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The Race For 2024

I could likely find many more articles where psychiatrists and psychologists agree that Trump is mentally ill and suffering from dementia, but most of you realize that

And yet Trump is more appealing than cackling Harris who offers nothing.
and sadly at least one of you is or has already voted for a very sick, dangerous man.

What do you expect when your candidate is a clueless clown? I should vote for your clown because? Nah, I’m not voting for four more years of this same and possibly worse crap.
TSwizzle; ENOUGH! Enough of your FUD. You have bought into FauxNews' FUD. And done no research of your own. You are not convincing anyone.
You are just looking like another stupid MAGGAot.
I could likely find many more articles where psychiatrists and psychologists agree that Trump is mentally ill and suffering from dementia, but most of you realize that

And yet Trump is more appealing than cackling Harris who offers nothing.
and sadly at least one of you is or has already voted for a very sick, dangerous man.

What do you expect when your candidate is a clueless clown? I should vote for your clown because? Nah, I’m not voting for four more years of this same and possibly worse crap.
Appealing to the wrestling, monster truck crowd.
I could likely find many more articles where psychiatrists and psychologists agree that Trump is mentally ill and suffering from dementia, but most of you realize that

And yet Trump is more appealing than cackling Harris who offers nothing.
and sadly at least one of you is or has already voted for a very sick, dangerous man.

What do you expect when your candidate is a clueless clown? I should vote for your clown because? Nah, I’m not voting for four more years of this same and possibly worse crap.
Appealing to the wrestling, monster truck crowd.

I know, democrats despise the white working class.
What do you expect when your candidate is a clueless clown?
When a clueless clown evokes their own image in a description of a politician, I expect them to be 100% unaware of the operative irony.
I am rarely disappointed.
I could likely find many more articles where psychiatrists and psychologists agree that Trump is mentally ill and suffering from dementia, but most of you realize that

And yet Trump is more appealing than cackling Harris who offers nothing.
and sadly at least one of you is or has already voted for a very sick, dangerous man.

What do you expect when your candidate is a clueless clown? I should vote for your clown because? Nah, I’m not voting for four more years of this same and possibly worse crap.
Appealing to the wrestling, monster truck crowd.

I know, democrats despise the white working class.
I knew that was coming. I am about as white, blue color working class as gets, dude.
But, I saw how vacant and boring that stuff was by the time I was 12.
Arrested development comes to mind.
Like tRump.
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I could likely find many more articles where psychiatrists and psychologists agree that Trump is mentally ill and suffering from dementia, but most of you realize that

And yet Trump is more appealing than cackling Harris who offers nothing.
and sadly at least one of you is or has already voted for a very sick, dangerous man.

What do you expect when your candidate is a clueless clown? I should vote for your clown because? Nah, I’m not voting for four more years of this same and possibly worse crap.
Appealing to the wrestling, monster truck crowd.

I know, democrats despise the white working class.
I actually know some white working class Democrats. One of them considers refers to me as her older sister, even though we aren't genetically related. I love her like a sister and have never despised people like her. In fact, I don't like putting people in categories based on their type of work or educational level.

It's a myth that Democrats hate the white working class. I suppose some have gotten the idea that the so called liberal elites look down on them, but I've never found that to be true. Democrats have always fought to preserve programs like SS, and Medicare as well as financing public education, the infrastructure etc. These are things that benefit all of the working class as well as most Americans who aren't extremely wealthy.

Sadly, Republicans have convinced a lot of rural white people that they are on their side, while nothing could be further from the truth. There is too much disinformation on Fox and Newmax, favorites of Trump supporters. Still, it would be good if Democrats made more obvious effort to restore the trust that the so called white working class previously had in Democrats. What exactly have Republicans done for the working class? Perhaps you're confusing the White Christian Nationalists who want a theocratic form of government with the average person who is white and considered working class.

It's so obvious to most of us that the Republicans are primarily interested in helping the rich become wealthier. That is why my wealthy brother in law who once told us he would never vote for Trump again, has changed his mind and is voting for Trump for the 3rd time. He never watches or reads the news, other than things related to the stock market, nor does he really care about anything but how much money he has and how much taxes he has to pay. Democrats don't hate the wealthy but they do believe they should pay more in taxes since they benefit from our system more than any other group. Republicans enjoy giving tax breaks to the wealthiest while wanting to limit or destroy the social programs that help most Americans, including the white working class.

