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The Virus - Are You Affected?

Trump and company also dismantled the safeguards put in place after the Great Recession. That certainly was a bad thing.

As always, the folks who have the least amount to lose will lose the most.
A woman just called into Randi Rhodes. She talked to her son stationed in Afghanistan who told her his whole company is bedridden with CV-19 symptoms. People in the area have tested positive. She asked if he had been tested and he said none of them had.
A woman just called into Randi Rhodes. She talked to her son stationed in Afghanistan who told her his whole company is bedridden with CV-19 symptoms. People in the area have tested positive. She asked if he had been tested and he said none of them had.

Surely the presumption that only the old and infirm are severely effected by COVID-19 plays into the lack of response. Test kits are needed to screen Congresscritters anyhow.
But didn't the majority of people in Washington that died, elderly and infirm (in a skilled nursing home)?
I'd say Seattle is in the panic mode. Univ Washington will have final exams online. Students being sent home Multiple school closures. One school switching to online classes handing out wireless devices to those who need them.

Today on CNN estimates of mortally rates dropping. Possibly due to early detection and treatment compared to China. Down from 2-3% to .6%.

It would seem then it has not been over reaction if mortality rate is dropping. It must be affecting the infection rate.
A woman just called into Randi Rhodes. She talked to her son stationed in Afghanistan who told her his whole company is bedridden with CV-19 symptoms. People in the area have tested positive. She asked if he had been tested and he said none of them had.

Surely the presumption that only the old and infirm are severely effected by COVID-19 plays into the lack of response. Test kits are needed to screen Congresscritters anyhow.
This is sad.
A woman just called into Randi Rhodes. She talked to her son stationed in Afghanistan who told her his whole company is bedridden with CV-19 symptoms. People in the area have tested positive. She asked if he had been tested and he said none of them had.
While possibly true, I'd take this claim with salt, a good deal of salt.
A woman just called into Randi Rhodes. She talked to her son stationed in Afghanistan who told her his whole company is bedridden with CV-19 symptoms. People in the area have tested positive. She asked if he had been tested and he said none of them had.
While possibly true, I'd take this claim with salt, a good deal of salt.


On 24 February, Afghanistan’s Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) reported that one person with COVID-19 had been confirmed in the western province of Hirat. On 7 March, three additional people in Hirat were confirmed with the virus.
Public health officials reported that all but one case had a previous travel history to Iran. Contact tracing for the people confirmed with COVID-19 is ongoing. It is reported that all schools in Hirat are closed and public gatherings banned until further notice. As of 8 March, MoPH is investigating 10 people presumptive for COVID-19 (see table below).

The clinical condition of the people confirmed as having COVID-19 and those presumptive for the virus is good. All 10 people presumptive for COVID-19 are being kept in isolation wards. Local authorities in Hirat recently decided to move the current Paediatric Hospital (located in the eastern part of the city) to Hirat Regional Hospital, so the paediatric hospitals’ facilities can be used as isolation wards.

On 24 February, Afghanistan’s Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) reported that one person with COVID-19 had been confirmed in the western province of Hirat. On 7 March, three additional people in Hirat were confirmed with the virus.
Public health officials reported that all but one case had a previous travel history to Iran. Contact tracing for the people confirmed with COVID-19 is ongoing. It is reported that all schools in Hirat are closed and public gatherings banned until further notice. As of 8 March, MoPH is investigating 10 people presumptive for COVID-19 (see table below).

The clinical condition of the people confirmed as having COVID-19 and those presumptive for the virus is good. All 10 people presumptive for COVID-19 are being kept in isolation wards. Local authorities in Hirat recently decided to move the current Paediatric Hospital (located in the eastern part of the city) to Hirat Regional Hospital, so the paediatric hospitals’ facilities can be used as isolation wards.

That news article hardly addresses Jimmy's skepticism. It merely confirms that 10 Afghanis have contacted the virus. It says nothing about a whole American company being bedridden.

