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To Give You a Size of the Immense and Growing Size of Illegal Immigration

And, there is no reason why a woman a shouldn't be permitted to be in charge of a military division.
I totally and respectfully disagree.

No one should be a commander of anyone or anything unless that person has earned that right serving and willing to serve the front line themselves. Correct me if I am wrong but we do not allow women to serve on the front line. They have no way of knowing what that is like since generally it is not normal practice to allow women to get hacked up and shot up. Because if that is the case then we have sunk even further than I know to the bottom as a society.
We are all humans and that's all that matters. And, anyone who half pays attention knows that immigrants commit far fewer crimes statistically compared to those who have been born and bred the US. Plus, nobody is supporting totally open borders. Morally intact people want to allow asylum seekers and those who can add to the quality of our nation to have a chance to become a part of our country.
Both parties are supporting totally open borders, wake the hell up! Besides greatly affecting the demand and supply curve of general labor, the influx of chaos is just what they want in order to distract the populace from preventing any of their real agenda.

Its got nothing at all to do with the quality of people entering the country and everything to do with our handlers in Washington doing the bidding of the plutocrat elites in charge.
And, there is no reason why a woman a shouldn't be permitted to be in charge of a military division.
I totally and respectfully disagree.

No one should be a commander of anyone or anything unless that person has earned that right serving and willing to serve the front line themselves. Correct me if I am wrong...
...but we do not allow women to serve on the front line.
Until 2016.
They have no way of knowing what that is like since generally it is not normal practice to allow women to get hacked up and shot up.
Only at US Schools.
Because if that is the case then we have sunk even further than I know to the bottom as a society.
Women shouldn't be allowed to serve? Does this apply to police and fire department as well?
We are all humans and that's all that matters. And, anyone who half pays attention knows that immigrants commit far fewer crimes statistically compared to those who have been born and bred the US. Plus, nobody is supporting totally open borders. Morally intact people want to allow asylum seekers and those who can add to the quality of our nation to have a chance to become a part of our country.
Both parties are supporting totally open borders,

...wake the hell up!
Immigration labor in the US is a totally totally new phenomenon that didn't exist until the 1980s when the lizard people decided to replace us, for sure.
Besides greatly affecting the demand and supply curve of general labor, the influx of chaos is just what they want in order to distract the populace from preventing any of their real agenda.
What chaos? Where in the heck do you live?
Its got nothing at all to do with the quality of people entering the country and everything to do with our handlers in Washington doing the bidding of the plutocrat elites in charge.
Yes, the [echo chamber]globalists[/echo chamber]... totally.
I doubt that those who are poorly informed will bother to read the article I'm about to share, but it explains how the Republicans have been using outdated information to lie about the immigration situation. Some of their ads included interviews and photos that are moe than a decade old. But, people seem to like to believe what they want these days, so a lot of this disinformation is taking as truth. It's a long article and you must scroll past the photos to get to the heart of it. I hope at least some of you will bother to read it. I'm just quoting a little bit so you get the point. The Republicans are lying about the border!


The Washington Post analyzed the transcripts, images and on-screen text featured in more than 700 campaign ads that mention immigration and that ran from January through June for the presidential and Senate races, as well as congressional primaries and major state campaigns.

Taken as a whole, the ads convey an unrealistic portrait of the border as being overrun and inaccurately characterize immigrants generally as a threat, of which there is little evidence. FBI data show U.S. border cities are among the nation’s safest. And a 2023 report from a group of economists found immigrants are at least 30 percent less likely to be incarcerated than U.S.-born individuals.

Republicans have made issues at the border central to their attacks on Harris in her effort to win the White House, dubbing her the “border czar” of the Biden administration and blaming her for crimes committed by immigrants. As vice president, she was directed by President Joe Biden to tackle the enduring root causes of unauthorized immigration. She, however, was never put in charge of the border nor labeled a “czar.”

Democrats ran a little more than three dozen ads about immigration, compared with almost 700 for Republicans. Of those ads, the most widely aired connected the issue of migration with calls to secure the border or crack down on fentanyl and violent crime. In the ads for Democrats, few showed migrants near a border.

While candidates have more options than ever before to get their messages to voters, television ad spending still ranks high on the list of expenditures. “If campaigns didn’t believe ads can matter, they wouldn’t be spending millions on buying time to air them,” said Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center.

Dozens of ads criticize the Biden-Harris administration’s handling of the border, while showing chaotic scenes that were filmed in 2018 under the Trump administration. This video shows Central American migrants in Tijuana, Mexico, rushing the southern border. U.S. Border Patrol agents fired tear gas to repel the crowd, which included young children. The footage was taken during the Trump administration, but in dozens of ads, it is paired with voice-over and text tying it to Democrats. The Post reached out to the political action committees and campaigns that ran the ads shown below. None responded with a comment.

