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The Virus - Are You Affected?

There's really no good reason for rigidly proprietary file formats to exist. In my opinion, they only cause trouble. I shouldn't need a "solution" to opening a freaking text document in 2021.
There's really no good reason for rigidly proprietary file formats to exist. In my opinion, they only cause trouble. I shouldn't need a "solution" to opening a freaking text document in 2021.
When my Dad was diagnosed with cancer, my doctor father-in-law found a great study on it and emailed it to me... in Safari format, it is HTML with needless bits of BS. Once it became apparent I couldn't view the file, I needed to open in Notepad or Word and strip coding that was screwing things up with a normal browser. I think it took me longer to view the file than read the study.
I would probably enjoy it more if I were working a different job. Part of the problem is that I'm expected to almost double my output with the same time in pay (because online teaching is greatly more labor-intensive, but not recognised as such by the administration). It's also much more frustrating to try and teach certain subjects remotely.

I don't have the opportunity to see the teacher's side of things but I observe my kids side.

My high school boy's largest problem is submitting course work. One teacher wants work emailed as a PDF. Other teachers want it submitted through "Schoolology" which frequently fails to deliver. Some teachers want PDFs. Some want it in the native MS Word or PowerPoint. The biggest problem is that Schoolology says the work was sent but the teacher doesn't get the work and marks him down for not sending in his homework.

My daughter in College has worse problems. All of the professors want things submitted differently. There is no uniformity. Different teacher, different process.

She was trying to submit work for one professor and it wasn't working. She got the professor to screen share so that my daughter could have her observe what my daughter was doing to submit the work. They tried three times with the professor watching what my daughter was doing. All three times the work failed to arrive but my daughter was doing exactly what the professor said to do. The professor finally gave up and gave my daughter a zero or the assignment.

Was a complaint filed with the administration?

She says she did. Also the history prof claims that he was unable to open her mp3 so he gave her a zero on that and she says she has filed a complaint on that too.
Was a complaint filed with the administration?

She says she did. Also the history prof claims that he was unable to open her mp3 so he gave her a zero on that and she says she has filed a complaint on that too.

Wouldn't it be nice if we had a Federal government who could think these things through? Have a plan for the unexpected side effects of C19 issues? Issues that might not occur to most people, but matter hugely to some people?

Well, Trump clearly wasn't such a leader. Maybe Biden will be. It'll take some time to rectify the problems he inherited from the outgoing administration, especially since they refused to acknowledge that Biden has been "America's Choice" since early November.

Maybe university profs wouldn't be struggling to deal with remote learning a year after it became an obvious need.
I've moved from the "I know someone who knows someone who died from COVID" to the "I know someone who died from COVID" category.

A former co-worker of mine in radio - and one of the nicest guys in the business - passed away this morning after just under 2 weeks in the ICU.
I've moved from the "I know someone who knows someone who died from COVID" to the "I know someone who died from COVID" category.

A former co-worker of mine in radio - and one of the nicest guys in the business - passed away this morning after just under 2 weeks in the ICU.

That's awful. I am sorry, Ford.

I was notified yesterday that my sister has Covid, and is quite sick. She is having trouble breathing, and her symptoms are worsening. She is my favorite person, besides my two sons. I am very scared.
I've moved from the "I know someone who knows someone who died from COVID" to the "I know someone who died from COVID" category.

A former co-worker of mine in radio - and one of the nicest guys in the business - passed away this morning after just under 2 weeks in the ICU.

That's awful. I am sorry, Ford.

I was notified yesterday that my sister has Covid, and is quite sick. She is having trouble breathing, and her symptoms are worsening. She is my favorite person, besides my two sons. I am very scared.

It is very scary. I hope she gets better. My friend went into the ICU January 31st, and was there until the end. Late last night/early this morning. I spent a couple days in the ICU 2 years ago, and it was a sobering experience...just lying there wondering if I was going to leave. I can't imagine what it was like for him or all the other people who didn't make it.
I've moved from the "I know someone who knows someone who died from COVID" to the "I know someone who died from COVID" category.

A former co-worker of mine in radio - and one of the nicest guys in the business - passed away this morning after just under 2 weeks in the ICU.

That's awful. I am sorry, Ford.

I was notified yesterday that my sister has Covid, and is quite sick. She is having trouble breathing, and her symptoms are worsening. She is my favorite person, besides my two sons. I am very scared.

It is very scary. I hope she gets better. My friend went into the ICU January 31st, and was there until the end. Late last night/early this morning. I spent a couple days in the ICU 2 years ago, and it was a sobering experience...just lying there wondering if I was going to leave. I can't imagine what it was like for him or all the other people who didn't make it.
I have spoken with some family members of my former boss and lifelong friend, and they told me that he spent a lot of time worrying about how his family would be affected. He was very concerned that he had exposed them to this virus with his lack of precautions.

I can't imagine anything worse than lying in a bed dying and knowing that there is nothing you can do to change things you did in the past without thinking about how they could affect those you love.

I've moved from the "I know someone who knows someone who died from COVID" to the "I know someone who died from COVID" category.

Me too. A guy I vaguely know has just passed away after a few weeks in hospital “with Covid-19”. He was the father of a kid my kid knows from high school and they are both freshmen at the same college. I’d only met him a few times over the years but bumped into him back in August when we dropped our kids off at campus. Same age as me too.
I've moved from the "I know someone who knows someone who died from COVID" to the "I know someone who died from COVID" category.

