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The Virus - Are You Affected?

First, you say this:
Get it into your head, most people won’t get the virus, of those that do, very, very few will show any sign of illness.
Then, you say this:
....the vast, VAST majority of people who contract the virus show no symptoms or mild symptoms, those that do show symptoms that are more severe most will recover and the the ones that die are in the upper age bracket usually with other health issues. i.e. one foot in the grave and the other on a banana skin.
Now, note the portions of your most recent post I have bolded:
The insufferable prick of a governor of the state of California intends on early release of roughly 18,000 inmates from prison due to Covid;

Fuckwit Newsom, not content with the thousands of deaths of elderly in care homes now throws a bunch (probably hundreds) of contagious inmates on to the streets doing who knows what.
Probably hundreds carrying the virus out of the 18,000 released? This is not quite the same as your statement that "most people won't get the virus" or your statements that care homes are about 50% of the death rate from infection due to lockdowns and susceptible populations, which is also true of prisons.

And why do you even emphasize that they will likely be contagious, if the risk was really as minimal as you said? I am not including any possible criminal activities which they might perform as that has nothing to do with COVID.

Probably hundreds carrying the virus out of the 18,000 released? This is not quite the same as your statement that "most people won't get the virus" or your statements that care homes have about a 50% infection rate due to lockdowns and susceptible populations, which is also true of prisons.

Not quite, the number of deaths occurring in care homes account for about 50% of the deaths attributed to Covid. Certainly in California and I think that is consistent across the USA and most of Europe.

And why do you even emphasize that they will likely be contagious, if the risk was really as minimal as you said? I am not including any possible criminal activities which they might perform as that has nothing to do with COVID.

If Newsom really, really believes that this virus is so contagious and so dangerous that we must stay home, can't go to the beach, schools remain closed, must wear a mask when hiking, can't get a haircut etc (but can still shop at Walmart !), why would he turn loose so many carriers of such a plague ? It is Newsom that is inconsistent, not I.
If Newsom really, really believes that this virus is so contagious and so dangerous that we must stay home, can't go to the beach, schools remain closed, must wear a mask when hiking, can't get a haircut etc (but can still shop at Walmart !), why would he turn loose so many carriers of such a plague ? It is Newsom that is inconsistent, not I.

And if you, really really believe that it is not contagious, what’s your complaint about the contagious inmates?
And if you, really really believe that it is not contagious, what’s your complaint about the contagious inmates?

I'm complaining about Newsom's inconsistencies. (In addition to letting out lord knows what scum)
Probably hundreds carrying the virus out of the 18,000 released? This is not quite the same as your statement that "most people won't get the virus" or your statements that care homes have about a 50% infection rate due to lockdowns and susceptible populations, which is also true of prisons.

Not quite, the number of deaths occurring in care homes account for about 50% of the deaths attributed to Covid. Certainly in California and I think that is consistent across the USA and most of Europe.
Yes, I realized I had misquoted you and later edited my post - apparently after you started yours. But my point still stands; you are making a statement that appears to be saying that either you have previously understated or overstated the rate of infection. Your numbers do not reconcile with your previous statements on this.

And why do you even emphasize that they will likely be contagious, if the risk was really as minimal as you said? I am not including any possible criminal activities which they might perform as that has nothing to do with COVID.

If Newsom really, really believes that this virus is so contagious and so dangerous that we must stay home, can't go to the beach, schools remain closed, must wear a mask when hiking, can't get a haircut etc (but can still shop at Walmart !), why would he turn loose so many carriers of such a plague ? It is Newsom that is inconsistent, not I.
You stated flatly that he was responsible for the care home deaths and then blasted him for releasing an equally vulnerable population from a lockdown. Your position is inconsistent as stated.

Yes, I realized I had misquoted you and later edited my post - apparently after you started yours. But my point still stands; you are making a statement that appears to be saying that either you have previously understated or overstated the rate of infection. Your numbers do not reconcile with your previous statements on this.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

You stated flatly that he was responsible for the care home deaths and then blasted him for releasing an equally vulnerable population from a lockdown. Your position is inconsistent as stated.

People in care homes are vulnerable to Covid because they are very elderly and infirm. Prison, not so much. In fact, there were reports earlier prisoners were trying to get infected with Covid so they could get early release ! But you are playing silly games, it is Newsom that is being inconsistent, not I.
Probably hundreds carrying the virus out of the 18,000 released? This is not quite the same as your statement that "most people won't get the virus" or your statements that care homes have about a 50% infection rate due to lockdowns and susceptible populations, which is also true of prisons.

Not quite, the number of deaths occurring in care homes account for about 50% of the deaths attributed to Covid. Certainly in California and I think that is consistent across the USA and most of Europe.