When asked about the misleading ads, a spokesperson from Trump’s campaign wrote in an email: “The Washington Post should spend less time analyzing President Trump’s ads and more time focusing on the subject matter at hand — Kamala Harris’ deadly border invasion that has allowed more than 11 million illegal people to enter our country.” The Biden administration has not admitted that many immigrants at the border. The Department of Homeland Security estimates that 11 millionundocumented immigrants were living in the United States as of 2022, 79 percent arriving before 2010. Biden has released more than 3.4 million migrants at the southern border to face immigration proceedings since he took office.

Since Harris secured the Democratic presidential nomination, recent data from AdImpact shows Republicans are heavily focusing on immigration and crime and accusing Harris of mishandling the U.S.-Mexico border, while Democrats are emphasizing abortion and the economy.

American politics, according to Peter Loge, director of the School of Media & Public Affairs at George Washington University, has, at some level “always been garbage. Fake pictures are just a continuation for a
Are you disputing that there was more immigration during Biden/Harris than Trump/Pence? Are you disputing that Biden/Harris took down Trump orders right after assuming office?

Who cares if Harris was a border czar (even though she was). Her (and the Biden) administration did less than nothing to solve the problem. Trump is absolutely correct during the debate that all Biden had to do was leave alone the work that was already in place and less immigrants would have crossed the border. Instead they made the problem so much worse.
Indeed, I have never once heard of anyone in the UK calling for US style gun rights
I have heard the UK has no first Amendment equivalent either. Correct me if I am wrong but they can throw you in jail for saying the wrong thing in the UK as well.
She, however, was never put in charge of the border nor labeled a “czar.”

Erm, yes she was.
No, she wasn't.
ffs, you know she was labeled “ border czar” by plenty MSM outlets including CNN.

Let the gaslighting continue.
Since when is CNN in charge of divying up executive branch responsibilities?
So are you admitting that the NYT is gaslighting or no?

Anyway, Harris proved to absolutely fucking useless at whatever it was she was supposed to be doing. Hilarious how one of the least liked and most incompetent, useless politicians to to grace government is suddenly the darling of the left.
The main stream media is a highly successful right arm of the Democrat party (not even their constituents) generating manufactured consent for a candidate the Democrat voters did not even want to touch 4 years ago.

It is beyond belief that Democrats can not see this, yet this takes place in real time anyway.
The main stream media is a highly successful right arm of the Democrat party (not even their constituents) generating manufactured consent for a candidate the Democrat voters did not even want to touch 4 years ago.

It is beyond belief that Democrats can not see this, yet this takes place in real time anyway.
Cry harder.
And, there is no reason why a woman a shouldn't be permitted to be in charge of a military division.
I totally and respectfully disagree.

No one should be a commander of anyone or anything unless that person has earned that right serving and willing to serve the front line themselves. Correct me if I am wrong but we do not allow women to serve on the front line. They have no way of knowing what that is like since generally it is not normal practice to allow women to get hacked up and shot up. Because if that is the case then we have sunk even further than I know to the bottom as a society.
You are wrong.

Oddly, just the other day I saw a documentary about Desert Storm, which included an interview with Brigadier General Rhonda Cornum, who (then a Major) was shot down and captured by the Iraqis.

She has earned the Army Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit with two oak leaf clusters, Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal with four oak leaf clusters, Purple Heart, Air Medal, and Prisoner of War Medal. She is one of only seven women in history to receive the Distinguished Flying Cross.

I presume that your military service was similarly dangerous?

I am sure she would have been happy to have you alongside her in the POW interrogations and tortures, to reassure her that "it is not normal practice to allow women to get hacked up and shot up". :rolleyesa:
Both parties are supporting totally open borders, wake the hell up!
Neither party supports totally open borders. You are being comprehensively lied to, by sources you trust. You should reconsider your reasons for trusting thise sources; They don't have your best interests at heart.
Indeed, I have never once heard of anyone in the UK calling for US style gun rights
I have heard the UK has no first Amendment equivalent either. Correct me if I am wrong but they can throw you in jail for saying the wrong thing in the UK as well.
Yeah, the UK has always resiled from explicitly codifying rights in a written constitution.

But people are not in any way discouraged by law from calling for lessening of restrictions on guns; They don't generally do it because it's a very unpopular position, and they get laughed at.

Nigel Farage called for the ban on handguns in private homes to be lifted, back in 2014. He wanted them to be put into the same class as hunting rifles, which you may own if you have a license, and may keep at home if you have adequate security for them. Handguns currently must be kept only at a licensed and authorised gun range, and cannot be taken from the premises other than for secure transport to another similarly licenced range, or for a specific competition event.

Farage was laughed out of town. Almost nobody in the UK wants handgun ownership to be less restricted than it is. There are no votes in his position, and he became less popular for having made the call.

Nobody was ever going to take any kind of legal action against him; He is perfectly free to call for changes in the law. But the voters are perfectly free to vote against him as a result - and they did.

Gun ownership is not an issue at all in the UK. The population is generally happy with the status quo, and calls for change have zero popular appeal or support.

Freedom of speech is similarly a non-issue; People are outspoken and unafraid. The most outspoken people frequently bemoan the "fact" that they are not allowed to say racist or sexist things anymore - while continuing to say those things, without the slightest fear of retribution of any kind.

