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The World-O-Meter Thread

That doesn't mean tens of millions aren't vaccinated.
2) Infection provides less protection than one vax shot, even against the strain that caused the infection.
This is not what I've heard second hand from my Doctor source on the subject, who is a literal Dr. Know-it-all. He indicated that those infected would likely have the best immunity compared to those vaccinated. I trust his word very much.

That's nice that you trust your doctor. I trust Fauci, Hotez and the other infectious disease specialists who have said categorically that the reinfection data indicates weaker protection (on average) from infection than from Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. Their caveat, that there is a paucity of data, makes me wonder how your know-it-all Doctor came to his conclusion.

The basic problem with infection-granted protection is that there's no guarantee the body targeted a stable part of the virus. That's why we have never had a coronavirus vaccine before--too likely for a variant to slip past it.

Infection-induced protection is probably very good--against that strain. Just look at the reports on the Sinovac vaccine--it's an old-style killed-virus vaccine and thus has the same old problems against coronaviruses. It worked pretty well in testing because it was facing the same version it was engineered against. Against the variants, though, the protection is nowhere near as good.
That doesn't mean tens of millions aren't vaccinated.
2) Infection provides less protection than one vax shot, even against the strain that caused the infection.
This is not what I've heard second hand from my Doctor source on the subject, who is a literal Dr. Know-it-all. He indicated that those infected would likely have the best immunity compared to those vaccinated. I trust his word very much.

That's nice that you trust your doctor. I trust Fauci, Hotez and the other infectious disease specialists who have said categorically that the reinfection data indicates weaker protection (on average) from infection than from Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. Their caveat, that there is a paucity of data, makes me wonder how your know-it-all Doctor came to his conclusion.

He’s a very very smart doctor and I trust him a lot.
That's nice that you trust your doctor. I trust Fauci, Hotez and the other infectious disease specialists who have said categorically that the reinfection data indicates weaker protection (on average) from infection than from Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. Their caveat, that there is a paucity of data, makes me wonder how your know-it-all Doctor came to his conclusion.

He’s a very very smart doctor and I trust him a lot.

I'm sure you won't mind asking him (should you get the chance) how he came by that opinion?
Not trying to be snarky - just wondering, since the high profile specialists of whose opinions I am aware, seem to differ with him.
FWIW, my own brother is "a very smart doctor" and refuses to opine on that particular matter.
That's nice that you trust your doctor. I trust Fauci, Hotez and the other infectious disease specialists who have said categorically that the reinfection data indicates weaker protection (on average) from infection than from Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. Their caveat, that there is a paucity of data, makes me wonder how your know-it-all Doctor came to his conclusion.

He’s a very very smart doctor and I trust him a lot.

I'm sure you won't mind asking him (should you get the chance) how he came by that opinion?
Not trying to be snarky - just wondering, since the high profile specialists of whose opinions I am aware, seem to differ with him.
FWIW, my own brother is "a very smart doctor" and refuses to opine on that particular matter.
He's just very well read overall in medicine. He could be wrong, and if data comes out showing as such, he'll have no trouble shifting his understanding and will very likely understand the mechanism as to why that is.
I'm sure you won't mind asking him (should you get the chance) how he came by that opinion?
Not trying to be snarky - just wondering, since the high profile specialists of whose opinions I am aware, seem to differ with him.
FWIW, my own brother is "a very smart doctor" and refuses to opine on that particular matter.
He's just very well read overall in medicine. He could be wrong, and if data comes out showing as such, he'll have no trouble shifting his understanding and will very likely understand the mechanism as to why that is.

I'm fairly confident that what Loren said above is right.
Given the extent of the coronavirus reservoir and the bleakness of any prospect of suppressing it with vaccines, naturally acquired immunity will likely be rendered useless in a year or so.
More than 75,000 new US cases yesterday, and looking like we'll be right there again today.
Putin and right are winning their fight to keep COVID alive. The Republic of DeSantis is leading the way with more than 16 thousand new cases yesterday... almost as if they think that the more Americans are sick and dying, the worse it makes Biden look.
Given how the truth of 1/6 is overcoming their obfuscation and denial efforts, I can hardly blame them for seeking distractions.