There are something like 500 known cases in the U.S. but that certainly doesn't indicate that our military in the states are bedridden.
Yup. Right now it appears sparse in Afghanistan, which I believe is good reason to be cautious about claims made on the radio. I remember someone calling into some AM Radio program about how Minneapolis had instituted martial law. And while that did happen and the enemy were wiped from the face of the planet, no evidence was left to prove it. ;)

And if those in Afghanistan were sick with Covid-19, we'd find out about it after a while, and after the number slowly was reported up like in Iraq.
A teacher at my boys high school tested presumptive positive. School says they disinfected the whole building but boys say just as dusty/dirty as always. I don't know if there is some spray that would disinfect without actually cleaning anything. Boys are anxious about going back to school.

In the meantime my daughter's school has postponed the Disney World trip that was to happen next week. She's very upset. Secretly I'm glad it was called off. They say September but... who knows...
However, people are going insane about it, especially about bottled water.
This is another craze that confuses me.
. Have people really stopped drinking tap water from their home taps and only drink tap water from these bottlers' taps?

Yeah, I never remember about this because we always drink tap water. And I never have much concern even if it’s armageddon, because (A) we have two “dug wells” on the property and could draw water by bucket if needed and (B) because we have a spring in the yard and could just stick a straw in it.

So when people do a run on water, I’m always, “whuh?”
I'm starting to worry that the Intertribal Pow-Wow my students have been planning for more than two years now against financial implausiblity and constant administrative meddling is now going to breathe its last, rheumatic breath over this coronavirus scare. I had initially imagined that, being a late May event, it might be safe. Now, I am not so sure.
Yup. I don't have a count but we have quite a bit on a closet shelf. I fill it up when I find a good enough price and we actually could get by without--two of our toilets have bidet attachments.

Some stocking up makes sense--until they get a vaccine for it we are minimizing contact with others. The fewer shopping trips the better. However, people are going insane about it, especially about bottled water.
This is another craze that confuses me. The soft drink industry has created a demand for a product without the sweetener, flavorings, or carbonation (the major cost in production of soft drinks) which they sell at a higher price, in some cases, than their soft drinks. Have people really stopped drinking tap water from their home taps and only drink tap water from these bottlers' taps?

In many places tap water doesn't taste very good. Ours is at more than 95% of the EPA limits of dissolved minerals. However, reverse osmosis water is a lot cheaper and greener than bottled water and tastes better to me. We only buy bottled water for guests and occasional use outside. (For example, since the last time I climbed our highest peak I've had an extra 500ml bottle in my pack--I've never actually needed it but I've ended up giving it away 3 times now.)
A woman just called into Randi Rhodes. She talked to her son stationed in Afghanistan who told her his whole company is bedridden with CV-19 symptoms. People in the area have tested positive. She asked if he had been tested and he said none of them had.
While possibly true, I'd take this claim with salt, a good deal of salt.

It's doesn't surprise me at all. Test kits still require a competent BSL-2 lab, they probably don't have access to one there. And given the lack of test kits a bunch of fit young people aren't exactly the best use of the kits.
Two emails in my work inbox this morning.
1, someone in this building has tested positive for the virus. They say they have contacted everyone unnamed coworker was in contact with to self-quarantine. I hope they called people at home, not notify by work email...

2, someone wanted to know what i'm bringing to the pot-luck on Friday. A ten foot pole sounds good.
Two emails in my work inbox this morning.
1, someone in this building has tested positive for the virus. They say they have contacted everyone unnamed coworker was in contact with to self-quarantine. I hope they called people at home, not notify by work email...

2, someone wanted to know what i'm bringing to the pot-luck on Friday. A ten foot pole sounds good.

Finger foods.
2, someone wanted to know what i'm bringing to the pot-luck on Friday. A ten foot pole sounds good.

Funny, someone in my office was trying to organize a pot luck salad bar for next week. I said I wouldn't be taking part.

LA traffic is definitely lighter. It took me about fifteen minutes less to get home last night. This morning the traffic is lighter but it is raining today, that could have something to do with it.
..... This morning the traffic is lighter but it is raining today, that could have something to do with it.

Raining in LA?? Oh shit! Isn't that one of the signs of the apocalypse?

In the limited context of being trapped on a freeway with other L.A. drivers? It is the Apocalypse. Or at least Matrix 2.
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