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The Race For 2024

Add Francis Suarez and Will Hurd to the ex-GOP presidential candidate pile.
See! Trump is winning again! All these no-name losers are dropping out!

Okay...maybe a little tiny bit of sarcasm there, but honestly...none of them are going to take the GOP nomination from Fragilego Mussolini. The party went "all in" on the man 7 years ago, and he is now the albatross around their necks. Ron "My Favorite Word is Woke" DeSantis tried to out-Trump Trump, but thus far has failed. Christie is clinging to the "I told you he was crazy" angle, and Haley is desperately trying to come off as reasonable, but inertia is a helluva thing. The MAGA base wants one particular coiffed former reality TV host. They've bought the hats, the flags, and won't accept any substitute.
Mike Pence just quit his bid to be elected president in 2024. Now do DeSantis.

And in the "you can't make this shit up" part of the news;

“People are leaving now and they’re all endorsing me,” Trump said at an event in Las Vegas, referring to GOP candidates exiting the 2024 presidential race. “I don’t know about Mike Pence. He should endorse me. You know why? Because I had a great, successful presidency and he was the vice president.”

Maybe with Trump's brain getting smaller his balls are getting bigger. I'm genuinely impressed the level of chutzpah required to say such a thing with a straight face.
Will Bunch on X: "Cornel West: ..." / X
Cornel West: Fiery voice for left-wing ideas

Dean Phillips: Rich centrist Democrat

Clarence Thomas: Most conservative Supreme Court Justice

Literally their only thing is common is helping return Donald Trump to the White House

Harlan Crow has financially supported all three

Also No Labels, which continues to threaten to run a 3rd-party candidate such as Joe Manchin

Nikki Haley’s breakout jolts the 2024 GOP undercard race - POLITICO
DeSantis has been forced to turn his focus to attacking Haley in an effort to blunt her momentum. And after picking up supporters during the first two primary debates, Haley is likely to have even fewer candidates to share the spotlight with during the next one. On Saturday, former Vice President Mike Pence suspended his campaign.

“It’s coming at a great time for her,” said Whit Ayres, a longtime Republican pollster. “Sometimes the direction of movement is as important as the absolute level of standing — and she’s going up, while the other candidates are either going down or remaining flat.”
Assuming that Trump gets knocked out by his legal difficulties, the race could come down to Nikki Haley vs. Joe Biden. I would not bet that Biden could win that race. Too many people vote on the basis of visceral reactions to candidates, and she would be the bright new shiny object in the race. The marginal voters in purple state suburbs that Democrats depend on to win could disappear from their column. We could end up with a slim Democratic House majority and a Republican Senate and President.
We could end up with a slim Democratic House majority and a Republican Senate and President.

And then we could (after 15-20 votes) elect a woke black lesbian woman muslim activist ecofreak as speaker of the house and keep everything from moving for another four years.
Assuming that Trump gets knocked out by his legal difficulties, the race could come down to Nikki Haley vs. Joe Biden. I would not bet that Biden could win that race. Too many people vote on the basis of visceral reactions to candidates, and she would be the bright new shiny object in the race. The marginal voters in purple state suburbs that Democrats depend on to win could disappear from their column. We could end up with a slim Democratic House majority and a Republican Senate and President.
Another alternative is if Trump is knocked out, there would be an upsurge of disgruntled "uniparty" MAGAcunts who won't vote in the election at all. Kinda like how Democrats were unmotivated in 2016 or Trumpsuckers couldn't be fucked with the Georgia Senate Races for 2020.
DENVER (AP) — Efforts to use the U.S. Constitution’s “insurrection” clause to bar former President Donald Trump from running for the White House again entered a new phase Monday in a hearing focused on whether the Jan. 6 Capitol attack meets the Constitution’s definition of the word and whether Trump’s role meets the threshold for being barred.

