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The Race For 2024

So, Bush said he would not state who he and his wife will vote for.
No endorsement I guess.
Here's a video showing how the Mainstream Media "normalizes" Trump's word salads, apparently fearing that fair reporting would make them appear partisan.
I'm a Times subscriber, and it drives me batty how much help they give the Trump campaign in the interest of "fairness"! Of course, they buttered up the OG Nazis much the same way, endlessly interpreting and contextualizing their views so as to make them seem more mainstream and less threatening. Reading crap from that time period is aggravating. So it is no surprise that white nationalist views continue to get the kid glove treatment.
Here's a video showing how the Mainstream Media "normalizes" Trump's word salads, apparently fearing that fair reporting would make them appear partisan.
As painful as it was to listen to his answer to the childcare question again, it seems that based on him bringing up tariffs and deficits and the relative costs of childcare to those numbers he may actually think that the government pays for childcare.

He was asked about specific legislation to bring down childcare costs. Maybe he thinks childcare is paid for by legislation. Government has more money from tariffs, therefore childcare gets paid for.

Sheesh… he is not even remotely qualified to hold any government position let alone the Presidency.
Those are retreats, not failures.
No, they are 'corrections'. But whichever euphemism you prefer, they are not successes. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet*.

*"Not if you called them 'Stenchblossoms', or 'Crapweeds'. I'd sure hate to get a dozen crapweeds for Valentines Day" - Homer
That depends on your point of view. Corrections are beneficial to buyers. I try to buy on the “dips” as much as possible. The market always rebounds.
The fuck? The colleges are bending over backward trying to recruit male students, we're in a panic over the supposed "imbalance" (which of course, only radicals worried about when there was a male majority). Men just aren't enrolling. That's not discrimination, and it certainly isn't evidence that women can only advance at a cost to men. What cost? If everyone were attending college, everyone would be better off, women included. You think the women of America want a situation in which only they have degrees? Who would that benefit? Our secondary schools now refuse to honor their charges, so it's all up to higher ed. But how are supposed to get anything useful done if less than half the population knows anything tangible or usable about science, math, political science, or history?
Are they removing the advantages they put in place for women in the past?
The debate may have helped Harris, according to early-bird gamblers. When I checked a few days ago. Trump had a lead of several points. Now Harris is the favorite 51-48 at Betfair. Polymarket shows them neck-and-neck at 49-49.
Rump tonight said he never read Project 2025.
I believe it. He never listens to anybody. Not even his allies. He builds an echo chamber around himself, and fires any other voices.
But even his allies knew he needed a presidential 'cheat-sheet'. Hence Project 2025. He will probably do most of what the cheat-sheet suggests. But he has to think they are his ideas.
The fuck? The colleges are bending over backward trying to recruit male students, we're in a panic over the supposed "imbalance" (which of course, only radicals worried about when there was a male majority). Men just aren't enrolling. That's not discrimination, and it certainly isn't evidence that women can only advance at a cost to men. What cost? If everyone were attending college, everyone would be better off, women included. You think the women of America want a situation in which only they have degrees? Who would that benefit? Our secondary schools now refuse to honor their charges, so it's all up to higher ed. But how are supposed to get anything useful done if less than half the population knows anything tangible or usable about science, math, political science, or history?
Are they removing the advantages they put in place for women in the past?
Like... allowing them to register?
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