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The World-O-Meter Thread

Thing is, if a virus (or any disease, really) becomes that lethal, it tends to die out because the hosts die more often without spreading the disease. Although COVID has a long enough incubation that it could really do a number on the planet if it got that lethal.
Thing is, if a virus (or any disease, really) becomes that lethal, it tends to die out because the hosts die more often without spreading the disease. Although COVID has a long enough incubation that it could really do a number on the planet if it got that lethal.

Yes, exactly. Vaccinated people as the only survivors could still carry a sufficient reservoir to ensure the demise of anti-vaxers... maybe cut down the global human population by 60-70 percent* and give the environment/biosphere some time to heal.
As God intended ! :D

* I know that some "vaccine resistors" will call that cold, harsh, inhumane etc, which is supremely ironic considering their "they were going to die anyway" attitude toward people with co-morbidities like asthma, diabetes, heart conditions, hangnails...
Those 4-5 billion people who would die under my optimized scenario "were going to die anyway".
Thing is, if a virus (or any disease, really) becomes that lethal, it tends to die out because the hosts die more often without spreading the disease. Although COVID has a long enough incubation that it could really do a number on the planet if it got that lethal.
Which is what makes the crucial metric with Covid-19 being hospitalizations. This doesn't have to kill to be a serious problem. Polio didn't kill as much as it crippled.
Thing is, if a virus (or any disease, really) becomes that lethal, it tends to die out because the hosts die more often without spreading the disease. Although COVID has a long enough incubation that it could really do a number on the planet if it got that lethal.

Yes, exactly. Vaccinated people as the only survivors could still carry a sufficient reservoir to ensure the demise of anti-vaxers... maybe cut down the global human population by 60-70 percent* and give the environment/biosphere some time to heal.
As God intended ! :D

* I know that some "vaccine resistors" will call that cold, harsh, inhumane etc, which is supremely ironic considering their "they were going to die anyway" attitude toward people with co-morbidities like asthma, diabetes, heart conditions, hangnails...
Those 4-5 billion people who would die under my optimized scenario "were going to die anyway".
Yeah, two lines at the hospital, one for vaccinated with Covid-19 and another for unvaccinated with Covid-19, with the latter actually just rounding about the hospital in a never ending circle..
More than 75,000 new US cases yesterday, and looking like we'll be right there again today.
Putin and right are winning their fight to keep COVID alive. The Republic of DeSantis is leading the way with more than 16 thousand new cases yesterday... almost as if they think that the more Americans are sick and dying, the worse it makes Biden look.
Given how the truth of 1/6 is overcoming their obfuscation and denial efforts, I can hardly blame them for seeking distractions.

Now with so many vaccinated you can stop looking at new case numbers. It's not really relevant any longer. Those vaccinated can get it and spread it. But it's not a problem for them. Better to look at mortality rates. Those are through the floor.

  • You misspelled hospitalization rates.
  • Forgot to cite the data that there are no long term complications for the vaccinated who contract Covid-19.
  • Seem oblivious that children under 12 aren't vaccinated yet (and will, in your response, fail to cite data indicating there are no long term health complications to children that contracted Covid-19).
  • Ignore the dangers of Delta mutating. The other strains could be more dangerous, but Delta is pretty contagious and will outperform the others. If we provide a path for that to mutate into something even more dangerous, well... that'd be pretty fucking stupid.

What long term complications? 12 year olds aren't an at risk population. When viruses mutate they typically become more contagious and less dangerous. The first appearance of a new virus is usually devastating and then for every time it shows up it's milder and milder until it's at worst a mild nuisance.

You sound hysterical.
Thing is, if a virus (or any disease, really) becomes that lethal, it tends to die out because the hosts die more often without spreading the disease. Although COVID has a long enough incubation that it could really do a number on the planet if it got that lethal.
Which is what makes the crucial metric with Covid-19 being hospitalizations. This doesn't have to kill to be a serious problem. Polio didn't kill as much as it crippled.

Yeah, polio really sucks that way. A really good COVID variant would kill within a day or two of the appearance of symptoms, keeping hospitals relatively free and ensuring "survival of the fittest". (yeah, I know that's not exactly how evolution works, but we can dream, right?)
Vaccinated people as the only survivors could still carry a sufficient reservoir to ensure the demise of anti-vaxers... maybe cut down the global human population by 60-70 percent* and give the environment/biosphere some time to heal.
As God intended ! :D

* I know that some "vaccine resistors" will call that cold, harsh, inhumane etc, which is supremely ironic considering their "they were going to die anyway" attitude toward people with co-morbidities like asthma, diabetes, heart conditions, hangnails...
Those 4-5 billion people who would die under my optimized scenario "were going to die anyway".
Yeah, two lines at the hospital, one for vaccinated with Covid-19 and another for unvaccinated with Covid-19, with the latter actually just rounding about the hospital in a never ending circle..

Huh? The un-vaccinated should report directly to the crematorium.
Vaccinated people as the only survivors could still carry a sufficient reservoir to ensure the demise of anti-vaxers... maybe cut down the global human population by 60-70 percent* and give the environment/biosphere some time to heal.
As God intended ! :D

* I know that some "vaccine resistors" will call that cold, harsh, inhumane etc, which is supremely ironic considering their "they were going to die anyway" attitude toward people with co-morbidities like asthma, diabetes, heart conditions, hangnails...
Those 4-5 billion people who would die under my optimized scenario "were going to die anyway".
Yeah, two lines at the hospital, one for vaccinated with Covid-19 and another for unvaccinated with Covid-19, with the latter actually just rounding about the hospital in a never ending circle..