The MAGAs also want to destroy the SCS, which always makes me wonder why an atheist would support the current Republican Party. Perhaps you should read more of Project 2025, instead of The Daily Mail.
I could likely find many more articles where psychiatrists and psychologists agree that Trump is mentally ill and suffering from dementia, but most of you realize that

And yet Trump is more appealing than cackling Harris who offers nothing.
and sadly at least one of you is or has already voted for a very sick, dangerous man.

What do you expect when your candidate is a clueless clown? I should vote for your clown because? Nah, I’m not voting for four more years of this same and possibly worse crap.
Appealing to the wrestling, monster truck crowd.

I know, democrats despise the white working class.
I've been a white working class person my entire life. I don't remember any legislation put forth by Republicans designed to help me. You are welcome to provide examples and prove me wrong.
I could likely find many more articles where psychiatrists and psychologists agree that Trump is mentally ill and suffering from dementia, but most of you realize that

And yet Trump is more appealing than cackling Harris who offers nothing.
and sadly at least one of you is or has already voted for a very sick, dangerous man.

What do you expect when your candidate is a clueless clown? I should vote for your clown because? Nah, I’m not voting for four more years of this same and possibly worse crap.
Appealing to the wrestling, monster truck crowd.

I know, democrats despise the white working class.
I've been a white working class person my entire life. I don't remember any legislation put forth by Republicans designed to help me. You are welcome to provide examples and prove me wrong.
Trickle down economics!

(Laughs hysterically)
I actually know some white working class Democrats.
Of course you do and no doubt you regaled us with a folksy tale about how awesome they are.
The MAGAs also want to destroy the SCS, which always makes me wonder why an atheist would support the current Republican Party. Perhaps you should read more of Project 2025, instead of The Daily Mail.

Why would anyone read project 2025? It is irrelevant.
I've been a white working class person my entire life. I don't remember any legislation put forth by Republicans designed to help me. You are welcome to provide examples and prove me wrong.

Didn't you know? It is GOOD to increase taxes on the working class to help finance tax cuts for billionaires -- they will spend the money so much more wisely than you.

When you read about a billionaire and his luxury yacht, you can say to yourself with pride "I helped buy that."
Here is a very disturbing story about election fraud perpetrated by Putin et al. Just a brief excerpt:

U.S. intelligence officials have confirmed that a viral video spreading online showing mail-in ballots being destroyed in the key battleground suburb of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, is a hoax perpetrated by Russia as part of its covert effort to help elect former President Donald Trump.
. . . The video, which began circulating Thursday, shows a stack of sealed mail ballot envelopes on a table as an unidentified man proceeded to open them and tear up mail-in ballots with votes for Trump and return ballots for Harris.
"F--- Donald Trump," the man in the video said repeatedly as he ripped up the ballots.
. . .

'Outlandish' stories, millions of views:US intel says Russia behind fake 'hit and run' video attacking Kamala Harris

The intelligence officials have been holding a series of briefings with reporters in Washington detailing the latest efforts by Russia — China and Iran, as well — to meddle in the election to inform the public. They have also declassified top-secret intelligence about Russia's efforts, headed by President Vladimir Putin, and made it public in "Election Security Update" reports accompanying the briefings.

In the most recent briefing last Tuesday, officials said Russia in particular had ramped up its efforts to intervene and boost Trump's chances as the Nov. 5 election nears. And they said in the latest declassified memo that Russia is behind a fake video smearing Walz with false sexual abuse allegations. The intelligence officials also warned that Russia's efforts to help Trump, and Iran's efforts to hurt his candidacy due to his hardline policies toward Tehran, will continue after the election — especially if Trump contests a loss as he has strongly suggested he will.

And officials said on Sept. 23 that Russia also made and circulated a widely viewed fake video showing a young girl purporting to be a paralyzed victim of a hit-and-run car accident by Harris in San Francisco.
Some know exactly what they are doing and fully support The Heritage Foundation and its goals.
That’s true, and it’s one of those things I would pay to know more about. How many are there? How many of those who think they will number among the Chosen Few who will inherit the earth under a fascist regime, are actually in line for such inheritance?
I suspect it’s a small minority of the hopefuls.
I've been a white working class person my entire life. I don't remember any legislation put forth by Republicans designed to help me. You are welcome to provide examples and prove me wrong.

Didn't you know? It is GOOD to increase taxes on the working class to help finance tax cuts for billionaires -- they will spend the money so much more wisely than you.

When you read about a billionaire and his luxury yacht, you can say to yourself with pride "I helped buy that."
It takes a lot of hard-working people to design and build a luxury yacht, so those are some good engineering and craftsman jobs (among others) being supported, right?
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