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Trump tweats new conspiracy theory

From the article:
Trump leveled the explosive accusation on Twitter over the weekend, delivering it without any evidence.
When did that start?
ALl through the election, he'd level accusations against Hillary which were quoted and presented. He'd talk about all sorts of crazy stuff.

Now the papers are careful to point out 'without any evidence.'

He's never offered evidence, but they're noticing NOW?
is it because they expect the president to act differently, or are they just getting tired of his shit?
Marko had better grow a pair then.
Marco Rubio:

"We're going to investigate these Obama wire tapping claims to see if they're true; if not, we're going to ask Trump what he meant."

Seriously. This is what the moron said. Uh, might want to ask what he meant BEFORE an investigation, don't ya think.

I'm sorry to say that Little Marko is our best chance to get a neutral investigator like Ken Starr on the job. I think that Marko wants revenge on Trump.
Now the papers are careful to point out 'without any evidence.'
He's never offered evidence, but they're noticing NOW?

Yeah, they act so dumbstruck that Cheato could do such a thing, despite having reported him doing such things for over a year.
But the news isn't that Cheato is making up crap and expecting his dweeb followers to swallow it, it's the specific crap he's making up now.
Maybe Obama will sue him for libel? That's what Cheato would have done...

Trump has now tweeted that Obama had him wiretapped in Trump tower.
Donald Trump said:
Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!
The source? Apparently a Brietbart news "report" of a right-wing radio host's conspiracy theory.

I'll tell you folks, up till now I've been rather amused watching this idiot fall all over himself and make himself and his minions look like the fools that they are. But this is so delusional that I'm genuinely frightened. When is the controlling Republican party finally going to admit that the president is a dangerous lunatic who should not be in charge of anything, much less the country?

Apparently, SNL created this skit just for you: REPUBLICAN MOVIE TRAILER
A very interesting analysis on CNN title Birth of a conspiracy theory: How Trump's wiretap claim got started. The most frightening thing is that right-wing news, including Hannity on Fox, are "reporting" as fact that Trump was wire-tapped by the Obama administration and that either Obama directly ordered it or may have been involved (Hannity: "What did Obama know and when did he know it?"). This is frightening. People are actually believing the lunatic rantings by these people (Trump included). I'm genuinely afraid for the future of the country. A large percentage of the population have no ability whatsoever to separate fact from fiction and vote based on their delusions. How long will it take to recover (if ever)?
If this continues for another 4ish years, this nation may not be able to pull up and out of the crash. Rep. Chaffetz wants to investigate this. This... some bullshit that Mark Levin blurted on the radio. A guy who says there is "overwhelming evidence", yet can't provide anything but a misunderstanding of a NY Times article.

The electoral college has proven itself to be a failure to prevent this.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

From Raw Story;
One of Pres. Donald Trump’s top confidants and close White House advisers said on Sunday that he hasn’t seen the president “this p*ssed off in a long time” and that Trump is vowing, “I will be proven right” about accusations that former Pres. Barack Obama wiretapped the phones at Trump Tower in the weeks leading up to the 2016 election.

Of course! He's normally pissed on, not off!
A very interesting analysis on CNN title Birth of a conspiracy theory: How Trump's wiretap claim got started. The most frightening thing is that right-wing news, including Hannity on Fox, are "reporting" as fact that Trump was wire-tapped by the Obama administration and that either Obama directly ordered it or may have been involved (Hannity: "What did Obama know and when did he know it?"). This is frightening. People are actually believing the lunatic rantings by these people (Trump included). I'm genuinely afraid for the future of the country. A large percentage of the population have no ability whatsoever to separate fact from fiction and vote based on their delusions. How long will it take to recover (if ever)?

Ya, Fox is weird. I was watching the US news clips on YouTube and they were going through segments from several different channels. Most of them were relatively sane and the tone of the reports were along the lines of "What the fuck is wrong with Trump this time?". Then the Fox segment came on and they were like "Oh my god, this is huge. If this is true, it changes the entire paradigm of the story and is a huge issue for Obama and the Democrats".

