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The Race For 2024

His point was that the right wing information bubble has people like you completely convinced that he is corrupt, bungling, and senile.
Jeezus christ, you really are down with this MAGA conspiracy. Are you going to tell me that Biden isn't 80 years old and isn't looking every day of it?

Why would I tell you that? I'm not trying to downplay how old he is, but how he looks depends on the person doing the looking. What you see is not the same thing that people outside of the the right wing bubble see.

I've told you what I see, numerous times and refuse to believe what I say for some weird obsession you have to make it about right wing MAGA conspiracies. If someone doesn't agree with you it just has to be because they are in a right wing MAGA bubble, it's tedious and it's gaslighting.

I'm done with it.

What you see is what you want to see, and what your right-wing overlords tell you that you want to see. It has no relation to reality. Biden is indeed spry for an 80-year-old man. He doesn’t smoke or drink. He exercises and rides a bike regularly. He makes many trips across the country and overseas, keeping a schedule that would daunt most people 20 years his junior, especially the obese slobs who mainline Faux News and worship their orange golem. There is no evidence of a lack of mental clarity. Someties he nakes gaffes, but he has always done that. He’s not a great public speaker, but he never has been. And no one should forget that the man has a stutter that he must work to overcome. All in all, it’s another Swizzle Fizzle for you, I’m afraid.
What in the hell?!

I expected the Carlson thing to be nonsense, but this is Orwellian nonsense. Reads almost like sick satire.
Tucker Carlson said:
The reason I’m asking you {Does Trump believe Epstein was murdered} is I’m looking at the trajectory since 2015 when you got into politics. They started with protests against you, massive protests, organized protests by the left, and then it moved to impeachment twice. And now indictment. I mean, the next stages is violence. Are you worried that they’re going to try and kill you? Why wouldn’t they try and kill you? Honestly.

But wait... there is more.
article said:
And then came Carlson’s last question: “Do you think we’re moving towards civil war?”

Trump’s response this time was not reassuring. He noted that there was “tremendous passion, and there’s tremendous love” in the country, then pivoted to praise the crowd who attended his speech outside the White House on Jan. 6, 2021.

“People in that crowd said it was the most beautiful day they’ve ever experienced,” Trump said. He added: “I have never seen such spirit and such passion and such love. And I’ve also never seen, simultaneously, and from the same people, such hatred of what they’ve done to our country.”

Carlson pressed: Was it possible there would be open conflict?

Trump said he didn’t know, adding that “there’s a level of passion that I’ve never seen [and] there’s a level of hatred that I’ve never seen, and that’s probably a bad combination.”
This is a prelude, an homage, to near future political violence.
At this point I will settle for anyone but Trump and Biden.
Biden, old but competent politician that has managed to get stuff done with at best bare majorities in Congress.

Trump, old and incompetent narcissist who suggested in a taped interview with Carlson "People in that crowd (January 6th) said it was the most beautiful day they’ve ever experienced." Who tried to scam the Ukrainian President into announcing a fake investigation into Biden. Who suggested doctors and scientists look into the use of disinfectant internally to combat the virus.
His point was that the right wing information bubble has people like you completely convinced that he is corrupt, bungling, and senile.
Jeezus christ, you really are down with this MAGA conspiracy. Are you going to tell me that Biden isn't 80 years old and isn't looking every day of it?

Why would I tell you that? I'm not trying to downplay how old he is, but how he looks depends on the person doing the looking. What you see is not the same thing that people outside of the the right wing bubble see.

I've told you what I see, numerous times and refuse to believe what I say for some weird obsession you have to make it about right wing MAGA conspiracies. If someone doesn't agree with you it just has to be because they are in a right wing MAGA bubble, it's tedious and it's gaslighting.

I'm done with it.

