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The Race For 2024

I think Derec posted that as a tongue in cheek response to those who seem to think any sort of mockery towards a non-white is automatically racist.

Think Ron de Sanctimonious versus Ron de Santis, as Trump called him.
That was a weaker effort by Trump, I think. It is certainly no "Little Marco", or even "Sleepy Joe".
I do not think smarmy does it. Vivek is bonkers. Brain damaged. Nuttier than a squirrel turd. He wants to slash the Federal governmeny by 75%. Wants to eliminate the IRS, BATF, Department of Education, FBI, 10 major government agencies. He is a climate change denialist, and a vaccination skeptic. He has written an entire book full of right wing conspiracy crap, a work of antiwoke balderdash. He is stupider than either Trump or DeSantis. He is a kook's kook.
He is a climate change denialist, and a vaccination skeptic. He has written an entire book full of right wing conspiracy crap, a work of antiwoke balderdash.
Not agreeing with him on that other stuff, including severely cutting back the federal government, but he is making some good points on the woke balderdash. He was right to call out black racists like Ibrahim Tenth Kendi.
He is stupider than either Trump or DeSantis. He is a kook's kook.
Whatever else VR is, he is not stupid. He went to Harvard (summa cum laude) and Yale, and was admitted to those schools without the benefit of so-called "affirmative action". He is also a successful businessman. He may have some bonkers ideas, but he is not stupid. He is certainly no Cori Bush etc.
You think Vivek is not smarmy like a used car salesman? Nothing to do with his race.
I'm not going to hold your hand through this. You're old enough to know better, and if it were, say, Trump mocking a hispanic politician for having a funny name, you would not struggle to see the issue.
I don’t care what color anyone is. Least of all people who fast-talk walls of bullshit without pause as a tactic to diffuse criticism - and facts. Vivek ( guess I missed the name joke :( ) is a smarmy lowlife snake oil barker. A Gym Jordan with hair.
I am not defending Vivek Ramaswamy. You're being deliberately obtuse if you pretend not to get the difference between legitimate criticism and infantile name-calling.

But on the other hand, clearly the heart of the nation is with you. The conduct of the candidates and audience at the Republican debate make it clear enough that what we want as a country is a national political discourse indistinguishable from an efternoon call-out talk show a la "Maury". And a reality tv star getting re-elected as president will be our reward for that conviction.
I am not defending Vivek Ramaswamy. You're being deliberately obtuse if you pretend not to get the difference between legitimate criticism and infantile name-calling.
:rolleyes: Get over yourself.

But on the other hand, clearly the heart of the nation is with you. The conduct of the candidates and audience at the Republican debate make it clear enough that what we want as a country is a national political discourse indistinguishable from an efternoon call-out talk show a la "Maury". And a reality tv star getting re-elected as president will be our reward for that conviction.
At least you got that part right.
There is another insurance problem in Florida. Sky rocketing prices for car insurance. Every big storm with flooding in Florida ruins many cars. And car prices for repairs now are outrageously high. Car theft in Florida is 4th highest in the U.S.. More and more Floridians are driving without insurance. DeSantis has not been helpful. We will see many more cars damaged in the next few days as Idalia comes ashore.
But Governor Ron DeSantis is a Republican, and Republican governance is supposed to produce minuscule crime rates.
 2024 Republican Party presidential primaries - Francis Suarez has dropped out, the first to do so.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2024 - 2024 Republican Presidential Nomination

Ron DeSantis has recently risen a bit, but given the fluctuations in the poll numbers, that may be a temporary rise.

There are now these tiers of candidates:
  • Donald Trump ~ 50%
  • Ron DeSantis ~ 14%
  • Vivek Ramaswamy, Nikki Nimarata Randhava Haley, Mike Pence ~ 6%
  • Chris Christie, Tim Scott ~ 3%
  • Asa Hutchinson, Doug Burgum, Tim Scott, Will Hurd, Larry Elder ~ 1%
Who will be the candidate for Vice President? Many Presidential candidates have been willing to settle for that position as a consolation prize.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kari Lake in a ‘Death Race’ To Be Trump’s VP – Rolling Stone
His allies say they’d be “stupid” choices, but Trump has repeatedly discussed with senior staffers Marjorie Taylor Greene and Kari Lake as potential #2s

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Kari Lake have been locked in what one source close to Donald Trump describes to Rolling Stone as a “death race” to become his 2024 vice presidential pick.