Me too. A guy I vaguely know has just passed away after a few weeks in hospital “with Covid-19”. He was the father of a kid my kid knows from high school and they are both freshmen at the same college. I’d only met him a few times over the years but bumped into him back in August when we dropped our kids off at campus. Same age as me too.

Do you know anyone who died "with a heart attack", or "with drowning"?

Perhaps you know someone who died "with a car crash"?

And perhaps your use of "with" is seriously fucked up, and represents a bizarre attempt to pretend that Covid-19 isn't dangerous.

Yes, accepting that it's a deadly disease would require you to make an embarrassing retraction of your posting history here on this topic; But believe me, people think far worse of you for your attempts to maintain that your error isn't an error, than they would if you were to accept the evidence and change your opinion on the basis of that evidence.
I've moved from the "I know someone who knows someone who died from COVID" to the "I know someone who died from COVID" category.

Me too. A guy I vaguely know has just passed away after a few weeks in hospital “with Covid-19”. He was the father of a kid my kid knows from high school and they are both freshmen at the same college. I’d only met him a few times over the years but bumped into him back in August when we dropped our kids off at campus. Same age as me too.

"With Covid-19" basically means from Covid-19. There are basically three scenarios:

1) Trauma. This can kill someone who has Covid-19, but it would be noted as why.

2) They were near death anyway--but Covid finishes such people off before they die naturally. Thus they're Covid deaths.

3) They died of Covid.
I've moved from the "I know someone who knows someone who died from COVID" to the "I know someone who died from COVID" category.

Me too. A guy I vaguely know has just passed away after a few weeks in hospital “with Covid-19”. He was the father of a kid my kid knows from high school and they are both freshmen at the same college. I’d only met him a few times over the years but bumped into him back in August when we dropped our kids off at campus. Same age as me too.

"With Covid-19" basically means from Covid-19. There are basically three scenarios:

1) Trauma. This can kill someone who has Covid-19, but it would be noted as why.

2) They were near death anyway--but Covid finishes such people off before they die naturally. Thus they're Covid deaths.

3) They died of Covid.

On TWIV (This week in virology) they explained that Covid-19's impact on the mortality of older people isn't as serious as it is in young people. If we look at excess deaths Covid-19 mostly kills old people who would have died anyway. It's when we look at younger people, the excess death's from Covid-19 take a dramatic departure. Very few younger dead from Covid-19 would have died at that age. It's the dead among the young that makes Covid-19 a serious disease. But worth noting is that it's strongly correlated with over-weight.
"With Covid-19" basically means from Covid-19. There are basically three scenarios:

1) Trauma. This can kill someone who has Covid-19, but it would be noted as why.

2) They were near death anyway--but Covid finishes such people off before they die naturally. Thus they're Covid deaths.

3) They died of Covid.

On TWIV (This week in virology) they explained that Covid-19's impact on the mortality of older people isn't as serious as it is in young people. If we look at excess deaths Covid-19 mostly kills old people who would have died anyway. It's when we look at younger people, the excess death's from Covid-19 take a dramatic departure. Very few younger dead from Covid-19 would have died at that age. It's the dead among the young that makes Covid-19 a serious disease. But worth noting is that it's strongly correlated with over-weight.

If this were the case we wouldn't be seeing the huge numbers of excess deaths as it would simply be replacing one cause with another.
"With Covid-19" basically means from Covid-19. There are basically three scenarios:

1) Trauma. This can kill someone who has Covid-19, but it would be noted as why.

2) They were near death anyway--but Covid finishes such people off before they die naturally. Thus they're Covid deaths.

3) They died of Covid.

On TWIV (This week in virology) they explained that Covid-19's impact on the mortality of older people isn't as serious as it is in young people. If we look at excess deaths Covid-19 mostly kills old people who would have died anyway. It's when we look at younger people, the excess death's from Covid-19 take a dramatic departure. Very few younger dead from Covid-19 would have died at that age. It's the dead among the young that makes Covid-19 a serious disease. But worth noting is that it's strongly correlated with over-weight.
Aren't the excess deaths among the youth relatively high because young people usually aren't dying?
Brain fart. I should have thought sooner. I had a dentist apt today but on my way down I remembered that it has only been 8 days since I had to briefly visit my mom at her assisted living to convince her that her blood oxygen was too low and she should go to the hospital. Mom had asymptomatic Covid but developed pneumonia. But since I had to be in the same room with her for about 20 even though we both had masks, me double masked, the dentist asked me to reschedule.
I had to do some computer work today for the quadriplegic I had mentioned earlier. We got to talking about covid. He said several of his family members have had it and they think an aunt died undiagnosed from it in late 2019. He's also had a couple home health aides that got it and had to be replaced.
I had to do some computer work today for the quadriplegic I had mentioned earlier. We got to talking about covid. He said several of his family members have had it and they think an aunt died undiagnosed from it in late 2019. He's also had a couple home health aides that got it and had to be replaced.

Died from it in late 2019? Wouldn't that be about the first death outside China?
I had to do some computer work today for the quadriplegic I had mentioned earlier. We got to talking about covid. He said several of his family members have had it and they think an aunt died undiagnosed from it in late 2019. He's also had a couple home health aides that got it and had to be replaced.

Died from it in late 2019? Wouldn't that be about the first death outside China?

Sorry, early 2020.
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