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The Race For 2024

Could we please split off the derail? It's interesting enough to explore, just (god willin an the crik dun rise) irrelevant to the 2024 election.
To be fair... it is too damn early to be talking about the 2024 election. Our nation is obsessed with elections.
Could we please split off the derail? It's interesting enough to explore, just (god willin an the crik dun rise) irrelevant to the 2024 election.
To be fair... it is too damn early to be talking about the 2024 election. Our nation is obsessed with elections.
Yes, but this comment is on topic. The status of the Civil War is not. I hope.
November 16, 1844. General William Tecumseh Sherman starts his March To The Sea. This year, I am going to celebrate that date.
I guess, in a way, we're starting our inevitable "march to the sea" every time we step out our front door.

In fairness, Sherman was already burning a bloody path through the South at that time, but he was just a lieutenant in those days, and the targets of the government at that time were Seminole secessionists rather than white, so most Americans wouldn't consider it a "real" war. Not one of the ones you memorize in school. If you start counting "Indian Wars" as wars, the US has mobilized hundreds of times in three hundred years rather than a dozen, and that can't be right... right?
Trump s gong full tilt despotic. Were screwed if he get elected.

Will Canada accept a 70 year old American political refugee fleeing a dictorship?

Donald Trump is conjuring his most foreboding vision yet of a possible second term, telling supporters in language resonant of the run-up to the January 6 mob attack on the US Capitol that they need to “fight like hell” or they will lose their country.

The rhetorical escalation from the four-times-indicted ex-president came at a rally in South Dakota on Friday night where he accused his possible 2024 opponent, President Joe Biden, of ordering his indictment on 91 charges across four criminal cases as a form of election interference.

“I don’t think there’s ever been a darkness around our nation like there is now,” Trump said, in a dystopian speech in which he accused Democrats of allowing an “invasion” of migrants over the southern border and of trying to restart Covid “hysteria.”

The Republican front-runner’s stark speech raised the prospect of a second presidency that would be even more extreme and challenging to the rule of law than his first. His view that the Oval Office confers unfettered powers suggests Trump would indulge in similar conduct as that for which he is awaiting trial, including intimidating local officials in an alleged bid to overturn his 2020 defeat.
"I am your voice. I am your warrior. I am your justice. I am your retribution! Vengeance is mine!!!", sayeth the Divine Turd.

(Cc: every mental institution in the republic)
This guy did nothing but "pwn the libs" for four years and these idiots want him back in office. He signed off on a crazy business tax cut they didn't benefit from, lied to them about pandemic, huge deficits (pre-pandemic), and his foreign policy was childish at best.
This guy did nothing but "pwn the libs" for four years and these idiots want him back in office. He signed off on a crazy business tax cut they didn't benefit from, lied to them about pandemic, huge deficits (pre-pandemic), and his foreign policy was childish at best.
Nah. he did more than that. Look at all this shit:

* The economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3%
* The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5% from 2016
* The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million.
* The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion.
* Illegal immigration increased. Apprehensions at the Southwest border rose 14.7%
* Coal production declined 26.5%, and coal-mining jobs dropped by 16.7%.
* Handgun production rose 12.5% compared with 2016, setting a new record
* The murder rate rose to the highest level since 1997
Oh good lord;

A sleepy Joe Biden saw his rambling Vietnam press conference brought to a sudden end on Sunday night with a mic cut and jazz music playing him off the stage, like he went too long in an awards speech.

Daily Mail

He can’t possibly run.

Oh, look, so cute, he’s quoting the Daily Mail again!

