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The Second Debate Thread

"She just went 25 seconds over her time"

and he's back to the murderers and rapists bit

He is losing it
I couldn't believe he went there. You would think he knows better by now...OK, maybe not.
Who doesn't have a public and private persona? When I'm at home, I scratch my balls. I would never do that at work.
The way he is jabbing his finger at her, stalking around while she is talking, hovering over her while he is verbally attacking her... all typical of the type of man who would doesn't respect women.
You know, I'm starting to feel vindicated. Back during the beginning of the primaries, when Trump started winning primary after primary, I originally thought "This is great news!" If Trump got the nomination, he would be sure to lose. These past couple of months I was getting very scared. I was getting really scared in September, when it looked like he had caught up in the polls. Now, I'm starting to feel vindicated. At this point, though, I'm not going to feel safe until the inauguration. If a gay, transgender, Muslim, Mexican terrorist blows hirself up in a, I dunno, a football stadium (what is something Americans love?) then who the hell knows how people are going to react.
You know, I'm starting to feel vindicated. Back during the beginning of the primaries, when Trump started winning primary after primary, I originally thought "This is great news!" If Trump got the nomination, he would be sure to lose. These past couple of months I was getting very scared. I was getting really scared in September, when it looked like he had caught up in the polls. Now, I'm starting to feel vindicated. At this point, though, I'm not going to feel safe until the inauguration. If a gay, transgender, Muslim, Mexican terrorist blows hirself up in a, I dunno, a football stadium (what is something Americans love?) then who the hell knows how people are going to react.

The problem is that his core keeps finding justification for his statements and behaviors. I know he won't win but I'm going to be leery until election day.
You know, I'm starting to feel vindicated. Back during the beginning of the primaries, when Trump started winning primary after primary, I originally thought "This is great news!" If Trump got the nomination, he would be sure to lose. These past couple of months I was getting very scared. I was getting really scared in September, when it looked like he had caught up in the polls. Now, I'm starting to feel vindicated. At this point, though, I'm not going to feel safe until the inauguration. If a gay, transgender, Muslim, Mexican terrorist blows hirself up in a, I dunno, a football stadium (what is something Americans love?) then who the hell knows how people are going to react.

He did inch up in reliable polls in September, but keep in mind that that was also when the reddit-induced polls showed him in the lead in online (unreliable) polls.
How tightly are his sniffs correlated to lies, I wonder. I think it would be a good research project...
I'm pretty sure that with that last answer Trump came down on the side of Russia, Iran, and Assad.
You know, I'm starting to feel vindicated. Back during the beginning of the primaries, when Trump started winning primary after primary, I originally thought "This is great news!" If Trump got the nomination, he would be sure to lose. These past couple of months I was getting very scared. I was getting really scared in September, when it looked like he had caught up in the polls. Now, I'm starting to feel vindicated. At this point, though, I'm not going to feel safe until the inauguration. If a gay, transgender, Muslim, Mexican terrorist blows hirself up in a, I dunno, a football stadium (what is something Americans love?) then who the hell knows how people are going to react.

The problem is that his core keeps finding justification for his statements and behaviors. I know he won't win but I'm going to be leery until election day.

Well, his core isn't what bothers me. His 'core' is not large enough. I'm scared that some big event pushing enough people to the Strong Man.
You know, I'm starting to feel vindicated. Back during the beginning of the primaries, when Trump started winning primary after primary, I originally thought "This is great news!" If Trump got the nomination, he would be sure to lose. These past couple of months I was getting very scared. I was getting really scared in September, when it looked like he had caught up in the polls. Now, I'm starting to feel vindicated. At this point, though, I'm not going to feel safe until the inauguration. If a gay, transgender, Muslim, Mexican terrorist blows hirself up in a, I dunno, a football stadium (what is something Americans love?) then who the hell knows how people are going to react.

He did inch up in reliable polls in September, but keep in mind that that was also when the reddit-induced polls showed him in the lead in online (unreliable) polls.

I am talking about fivethirtyeight.com's projections, mostly.
So Trump doesn't understand psychological warfare? ISIS ISIS ISIS gotta get ISIS.
He literally struck out at t-ball, the moderator tried to help him swing, and he refused and struck out again.

Perhaps his vocabulary doesn't contain the word 'humanitarian'

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