And why do you even emphasize that they will likely be contagious, if the risk was really as minimal as you said? I am not including any possible criminal activities which they might perform as that has nothing to do with COVID.

If Newsom really, really believes that this virus is so contagious and so dangerous that we must stay home, can't go to the beach, schools remain closed, must wear a mask when hiking, can't get a haircut etc (but can still shop at Walmart !), why would he turn loose so many carriers of such a plague ? It is Newsom that is inconsistent, not I.

California as a whole has a positivity test rate that has been going down and is currently 5.5%. That article quoted about 2.3% for prison inmates back in early July. The idea, aside from the need to treat inmates as fellow human beings, is to remove as many of them as practical from a situation in which social distancing is next to impossible. If you need a self-serving excuse it's the plain fact that when inmates contract the virus they will need to be treated in hospital like anyone else, and take up resources that would otherwise be available for folks like you and me.
Hydroxychloroquine one more time.


On the one hand Im pretty sure most here think PCR is a big crackpot tinfoiler. I get that. OTOH, it seems a very compelling argument big pharma and drug companies would deliberately suppress a COVID cure in order to maximize their profits. That sounds exactly how they operate in America today.

Im not so far convinced either way at this point but just looking to inform myself better.

And its not that I'm out there looking for a conspiracy theory. Its that Trump has made the mistake of publicly recommending a cure and that alone now makes finding any truth about this extremely difficult. The Trump hating media now have their ego heavily invested into making sure anything Trump says or claims is false.

What I would like to see is if there are many examples of people who have taken preventative hydroxycloroquine and still died of COVID. You see a lot of stuff regarding hydroxycloroquine after already contracting the virus but not so much about the people who take it before any symptoms or sickness. For example if someone like Trump who has already taken hydroxycloroquine ended up dying of COVID that would be good evidence for me that it either did not work for him or will not work for most people.

At 63 years old, I'm considering the probabilities of my own survival. I have been so far blessed with excellent health and have never taken any drugs prescribed or otherwise. But if hydroxycloroquine is safe and cheap to buy I might consider taking it myself as an insurance policy against death.
At 63 years old, I'm considering the probabilities of my own survival. I have been so far blessed with excellent health and have never taken any drugs prescribed or otherwise. But if hydroxycloroquine is safe and cheap to buy I might consider taking it myself as an insurance policy against death.

But if there isn’t evidence that it helps how is it an insurance policy? Just imagine how many other things you aren’t taking that could be helpful.
Hydroxychloroquine one more time.


On the one hand Im pretty sure most here think PCR is a big crackpot tinfoiler. I get that. OTOH, it seems a very compelling argument big pharma and drug companies would deliberately suppress a COVID cure in order to maximize their profits. That sounds exactly how they operate in America today.

I don't need to know him to see that he's spouting garbage.

First, he's claiming it's proven--yet giving little information on that proof. There's a reference to a doctor--oops, the doctor is in trouble for pretending his study was authorized when it wasn't.

Second, he says it's to direct money to an expensive treatment that failed--while ignoring another cheap drug that has shown substantial benefit in reducing the harm.

Third, he says the vaccine alters the DNA of the recipients. Thus is tinfoil hat territory, vaccines can't do that.

Fourth, he says HCQ is proven safe in 65 years of use. Hell, no! It's been tolerated because there are no good options for malaria, but that's far from saying it's safe. The FDA isn't about safe, the FDA is about know the risks and know that the treatment is better than what it's treating. Lets consider a hypothetical drug: Coin--called that because taking it is like flipping a coin. 50% it cures your cancer, 50% it kills you. The FDA would approve this, albeit with a hell of a warning on it.

Fifth, he brings up "American Pysicians & Surgeons" [sic]. Nope, it's really Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and they're conservative nutcases.

I'm not going to try to address any more of his crap.

Im not so far convinced either way at this point but just looking to inform myself better.

If you are actually looking to inform yourself better then you should be looking at the credibility of the information you are reading rather than just cherry-picking the stuff that supports your biases.

And its not that I'm out there looking for a conspiracy theory. Its that Trump has made the mistake of publicly recommending a cure and that alone now makes finding any truth about this extremely difficult. The Trump hating media now have their ego heavily invested into making sure anything Trump says or claims is false.

It's not at all hard to find truth about it. What's hard is to find people who support your position.

What I would like to see is if there are many examples of people who have taken preventative hydroxycloroquine and still died of COVID. You see a lot of stuff regarding hydroxycloroquine after already contracting the virus but not so much about the people who take it before any symptoms or sickness. For example if someone like Trump who has already taken hydroxycloroquine ended up dying of COVID that would be good evidence for me that it either did not work for him or will not work for most people.

