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Trump falls!! Hurt too

Saw a pic going around of him fist in the air, secret service crowded around him, but appear shorter than him because of the angle and being crouched down, and an American flag in the background. It looks so planned a picture that people are talking it as proof it was staged
Wanna bet money it wasn’t planned?
Secret Service agents rushed former President Donald Trump off the stage after he fell to the ground at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Loud bangs were heard before Trump fell. Agents then helped him stand, and he had blood on his face. He was yelling back to the crowd and raised his fist. He was then taken to a vehicle and evacuated from the scene.

That’s from CNN

It’s breaking news. God I hope to heaven no one tried to kill him. Fuck fuck fuck

ETA. And no i haven’t started to believe in god or heaven.
Why would you hope no one tried to kill him?

I'm mainly just concerned about potential escalating violence. But I mean, it's kind of obvious why someone would want to kill him and I get it.
Saw a pic going around of him fist in the air, secret service crowded around him, but appear shorter than him because of the angle and being crouched down, and an American flag in the background. It looks so planned a picture that people are talking it as proof it was staged
Wanna bet money it wasn’t planned?
By a sniper shooting from hundreds of yards away?
Secret Service agents rushed former President Donald Trump off the stage after he fell to the ground at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Loud bangs were heard before Trump fell. Agents then helped him stand, and he had blood on his face. He was yelling back to the crowd and raised his fist. He was then taken to a vehicle and evacuated from the scene.

That’s from CNN

It’s breaking news. God I hope to heaven no one tried to kill him. Fuck fuck fuck

ETA. And no i haven’t started to believe in god or heaven.
Why would you hope no one tried to kill him?
Trump isn't the virus, he is a symptom. Excluding morality from the equation, killing Trump likely make things worse.
Saw a pic going around of him fist in the air, secret service crowded around him, but appear shorter than him because of the angle and being crouched down, and an American flag in the background. It looks so planned a picture that people are talking it as proof it was staged
Wanna bet money it wasn’t planned?
By a sniper shooting from hundreds of yards away?
Well, apparently the sniper is dead so we don’t know who planned it and likely never will. I’m sure a story will come to light. How close to the truth it is? That’s a different t story.

BTW, why do you think a sniper could not plan the assassination attempt?

But now Trump has an excuse not to appear in public for a while.
Secret Service agents rushed former President Donald Trump off the stage after he fell to the ground at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Loud bangs were heard before Trump fell. Agents then helped him stand, and he had blood on his face. He was yelling back to the crowd and raised his fist. He was then taken to a vehicle and evacuated from the scene.

That’s from CNN

It’s breaking news. God I hope to heaven no one tried to kill him. Fuck fuck fuck

ETA. And no i haven’t started to believe in god or heaven.
Why would you hope no one tried to kill him?
Trump isn't the virus, he is a symptom. Excluding morality from the equation, killing Trump likely make things worse.
You’ve got to treat the symptoms and the virus. And yes, Trump absolutely is a malignancy upon this country and the world.
Also to any moron who might take my comment out of context: you know how if you overhear someone being a total dick to someone at a public place, and you want to punch the dick, but you refrain from punching the dick, because there are multiple reasons why it's a bad idea? That's what I mean by "I get it".
I think you can pretty much guarantee Trump will make a dramatic entrance at the RNC with a bandaged ear and his fist in the air, with the theme from Rocky playing in the background. He will get a 20 min standing ovation. Anyone else have a prediction?
There was blood on his ear. If that's from a bullet, he's going to win the election for sure.
Sympathy votes only work if the event is within two weeks of an election, not four months before, and secondly usually requires the target is actually killed. It was probably a false flag operation with the shooter being a Trump loyalist and he was conveniently killed to prevent this being known. Competent investigation will reveal the truth.
False flag. Good enough for the GOP and their buddy Alex Jones, good enough for this case. No further investigation needed.
I boldly predict that his fundraising off of this is going to put up absolutely batshit insane numbers.

A bold move, Cotton!

(as I said earlier, I bet the photo of him with his fist in the air is already being printed on t-shirts. I mean, they did it with his mug shot)
I boldly predict that his fundraising off of this is going to put up absolutely batshit insane numbers.
Yeah, and it only cost him one vote afaik.
Hope someone remembers to ask him if he's still a big fan of second amendment solutions.
And then there is the utter and complete failure of security at this event.
If things are as they are being represented (an actual attempt on Cheato's life) then it bespeaks a level of hubris that is unsurprising. tRump probably thinks his guys have all the guns. Like when he wanted the metal detectors removed before his 1/6 coup attempt.
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Man, I thought Alex Jones was the king of conspiracy theories. Some of you are not far behind.
Dude, the doubt is pretty much gone already. Move the fuck on.

But I do look forward to Trump supporters condemning acts of political violence.
I'll wait for our resident CTers to declare the conspiracy is already dead, if you don't mind.
My wife's first though was a CT. I said no one is stupid enough to let someone shoot at them and hope to just get grazed.
Maybe to make it look real, the sniper shot real bullets in the crowd, but Trump had one of them Hollywood radio controlled exploding blood pack squibs on his ear. At the start of the sniper gunfire, one of Trump's aides pressed the blood pack button and exploded it. Then Trump ducked, raised his fist, yadda, yadda, yadda. Genius!
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