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The Race For 2024

Ok team, Imma stop posting my meme's before I get in trouble. :ROFLMAO:
The same people that claim Biden is a demented zombie made like Hillary was on death’s door during her campaign with “Weekend at Bernie’s” references, photos of handlers allegedly controlling her with special devices, etc… Trump’s posture and syntax is more like what I see in the assisted living facility where my Dad is suffering with Parkinson’s Dementia. I don’t see any of that with stuttering Joe.
It's become a routine political ploy. Every possible opposition candidate is either too young and inexperienced for the job; Or is too old and sick to even contemplate for it.

That anyone still pays attention to these pointless and routine slurs is a sad indictment of the ease with which people are manipulated.

But it does distract attention from the genuinely disqualifying characteristics of some candidates. Did I already use the word "indictment"?
The same people that claim Biden is a demented zombie made like Hillary was on death’s door during her campaign with “Weekend at Bernie’s” references, photos of handlers allegedly controlling her with special devices, etc… Trump’s posture and syntax is more like what I see in the assisted living facility where my Dad is suffering with Parkinson’s Dementia. I don’t see any of that with stuttering Joe.
It's become a routine political ploy. Every possible opposition candidate is either too young and inexperienced for the job; Or is too old and sick to even contemplate for it.

That anyone still pays attention to these pointless and routine slurs is a sad indictment of the ease with which people are manipulated.

But it does distract attention from the genuinely disqualifying characteristics of some candidates. Did I already use the word "indictment"?
They're only three years apart. If Biden is too old to serve now, Trump will be also before his term is over.
Sabby Sabs (Sabrina Salvati) an alt-left podcaster, at least twice interviewed Cornel West:

There was a lot about the problems that we face and what CW wants to do about them, but not nearly as much about political strategy, and zero mention of supporting candidates for downballot offices: Congressional, state, and local ones. It's almost as if he is a protest candidate more than anything, protesting the Democrats' failure to keep the promises that they make to voters. CW talked about building a movement, but a vanity run is a bad way to do so.
The two also failed to discuss Duverger's law, though CW implied that Abraham Lincoln's electoral success was a counterexample. But that is not a very good counterexample, because the Whig Party disintegrated around then, and many ex-Whigs became Republicans, including AL himself. AL was the only third-party success, with all others failing, and sometimes being spoilers.

They seemed to think that the Democratic Party was trying to force people to vote for it by being the only viable party for progressive and progressive-leaning people.

He says that he's running to help poor people and working-class people, and in his mind, being the People's Party candidate was a way to do that. He did concede that the scandals about its head, Nick Brana, need to be looked into.

About NATO, CW claims that it is US imperialism, and he almost seems to believe that Vladimir Putin is a peacenik who feels threatened by NATO expansionism. He seems to think that after the Soviet bloc, the Western nations had a serious promise not to expand NATO eastward. They may have discussed that, but they decided against it.

He wants both Jews and Palestinians to have security in Israel/Palestine (Canaan?), but that's going to be VERY hard to do.

He thinks that he can work with RFK Jr., despite their differences on Israel/Palestine, and he and SS discussed the idea of RFK Jr. as his VP.

About him and Ron DeSantis agreeing on the importance of a classical education, he conceded that he thinks that many of RdS's policies are horrible, but that that should not keep him from conceding agreement with him.

About taxes and child support, he claims that he isn't a deadbeat but that he used the money to help out family members.
Cornel West for President 2024
Dismantling the Empire

Vastly cutting back on military spending, dissolving non-defensive security alliances, including NATO and AUKUS, dismantling the global network of over 800 military bases and severing the link between U.S. foreign policy and corporate profits to respect national sovereignty and the principle of self-determination for people. The USA should be a decent and dignified nation among nations rather than an imperial power dominating every corner of the globe. Withdrawing foreign aid to Egypt, Israel, and any other countries violating the human rights of subjugated peoples. Increasing humanitarian aid to poor and vulnerable peoples around the world. Enabling international peace by highlighting ecological sustainability, abolishing nuclear weapons, and promoting diplomatic processes.
So he thinks that the US can be like Switzerland or Sweden. I doubt that that is very practical.
Unleashing Democracy

Massive investments in satisfying the social needs of everyday people. Medicare for all including humane mental healthcare, decriminalization of drugs, and creation of humane rehabilitation sites. Decent housing for all, quality education for all, free college tuition for all, and jobs with living wages for all. Abolishing poverty and houselessness. Targeting the vicious legacy of white supremacy by ending mass incarceration, demilitarizing policing (abolishing Cop-Cities), and promoting reparations for past unjust treatment of Black people. Prioritizing the empowerment of indigenous peoples. Protecting the reproductive rights of women and ending all forms of patriarchy. Securing the rights of LGBTQ+ and Trans-Peoples. Treating every migrant and asylum seeker with dignity and implementing fundamental changes in immigration policies. Public financing of elections with ranked-choice voting, eliminating the Electoral College and a national holiday for voting. Democratizing unaccountable monopolies and oligopolies with workers' control.
I agree with his electoral reforms, and with most of the other stuff, though I'd go further and support proportional representation. Also, is he advocating worker-run cooperatives?
Saving The Planet

