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The Race For 2024

I think somebody is confused regarding which of the older guys running for president is showing more signs of cognitive decline by the day.

Do you genuinely believe Brandon is fit enough to run a campaign for 2024 and that he is fit enough to sit as POTUS for another term?

I don’t. He’s going to drop out soon and Newsom is going to be a shoo in for running in 2024. Hilarious.
Biden's mind is in far better shape than His Flatulence's.
Come now, you don't honestly believe this is about the old duffer getting Britney and Taylor mixed up do you?
No, but it was before I pointed out how fucking stupid that was.

Democracy itself depends on the outcome of the next election!
It always does.

you're going with the old geezer that doesn't know if it's New York or New Year?
Those are the only choices being presented, yes. The last time I was able to vote otherwise, I did.

I am certain Brandon isn’t going to make it to run 2024 so it’s a moo point.
Moooove along then, eh? Kind of silly to make all these posts trying to prove a moot point.
I think somebody is confused regarding which of the older guys running for president is showing more signs of cognitive decline by the day.

Do you genuinely believe Brandon is fit enough to run a campaign for 2024 and that he is fit enough to sit as POTUS for another term?

I don’t. He’s going to drop out soon and Newsom is going to be a shoo in for running in 2024. Hilarious.
TSwizzle, I don't think you have properly thought this through. If Brandon doesn't run who in the media is going to feed your rage boner over Hunter's laptop? There would be no more factually questionable Daily Mail articles for you to scream about. I'm not sure you could cope.
I think somebody is confused regarding which of the older guys running for president is showing more signs of cognitive decline by the day.

Do you genuinely believe Brandon is fit enough to run a campaign for 2024 and that he is fit enough to sit as POTUS for another term?

I don’t. He’s going to drop out soon and Newsom is going to be a shoo in for running in 2024. Hilarious.
I'm not concerned about his age and he is very wise and sharp, compared to his opponent. I copied a comment from the NYTimes made by some guy named "Henry". I think he makes some good points about age. The comment was in response to the brother of Maureen Dowd, who allows her conservative brother to write her column once a year.

At 81, Biden rides a bike (not stationary) for exercise - and not at a leisurely pace. I'm willing to bet my house that trump can't ride a bike.Any takers?Cognitively:To Kevin, readers and everyone else obsessed with age -Rupert Murdoch (92), Charles Koch (87), Chuck Grassley (90), Warren Buffet (93), Nancy Pelosi(80), Anthony Fauci (80). They are all old but are still active and mentally sharp. The point is not everyone declines as they hit their 80s and 90s. (Heck there are 3 multi-billionaires in the list above.) Biden is not performing his presidential duties from his deathbed.Am I the only one who saw how well Biden adroitly fended off the heckling of Republicans during the State of the Union address demonstrating his quick and witty gift of repartee ?Biden is a soft spoken person. He never was or will be a great orator.Biden is a wily and crafty fox. He is astute, shrewd and sharp-witted.Don't underestimate Joe Biden.What we need to do instead is confront trump's increasingly violent and fascist rhetoric and go out and vote and protect our precious democracy. MAGA will continue to take what they want and cause more events like January 6 if they are not confronted.

I"m not so sure that Grassley is sharp, but he's still a member of the Congress. Biden is very sharp. He just has had a life long problem with gaffes. As we age, we often forget names or mix up names but those aren't considered signs of cognitive decline. One neurologist said that older adults have so much information in their brains, that sometimes it's hard to pull up something quickly.

He might be right. Trump has said that he ran against Obama something like 7 times. He's also making threats that only an autocrat would make. I'll take a less than perfect 81 year old, who believes in democracy, over a totally insane autocrat who wants his second term to be about revenge. Have you heard him say that shoplifters should be shot as they leave the store? OF course, it's wrong to shop lift, but Trump wants to give the police the right to execute them. Seriously. I don't understand how anyone in their right mind would vote for Trump. Numerous psychiatrists have said that he suffers from cognitive decline, narcissism and psychopathy. You don't have to be a psychiatrist to recognize these symptoms. You just have to be fairly intelligent or able to recognize a person who has a defective brain.

And, btw, who the fuck cares if an 81 year old man mixes up two pop culture stars? I never listen to any of their music and I probably wouldn't be able to tell one from the other. But, I could tell you the lyrics of numerous songs from the 60s and 70s, because that music was much better than what we have these day, at least imo, and most people lose interest in pop culture as they age.

