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The Race For 2024

You don't have to be a MAGA Republican to think Joe Biden is too old to be POTUS:
You don't have to be a socialist Democrat to think Biden was way better than any of the other feasible choices in 2020.
I don't know about "way better". Relooking at the candidates again I wonder if Amy Klobachar or Pete B. would have been more sensible choices, though neither are as experienced as I would have liked, or particularly light my fire.

What does "more sensible" mean in that context?

One thing I learned from the 2008 election is that experience matters. With the clarity of hindsight, I've long wished that Hillary had been the easiest election win ever.

Oh well. Some black kid from Chicago beat a wealthy, white, male, connected, experienced war veteran. Even after McCain added the best pair of boobs ever seen on a presidential ticket.
Wink Wink

Pete B and various people like him and what's left of the conservative right might be great candidates one day. But I'm talking about the here and now.
Looking back, I’m very impressed with Sleepy Joe’s incredibly effective term in office, and would recommend him for another on that basis alone. My misgivings are ALL centered on his marketability. If he was even a half assed orator, I would not be worried. But the truth is he’s TERRIBLE. There will be 8 people on one stage tonight, every one of whom is a better speaker, even if their ideas are shit.
Looking back, I’m very impressed with Sleepy Joe’s incredibly effective term in office, and would recommend him for another on that basis alone

In comparison to what?
Not sure what you'd like me to compare... Biden's performance? Best since Obama is the very least I could say. Top 5 in my lifetime.

Electability... if he wasn't likely running against a senile, twice indicted, 91 times charged with felonies, halfwitted known criminal rapist gangster, that would be a huge concern.

Compared to any other Dem who has stepped forward to oppose his nomination (is there one?), he seems to be the default because I have no idea who I'd be comparing him to.
You may not have watched the Chris Hayes video snippet that I gave you, but I think he really nailed it. Most people don't see Biden as the same suffering, senile fool as those like yourself do who are caught inside the right wing information bubble.
I watched about 40 seconds. In Brandon, I see an old codger in decline, getting more and more frail every time I see him on TV and every time he opens his mouth. I see a very elderly man that looks like he's going to be in an old folks home quite soon. That you think this is some sort of right wing MAGA conspiracy is quite astonishing. What do you actually see when you look at Biden? It's not as if he's a spry 80 year old.

Too bad. You had to stick with it to get the point he was making, especially when he got to the dog clip that you mentioned in your post. Anyway, I'm not surprised. You are in that bubble, because you chose to put yourself there. I can understand that it might be uncomfortable to step outside of it for longer than 40 seconds.

What was his point? That Biden isn't really in his 80s? He's only 65 and a few months and any talk of his age is a MAGA conspiracy.

His point was that the right wing information bubble has people like you completely convinced that he is corrupt, bungling, and senile. The story you brought here was part of a Republican oppo campaign to maintain that impression, but everyone else looking at the same clips sees nothing like what you are being fed. For example, Biden's joking remark about the dog wearing boots was just some harmless banter with its owner and others in the crowd, but you saw it as evidence of some kind of mental breakdown. People on the right lose their minds over this kind of crap, but this is the best that Biden's opposition can come up with. Democrats can also lose their minds over minor things that Trump does, but they can also point to genuine evidence of corruption, criminality, and mental instability. Republicans have been searching for genuine evidence to support the impression of Biden that impresses their base, but they clearly have nothing. It isn't going to convince anyone but the already convinced.
I find Biden to be a half loaf of stale bread. But the current GOP candidates are collectively warm, wet cowflops. How about Jack Smith for president in 2028?
You may not have watched the Chris Hayes video snippet that I gave you, but I think he really nailed it. Most people don't see Biden as the same suffering, senile fool as those like yourself do who are caught inside the right wing information bubble.
I watched about 40 seconds. In Brandon, I see an old codger in decline, getting more and more frail every time I see him on TV and every time he opens his mouth. I see a very elderly man that looks like he's going to be in an old folks home quite soon. That you think this is some sort of right wing MAGA conspiracy is quite astonishing. What do you actually see when you look at Biden? It's not as if he's a spry 80 year old.

