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The Race For 2024

Biden is in better physical and mental shape than many 40 year olds I've known, including some who were patients of mine in an assisted living facility.
So what? That does not elevate Brandon out of the silly old duffer category that he actually is.

Brandon compared the huge destruction of Maui and the catastrophic loss of life and the hundreds of people still missing with a kitchen fire in his mansion that nearly got his cat! Let that sink in. He’s either so stupid and insensitive or a cabbage. Yeah, that’s your guy.

I suspect Swizze has had me on ignore ever since I proved he was wrong when he said all climate change predictions of the past couple of decades had proved to be inaccureate.

The above, of course, is yet another Swizzle Fizzle. The fire/cat thing was an incidental remark taken wholly out of context and blown up to mountain-out-of-molehill proportions by the right-wing media hate machine that Swizzle imbibes the way a junkie mainlines heroin. Anyone can Google up the real facts.
You don't have to be a MAGA Republican to think Joe Biden is too old to be POTUS:

True that.

Americans actually agree on something in this time of raw discord: Joe Biden is too old to be an effective president in a second term.
A new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds much of the public oddly united in sizing up the one trait Biden cannot change. In the poll, fully 77% said Biden is too old to be effective for four more years. Not only do 89% of Republicans say that, so do 69% of Democrats. That view is held across age groups.

You don't have to be a MAGA Republican to think Joe Biden is too old to be POTUS:

True that.

Americans actually agree on something in this time of raw discord: Joe Biden is too old to be an effective president in a second term.
A new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds much of the public oddly united in sizing up the one trait Biden cannot change. In the poll, fully 77% said Biden is too old to be effective for four more years. Not only do 89% of Republicans say that, so do 69% of Democrats. That view is held across age groups.


You say all that like it matters.
Trump is too criminal to be effective as president. Everyone knows that too.

DeSantis probably doesn't have what it takes to beat Trump for the GOP nomination. If he does, he'll probably destroy the GOP in order to do it. Taking down Trump is what he has to do. Good luck doing that and hanging on to Trump's base. Without that base, the TeaParty will get their asses kicked further than they did in 2020.

Bad as the Democratic Party's slate is, the Republican Party's is in worse shape.
If Trump ekes out a win in the primaries and goes down to a massive Goldwater level defeat, I will nearly laugh myself to death. And it could happen. The question then is, now what for the GOP?
If Trump ekes out a win in the primaries and goes down to a massive Goldwater level defeat, I will nearly laugh myself to death. And it could happen. The question then is, now what for the GOP?

Launch a violent war against the rest of the USA is one option, unfortunately.

They'll have had years to plan it.

ETA ~Maybe Prigozhin is in Florida right now? I dunno~
Another fun thing happening now. Hurricane Idalia is about to slam Florida. With Floridians now being unable to get home insurance in many cases, or no longer being able to pay for that due to very steep cost increases, it will all put DeSantis in an unpleasant spotlight. And may make a lot of Floridians demand he drop his presidential bid, stop galavanting around the nation, stay home and take care of important Florida business. And we still have three months of hurricane season.
And may make a lot of Floridians demand he drop his presidential bid, stop galavanting around the nation, stay home and take care of important Florida business.

California governor Gavin Newsom is doing similar. Except Newsom doesn't have a presidential bid, yet.
Maybe he should have stuck to his "My wife and baby daughter were killed in a car accident when I was 30" thing {snip}

Indeed, bring something up from 50 years ago to make it all about him. C'mon man!

You brought up the kitchen fire comment, which was 20 years ago. Is there some kind of statute of limitation on memories? C'mon man!

Standing there in the still smoldering ruins of Lahaina, addressing the people that not only lost their homes but their loved ones and Brandon comes out with the "Jill and I nearly lost a cat in a kitchen fire at my mansion 20 years ago, no joke. So I can relate." is so absurd as to be quite comical.
You really need to get over your obsession with Biden's age along with the apparent unintentional and preternatural ability to channel Magatards.
Another fun thing happening now. Hurricane Idalia is about to slam Florida. With Floridians now being unable to get home insurance in many cases, or no longer being able to pay for that due to very steep cost increases, it will all put DeSantis in an unpleasant spotlight. And may make a lot of Floridians demand he drop his presidential bid, stop galavanting around the nation, stay home and take care of important Florida business. And we still have three months of hurricane season.

In the wake of the racially motivated shooting in Jacksonville, he addressed a community that he's actively screwing over. The manner in which he spoke shows he has no intention of halting his craptastic campaign. Btw I completely empathize with Councilwoman Pittman's stance on accepting aid. Politics shouldn't obstruct the acceptance of assistance that benefits the community. It isn't for any individual to decline what may help others. Our community's feelings toward DeSantis will be expressed through votes.

There is another insurance problem in Florida. Sky rocketing prices for car insurance. Every big storm with flooding in Florida ruins many cars. And car prices for repairs now are outrageously high. Car theft in Florida is 4th highest in the U.S.. More and more Floridians are driving without insurance. DeSantis has not been helpful. We will see many more cars damaged in the next few days as Idalia comes ashore.

If Trump ekes out a win in the primaries and goes down to a massive Goldwater level defeat, I will nearly laugh myself to death. And it could happen. The question then is, now what for the GOP?
You mean after the “fight like hell!” phase of the next coup attempt? When Madge and Lauren are at their rightful levels of irrelevance? When Jim Jordan is auctioneering for Barrett-Jackson and Matty Gaetz is operating a bonefish guiding service in the keys? When free market pressures force Rupert Murdoch to print and broadcast news instead of propaganda?