Fighting back against the escalating ecological catastrophe by targeting the corporate greed of fossil fuel companies and resurrecting the Green New Deal. Shifting from extraction and emission to regenerative and renewable energy. Eliminating the environmental racism that disproportionately damages the life chances of poor people, especially poor people of color here and abroad. The future of life on this planet depends on this fundamental shift!
Resurrecting the GND?
Bernie Sanders hits at Cornel West over criticism of Biden - POLITICO
Some politicians are so fearful of former President Donald Trump retaking the White House that “they don’t really want to tell the full truth,” West said. “[Biden has] created the best economy that we can get. Is this the best that we can get? You don’t tell that lie to the people just for Biden to win,” West said in a clip played on CNN Sunday.

And while Sanders said he agrees it “certainly is not” the best economy the U.S. could create, he called on progressives to coalesce around Biden.

“Where I disagree with my good friend, Cornel West, is I think in these really very difficult times, where there is a real question whether democracy is going to remain in the United States of America. … I think we’ve got to bring the entire progressive community to defeat Trump or whoever the Republican nominee will be, [and] support Biden,” Sanders said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

However, progressives still must “demand that the Democratic Party, not just Biden, have the guts to take on corporate greed and the massive levels of income and wealth inequality that we see today,” Sanders added.
Sabby Sabs responded.

Sabby Sabs on X: ""Where I disagree with my good friend, Cornel West...there is a real question whether democracy is going to remain in the United States of America."
The same "democracy" that gave super delegates to Clinton in a state where you won every county? 🤔 (pic link)" / X

That's peanuts compared to what Donald Trump tried to do when he lost the 2020 election.

Sabby Sabs on X: "Bernie was NEVER going to go against his good friend Joe. Political revolution my ass. Bernie just like all the other cucks in DC." / X
Biden is in better physical and mental shape than many 40 year olds I've known, including some who were patients of mine in an assisted living facility.
So what? That does not elevate Brandon out of the silly old duffer category that he actually is.

Brandon compared the huge destruction of Maui and the catastrophic loss of life and the hundreds of people still missing with a kitchen fire in his mansion that nearly got his cat! Let that sink in. He’s either so stupid and insensitive or a cabbage. Yeah, that’s your guy.
Biden is in better physical and mental shape than many 40 year olds I've known, including some who were patients of mine in an assisted living facility.
So what? That does not elevate Brandon out of the silly old duffer category that he actually is.

Brandon compared the huge destruction of Maui and the catastrophic loss of life and the hundreds of people still missing with a kitchen fire in his mansion that nearly got his cat! Let that sink in. He’s either so stupid and insensitive or a cabbage. Yeah, that’s your guy.
You keep saying this over and over.
It's like you're trying to convince yourself that it's true.

Biden is far and away the best of the current options. That's nothing like "My guy".
Brandon compared the huge destruction of Maui and the catastrophic loss of life and the hundreds of people still missing with a kitchen fire in his mansion that nearly got his cat!
Trump refused to visit a cemetery where dead American soldiers were buried because he didn’t want to get his beautiful hair wet. Then he called our fallen soldiers “suckers”. That’s your senile, egomaniacal guy @TSwizzle.
Brandon compared the huge destruction of Maui and the catastrophic loss of life and the hundreds of people still missing with a kitchen fire in his mansion that nearly got his cat!
Trump refused to visit a cemetery where dead American soldiers were buried because he didn’t want to get his beautiful hair wet. Then he called our fallen soldiers “suckers”. That’s your senile, egomaniacal guy @TSwizzle.
And George Bush made a video in which he jokes about looking under the White House rugs for Iraq’s WMDs. Hilarious!
Vivek Ramaswamy: "You want crazy,! I will give you crazy!"

At a recent campaign event, Ramaswamy said he would treat the federal government the way Elon Musk treated his purchase of Twitter.

"I've enjoyed getting to know better Elon Musk recently," Ramaswamy told supporters. "I expect him to be an interesting adviser of mine because he laid off 75% of the employees at Twitter. Well, I want to lay off 75% of the employees of the federal government."

So umm... let's elect the guy who thinks you can lay off 75% of the work force responsible for annual budgets of over $4 trillion.
If that happened, I know I'd want to be in the 75%, as I wouldn't want to be responsible for 4X the work because some idiot though that was possible!
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