What they actually mean is that other people have generally stopped agreeing with them. Well, you have the right to say whatever you want (yes, even in the UK); But you don't have the right to demand that others agree with your bullshit.
She, however, was never put in charge of the border nor labeled a “czar.”

Erm, yes she was.
No, she wasn't.
ffs, you know she was labeled “ border czar” by plenty MSM outlets including CNN.

Let the gaslighting continue.
Since when is CNN in charge of divying up executive branch responsibilities?
So are you admitting that the NYT is gaslighting or no?

Anyway, Harris proved to absolutely fucking useless at whatever it was she was supposed to be doing. Hilarious how one of the least liked and most incompetent, useless politicians to to grace government is suddenly the darling of the left.
The main stream media is a highly successful right arm of the Democrat party (not even their constituents) generating manufactured consent for a candidate the Democrat voters did not even want to touch 4 years ago.

It is beyond belief that Democrats can not see this, yet this takes place in real time anyway.
You might want to examine the media you consume and regurgitate if you want to visualize propaganda aimed at distracting a disgruntled electorate and misdirecting their anger away from the autocrats. I don’t know if you’ve been made aware yet of the project 2025 people saying the quiet part out loud. But it’s there if you want to come out of your OANN bubble.
Senator Durbin will tell you that we need immigrants for the army. It should be noted also the reason our military can no longer reach its quota's is because of liberal diversity constraints in the first place. Young white males are no longer interested in being led by female transvestites. They are no longer interested in serving for military not based on meritocracy and instead based on gender quotas.

I'm not sowing any disloyalty. The Democrats are far superior at sowing disloyalty.
Another silly post. The military was always the employer of last resort. When unemployment rates are low, young people don't need to resort to the military to find work. Nothing like the BS above.
Are you disputing that there was more immigration during Biden/Harris than Trump/Pence?
Are you disputing that the global economy went to shit during Trump/Pence thanks to COVID so that underground work in America was less of a draw?

(That's also why you're nostalgic for gasoline prices from that era...)
And, there is no reason why a woman a shouldn't be permitted to be in charge of a military division.
I totally and respectfully disagree.

No one should be a commander of anyone or anything unless that person has earned that right serving and willing to serve the front line themselves. Correct me if I am wrong but we do not allow women to serve on the front line. They have no way of knowing what that is like since generally it is not normal practice to allow women to get hacked up and shot up. Because if that is the case then we have sunk even further than I know to the bottom as a society.
Yet you support “Bone Spurs” Trump for Commander in Chief!
And, there is no reason why a woman a shouldn't be permitted to be in charge of a military division.
I totally and respectfully disagree.

No one should be a commander of anyone or anything unless that person has earned that right serving and willing to serve the front line themselves. Correct me if I am wrong but we do not allow women to serve on the front line. They have no way of knowing what that is like since generally it is not normal practice to allow women to get hacked up and shot up. Because if that is the case then we have sunk even further than I know to the bottom as a society.
Keep up Rvonse: Women have been serving in combat for a long time and now it's even legal for women to serve in combat. You can read about 9 outstanding American female heroes that served in the military and I do wonder if every male military leader has had much if any combat experience. Not all presidents have served at all in the military so I respectfully disagree with your opinion regarding female leadership in the military. Feel free to read about the 9 female military heroes if you'd like to learn more.


Throughout history, women have played critical roles in the success of the U.S. military in both war and peace times.

Margaret Corbin famously defended Fort Washington in 1776 during the Revolutionary War and Cathay Williams disguised herself as a man to serve in the Civil War, but it wasn’t until 1901 that women were allowed to serve in the military in any official capacity.

World War I was the first time women could join military service outside nursing and by the end of World War II, 350,000 women wore American service uniforms according to official archives.

In January 2013, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta lifted the ban on women in combat roles and gave the military two years to complete integration.

These female trailblazers are to thank for the roles women have in our armed forces today. But who are they? And how did they do it?

9 Inspiring Female Military Heroes​

The list of inspiring female military heroes is long. Here are nine women in the military you (and your kids) might not know about, and now is the perfect time to learn.
No one should be a commander of anyone or anything unless that person has earned that right serving and willing to serve the front line themselves

"Infantry wins battles, logistics wins wars."

Guess who said that? I'll give you a hint - a fucking General.

"Leaders win through logistics. Vision, sure. Strategy, yes. But when you go to war, you need to have both toilet paper and bullets at the right place at the right time. In other words, you must win through superior logistics"

Guess who said that? I'll give you a hint - a front line soldier.

"The line between disorder and order lies in logistics"

Who said that? I'll give you a hint - some Chinese guy but to be fair the translation is in some dispute.

In fact, I'll argue that despite your vast military expertise RVonse for wars to be successful the key component of their leaders is to have some supply knowledge and not some front line experience. But you could prove me wrong by providing a real world example. But going by your past posts, I suspect all you've got is some what ifs hypothetical nonsense.

Also, you might want to google Boudica. But considering you like videos;

You're welcome in advance.
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