A caliphate would be about as bad as what The Felon is going for. Moderate Islam is fine, radical Islam is not.
A caliphate would be much worse. The mass migrants tend to come from areas where radical Islam is predominant such as Afghanistan.
Of course they do. Because those are the places thag people want to get away from.
The idea that they are therefore likely to want to establish radical Islam in their new homes is bizarrely broken logic.
Most of the Jewish migrants arriving in America (or trying to get to America) in the early 1930s were from places where Nazism was rampant. "We should not allow them in, in case they try to establish Nazism in America", would have be an incredibly stupid and illogical position to take back then. Even though
it would have been possible to find examples of German Jews who were fans of Nazism.
But it's the exact argument you are making now about Afghan refugees and radical Islam.