I believe that you see Joe Biden exactly as you've described him, and it isn't a perception that is unique to you. You offer those descriptions freely here as if you expected them to be obvious to everyone else. I've seen the smear campaign in lots of right wing media, particularly but not exclusively Murdoch-owned outlets, so it is no mystery to me about what is influencing you. I'm just as entitled as you are to express my perceptions of the man and to explain why I don't share your perception. You accuse me of gaslighting, but you seem oblivious to the fact that your constant repetition of right wing talking points about Joe Biden will be perceived by others as tedious and gaslighting. The footage of Biden petting a dog in Maui was not evidence of senile dementia.
His point was that the right wing information bubble has people like you completely convinced that he is corrupt, bungling, and senile.
Jeezus christ, you really are down with this MAGA conspiracy. Are you going to tell me that Biden isn't 80 years old and isn't looking every day of it?

Why would I tell you that? I'm not trying to downplay how old he is, but how he looks depends on the person doing the looking. What you see is not the same thing that people outside of the the right wing bubble see.

I've told you what I see, numerous times and refuse to believe what I say for some weird obsession you have to make it about right wing MAGA conspiracies. If someone doesn't agree with you it just has to be because they are in a right wing MAGA bubble, it's tedious and it's gaslighting.

I'm done with it.

Oh behave yourself.
I believe that you see Joe Biden exactly as you've described him, and it isn't a perception that is unique to you. You offer those descriptions freely here as if you expected them to be obvious to everyone else.
No, you have consistently gaslighted what I have said saying I am under the spell of some weird MAGA conspiracy nonsense. Saying the obvious fact that Brandon is an old geezer is hardly a right wing MAGA oppo, he actually IS in his eighties.

I've seen the smear campaign in lots of right wing media, particularly but not exclusively Murdoch-owned outlets, so it is no mystery to me about what is influencing you.
I assure you, you are reading more right wind material than me.

I'm just as entitled as you are to express my perceptions of the man and to explain why I don't share your perception.
You gaslight me as being under the spell of Rupert Murdoch for pointing out Brandon is an old geezer. That's not an explanation of anything.

You accuse me of gaslighting, but you seem oblivious to the fact that your constant repetition of right wing talking points about Joe Biden will be perceived by others as tedious and gaslighting. The footage of Biden petting a dog in Maui was not evidence of senile dementia.

lol, I never said it was, that is something you bring up. WTF dude, (or dudette) you're the one under the MAGA conspiracy here.
You gaslight me as being under the spell of Rupert Murdoch for pointing out Brandon is an old geezer. That's not an explanation of anything.
Because we're trying to help you understand why you keep bringing up his age and looks. He's not auditioning for a swim suit modeling job.

You don't seem interested in discussing his policies and performance. I think he's doing extremely well, considering the level of obstruction. From SCOTUS to Capitol Hill to state legislatures, the GOP has become the party of obstruction.
I'd say Biden is doing spectacularly well being up against that headwind.
lol, I never said it was, that is something you bring up. WTF dude, (or dudette) you're the one under the MAGA conspiracy here.

OK, Swizzle. You call it a "MAGA conspiracy", but it is just standard Republican rhetoric and gaslighting. Apparently, you manage to repeat all of their talking points without actually exposing yourself to the right wing blathersphere. :shrug:
lol, I never said it was, that is something you bring up. WTF dude, (or dudette) you're the one under the MAGA conspiracy here.

OK, Swizzle. You call it a "MAGA conspiracy", but it is just standard Republican rhetoric and gaslighting. Apparently, you manage to repeat all of their talking points without actually exposing yourself to the right wing blathersphere. :shrug:

The talking point you accused me of repeating was the dog banter and we have established that it was YOU that brought that up, not I.
lol, I never said it was, that is something you bring up. WTF dude, (or dudette) you're the one under the MAGA conspiracy here.