Too bad. You had to stick with it to get the point he was making, especially when he got to the dog clip that you mentioned in your post. Anyway, I'm not surprised. You are in that bubble, because you chose to put yourself there. I can understand that it might be uncomfortable to step outside of it for longer than 40 seconds.

What was his point? That Biden isn't really in his 80s? He's only 65 and a few months and any talk of his age is a MAGA conspiracy.

His point was that the right wing information bubble has people like you completely convinced that he is corrupt, bungling, and senile. The story you brought here was part of a Republican oppo campaign to maintain that impression, but everyone else looking at the same clips sees nothing like what you are being fed. For example, Biden's joking remark about the dog wearing boots was just some harmless banter with its owner and others in the crowd, but you saw it as evidence of some kind of mental breakdown. People on the right lose their minds over this kind of crap, but this is the best that Biden's opposition can come up with. Democrats can also lose their minds over minor things that Trump does, but they can also point to genuine evidence of corruption, criminality, and mental instability. Republicans have been searching for genuine evidence to support the impression of Biden that impresses their base, but it isn't going to win them any new votes.

We have a long list of quotes from many people who worked with Trump when he was president. None of them complimentary as to Trump's intelligence. We do not need a moron like Trump in office again.

"This fifty-page memo that we would normally give to any other president about what his options are is something Trump literally can't read. The man doesn't read. We've gotta boil this down into a one-pager in his voice," Taylor told podcast host Brett Meiselas on Tuesday. "And so I had to write this incandescently stupid memo called something like, 'Afghanistan, How to Put America First and Win.' And then bullet by bullet, I summed up this highly classified memo into Trump's sort of bombastic language because it was the only way he was gonna understand," Taylor added. "I mean, I literally said in there, 'You know, if we leave Afghanistan too fast, the terrorists will call us losers."

I find Biden to be a half loaf of stale bread. But the current GOP candidates are collectively warm, wet cowflops. How about Jack Smith for president in 2028?
How about ANYONE who has proven their dedication to public service?
I bet Jack would be relatively ineffective as a president compared to Joe. Experience counts for a lot. He would be a far better president than Joe would be a courtroom lawyer, though! It’s so unfortunate that Joe’s speech is impaired; his thought processes seem to be aok (and he is not a greedy fascist monster).
Seems to be a growing group of legal scholars pushing the 14 th amendment sec. 3.
And when they start convincing election officials who control the ballots let me know. That’s when it will begin to get interesting.
What is interesting is that it would only take a few crucial swing states ti refuse his place on the ballot to scupper his electoral chances.
Seems to be a growing group of legal scholars pushing the 14 th amendment sec. 3.
And when they start convincing election officials who control the ballots let me know. That’s when it will begin to get interesting.
What is interesting is that it would only take a few crucial swing states ti refuse his place on the ballot to scupper his electoral chances.
Maybe Rhondee Santis can be talked into getting him disqualified in FL 🤣
His point was that the right wing information bubble has people like you completely convinced that he is corrupt, bungling, and senile.
Jeezus christ, you really are down with this MAGA conspiracy. Are you going to tell me that Biden isn't 80 years old and isn't looking every day of it?

The story you brought here was part of a Republican oppo campaign to maintain that impression, but everyone else looking at the same clips sees nothing like what you are being fed.
I'm not consuming Republican oppo campaigns. What I see on the news is a very old, frail geezer that is in decline and will be in an old folks home soon. If you disagree with that, okay. We can just agree to disagree and we will see how the old coot gets on over the next eight months.

For example, Biden's joking remark about the dog wearing boots was just some harmless banter with its owner and others in the crowd, but you saw it as evidence of some kind of mental breakdown.
I don't remember mentioning anything about boots did I? I just said look at the state of him. His rambling about a kitchen fire in his house is odd for sure.
His point was that the right wing information bubble has people like you completely convinced that he is corrupt, bungling, and senile.
Jeezus christ, you really are down with this MAGA conspiracy. Are you going to tell me that Biden isn't 80 years old and isn't looking every day of it?

Why would I tell you that? I'm not trying to downplay how old he is, but how he looks depends on the person doing the looking. What you see is not the same thing that people outside of the the right wing bubble see.

