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To Give You a Size of the Immense and Growing Size of Illegal Immigration

As senators work on a compromise deal to address border security and immigration, at least one Republican is suggesting politics is a key motivator for him.

"Let me tell you, I'm not willing to do too damn much right now to help a Democrat and to help Joe Biden's approval rating," Republican Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas told CNN this week. "I will not help the Democrats try to improve this man's dismal approval ratings. I'm not going to do it. Why would I?"
As senators work on a compromise deal to address border security and immigration, at least one Republican is suggesting politics is a key motivator for him.

"Let me tell you, I'm not willing to do too damn much right now to help a Democrat and to help Joe Biden's approval rating," Republican Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas told CNN this week. "I will not help the Democrats try to improve this man's dismal approval ratings. I'm not going to do it. Why would I?"

That's just it, it's not the "quiet part" anymore. Republican representatives having given their oath to the constitution openly make such comments which to me says: To hell with the country. It's us versus them.

"True faith and allegiance" my ass.
As senators work on a compromise deal to address border security and immigration, at least one Republican is suggesting politics is a key motivator for him.

"Let me tell you, I'm not willing to do too damn much right now to help a Democrat and to help Joe Biden's approval rating," Republican Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas told CNN this week. "I will not help the Democrats try to improve this man's dismal approval ratings. I'm not going to do it. Why would I?"
Yea, this just illustrates my theme that republicans today (or maga or whatever) are the most passive aggressive do nothing group in government today. What do they care about? The deficit and stopping immigrants. What do they do about either issue? Nothing. They spend more time going after Hunter than they do combatting immigration.
The biggest difference between the immigrant ancestors of many Americans and the immigrants of today is that the former came here on a boat looking for work, while the latter came here across a river looking for work.
The biggest difference is the former came legally and the latter are coming illegally and in stealth. The next biggest difference is that the former came mostly at their own expense and the latter are coming at huge profits to the cartels.

The biggest difference between the immigrant ancestors of many Americans and the immigrants of today is that the former came here on a boat looking for work, while the latter came here across a river looking for work.
The biggest difference is the former came legally and the latter are coming illegally and in stealth. The next biggest difference is that the former came mostly at their own expense and the latter are coming at huge profits to the cartels.

People seeking asylum are here legally. I seriously doubt the uproar about immigrants flooding into the USA by magas would be as loud if they were Canadians or Irish. After all, according to their wannabe fuhrer, these huddled masses are poisoning our blood.
The biggest difference is the former came legally and the latter are coming illegally and in stealth. The next biggest difference is that the former came mostly at their own expense and the latter are coming at huge profits to the cartels.
You're just one big walking contradiction aren't you? According to you everybody knows there is a migrant problem and yet they are coming in stealthily. The "good" migrants come in mostly at their own expense (FYI, the "mostly" is doing a fuckload of heavy lifting there, just ask your Dear Leader's current in laws) yet somehow the cartels are making bank off the situation right wingers have created. Explain to me, genius, who is paying the cartels to smuggle these (most likely) refugees across the border (or boarder if you prefer)? Just in case I have to spell it out for you, the current legitimate asylum seekers illegals are coming solely at their own expense.

And lastly, if an Australian is saying your immigration system if fucked, trust me it's fucked. I know a shitty immigration policy when I see one.
The biggest difference between the immigrant ancestors of many Americans and the immigrants of today is that the former came here on a boat looking for work, while the latter came here across a river looking for work.
The biggest difference is the former came legally and the latter are coming illegally and in stealth. The next biggest difference is that the former came mostly at their own expense and the latter are coming at huge profits to the cartels.

Oh that's right, I forgot. You think all brown people who come here are rapists, drug dealers, and terrorists.
The biggest difference between the immigrant ancestors of many Americans and the immigrants of today is that the former came here on a boat looking for work, while the latter came here across a river looking for work.
The biggest difference is the former came legally and the latter are coming illegally and in stealth. The next biggest difference is that the former came mostly at their own expense and the latter are coming at huge profits to the cartels.

Immigrants are the back bone of this country and I don't understand the fear and hatred of those who have risked their lives to come here. The vast majority are an asset to this country. Too bad the R party lies about them, especially the very evil, pathological liar, sociopath, known as tfg.