OK, Swizzle. You call it a "MAGA conspiracy", but it is just standard Republican rhetoric and gaslighting. Apparently, you manage to repeat all of their talking points without actually exposing yourself to the right wing blathersphere. :shrug:

The talking point you accused me of repeating was the dog banter and we have established that it was YOU that brought that up, not I.
Agreed. The only thing you are repeating is what you "read" in The Daily Mail.
The only thing you are repeating is what you "read" in The Daily Mail.
… and? That’s what they do.
I have come across very few indoctrinated inhabitants of the RW media bubble who don’t sound exactly like him.
I’m guessing if someone of any age were followed around all day long having their activities recorded it wouldn’t be hard to find an isolated two minutes that make that someone look like an idiot.
The problem with people who have no ability to discuss or understand beyond posting rolleyes, is THEY VOTE.
That's how we got a career criminal mobster installed in the Whitehouse (with considerable help from his pal Putin).
Now Tucker asks him "Why wouldn’t they try and kill you?". Well, Tuck, it's like this: Your loser boy is the Democrats' very best hope for retaining the Whitehouse, winning back the HoR and increasing their margin in the Senate.
The best thing that could ever happen to the insurrectionists, would be to convert their criminal conman headache into a martyr. I won't be a bit surprised if some savvy RW extremist takes him out to clear the field for a more effective Nazi like Ramaswami.
Biden is in better physical and mental shape than many 40 year olds I've known, including some who were patients of mine in an assisted living facility. People age differently. I've known people in their mid 90s who were mentally very sharp. Sadly, I've had 2 patients who were victims of Alzheimer's dementia who were in their 40s and one with frontal lobe dementia who was about 60. While it's true that dementia usually impacts people over 85, there have been people in their 30s with AD. There is almost always a genetic link to early onset AD.

I think after caring for people with various types of dementia for at least 25 years of my 42. year nursing career and having taken most of my CEUs on dementia related topics, I'm qualified to say that Biden doesn't exhibit any symptoms of dementia. Claiming he does, is simply ignorant and/or ageism, something I've never understood. Unless we die young, we all eventually become older adults. The only president who had dementia during his presidency was Reagan and he still finished out his term while in the early stages of the disease. And, if for some reason, Biden can't finish out his term, I'm sure Kamala will choose a good VP, as well as have smart people in cabinet positions. Let me add that anyone who receives SS and Medicare and votes for a Republican isn't very wise. I know a few of them and I guess they've been indoctrinated by right wing BS.

So, if someone here wants to criticize Biden, it would be better to criticize his policies, explaining exactly why you don't support them, instead of sounding like the idiots in the debate last night who kept saying things like Biden is destroying the country without explaining what he is doing wrong and how they are going to fix it.

If we want a chance to save our messed up country, we all need to vote for Biden, even if we don't personally like him or some of his policies. I've had to vote for people many times who I didn't fully support, but the alternative was always much worse, so I did what I had to do. It doesn't get worse than Trump or Vivek.
Tucker, to Trump:
if someone here wants to criticize Biden, it would be better to criticize his policies
"Have you SEEN the guy? A total wreck! Four years older than Trump, looks 40 years older*, sounds 60 years older ... and you TRUST him? Are you CRAYCRAY??!!"

* (after makeup)

It's pretty sad, but really and truly - that's the weaponry they're going to war with.
Well... that and violence and cheating.
Tucker, to Trump:
if someone here wants to criticize Biden, it would be better to criticize his policies
"Have you SEEN the guy? A total wreck! Four years older than Trump, looks 40 years older*, sounds 60 years older ... and you TRUST him? Are you CRAYCRAY??!!"

* (after makeup)

It's pretty sad, but really and truly - that's the weaponry they're going to war with.
Well... that and violence and cheating.
I know. The problem is that "Idiocracy" is a documentary now.
Tucker, to Trump:
if someone here wants to criticize Biden, it would be better to criticize his policies
"Have you SEEN the guy? A total wreck! Four years older than Trump, looks 40 years older*, sounds 60 years older ... and you TRUST him? Are you CRAYCRAY??!!"

* (after makeup)

It's pretty sad, but really and truly - that's the weaponry they're going to war with.
Well... that and violence and cheating.
And what’s funny, in reality he doesn’t look that bad at all for an 80-year-old guy — much better in fact than younger, debauched degenerates like Trump and Giuliani.
Just compare the appearance of the three of them, Giuliani, Trump and Biden. Who looks the best? For extra credit: which photo is NOT a mug shot? :ROFLMAO:

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