Looks like another Swizzle Fizzle! :ROFLMAO:
This guy did nothing but "pwn the libs" for four years and these idiots want him back in office. He signed off on a crazy business tax cut they didn't benefit from, lied to them about pandemic, huge deficits (pre-pandemic), and his foreign policy was childish at best.
Nah. he did more than that. Look at all this shit:

* The economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3%
* The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5% from 2016
* The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million.
* The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion.
* Illegal immigration increased. Apprehensions at the Southwest border rose 14.7%
* Coal production declined 26.5%, and coal-mining jobs dropped by 16.7%.
* Handgun production rose 12.5% compared with 2016, setting a new record
* The murder rate rose to the highest level since 1997
Good list! Don't forget how almost all our NATO allies came to distrust if not loathe us. The Brits!!! Flying a derisive blimp of our prez above London whenever His Orangeness visited. Unheard of. The Canadians!! Their papers were full of editorials to the effect that because of Trump's belligerence in trade talks and outright bigotry, the Canadian citizen should cancel any vacations in the states. We had an arrogant fool for a leader. He was openly (and loudly) laughed at by his audience at the U.N.
To some degree a lot of the hit to the economy would have happened with any president because Covid hit, but the response would likely have been much different under a different President so it’s fair to assess those differences.
It is a very popular myth, the idea that the ego of American president is the controlling factor in the creation of the global economy. Whenever I'm talking to someone and they blame any president for "The Economy", I immediately make a tactfully silent mental note of that person's idiocy, but alas, American voters have many times over shown that this is an enormous factor if not the determining factor in their decision whether to vote and for whom...

Seriously, you probably made ten decisions this week alone that had more impact on your personal finances for the year than any president could hope to have, and most of the factors that aren't in your control - the price of petroleum, whether Amazon workers go on strike, whether the Russians take Kyiv, how many billionaires decide to sink money into Crypto this year, etc - are not under his control either.
It is a very popular myth, the idea that the ego of American president is the controlling factor in the creation of the global economy. Whenever I'm talking to someone and they blame any president for "the economy", I immediately make a tactfully silent mental note of that person's idiocy, but alas, American voters have many times over shown that this is an enormous factor if not the determining factor in their decision whether to vote and for whom...
Even with spot markets like oil, that myth holds. During one of the gasoline upticks under Obama, one of the MSNBC shows showed clips of Fox News hosts ranting over Obama's culpability. Then they showed clips from Fox News during a price hike under W, and the hosts were patiently explaining that the President had very little power to affect prices of world commodities like oil.
Winner winner chicken dinner. Attacking the other guy for being old and incoherent (when your guy is also both) is a desperation move, not a leading argument.
What about those of us who don't consider either of them "our guy" and think both are too old and should not run?
I freely admit Biden's age to have taken it toll on his body. But I still believe his mind is still sharp as a tack.
Winner winner chicken dinner. Attacking the other guy for being old and incoherent (when your guy is also both) is a desperation move, not a leading argument.
What about those of us who don't consider either of them "our guy" and think both are too old and should not run?
When given the choice it is an old statesman and it a guy who has been complaining about an election being stolen from him like the nurses were stealing his stuff at the Nursing Home.
Winner winner chicken dinner. Attacking the other guy for being old and incoherent (when your guy is also both) is a desperation move, not a leading argument.
What about those of us who don't consider either of them "our guy" and think both are too old and should not run?
When given the choice it is an old statesman and it a guy who has been complaining about an election being stolen from him like the nurses were stealing his stuff at the Nursing Home.
Or like a comedian who has discovered his catchphrase gets all the laughs so he keeps repeating it.
Democratic strategists are urging a “don’t panic” response to a series of opinion polls that reveal deep worries over Joe Biden’s age and his ability to beat Donald Trump in the 2024 US presidential election. A CNN survey conducted by SSRS caused shockwaves this week when it put Biden’s approval rating at just 39% and found two in three Democrats say the party should nominate someone else next year. The findings echoed a Wall Street Journal poll that found 73% of voters say Biden, 80, is “too old to run for president”

Teh Gruaniad

Biden will either be eased out or he will be unable to run.

Oh joy, Kamala Harris and Insufferable prick Gavin Newsom to the rescue.
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