The story you brought here was part of a Republican oppo campaign to maintain that impression, but everyone else looking at the same clips sees nothing like what you are being fed.
I'm not consuming Republican oppo campaigns. What I see on the news is a very old, frail geezer that is in decline and will be in an old folks home soon. If you disagree with that, okay. We can just agree to disagree and we will see how the old coot gets on over the next eight months.

Yet you manage to spout the party line here almost perfectly when it comes to how you perceive Biden. That Maui story was played all over the Republican echo chamber, but seldom outside of it. You call what you see "news", but it makes a difference how it is reported to you. Most Americans see the old, but not necessarily the frail or the mental incapacity.

For example, Biden's joking remark about the dog wearing boots was just some harmless banter with its owner and others in the crowd, but you saw it as evidence of some kind of mental breakdown.
I don't remember mentioning anything about boots did I? I just said look at the state of him. His rambling about a kitchen fire in his house is odd for sure.

You are right. I got that from the stories of the incident I found in right wing (largely Murdoch-published) sources. For example:

Biden faces brutal backlash for ‘poor taste’ jokes while visiting Maui wildfires site: ‘Comic relief tour

I was looking around to see where you got the story from in your original remark:

Joe Biden has sparked outrage by comparing the Hawaiian blaze that killed at least 114 people to a kitchen fire - and joking about 'hot ground' to a rescuer. The President's motorcade was met with screams of 'f*** you' after he finally arrived in Maui. Biden compounded the anger in a garbled, meandering speech about the deaths of his wife and daughter in 1972, before comparing the horrific blaze to a kitchen fire at his Delaware home in 2004. The 80-year-old capped off his disastrous five-hour tour by asking a rescue team whether their boots were reinforced, noting the 'hot ground' beneath their feet in a tone-deaf attempt at humor.

I found the original video where he was petting the cadaver dog and mentioning how hot the ground was. He is a dog lover. He then looked at the crowd and said "You guys catch the boots out here? That’s a hot ground, man". That was it. There was nothing in the video to justify treating his remark as if it were evidence of him being senile. It was a perfectly normal thing to say, and nobody seemed to think it odd except for the right wing echo chamber. The angry greeters shouting at his motorcade looked very much like a staged event for social media. The "kitchen fire" remark was odd, but it has long been part of his repertoire of banter with voters. He embellishes it a lot in the repetition, and that is something that happens quite normally with younger politicians, journalists, and public figures who give repeated accounts of past experiences. The original incident was apparently a minor fire in which they called the fire department. He didn't lose his home.
Republicans will not make the mistake of putting up a withered relic! Their relic will be fully dewithered. The makeup crew will be top notch, you can bet on it. If they have to they’ll go back to central casting and demand a fresh look. But face it; your guy is simply unsalvageable, no matter what the Republicans do. Nobody is going to vote for him. The only way Trump loses is if there’s massive election fraud, like last time. Because Republicans are clever strategists and deep thinkers. Not as deep as poor Brandon’s wrinkles, but deep enough!
Kamala Harris is no favorite of mine either.

She's still a hundred times less objectionable than anyone in the GOP top 20 list.

All they have to do is get to late November next year.
Kamala reminds me, in some ways, of Godzillary Clinton. Good ways. As in "I'm following the law, but I ain't taking no shit off you boys! Things are gonna happen that you will regret."
Yeah, these days the Republicans are incapable of selecting someone who isn't horrible.
At this point I will settle for anyone but Trump and Biden.
His point was that the right wing information bubble has people like you completely convinced that he is corrupt, bungling, and senile.
Jeezus christ, you really are down with this MAGA conspiracy. Are you going to tell me that Biden isn't 80 years old and isn't looking every day of it?

Why would I tell you that? I'm not trying to downplay how old he is, but how he looks depends on the person doing the looking. What you see is not the same thing that people outside of the the right wing bubble see.

I've told you what I see, numerous times and refuse to believe what I say for some weird obsession you have to make it about right wing MAGA conspiracies. If someone doesn't agree with you it just has to be because they are in a right wing MAGA bubble, it's tedious and it's gaslighting.

I'm done with it.
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