First of all, my brother scream-sneezes. His sneezes make mine seem like tiny kitten sneezes. I can hear his sneezes from the other side of the house with all doors between closed and my headphones on at top volume.
Second, he hates sneezing. (WTF kind of fascist sociopath hates sneezing? Do not trust anyone who hates sneezing.)
Third, he has a low tolerance level for annoyances, and sneezing even once annoys the crap out of him.
So a few minutes ago he sneezed THREE TIMES in a row! Of course that enraged him and caused him to curse loudly, as if any potential fourth sneezes who thought they were going to have a turn would just march right the fuck back to wherever sneezes come from. Like the potential sneezes all huddled together in mortal fear of coming out and fully self realizing. Because he yelled at them to GOD DAMMIT STOP IT. I believe a fourth sneeze would have made him burn the damn house down.
My father, who has been gone since 1995, was of the generation that always carried a handkerchief, and I remember that he always sneezed three times. Never only one, only two, nor right on to four. Just one of those things that I miss. It seems to me that while many people sneeze once, for most it seems two is the number, a primer and a finish. For me, if I catch a draft across my body, like after getting out of the shower, I will start a sneezing jag that will go on for 10-20 sneezes . . . much to the annoyance of my family. I also have solar sneeze reflex. In college, one semester I took a particular path to my first period class every morning and rounded the corner of the same building into the sun and every day sneezed at the exact same spot on the walk every single sunny day.