They still get COVID and die of it. AFIAK we don't have a large enough sample size to see if there's any effect (most HCQ patients are higher risk and thus will be trying to avoid exposure, simple numbers aren't enough for an answer) but we know it's no panacea.

At 63 years old, I'm considering the probabilities of my own survival. I have been so far blessed with excellent health and have never taken any drugs prescribed or otherwise. But if hydroxycloroquine is safe and cheap to buy I might consider taking it myself as an insurance policy against death.

It's not safe. I'm sure it's not cheap to buy, either, as there is a worldwide shortage caused by the Orange Turd.
Hydroxychloroquine one more time.


On the one hand Im pretty sure most here think PCR is a big crackpot tinfoiler. I get that. OTOH, it seems a very compelling argument big pharma and drug companies would deliberately suppress a COVID cure in order to maximize their profits. That sounds exactly how they operate in America today.

Im not so far convinced either way at this point but just looking to inform myself better.

And its not that I'm out there looking for a conspiracy theory. Its that Trump has made the mistake of publicly recommending a cure and that alone now makes finding any truth about this extremely difficult. The Trump hating media now have their ego heavily invested into making sure anything Trump says or claims is false.

What I would like to see is if there are many examples of people who have taken preventative hydroxycloroquine and still died of COVID. You see a lot of stuff regarding hydroxycloroquine after already contracting the virus but not so much about the people who take it before any symptoms or sickness. For example if someone like Trump who has already taken hydroxycloroquine ended up dying of COVID that would be good evidence for me that it either did not work for him or will not work for most people.

At 63 years old, I'm considering the probabilities of my own survival. I have been so far blessed with excellent health and have never taken any drugs prescribed or otherwise. But if hydroxycloroquine is safe and cheap to buy I might consider taking it myself as an insurance policy against death.

It's not safe. It has dangerous side effects. It also doesn't help against Covid-19
The Trump hating media now have their ego heavily invested into making sure anything Trump says or claims is false.
Who told you that? Eh? Was it one of your "alternative" media sources?

"The media" isn't "Trump hating." The media is "money loving" which makes them "lies hating." When media deliberately lies to the public in ways that can cause damage to some people, the media exposes themselves to lawsuits.

For example:
Fox News Faces Lawsuit For Calling COVID-19 A ‘Hoax’

If it seems like the media won't shut up about Trump's lies, that is more a function of the depraved amount that Trump insists on lying.

Now there are some lies which are persistently told by various media outlets and I can explain how they get away with those lies too, but I feel like that's a bit too off topic for this thread.
The Trump hating media now have their ego heavily invested into making sure anything Trump says or claims is false.
:rotfl: All evidence points to Donald Trump's own ego being heavily invested in making sure anything he says or claims is false.
That insufferable prick Newsom has been very quiet since it became apparent that the covid counting has some serious irregularities. And without notice, one of Newsom's covid advisors abruptly resigned, Director of Public Health Dr. Sonia Angell. Newsom issues a one sentence statement, "I want to thank Dr. Angell for her service to the state and her work to help steer our public health system during this global pandemic while never losing sight of the importance of health equity."

"Health equity", what a nincompoop Newsom is.

This is the "science" and "data" we are supposed to follow. What a joke, the prick should resign but we know he won't.
That insufferable prick Newsom has been very quiet since it became apparent that the covid counting has some serious irregularities. And without notice, one of Newsom's covid advisors abruptly resigned, Director of Public Health Dr. Sonia Angell. Newsom issues a one sentence statement, "I want to thank Dr. Angell for her service to the state and her work to help steer our public health system during this global pandemic while never losing sight of the importance of health equity."

"Health equity", what a nincompoop Newsom is.

This is the "science" and "data" we are supposed to follow. What a joke, the prick should resign but we know he won't.

Strange, I don't see any science or data in your post. I see a lot of childish invectives and I certainly rarely see you ever dispute the science with actual science yourself.
Dr. Sonia Angell, California's Department of Public Health director, resigned Sunday evening, KCRA 3 has confirmed.

The resignation, effective immediately, came unexpectedly and without reason. The announcement comes less than a week after state officials revealed a problem with the state's computer system, causing an undercounting of COVID-19 cases.

Angell had started her position as director and state health officer in October.


TSwizzle, weren't you one of the people saying the covid cases were being over-counted?
[TWEET]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Anti-masker in Tucson, AZ throws a tantrum and has to be carried out by his own son <a href="https://t.co/ggo4I968aL">pic.twitter.com/ggo4I968aL</a></p>— Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) <a href="https://twitter.com/davenewworld_2/status/1292984224518209537?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 11, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/TWEET]
Right wing authoritarian disease seems to severely affect functioning of the frontal lobes.
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