The Colorado hearing is the first of two states’ lawsuits that could end up reaching the U.S. Supreme Court. Monday’s testimony began with details about the 2021 assault that was intended to halt certification of Joe Biden’s election win.
On Thursday, oral arguments are scheduled before the Minnesota Supreme Court on an effort to kick the Republican former president off the ballot in that state. Whether the judges keep Trump on the ballots or boot him, their rulings are likely to be swiftly appealed, eventually to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Gonna be a busy week for Donny's lawyers.

Have they explained who they'll vote for other than Biden?

This sounds to me like the Sanderistas who voted for Trump. If only by staying home or voting third party in 2016. They got their way, a Trump administration, then seemed quite upset about his SCOTUS pics and such. Now we've got a disaster concerning everything from immigration to abortion law.

Maybe the Palestinian supporters want that kind of pyrrhic victory. It would be typical, like blowing the crap out of the people who supplied Gaza with water and electricity.
Help the guy who moved the U.S. embassy out of Tel Aviv to Jerusalem get back into office. That'll show Biden who is really in charge in America.
I wonder, if Trump gets knocked off enough state ballots to make it mathematically impossible to win the Electoral College in 2024, what will the Republicans do? Will rabid Trumpsters stay home? Go for DeSantis? Write in Trump anyway?
I wonder, if Trump gets knocked off enough state ballots to make it mathematically impossible to win the Electoral College in 2024, what will the Republicans do? Will rabid Trumpsters stay home? Go for DeSantis? Write in Trump anyway?
He will challenge it at the SCOTUS and they will reverse the removal.
Have they explained who they'll vote for other than Biden?
Cornell West probably. Possibly also RFK Jr. He is crazy, he might just be pro-Palestinian, although I have not seen him make any statements on this war that Hamas started.

Help the guy who moved the U.S. embassy out of Tel Aviv to Jerusalem get back into office.
To be fair, the Jerusalem Embassy Act was passed in 1995. Trump just finally implemented moving the US Embassy to the capital of Israel.
That was the right thing to do, even if Palestinians in Gaza used it as an excuse to riot.

That said, you are right. Trump is certainly not friendly to the pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel cause.
Here's what he said recently.
Donald J. Trump said:
Every single life that is lost in this conflict is on the shoulders of Hamas, Hamas alone, and I think you have to really add in the word Iran...
There can be no sympathy, no excuses, and no escape for these monsters. We will do what has to be done.
This is a fight between civilization and savagery, between decency and depravity, and between good and evil. There is no comparison between a group that worships death and a group that cherishes life and cherishes our nation.
I’ll be implementing strong ideological screenings for all immigrants coming in. If you hate America, if you want to abolish Israel, if you sympathize with jihadists, then we don’t want you in our country, and you’re not going to be getting into our country.
From here. I can't imagine Trump being more palatable to the anti-Israel crowd than Biden. So third parties will have to do.
I Note that in Poland, the right winged, authoritarian PiS party that has ruled Poland for some years just lost their hold on Poland. Several center left parties will join a colitian government to run Poland and undo unpopular PiS policies. There was a large turnout of young voters, and especially young women voters. A massive voter turn out, bigger than turnout when Poland won their freedom from the USSR. A warning to the GOP. it remains to be seen how the new GOP speaker of the House manages to screw things up to cause a massive revolt among young U.S. voters.
I wonder, if Trump gets knocked off enough state ballots to make it mathematically impossible to win the Electoral College in 2024, what will the Republicans do? Will rabid Trumpsters stay home? Go for DeSantis? Write in Trump anyway?
He will challenge it at the SCOTUS and they will reverse the removal.

You mean, SCOTUS will overturn the Constitution?

Yeah, they might. Just like Judge Cannon will probably rule against justice.

That's why she's ruling on this, Trump and the Teaparty don't believe in justice. And they're quite powerful.

By this time next year, Cannon will probably being touring the world on a superyacht like some black guy on the Supreme Court.
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