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The Second Debate Thread

Again with the weird sniffing. Again with the attacks on stuff Bill Clinton did 20 years ago, even though he is not running for President. Again with the nonsense about Hillary laughing at a rape victim and getting the rapist off free.

And he's still going on about Bill Clinton. For fuck's sake. He's petulant, defensive, and on the attack on the pettiest things. Now threatening to get a special prosecutor "look into things" regarding Hillary. lol
Is it me or are the moderators letting this thing go on its own?
Trump said "bleaching" the emails was a very expensive process. Bleachbit is free.
So far I haven't heard Donald say anything that isn't more debunked crap.
He's winding up - interrupting and being his typical asshole self. He is also talking down at her again, trying to treat her like she's a child or beneath him. He is losing control.

And he is no gentleman :rolleyes:
Trump complaining about an unfair debate. If you can come back from losing all that money, think you'd be able to deal with that.
He's looking around the crowd like Mussolini while she's talking.
All I want at this point is for the orange wind sock to stay in the race until election day. That's all.
This will play well with his supporters. undecided, I don't know?
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