When Biden starts claiming that he ran against Bush in 2020, then perhaps we should be concerned.
"The point is not everyone declines as they hit their 80s and 90s. (Heck there are 3 multi-billionaires in the list above.)"

This casual assumption that a person having extreme wealth is an indicator of some kind of inherent virtue or talent, really can't go unchallenged.

Nothing about being a billionaire indicates that an individual hasn't declined cognitively with age.

Why would anyone even suggest that this somehow supports the thesis that these people are still intelligent and competent (or even that they ever were)?

Being a billionaire suggests an unhealthy, and possibly pathological, desire for wealth to the exclusion of all other goals; Or an enormous amount of luck (or both).

Neither is an indication of cognitive superiority.
I think somebody is confused regarding which of the older guys running for president is showing more signs of cognitive decline by the day.

Do you genuinely believe Brandon is fit enough to run a campaign for 2024 and that he is fit enough to sit as POTUS for another term?

I don’t. He’s going to drop out soon and Newsom is going to be a shoo in for running in 2024. Hilarious.
I'm not concerned about his age and he is very wise and sharp, compared to his opponent. I copied a comment from the NYTimes made by some guy named "Henry". I think he makes some good points about age. The comment was in response to the brother of Maureen Dowd, who allows her conservative brother to write her column once a year.

At 81, Biden rides a bike (not stationary) for exercise - and not at a leisurely pace. I'm willing to bet my house that trump can't ride a bike.Any takers?Cognitively:To Kevin, readers and everyone else obsessed with age -Rupert Murdoch (92), Charles Koch (87), Chuck Grassley (90), Warren Buffet (93), Nancy Pelosi(80), Anthony Fauci (80). They are all old but are still active and mentally sharp. The point is not everyone declines as they hit their 80s and 90s. (Heck there are 3 multi-billionaires in the list above.) Biden is not performing his presidential duties from his deathbed.Am I the only one who saw how well Biden adroitly fended off the heckling of Republicans during the State of the Union address demonstrating his quick and witty gift of repartee ?Biden is a soft spoken person. He never was or will be a great orator.Biden is a wily and crafty fox. He is astute, shrewd and sharp-witted.Don't underestimate Joe Biden.What we need to do instead is confront trump's increasingly violent and fascist rhetoric and go out and vote and protect our precious democracy. MAGA will continue to take what they want and cause more events like January 6 if they are not confronted.

I"m not so sure that Grassley is sharp, but he's still a member of the Congress. Biden is very sharp. He just has had a life long problem with gaffes. As we age, we often forget names or mix up names but those aren't considered signs of cognitive decline. One neurologist said that older adults have so much information in their brains, that sometimes it's hard to pull up something quickly.

He might be right. Trump has said that he ran against Obama something like 7 times. He's also making threats that only an autocrat would make. I'll take a less than perfect 81 year old, who believes in democracy, over a totally insane autocrat who wants his second term to be about revenge. Have you heard him say that shoplifters should be shot as they leave the store? OF course, it's wrong to shop lift, but Trump wants to give the police the right to execute them. Seriously. I don't understand how anyone in their right mind would vote for Trump. Numerous psychiatrists have said that he suffers from cognitive decline, narcissism and psychopathy. You don't have to be a psychiatrist to recognize these symptoms. You just have to be fairly intelligent or able to recognize a person who has a defective brain.

And, btw, who the fuck cares if an 81 year old man mixes up two pop culture stars? I never listen to any of their music and I probably wouldn't be able to tell one from the other. But, I could tell you the lyrics of numerous songs from the 60s and 70s, because that music was much better than what we have these day, at least imo, and most people lose interest in pop culture as they age.

When Biden starts claiming that he ran against Bush in 2020, then perhaps we should be concerned.
Response unclear but I’ll put you down as a no.
You know who I'd like to see run for POTUS in 2024?
Hillary Clinton.

That bitch is formidable. Experienced.
Flexible ethics.
Well known in both the domestic and international communities of global leadership.

She is one tough cookie.

Godzillary for Prez.
"The point is not everyone declines as they hit their 80s and 90s. (Heck there are 3 multi-billionaires in the list above.)"

This casual assumption that a person having extreme wealth is an indicator of some kind of inherent virtue or talent, really can't go unchallenged.

Nothing about being a billionaire indicates that an individual hasn't declined cognitively with age.

Why would anyone even suggest that this somehow supports the thesis that these people are still intelligent and competent (or even that they ever were)?

Being a billionaire suggests an unhealthy, and possibly pathological, desire for wealth to the exclusion of all other goals; Or an enormous amount of luck (or both).