Huh? The un-vaccinated should report directly to the crematorium.
Most of them don't die, so that'd be premature. Walking around an isolated corridor, whining about how they are being discriminated against while struggling to breath is sufficient. Maybe have a couple oxygen tanks available.
Thing is, if a virus (or any disease, really) becomes that lethal, it tends to die out because the hosts die more often without spreading the disease. Although COVID has a long enough incubation that it could really do a number on the planet if it got that lethal.

Yes, exactly. Vaccinated people as the only survivors could still carry a sufficient reservoir to ensure the demise of anti-vaxers... maybe cut down the global human population by 60-70 percent* and give the environment/biosphere some time to heal.
As God intended ! :D

* I know that some "vaccine resistors" will call that cold, harsh, inhumane etc, which is supremely ironic considering their "they were going to die anyway" attitude toward people with co-morbidities like asthma, diabetes, heart conditions, hangnails...
Those 4-5 billion people who would die under my optimized scenario "were going to die anyway".
Also, the anti-maskers keep wandering around saying, "I won't live in fear. If i catch it and die, i catch it and die."
So just stand at the foot of their ICU bed and say, "You caught it...soooooooo…"

I just find it weird that the same gene pool that insisted on invading other countries, spending American Lives, to 'stop the spread of Communism" don't see the benefits of 'stopping the spread of Covid,' to SAVE American lives.
Also, the anti-maskers keep wandering around saying, "I won't live in fear. If i catch it and die, i catch it and die."
So just stand at the foot of their ICU bed and say, "You caught it...soooooooo…"

ICU bed? Don't give those fuckers no damn ICU bed! They're going to die anyway.

I just find it weird that the same gene pool that insisted on invading other countries, spending American Lives, to 'stop the spread of Communism" don't see the benefits of 'stopping the spread of Covid,' to SAVE American lives.

As long as the COVID knocks off as many or more Commies as 'Murkin patriots, who cares?
Thing is, if a virus (or any disease, really) becomes that lethal, it tends to die out because the hosts die more often without spreading the disease. Although COVID has a long enough incubation that it could really do a number on the planet if it got that lethal.

Small comfort to us if it takes us out with it!
Does anyone know the mortality rate of the delta variant?
I may still be too early to tell. I'll see if I can find the link, but I saw an article (NPR maybe?) that said the mortality rate is approximately the same, but it's roughly 2-5x more contagious.

Which is sorta what you'd expect to happen when you let evolution have that much opportunity. :(

Yup. Evolution selects for infectivity, but generally selects against lethality. (Not always, because in some cases they're linked. Things which spread by making you shit spread better if they make you lose control before you can reach a toilet.)
What long term complications? 12 year olds aren't an at risk population. When viruses mutate they typically become more contagious and less dangerous. The first appearance of a new virus is usually devastating and then for every time it shows up it's milder and milder until it's at worst a mild nuisance.

You sound hysterical.

Covid has about an equal chance of disabling you as killing you, and plenty more are impaired but not completely disabled.

And if you don't care about anything else--it breaks dicks.
The 7-day moving average went back above 100,000 cases per day. Unbelievable.

Yup. We are basically at November 2020. That was the last time we saw an increase curve at this angle (or near to it) from a similar number of daily cases. If it increases at this rate through the anticipated September peak, it will be ugly.


Thankfully the death curve, while headed up and accelerating, doesn't seem to be threatening to produce anything like the body count seen at the end of last year through the beginning of 2021.
Well, this is NY TImes, not WoM, but we've seen large increases in states in the last couple of weeks, as Delta continues to spread among America.

WIsconsin up 250% in two weeks to 1150 cases a day.
Georgia up 170% with nearly 4500 cases a day
Tennessee up nearly 200% with nearly 3000 cases a day
North Carolina up 170% with over 3000 cases a day

Cases have doubled in 35 states in the last two weeks. States like Florida appear to be at a pegged needle rate, as their positive test ratings are 20+%.
Georgia up 170% with nearly 4500 cases a day
Luckily, so far mostly south Georgia has is really bad (based on this map) with Atlanta area still being relatively ok.
Florida though, has almost all counties doing horribly. DeSantis has proven a horrible governor. Same goes for Louisiana (Dem gov though, so it's not really partisan) and some other states like Arkansas.

The only positive thing about δ is that it is going through unvaccinated populations quickly. At this rate, we should go back to <10k/d cases by the start of October simply because by then 95% of vast majority of America will be either vaccinated or previously infected or both.

I guess another positive is that it caused vaccinations to increase slightly to over 700k/d. Before, it dipped to ~500k/d.
By the way, currently >50% of the population and >75% of adults are fully vaccinated. Those getting sick and especially sick enough to get hospitalized are almost all unvaccinated. The only problem with that is that children (<12a) cannot get the vaccine yet, and they are now reentering in-person schools. So there will be a lot of exposed kids in the next couple of months.
Looking at the CDC's county page, which is completely awesome, I see something weird. Which might suck or be manipulation or because we are seeing such incredible spikes, the downside is spike-ish to. Looking at Duval, Polk, Palm Beach Counties, the percent positive in cases continues to rise, though at a slower pace, but the volume of tests has dropped a lot, ~30+% in each of these counties.

Now, I suppose near the end of an outbreak, this trend could make sense, fewer people positive leading to fewer tests. Fine.

The trouble is, percent hospitalized and ICU... is still increasing at a relatively large percentage rate, except Duval County, which appears to maybe curving back down, which is good seeing over half of their ICU beds have Covid-19 patients in them.

So either most of Florida has gotten Covid-19 and now the numbers are on the verge of dropping, or Desantis is restricting testing. I can't imagine Desantis could actually do that.
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