs over how the “cabbage” outwitted Republicans on the debt ceiling and many other issues.
Didn’t you mom tell you, TS? If you keep doing that, your face will get stuck that way!
Cheer up, Swizzle. If Biden doesn't run, you could get 4 years of Gruesome Newsom. 😁

It is likely that Newsom will run when Biden is forced to quit. If I were Biden, I wouldn't let Newsom stand behind me when at the top of the stairs. I wonder who Newsom's running mate would be? What a combo that would be, Kamala Harris and Governor Goodhair Newsom.

All of this from that awful, embarrassing, disastrous trip to Maui. After all, Biden should have taken a lesson from the former president and tossed paper towels into the crowd. They would have loved him. Most of the MSM is ignoring how badly Biden screwed up, but not MSNBC. Chris Hayes reports on the Maui missteps:

I crunched the numbers from the NYT article on R-voter demographics, and I found these axes of variation, The first one:

- Trump, + Ukraine, - Very Conservative, + Abortion, - No Immigration, (+) Indiv. Freedom > Trad. Values, (-) No Corp Woke

The second one, half the length of the first one:

+ Lower Corp Taxes > Import Tariffs, + Very Conservative, - Abortion, - No Corp Woke

The other axes were a half or less of the second one.

Plotting the locations of the various types of Republican voters, the longest axis of them is, in order:

Right-Wingers, Blue-Collar Populists, (Libertarian Conservatives, Traditional Conservatives), Newcomers, Moderate Establishment

The second-longest axis of them:

Blue-Collar Populists, (Newcomers, Libertarian Conservatives, Moderate Establishment, Right-Wingers), Traditional Conservatives

For my part, of Republican politicians, I can only stomach Moderate Establishment ones.
All of this from that awful, embarrassing, disastrous trip to Maui.
All of what? Brandon is an old duffer, he's getting worse. We all see it. Brandon will be lucky to finish this term the way he's going let alone see out another term. And that toad Newsom has been angling for a a chance to run for the past year.

Brandon is finished, look at the state of him. Jeezus, he hardly knows where he is half the time.

But if that's your guy, have at it.
All of this from that awful, embarrassing, disastrous trip to Maui.
All of what? Brandon is an old duffer, he's getting worse. We all see it. Brandon will be lucky to finish this term the way he's going let alone see out another term. And that toad Newsom has been angling for a a chance to run for the past year.

Brandon is finished, look at the state of him. Jeezus, he hardly knows where he is half the time.

But if that's your guy, have at it.

Just keep watching your right-wing media echo chamber, while also repeatedly avloiding my point that I proved you were wrong when you said all man-made climate change models of the past few decades were wrong, when in fact they were right. When the cabbage takes the oath of office for the second time on Jan. 20, 2025, I’ll be back to point and laugh at you, and at yet another Swizzle Fizzle. :ROFLMAO:
Brandon is finished, look at the state of him. Jeezus, he hardly knows where he is half the time.

But if that's your guy, have at it.

You keep repeating this sort of claptrap like you're trying to convince yourself it's true.
It isn't.

I would dearly love to see someone who isn't as old and old school. But, at the moment, the other front runner is a known criminal. An Anti-American, who's probably a Russian agent but too self absorbed to realize it. That's Trump.
I don't find DeSantis much better.

Biden isn't my ideal choice, but he's vastly better than any TeaPartier.
Well, he needs to bitch about something, and being out of Afghanistan, inflation is near the level desired by The Fed, the lack of a recession, and this low unemployment level makes it hard to bitch about stuff that actually matters.

All that is left is "the debt" and "he is old".
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