Neither is an indication of cognitive superiority.
I don't think the person who wrote the comment was claiming that the people on the list were cognitively superior, so I have no idea how you made that assumption. He was just claiming they weren't suffering from cognitive decline, due to their age. I'm not sure about each one, but I did get his point. And, not all billionaires are simply greedy. Buffet has said numerous times that he was simply born with a special talent for making good investments, but he's also said he's not better than anyone else. He gives most of his money away. He still seems pretty sharp to me, based on the last time I saw him interviewed. I read an editorial by another billionaire who wasn't well known who said the same thing. He said he wasn't motivated to make a lot of money, but he found it was easy for him to do it and he also gave most of his money away. He was bothered by the assumption that all very wealthy people were driven by greed. Buffet has always believed that people like him should pay higher taxes too. Plus, one can be a total asshole and still not suffer from age related cognitive decline. There are some of them on the man's list like that. That was the man's point, not that the billionaires were all superior intellectually. Nobody is making that claim. Again the point was that unlike Trump, Biden shows no concerning signs of age related cognitive decline. So, he listed a bunch of well known older adults who he believes show no sign of cognitive decline. I knew a 94 year old who was extremely sharp, but he wasn't famous so he wouldn't make the list. He was just a former member of The Atlanta Freethought Society. :giggle:
I don't think the person who wrote the comment was claiming that the people on the list were cognitively superior, so I have no idea how you made that assumption. He was just claiming they weren't suffering from cognitive decline, due to their age.
Yes. And as evidence of this, he used the fact that they were billionaires. Which is insane.

Shit, at least one of the specific billionaires mentioned (Rupert Murdoch) is almost certainly suffering cognitive decline.
And, not all billionaires are simply greedy.
That's right; That's why I mentioned that some are merely lucky.

Buffet has said numerous times that he was simply born with a special talent for making good investments, but he's also said he's not better than anyone else.

Which is exactly my point. He's lucky, not virtuous.

This kneejerk defense of the ultra wealthy is a very unpleasant trait that seems to be surprisingly common, particularly in the USA.

Warren Buffet is almost completely unique amongst billionaires, in trying to tell you that billionaires aren't special; And your response is to gush about how wonderful he (and by implication, other billionaires) can be. Such humility. :rolleyesa:

I see the same bizarre sycophancy directed towards royalty in Europe; It is apparently hard-wired into people to view insane wealth as a symptom of virtue, rather than as a symptom of insanity (or merely a reflection of pure luck).
It is apparently hard-wired into people to view insane wealth as a symptom of virtue, rather than as a symptom of insanity (or merely a reflection of pure luck).

My wiring is obviously defective. I see it as a symptom of willingness to indulge in wretched excess.
I am certain Brandon isn’t going to make it to run 2024 so it’s a moo point.
Joey Tribbiani, is that you?

Seriously though, I am quite certain that Biden can successfully run in 2024. He is no more likely to suffer a race-ending event than Trump is.

I am more concerned for his 2nd term though. He will be 86 in January 2029, the end of his second term - if he makes it that far. That is a much bigger concern than the question of whether he can run next year.
Which is exactly my point. He's lucky, not virtuous.
There is an element of luck, but that doesn't mean it's all luck.
There is a big element of skill and work in building these businesses. There is an element of chance, but it's not a uniform distribution among the US population. Not by a long shot.
I see the same bizarre sycophancy directed towards royalty in Europe;
There is a difference between inherited status (or wealth for that matter) and building up businesses like Berkshire or Tesla/SpaceX or Amazon/Blue Origin.
Warren Buffet or Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos are in a different category than the Walton kids for example. Or the 5th (or whatever it is currently) generation of Rockefellers.

That said, I agree with you that billionaires can suffer cognitive decline as they age. Buffet at least still seems sharp at 93 from what I've seen.
Genetics plays a big role in how we age, and so does lifestyle (work history, diet, exercise, access to quality healthcare). Biden seems to be ageing well compared to the average person, but he is still ageing. And that is a concern when his 2nd term is scheduled to run until he is 86.
I am certain Brandon isn’t going to make it to run 2024 so it’s a moo point.
Joey Tribbiani, is that you?
Thank goodness someone gets it
Seriously though, I am quite certain that Biden can successfully run in 2024.
It seems a lot of people in the Democratic Party are not as confident. But time will tell.

I am more concerned for his 2nd term though. He will be 86 in January 2029, the end of his second term - if he makes it that far. That is a much bigger concern than the question of whether he can run next year.
Maybe if he can ditch Harris and pick a better VP it would be better?
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