Even if such a delicious dish should be served, I fear that whoever comes next out of the populism pustule will be even more vile, toxic and effective at manipulating the tens of millions of us who have become accustomed, and even addicted, to being manipulated.
The pandemic made people dumber just when we needed smarter people. We don’t even have any Tom Steyers this cycle to pop up claiming to be the “good” billionaire.
They should just declare Clarence Thomas Emperor Clarence1 and get it over with. Tommy Tuberville can be his main advisor.
Robert Reich is one of my favorites. (The fact that he answers my e-mails is a big plus! :-) )

The following opinion gives a good perspective on the state of American politics in the Age of Stupidity:
Robert Reich said:
One way to become a brand name in contemporary America is to run for president with so much bravado, bombast, and baloney that you gain lots of attention, which drives press coverage, which gets you more name recognition, which boosts your polls, which then — even if you don’t get elected — lets you do whatever brand names do in contemporary America (host a TV show? license your name? run for president again?).

Think of Vivek Ramaswamy or Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Since their campaign launches, both have been hyped across the media landscape. And much of the reporting about them is about the hype they’ve generated, which generates more hype.

It’s a perfect loop of nothingness. No critical assessment of what they stand for. No analysis of what they seek to do. No in-depth reporting of their qualifications. Just contentless sensationalism.

They’re the latest illustrations of how the media has followed the profitable path carved out by Trump toward mindless politics-as-entertainment.

The media sensationalizes “oh the wonder of it” stories about anything new, shiny, and exciting. Ramaswamy’s wonder is that he says outrageous things — such as his debate quip last week that climate change is a “hoax” — and then denies or backtracks and changes the subject to another outrageous thing. Exactly like Trump.

And he speaks in bumper-sticker bursts of reactionary bromides — “there are two genders,” “reverse racism is racism,” “an open border is no border,” “the nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind,” “capitalism lifts people up from poverty” — without pausing to acknowledge any subtlety or alternative points of view.

It seems to be working. Ramaswamy is now about tied with DeSantis for the number 2 slot in the Republican primary sweepstakes — far behind Trump but good enough to give him a crack at running again in 2028.
Robert Reich is one of my favorites. (The fact that he answers my e-mails is a big plus! :) )

The following opinion gives a good perspective on the state of American politics in the Age of Stupidity:
Robert Reich said:
One way to become a brand name in contemporary America is to run for president with so much bravado, bombast, and baloney that you gain lots of attention, which drives press coverage, which gets you more name recognition, which boosts your polls, which then — even if you don’t get elected — lets you do whatever brand names do in contemporary America (host a TV show? license your name? run for president again?).

Think of Vivek Ramaswamy or Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Since their campaign launches, both have been hyped across the media landscape. And much of the reporting about them is about the hype they’ve generated, which generates more hype.

It’s a perfect loop of nothingness. No critical assessment of what they stand for. No analysis of what they seek to do. No in-depth reporting of their qualifications. Just contentless sensationalism.

They’re the latest illustrations of how the media has followed the profitable path carved out by Trump toward mindless politics-as-entertainment.

There is some truth in what he says about the media, but only some. Many media outlets work tirelessly to do the very things that he says they don’t — critical assessment, analysis, in-depth reporting. You can find it in many, many media outlets. Blaming the media is too easy.
Heard just today: Vivek Ramasmarmy.
If Trump ekes out a win in the primaries and goes down to a massive Goldwater level defeat, I will nearly laugh myself to death. And it could happen. The question then is, now what for the GOP?
Careful what you wish, you may regret it.

In a Biden-Trump rematch, the polls are not looking so hot for Biden right now. Just perusing the 538 Polls page, I saw several recent polls.
YouGov/The Economist poll of registered voters has Trump eking out a 1% lead over his older contemporary. A slightly older poll of registered voters by Morning Consult has Biden beating Trump by 1%, but beating DeSantis by 4%. Note that due to the advantages in the electoral college, a slight popular vote deficit still slightly favors the Republican candidate. Big Village has Biden beating DeSantis by 3 among both registered voters and adults, while he is tied against Trump with registered voters and losing by 4 against Trump. One notable thing - Emerson College polled with and without Sibling Cornell West in the race. With him in the race, Biden loses by 4; without him, by 2. For balance, HarrisX poll from the same day has Biden up by 1. Older polls show similar results.

So Biden-Trump matchups are pretty even (but again, advantage GOP due to EC), but Biden does decidedly better against RdS than vs. Trump.

Note also that Team Biden has put a lot of chips on "Bidenomics". That is fine as long as economy stays decent. Should there be a recession, or a major oil price increase, or both, in 2024, it would spell trouble.
I think Derec posted that as a tongue in cheek response to those who seem to think any sort of mockery towards a non-white is automatically racist. The play on Vivek's name is sorta immature and junior high-ish, but its not a comment directed towards his race. Think Ron de Sanctimonious versus Ron de Santis, as Trump called him.
I think Derec posted that as a tongue in cheek response to those who seem to think any sort of mockery towards a non-white is automatically racist. The play on Vivek's name is sorta immature and junior high-ish, but its not a comment directed towards his race. Think Ron de Sanctimonious versus Ron de Santis, as Trump called him.
Broken clocks.
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