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Trump and neocons started War with Iran in order to win elections?

I think THIS article makes good sense, which means of course that this administration will completely ignore it, accuse it's opposition of whatever it is currently planning, and then bungle it hopelessly. This is why you don't have a man with a 70 IQ as president. Especially one in current mental decline and psychologically unfit as well.

I thought leftists always said that IQ tests don't prove a thing. :shrug:

Oh, I know! It doesn't prove a thing when blacks take them! But, for everyone else, it matters!

So the underlying predicate of your post is that Trump literally took an IQ test and got a 70.

Hahahaha, good one.
Trump threatens Iraq with sanctions.
article said:
"We have a very extraordinarily expensive air base that's there. It cost billions of dollars to build. Long before my time. We're not leaving unless they pay us back for it," Trump said.

Can we please get this person removed from office? We have the Mueller Report and the Ukrainian shakedown to justify removal.

Over that quote? It makes sense for them to pay us back.
I think THIS article makes good sense, which means of course that this administration will completely ignore it, accuse it's opposition of whatever it is currently planning, and then bungle it hopelessly. This is why you don't have a man with a 70 IQ as president. Especially one in current mental decline and psychologically unfit as well.

I thought leftists always said that IQ tests don't prove a thing. :shrug:

Oh, I know! It doesn't prove a thing when blacks take them! But, for everyone else, it matters!

So the underlying predicate of your post is that Trump literally took an IQ test and got a 70.

Hahahaha, good one.

I am aware it was a joke. But, when it's pointed out that blacks score at a similar rate to less than that, you guys say, "IQ tests don't prove a thing!"

So the person who made that Trump 70IQ joke believes IQ does matter.

I even asked you guys, "Wold you prefer your child to have a 140 IQ or a 70 IQ?" and you guys weaseled around it and ran in circles.

Of course anyone would pick the 140 IQ!! Why? Because IQ matters!!

Leftists only say it doesn't matter when blacks take the tests.
So the underlying predicate of your post is that Trump literally took an IQ test and got a 70.

Hahahaha, good one.

I am aware it was a joke. But, when it's pointed out that blacks score at a similar rate to less than that, you guys say, "IQ tests don't prove a thing!"

So the person who made that Trump 70IQ joke believes IQ does matter.


So the underlying predicate of your post is that Trump literally took an IQ test and got a 70.

Hahahaha, good one.

I am aware it was a joke. But, when it's pointed out that blacks score at a similar rate to less than that, you guys say, "IQ tests don't prove a thing!"

So the person who made that Trump 70IQ joke believes IQ does matter.


No, YOU have it wrong! I've seen leftists call conservatives "refrigerator temperature IQ individuals" one day and saying, "IQ tests don't prove a thing about intelligence!" the next day when it's pointed out that blacks score the lowest.

No, YOU have it wrong! (1)I've seen leftists call conservatives "refrigerator temperature IQ individuals" one day and saying, "IQ tests don't prove a thing about intelligence!" the next day when (2)it's pointed out that blacks score the lowest.

1)Bullshit. You can't even name two.
2)Bullshit. You're white and you can't even read charts properly

Also, if your defense of Trump is people should pay what they owe, you really are unspeakably ignorant (or dense as you would say).
Just because we have a sane Supreme Court and a sane Democratic party doesn't mean there aren't a lot of insane christians around.

Oh please. If there were really that many Christians like that around in the US, we would not have a sane SCOTUS or a sane Democratic Party - many believing Christians in the Democratic Party.

The Trump administration voted against a UN resolution condemning the death penalty for gays in other countries.

Trump administration launches global effort to end criminalization of homosexuality

But I know - orange man bad. Worse than the Ayatollah even according to sufferers from TDS.
Everybody leave Donald Trump alone! At least he's not a cannibal.

That we know.
The libtards and feminazis you hate so much are the ones who pressured these freedoms.

I support true liberalism as well as gender equality. Libtards are not really liberal and neither are feminazis interested in gender equality but rather in female supremacism.

Libtards are the ones that think that Iran under the weird beards is not that bad - certainly not as bad as US Christians and Trump.

Feminazis are too busy trying on hijabs at so-called "Women's March" (run by women who support Shariah, the racist antisemite Luis Farrakhan and cop-killer Joanne Chesimard) to care about the plight of women under Islam.

Why? His stated purpose is to get rid of Cheato. He should offer to double the bounty.
Michael Bloomberg, unlike some, is not a traitor. He wants to get rid to Trump at the ballot box, not by assassinating him.

Imagine if the Ayatolah is taken out (like garbage he is) without Trump being able to take the credit?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Targeting cultural sites is a war crime.
It should also go without saying that sites like Persepolis (& its PEOPLE) are not only treasures to Iranians, they are gifts to humanity. They tell humanity’s story - that is why authoritarians target them.
They want to erase history. https://t.co/C3tx6Wf8mZ" / Twitter

Maggie Haberman on Twitter: "NEWS from AF1 - POTUS doubled down on cultural sites in Iran as appropriate sites for retaliation." / Twitter
NEWS from AF1 - POTUS doubled down on cultural sites in Iran as appropriate sites for retaliation.

“They’re allowed to kill our people. They’re allowed to torture and maim our people. they’re allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people. And we’re not allowed to touch their cultural site? It doesn’t work that way," POTUS SAID.

Regarding retaliation from Iran:
“If it happens it happens. If they do anything there will be major retaliation."

POTUS on possibility of US presence being forced out of Iraq: "We're not leaving unless they pay us back for it" (referring to the air base).
What an asshole. But the Trumpies eagerly eat it up. They LOVE his assholishness.
The CIA just thinks they will assassinate Iraqi leaders until the decision to boot the US is reversed.
Hey, everyone. Remember when Trump said hes ordered the assassination of Suleimani because it was in the interests of peace?

Taking out an envoy during talks. Yeah, that sends a great message.
If you take your head out of your ass and stop worrying about "weird beards" halfway around the world and look at what some Christians here in your own country are about you'd have a better grip on reality.
In this country gay marriage is legal and a gay man married to another man is a credible candidate for presidency. It is not I who needs to get a grip on reality.

There's a lot of space between what is legal, what is accepted by Christians and what happens in the middle of the night.

Matthew Shepard.jpg


Trump should fake his own death and collect the bounty.

1) Ensures he will never be convicted by the Senate
2) Absolves his debts to Deripaska, Putin, Firtash et al
3) No more putting up with sourpuss Malaria
4) Puts $80m in his pocket to pay for hookers
5) Delights fans of humanity the world over
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