In public, the far-right congresswoman from Georgia and the failed Arizona GOP gubernatorial candidate are happy to present an image of calm unity in their cause to return Trump to the White House. But behind the scenes, the two view one another with intense distrust and disdain, each seeing the other as direct competition for Trump’s political affections, according to four people with knowledge of the matter.

Exacerbating the situation is the fact that Greene and Lake are the two leading contenders in a very narrow lane in the race to secure Trump’s VP slot, should he win the 2024 Republican nomination next year. It’s the lane of election-denying, shameless Trump diehard who has emerged as a conspiracy-theory-slinging star among the conservative base.
Marjorie Taylor Greene reportedly calls Kari Lake a 'grifter' in private
"MTG thinks she's a scammer and not even a conservative," one source told Rolling Stone, adding that Greene has said that "Lake is a grifter and [is] trying to keep riding Trump's coattails because she lost [in Arizona], so she's cozying up on the election-integrity messaging."

"Kari did come up, and the term 'grifter' was used to describe her more than just once," another source who spoke with Greene told Rolling Stone, adding that Greene "thinks it's complete nonsense that anyone would think it's a good idea for Donald Trump to consider [Kari] for VP."

Lake, according to the outlet, has also suspected Greene of leaking negative stories about her in the media.
MTG is so horrible and spiteful - hating on Lauren Boebert and Laura Loomer and now Kari Lake.
I think Derec posted that as a tongue in cheek response to those who seem to think any sort of mockery towards a non-white is automatically racist. The play on Vivek's name is sorta immature and junior high-ish, but its not a comment directed towards his race. Think Ron de Sanctimonious versus Ron de Santis, as Trump called him.
I still have no idea what is in Ziprhead's post as all I see is nothing but blank space after Vivek Ramasmarmy.
He is a climate change denialist, and a vaccination skeptic. He has written an entire book full of right wing conspiracy crap, a work of antiwoke balderdash.
Not agreeing with him on that other stuff, including severely cutting back the federal government, but he is making some good points on the woke balderdash. He was right to call out black racists like Ibrahim Tenth Kendi.
Yeah... of all the shit we need to worry, "woke" seems to unbelievably trite. Insurance companies are abandoning where we live, but at least this dude ain't "woke".
He is stupider than either Trump or DeSantis. He is a kook's kook.
Whatever else VR is, he is not stupid. He went to Harvard (summa cum laude) and Yale, and was admitted to those schools without the benefit of so-called "affirmative action". He is also a successful businessman. He may have some bonkers ideas, but he is not stupid. He is certainly no Cori Bush etc.
He reminds me of a heel in WWE doing a promo.
Marjorie Taylor Greene reportedly calls Kari Lake a 'grifter' in private
"MTG thinks she's a scammer and not even a conservative," one source told Rolling Stone, adding that Greene has said that "Lake is a grifter and [is] trying to keep riding Trump's coattails because she lost [in Arizona], so she's cozying up on the election-integrity messaging."

"Kari did come up, and the term 'grifter' was used to describe her more than just once," another source who spoke with Greene told Rolling Stone, adding that Greene "thinks it's complete nonsense that anyone would think it's a good idea for Donald Trump to consider [Kari] for VP."

Lake, according to the outlet, has also suspected Greene of leaking negative stories about her in the media.
MTG is so horrible and spiteful - hating on Lauren Boebert and Laura Loomer and now Kari Lake.
So Greene is saying Lake is a fake, but Greene's madness is clinical.
Trump isn't going to be the nominee....
I wish I knew that for certain already.
Me too.
I remember 2016, when the GOP tried desperately to prevent his nomination. They failed, obviously.
I cannot imagine a GOP slate without Trump at the top that doesn't alienate so many Republicans that the Democrats could run AOC and win.
Trump isn't going to be the nominee....
It is too early to know for certain, but based on his base, I can't see anyone else winning. Not because of him, but because of how they are dedicated to him. We haven't seen a base like this since Wallace, and Trump's got the base more widespread.

The only way he doesn't get the nomination, right now at least, is if he drops out. And even then, his base... they are nuts.
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