Now with so many vaccinated you can stop looking at new case numbers. It's not really relevant any longer. Those vaccinated can get it and spread it. But it's not a problem for them. Better to look at mortality rates. Those are through the floor.
More than 75,000 new US cases yesterday, and looking like we'll be right there again today.
Putin and right are winning their fight to keep COVID alive. The Republic of DeSantis is leading the way with more than 16 thousand new cases yesterday... almost as if they think that the more Americans are sick and dying, the worse it makes Biden look.
Given how the truth of 1/6 is overcoming their obfuscation and denial efforts, I can hardly blame them for seeking distractions.

Now with so many vaccinated you can stop looking at new case numbers. It's not really relevant any longer. Those vaccinated can get it and spread it. But it's not a problem for them. Better to look at mortality rates. Those are through the floor.

  • You misspelled hospitalization rates.
  • Forgot to cite the data that there are no long term complications for the vaccinated who contract Covid-19.
  • Seem oblivious that children under 12 aren't vaccinated yet (and will, in your response, fail to cite data indicating there are no long term health complications to children that contracted Covid-19).
  • Ignore the dangers of Delta mutating. The other strains could be more dangerous, but Delta is pretty contagious and will outperform the others. If we provide a path for that to mutate into something even more dangerous, well... that'd be pretty fucking stupid.
I'm sure you won't mind asking him (should you get the chance) how he came by that opinion?
Not trying to be snarky - just wondering, since the high profile specialists of whose opinions I am aware, seem to differ with him.
FWIW, my own brother is "a very smart doctor" and refuses to opine on that particular matter.
He's just very well read overall in medicine. He could be wrong, and if data comes out showing as such, he'll have no trouble shifting his understanding and will very likely understand the mechanism as to why that is.

I'm fairly confident that what Loren said above is right.
Given the extent of the coronavirus reservoir and the bleakness of any prospect of suppressing it with vaccines, naturally acquired immunity will likely be rendered useless in a year or so.
It seems like we'll have no choice but to find out because human beings are idiots.
More than 75,000 new US cases yesterday, and looking like we'll be right there again today.
Putin and right are winning their fight to keep COVID alive. The Republic of DeSantis is leading the way with more than 16 thousand new cases yesterday... almost as if they think that the more Americans are sick and dying, the worse it makes Biden look.
Given how the truth of 1/6 is overcoming their obfuscation and denial efforts, I can hardly blame them for seeking distractions.

Now with so many vaccinated you can stop looking at new case numbers. It's not really relevant any longer. Those vaccinated can get it and spread it. But it's not a problem for them. Better to look at mortality rates. Those are through the floor.
"Low" mortality rate is misleading. It is low because demographics shifted toward young people in US. Old people who could die are either dead already or vaccinated. Younger people die less often, they will just have long Covid for the rest of their lives.
More than 75,000 new US cases yesterday, and looking like we'll be right there again today.
Putin and right are winning their fight to keep COVID alive. The Republic of DeSantis is leading the way with more than 16 thousand new cases yesterday... almost as if they think that the more Americans are sick and dying, the worse it makes Biden look.
Given how the truth of 1/6 is overcoming their obfuscation and denial efforts, I can hardly blame them for seeking distractions.

Now with so many vaccinated you can stop looking at new case numbers. It's not really relevant any longer. Those vaccinated can get it and spread it. But it's not a problem for them. Better to look at mortality rates. Those are through the floor.
"Low" mortality rate is misleading. It is low because demographics shifted toward young people in US. Old people who could die are either dead already or vaccinated. Younger people die less often, they will just have long Covid for the rest of their lives.
...and something like 400 children have died from Covid-19. Out of 600,000, kind of low. But then again, most children don't die of anything, so kind of high. People in their 30s and 40s dying from Covid-19. Not a lot, but when it is preventable... it seems egregiously high.
More than 75,000 new US cases yesterday, and looking like we'll be right there again today.
Putin and right are winning their fight to keep COVID alive. The Republic of DeSantis is leading the way with more than 16 thousand new cases yesterday... almost as if they think that the more Americans are sick and dying, the worse it makes Biden look.
Given how the truth of 1/6 is overcoming their obfuscation and denial efforts, I can hardly blame them for seeking distractions.

