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To Give You a Size of the Immense and Growing Size of Illegal Immigration

Is using the term "guest" really that bothering? You rather they wear a scarlet I.I. on their clothes? Maybe have a nun with a cow bell walking behind them shouting "shame" everywhere they go?
:LOL: at the nun with a cowbell.

The constant need to continue renaming people so as to make them feel better about themselves (or something) never ceases to entertain. My favorite is Gavin Newsom deciding to rename criminal gangs, "organized groups of folks":

I do find it "bothering" though, that accomodating illegal immigration seems to be taking priority over the education of children. Doesn't that tell you that things are getting just a little bit out of hand? As a parent yourself, wouldn't you find it a little exasperating?

While I'm no stranger to the use of pejoratives, I do recognize they serve no useful purpose and are overall harmful within society. And while I might be caught using one against criminals (people who do harm to society like Trump), I am less likely to use them against people willing to risk their lives crossing thousands of miles with children in tow to ensure their survival by taking the worst of the worst jobs in a safer country. They are why you can afford strawberries at all.
And while we're on the subject of strawberries, you can bet your boots whatever legislative changes that might soon come out of our government, it will have an easy if not completely uninhibited path for strangers from a strange land to come in and pick your strawberries and dress your chicken because my white ass damn sure ain't doing it.

And it was Reagan who fucked this all up. Prior to, workers used to come across the border, work the harvests and spend their earnings back home where those meager wages went farther. But then along came Dickhead who made it more difficult to cross back and forth so when they did manage to finally come across, they then stayed. Reagan used them to his political ends to garner support from those who knew next to nothing about the food on their table other than to complain when the price of chicken per pound went up a nickel.
Is using the term "guest" really that bothering? You rather they wear a scarlet I.I. on their clothes? Maybe have a nun with a cow bell walking behind them shouting "shame" everywhere they go?
:LOL: at the nun with a cowbell.

The constant need to continue renaming people so as to make them feel better about themselves (or something) never ceases to entertain. My favorite is Gavin Newsom deciding to rename criminal gangs, "organized groups of folks":

I do find it "bothering" though, that accomodating illegal immigration seems to be taking priority over the education of children. Doesn't that tell you that things are getting just a little bit out of hand? As a parent yourself, wouldn't you find it a little exasperating?

Did they close the school or use the school over one night due to a very strong storm that was forecasted?

If we are going to get angry shouldn't we at least be angry about actually happened?
Do they? It would be down to the government to crack down on employers. Maybe the answer is less IRS agents chasing tax fraud and more ICE agents chasing down people working when not supposed to be? I really don't have an answer. It's just the way things are. The immigration system is broken it seems. I don't know any exact numbers that come and go for seasonal work but I don't think it is relevant to what is happening at the border right now.
1) IRS agents chasing fraud currently have an average cost of $-0.92 for every dollar spent. So long as that number remains negative it makes sense to add more agents.

2) The immigration system has been deliberately starved of funding for ages, delaying legal applicants by years. Now it's delaying resolution of asylum claims and the Republicans actually consider the snail's pace a liability rather than a feature. (Same as with mail-in voting--used to skew red as was ignored, now it skews blue and they're trying to prevent it.)
Republican Councilwoman Inna Vernikov posted video of the migrants entering James Madison High School without having to scan their faces the way students typically do.
Wait, WHAT??!!

Let's just casually mention this as tjough it were completely normal, and not something bizarre and dystopian that sounds like the worst imaginings of the darkest and most bleak vision of a science fiction author undergoing treatment for severe depression.

High School students have to have their faces scanned?? What, not to put too fine a point on it, the actual FUCK??
I don't know the situation but I would assume it's a school in a bad neighborhood and the scan is to ensure people who shouldn't be there don't get in.

Texas is blocking border enforcement.

It's not about actually stopping illegal immigration, it's about stirring up the sheep.
Well, I guess if Texas feels the feds aren’t doing it right then they gotta step up and do it themselves, right?

Texas is blocking border enforcement.

It's not about actually stopping illegal immigration, it's about stirring up the sheep.
It gets worse.

Looks like they committed outright murder. (To knowingly block help that would have saved someone is considered to be killing them.)
But why let the republicans off the hook so easy?!! What the hell have they done about it?
I seem to remember something about a wall being built along the border.

Speaker Johnson came out yesterday against securing our border:

Good heavens! The hordes of barbarians are invading from the south while the republican party does nothing!
I understand more than a thousand illegal crossings is a typical day on the border?
This is probably foreign to Russia, despite a border roughly a trillion times longer, but it isn't uncommon for nations where people want to live.
This is probably foreign to Russia, despite a border roughly a trillion times longer, but it isn't uncommon for nations where people want to live.
This is probably foreign to you but Russia became a place where a lot of people want to move. People from Central Asia.
Some westernerners move too. In any case, a thousand per day means you don't have border and don't really care about illegals.
In any case, you screwed Latin America directly (by war on communists) and indirectly (narcotics consumption).
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