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Trump falls!! Hurt too

He’s really not likely to let one of his voters get killed if it can be avoided.
Man, I thought Alex Jones was the king of conspiracy theories. Some of you are not far behind.
Dude, the doubt is pretty much gone already. Move the fuck on.

But I do look forward to Trump supporters condemning acts of political violence.
I'll wait for our resident CTers to declare the conspiracy is already dead, if you don't mind.
My wife's first though was a CT. I said no one is stupid enough to let someone shoot at them and hope to just get grazed.
Yeah, getting "grazed" is pretty much a Hollywood invention. Like being shot in the shoulder and still being able to fight and/or offer a quip. Of course it will be a minute before we know even part of everything, but one thing I heard on the (always accurate) internet is that it's possible his ear was hit by a piece of his teleprompter after it was shattered by the bullet.

In any case, the Sunday morning talk shows are going to be a dumpster fire tomorrow.
I remember the last time Trump and guns came up. Trump was all in for taking guns away from people who might have, for lack of a better word, issues. I wonder what he will come up with this time.
Yeah, bit late for that appeal, when the biggest perpetrator of incendiary rhetoric in recent history just got shot at.
My first thought precisely. The guy is a well of hate. It's understandable people like him get shot at. Maybe he'll tone down his rhetoric. Hey, a flock of pigs just flew over my back yard!
One thing about a snjper, military usually. We know how stuffed with liberals the military is.
All it takes is one. And BTW, Keith & Co was super lib and in the military. Though he probably would have launched a Trident missle or torpedo at Trump.
I know more than a few pacifists who would make an exception in Trump’s case.
I think you can pretty much guarantee Trump will make a dramatic entrance at the RNC with a bandaged ear and his fist in the air, with the theme from Rocky playing in the background. He will get a 20 min standing ovation. Anyone else have a prediction?
Yeah, yours.
Fucking amateurs … the record head shot kill was from something like a mile and a quarter away in Iraq. 2-300 yards should be a gimme.
I think you can pretty much guarantee Trump will make a dramatic entrance at the RNC with a bandaged ear and his fist in the air, with the theme from Rocky playing in the background. He will get a 20 min standing ovation. Anyone else have a prediction?
Yeah, yours.
Fucking amateurs … the record head shot kill was from something like a mile and a quarter away in Iraq. 2-300 yards should be a gimme.
Yeah, I was thinking the same. Wonder what kind of rifle it was he used.
Secret Service agents rushed former President Donald Trump off the stage after he fell to the ground at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Loud bangs were heard before Trump fell. Agents then helped him stand, and he had blood on his face. He was yelling back to the crowd and raised his fist. He was then taken to a vehicle and evacuated from the scene.

That’s from CNN

It’s breaking news. God I hope to heaven no one tried to kill him. Fuck fuck fuck

ETA. And no i haven’t started to believe in god or heaven.
Doesn't matter even if the shooter didn't want to kill him. The right will make up conspiracy theories about it and blame leftists no matter what, and there probably will be retaliation. Which could put us in potential civil war territory.

Potential revenge assassination of Biden territory, too.
I'm just gonna leave this here: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"
Yes, probably a good idea to that there, as that joke isn't going anywhere. Trump wasn't the one doing any shooting today.
Probably a good idea to think 2 seconds about it, because my point was that Trump started the rhetoric.
Secret Service agents rushed former President Donald Trump off the stage after he fell to the ground at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Loud bangs were heard before Trump fell. Agents then helped him stand, and he had blood on his face. He was yelling back to the crowd and raised his fist. He was then taken to a vehicle and evacuated from the scene.

That’s from CNN

It’s breaking news. God I hope to heaven no one tried to kill him. Fuck fuck fuck

ETA. And no i haven’t started to believe in god or heaven.
Why would you hope no one tried to kill him?
Trump isn't the virus, he is a symptom. Excluding morality from the equation, killing Trump likely make things worse.
I disagree. It would have made the biggest problem in the entire country go away. Frankly I don't think there is anyone that can replace Trump. Personality cults are a rare thing.
I'm just gonna leave this here: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"
Yes, probably a good idea to that there, as that joke isn't going anywhere. Trump wasn't the one doing any shooting today.
Probably a good idea to think 2 seconds about it, because my point was that Trump started the rhetoric.
It was the right that brought up "second amendment solutions."
It would have made the biggest problem in the entire country go away. Frankly I don't think there is anyone that can replace Trump.
Totally true. And it would have guaranteed years and years of Republican electoral failure, as weak imitator after weak imitator would go down in flames, leaving only the “never liked the guy” contingent in office.
Oh well. There’s still time…
I'm just gonna leave this here: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"
Yes, probably a good idea to that there, as that joke isn't going anywhere. Trump wasn't the one doing any shooting today.
Probably a good idea to think 2 seconds about it, because my point was that Trump started the rhetoric.
It was the right that brought up "second amendment solutions."
Trump, specifically. I hope someone asks him if he’s still a big fan.
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