And that guy ? His mother was an immigrant and his father was the child of immigrants who grew up speaking German. Two of tfg's wives were immigrants. A lot of Americans have immigrant ancestry. My great grandparents on my mother's side were Polish immigrants, My father's side is a mix of Scottish and French Canadian. The biggest difference between the immigrant ancestors of many Americans and the immigrants of today is that the former came here on a boat looking for work, while the latter came here across a river looking for work.

This is nothing new, though. There has been "Nativist" sentiment before where the grandchildren of people who arrived on a boat hated the more recent arrivals because they weren't "real Americans."
I know it's nothing new. My great-grandparents were mostly immigrants, one from Ireland, one from Poland and one from Germany. The Irish were hated when they came to Boston, along with Black folks. I'm not sure how badly the Polish were treated, but I grew up in a neighborhood of mostly Polish and Italian immigrants and I don't remember there being hate directed against them during my childhood. In fact, in my Italian dominated high school, the Italian boys used to say, "There are two kinds of people in the world, Italians, and those who wish they were Italian." It was taken in a light hearted way. I also have some British in my background and after reading the book, "Poor White Trash", which was about how the British elite forced poor lower-class Brits to come to the US, I think some of my father's ancestors were probably poor white trash, a term that started in the 1600s by the British and lives on today.

Still, it's been a long time since there was so much hatred directed at immigrants. When I lived in Texas during the 70s, Mexican immigrants or those of Mexican heritage were the dominate group in San Antonio. My two favorite nursing instructors were of Mexican heritage. Most of my classmates were Mexican American and if I had stayed in Texas, I would have had to improve my Spanish. There were people who hated the Mexicans, but it wasn't as common as what's happening today. A lot of the hatred comes from Trump and his ilk, imo. He made it acceptable to hate immigrants from Mexico and Central America.
There were people who hated the Mexicans, but it wasn't as common as what's happening today.
Not to sound too glib, but that's probably because back in the 70s blacks were still the no 1 group to rail on. Didn't Asa Carter move to Texas around that time? I'm not saying he was indicative of all Texans but it makes sense the type of people who listen to and believe in Tucker Carlson these days would have been suuuper resentful of the Civil Rights movement back then.

Businesses love this pool of cheap unregulated labor, and that's what they tell the Congresspersons they donate to, which is likely why immigration reform doesn't change much year after year. Were Congress serious about stopping illegal immigration, they would enact E-verify. That would make it easier for businesses to employ workers, but also more costly if the workers are undocumented, due to fines, etc. But the businesses don't want that, so Congress doesn't press for it.
As a worker I do not want to see e-Verify until such time as we have dealt with identity theft. I would prefer an undocumented worker to an undocumented worker stealing the identity of an American and causing them trouble with the IRS over unreported income.

I can sympathiz3, but I can't agree. "We shouldn't use solution X to solve Big Problem A because it might be used to create Small Problem B."

If Identity Theft is all it takes to get E-verify off the table, then we should also get rid of credit cards, online banking, and e-mail, because bad actors can steal your identity. People should only pay each other with fiat currency.

Seriously, it was a good thing that we invented the automobile. But should we have first fixed the problem of auto theft before releasing it into the market?
I can sympathiz3, but I can't agree. "We shouldn't use solution X to solve Big Problem A because it might be used to create Small Problem B."

If Identity Theft is all it takes to get E-verify off the table, then we should also get rid of credit cards, online banking, and e-mail, because bad actors can steal your identity. People should only pay each other with fiat currency.

Seriously, it was a good thing that we invented the automobile. But should we have first fixed the problem of auto theft before releasing it into the market?

Utterly this!
Maybe E-verify needs it's security beefed up or something.

But the fundamental problem here is simple. The gigantic disconnect between the willingness of the USA to give jobs to immigrants, but not documents. If we gave papers to as many people as we're willing to give jobs, the vast majority of this problem would be resolved in a couple of months, humanely. And it would come with some huge benefits like vetting, prioritizing, and monitoring immigrants.
So, give papers to a realistic number of immigrants, then crack down hard on illegal employers.
I can sympathiz3, but I can't agree. "We shouldn't use solution X to solve Big Problem A because it might be used to create Small Problem B."