That channel is surreal.
A very interesting analysis on CNN title Birth of a conspiracy theory: How Trump's wiretap claim got started. The most frightening thing is that right-wing news, including Hannity on Fox, are "reporting" as fact that Trump was wire-tapped by the Obama administration and that either Obama directly ordered it or may have been involved (Hannity: "What did Obama know and when did he know it?"). This is frightening. People are actually believing the lunatic rantings by these people (Trump included). I'm genuinely afraid for the future of the country. A large percentage of the population have no ability whatsoever to separate fact from fiction and vote based on their delusions. How long will it take to recover (if ever)?
If this continues for another 4ish years, this nation may not be able to pull up and out of the crash. Rep. Chaffetz wants to investigate this. This... some bullshit that Mark Levin blurted on the radio. A guy who says there is "overwhelming evidence", yet can't provide anything but a misunderstanding of a NY Times article.

The electoral college has proven itself to be a failure to prevent this.

Now, a bunch of Obama's lawyers have raised $1.5m and have already filed 50 FOIA requests.

They started by submitting 50 Freedom of Information Act requests this week that they believe will confirm their suspicions. The plan is to bring what they find to reporters, build it into pressure for congressional oversight with the help of a campaign director they’ll hire, and, as necessary, to file lawsuits.

They’re also hoping to establish themselves as a base for government employees worried about ethics violations — up to and including becoming whistleblowers — and are hoping that their website can become a resource.
A very interesting analysis on CNN title Birth of a conspiracy theory: How Trump's wiretap claim got started. The most frightening thing is that right-wing news, including Hannity on Fox, are "reporting" as fact that Trump was wire-tapped by the Obama administration and that either Obama directly ordered it or may have been involved (Hannity: "What did Obama know and when did he know it?"). This is frightening. People are actually believing the lunatic rantings by these people (Trump included). I'm genuinely afraid for the future of the country. A large percentage of the population have no ability whatsoever to separate fact from fiction and vote based on their delusions. How long will it take to recover (if ever)?

But this is what the American press has been doing for years about all sorts of stories. On all sides of Politics. Do you think this is something new?
Marco Rubio:

"We're going to investigate these Obama wire tapping claims to see if they're true; if not, we're going to ask Trump what he meant."

Seriously. This is what the moron said. Uh, might want to ask what he meant BEFORE an investigation, don't ya think.

I think somewhere in the tweetstorm he said he'd have nothing further to say on the matter until after the investigation presented its findings. Or maybe that was the Spiceman. Kind of like saying he'll release his tax returns after the audit.
A very interesting analysis on CNN title Birth of a conspiracy theory: How Trump's wiretap claim got started. The most frightening thing is that right-wing news, including Hannity on Fox, are "reporting" as fact that Trump was wire-tapped by the Obama administration and that either Obama directly ordered it or may have been involved (Hannity: "What did Obama know and when did he know it?"). This is frightening. People are actually believing the lunatic rantings by these people (Trump included). I'm genuinely afraid for the future of the country. A large percentage of the population have no ability whatsoever to separate fact from fiction and vote based on their delusions. How long will it take to recover (if ever)?

But this is what the American press has been doing for years about all sorts of stories. On all sides of Politics. Do you think this is something new?

No, it's not new. But your guy and his followers have taken it to a new level.
A very interesting analysis on CNN title Birth of a conspiracy theory: How Trump's wiretap claim got started. The most frightening thing is that right-wing news, including Hannity on Fox, are "reporting" as fact that Trump was wire-tapped by the Obama administration and that either Obama directly ordered it or may have been involved (Hannity: "What did Obama know and when did he know it?"). This is frightening. People are actually believing the lunatic rantings by these people (Trump included). I'm genuinely afraid for the future of the country. A large percentage of the population have no ability whatsoever to separate fact from fiction and vote based on their delusions. How long will it take to recover (if ever)?