Now with so many vaccinated you can stop looking at new case numbers. It's not really relevant any longer. Those vaccinated can get it and spread it. But it's not a problem for them. Better to look at mortality rates. Those are through the floor.

Use your brain. Most cases among the vaxed are never reported. The reported numbers reflect the unvaccinated.

Deaths are INCREASING - over 25% since the “floor” on July 8. And it’s a lagging indicator, so is likely to go up.
More important right now, new cases are a real-time indicator of the size of the viral reservoir, and therefore the likelihood of new variants appearing.
... new cases are a real-time indicator of the size of the viral reservoir, and therefore the likelihood of new variants appearing.

More germane to the above, the global rate of new infections is up more than 55% since June 21, now around 560,000/day.
Once again, the role politics plays is very clear:


And note that of the two highest blue states both are special cases.

Here in Nevada we have an awful lot of visitors who are poor at risk evaluation. (If they were good at risk evaluation they wouldn't be gambling in the first place.)

The next "blue" state is Georgia--not very blue. And the next is Arizona, still not very blue.
Florida exceeds its alleged max during the pandemic. The good news, with vaccinated getting infected as well, the surge should end shortly as most people in the state that haven't gotten infected will shortly get infected. Won't need masks in schools, all the kids will have had Covid-19. Now that​ is leadership!
Great news! Florida's numbers are levelling off. In general, except for that spike above 20,000, they have been about 17,000 new cases for a few days. This is great.

I mean, the positive tests number is 20+% and the number of those being hospitalized continues to increase. But Florida has put a lid on the number of positive cases coming back. So that is great news!
Great news! Florida's numbers are levelling off. In general, except for that spike above 20,000, they have been about 17,000 new cases for a few days. This is great.
Yeah, about that, looks like Frlorida is committing a crime against statistics by distributing numbers so that spread appears to be lower.
last 4 weeks have suspiciously repetitive pattern (besides normal drop during weekend).

Russian numbers have the same thing for number of dead where they are clearly distributing numbers so that total number does not spike above 799, previous limit was 399 :) Why do that?
Florida has been loose with the numbers for a while, pretty committing every unethical act they can think of to shelter the true toll of their political ambition. Deaths in Florida from Covid-19 are well under reported.

Right now, they are reporting publicly every Friday now (this can lead to the numbers looking similar as they might be averaged out), which helps hide numbers, but the CDC has been publishing data. Florida is now over 12,000 hospitalizations. How bad are things in Florida? Well, half of the state is vaccinated and the state keeps setting records for hospitalizations.

The US, according to Worldometer, had 112,000 cases yesterday. More disturbingly, the new daily cases are rising in every state. We have no idea how many vax'd positives there are.

The US really needs to make a decision right now, everyone gets Covid-19 or we need to enact masking protocol nationally (or the the Government supplies N95s to Americans that give a fuck about not getting Covid).
Does anyone know the mortality rate of the delta variant?
I may still be too early to tell. I'll see if I can find the link, but I saw an article (NPR maybe?) that said the mortality rate is approximately the same, but it's roughly 2-5x more contagious.

Which is sorta what you'd expect to happen when you let evolution have that much opportunity. :(
Does anyone know the mortality rate of the delta variant?
I may still be too early to tell. I'll see if I can find the link, but I saw an article (NPR maybe?) that said the mortality rate is approximately the same, but it's roughly 2-5x more contagious.

Which is sorta what you'd expect to happen when you let evolution have that much opportunity. :(

Not good enough. We need to keep cultivating it until we get it to 80-90% lethality.
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