If Identity Theft is all it takes to get E-verify off the table, then we should also get rid of credit cards, online banking, and e-mail, because bad actors can steal your identity. People should only pay each other with fiat currency.

Seriously, it was a good thing that we invented the automobile. But should we have first fixed the problem of auto theft before releasing it into the market?

Utterly this!
Maybe E-verify needs it's security beefed up or something.

But the fundamental problem here is simple. The gigantic disconnect between the willingness of the USA to give jobs to immigrants, but not documents. If we gave papers to as many people as we're willing to give jobs, the vast majority of this problem would be resolved in a couple of months, humanely. And it would come with some huge benefits like vetting, prioritizing, and monitoring immigrants.
So, give papers to a realistic number of immigrants, then crack down hard on illegal employers.
Here in AZ, we had the infamous "papers please" SB 1070 that made national news, but what got lost in the shuffle was the fact that the law (and a previous one past a few years earlier) had employer sanctions baked into the cake as well.

Yet when it came time to enforce the "get tough on illegal immigration" stuff, you know who you never saw sitting on the curb in zip-ties after a high profile raid on a business?

The hiring manager or owners. In fact if I remember correctly, there was exactly one business that ever suffered any sort of sanctions under either law, and I believe that was just a fine.

Weird, huh?
The hiring manager or owners. In fact if I remember correctly, there was exactly one business that ever suffered any sort of sanctions under either law, and I believe that was just a fine.
Prolly the illegal employers argued, successfully, that they'd been severely punished by having to hire a whole new batch of undocumented workers. Can you imagine how much trouble that is when you have just been raided by the INS?
The biggest difference between the immigrant ancestors of many Americans and the immigrants of today is that the former came here on a boat looking for work, while the latter came here across a river looking for work.
The biggest difference is the former came legally and the latter are coming illegally and in stealth. The next biggest difference is that the former came mostly at their own expense and the latter are coming at huge profits to the cartels.

Oh that's right, I forgot. You think all brown people who come here are rapists, drug dealers, and terrorists.
I don't think that at all.

But if I did, I honestly can not even see what rapists, drug dealers, and terrorist would have to do with the cartels and illegal crossings? How does one connect with the other?
But if I did, I honestly can not even see what rapists, drug dealers, and terrorist would have to do with the cartels and illegal crossings? How does one connect with the other?
Honestly, you have trouble understanding what an organization whose thing is illegal border crossings for money would have to do with trafficking in illegal immigrants?

I can well imagine that the recent relaxing of U.S. laws concerning domestic production of stuff like marijuana would put a crimp in the profits of those Mexican/American cartels. That would be capitalist motivation to replace pot with human cargo, if you already know the best ways to smuggle into the USA.
The hiring manager or owners. In fact if I remember correctly, there was exactly one business that ever suffered any sort of sanctions under either law, and I believe that was just a fine.
Prolly the illegal employers argued, successfully, that they'd been severely punished by having to hire a whole new batch of undocumented workers. Can you imagine how much trouble that is when you have just been raided by the INS?
More like "well, we and our friends at the Chamber of Commerce have been going over our budget for political contributions to the sheriff's race next year, and some of the members are...less than enthusiastic about your candidacy since you put them in jail for doing what we all agreed was a solid business practice. Enjoy your retirement, sheriff."
The biggest difference between the immigrant ancestors of many Americans and the immigrants of today is that the former came here on a boat looking for work, while the latter came here across a river looking for work.
The biggest difference is the former came legally and the latter are coming illegally and in stealth. The next biggest difference is that the former came mostly at their own expense and the latter are coming at huge profits to the cartels.

You are coming legally, you pay airfare and paperwork costs (we had a simple wedding--and ended up paying more in fees for her green card than we spent on the wedding--and a similar amount in travel costs. And if you count the time they took away her work permit add another zero in indirect costs.) You come illegally, you pay a coyote. Doesn't mean they're doing the cartel's bidding.
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