But this is what the American press has been doing for years about all sorts of stories. On all sides of Politics. Do you think this is something new?
What in the heck are you talking about. Care to mention specifics, or do you feel the need to say things in as vague a way possible so you don't need to worry about being shown wrong?

"No you haven't fixed anything. You guys wonder why you end up with Trump.

No we don't. People are stupid, Trump tells them what they want to hear (with no regard for the truth) and is backed up by shills like yourself, American right wing alt-media and Russian operatives.... voila. President Cheato.
What exactly do you think we're wondering about?

"No you haven't fixed anything. You guys wonder why you end up with Trump. You need to get honest about the problems that led up to it. And it's not just the right wingers that have been the problem
You mean the relentless right-wing media onslaught of propaganda against Hillary Clinton between 1993 and 2016, that successfully got enough people to think Hillary Clinton was less trustworthy than an evangelical crusader on TBN?
A very interesting analysis on CNN title Birth of a conspiracy theory: How Trump's wiretap claim got started. The most frightening thing is that right-wing news, including Hannity on Fox, are "reporting" as fact that Trump was wire-tapped by the Obama administration and that either Obama directly ordered it or may have been involved (Hannity: "What did Obama know and when did he know it?"). This is frightening. People are actually believing the lunatic rantings by these people (Trump included). I'm genuinely afraid for the future of the country. A large percentage of the population have no ability whatsoever to separate fact from fiction and vote based on their delusions. How long will it take to recover (if ever)?

But this is what the American press has been doing for years about all sorts of stories. On all sides of Politics. Do you think this is something new?

Please cite examples of the "American press" doing "this" about "all sorts of stories." It may be best to define the terms I quoted first so I might understand what you are talking about.
"No you haven't fixed anything. You guys wonder why you end up with Trump.

No we don't. People are stupid, Trump tells them what they want to hear (with no regard for the truth) and is backed up by shills like yourself, American right wing alt-media and Russian operatives.... voila. President Cheato.

Look, elixer, people didn't like Clinton, and with good reason. You can't blame me for that. When will you ask Clinton and the corrupt Democrats to take some responsibility?
How you will you fix the problem if you blame me rather than Clinton??
No we don't. People are stupid, Trump tells them what they want to hear (with no regard for the truth) and is backed up by shills like yourself, American right wing alt-media and Russian operatives.... voila. President Cheato.

Look, elixer, people didn't like Clinton, and with good reason. You can't blame me for that.

I don't blame you for that - I dislike her intensely myself. But that doesn't force me to swallopw alt-right lies about her, or about Obama or any of the other lies to which you appear to have fallen victim.

When will you ask Clinton and the corrupt Democrats to take some responsibility?

For WHAT? They're not in power.

How you will you fix the problem if you blame me rather than Clinton??

I am not blaming you - you are as much victim of FAKE NEWS as are the Trump voters. Why should I waste my time lamenting the mistakes of the Clinton campaign at this juncture? We have our hands full just trying to keep Cheato from destroying the country.

You are exhibiting the same slimeball trait that is a hallmark of Cheato - you fail to answer the questions put to you, and instead whine about the horrible, horrible abuse you have unjustly suffered at my hands.
Here's a chance to make good - let's see if you take it:

Elixir said:
Can you cite an example of 17 intelligence agencies agreeing to a lie?

Please cite examples of the "American press" doing "this" about "all sorts of stories." It may be best to define the terms I quoted first so I might understand what you are talking about.

Care to mention specifics, or do you feel the need to say things in as vague a way possible so you don't need to worry about being shown wrong?
I hate to say this, but Americans have such short term memory on politics that this will be pretty much back burner in 7 to 10 days.

People will have completely forgotten about this by Sept.

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