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Trump tweats new conspiracy theory

Don't see how the quotes "defense" defend anything, unless still if there is proof of any non-wire tapping surveillance. And it's bs that he didn't blame Obama personally.

I think the goal is to broaden the meaning so much that they have a better chance of coming up with evidence or an argument. So if they can change the meaning of "wire tap" and they can make anyone in the Obama administration mean "Obama," then maybe they can come up with something. For example, if an agency went back to look at Guccifer 2.0's electronic records, they may get Roger Stone's tweets. Now, that could make it seem "Obama" "wire tapped" "Trump," at least to partisans and GOP officials.

This is the kind of thing I was talking about:
(CNN) The leaders of the House Intelligence Committee asked the three leaders of the intelligence community Wednesday about any time during the last seven months of the Obama administration whenever any of its agents and officials improperly named, or "unmasked," and disseminated the identities of American citizens picked up in intelligence collection.

Chairman Devin Nunes, R-California, and Ranking Member Rep. Adam Schiff, D-California, wrote that they were concerned that members of the intelligence community have not been sufficiently honoring previously established "robust 'minimization procedures'" to protect the identities of US citizens, including "masking" their names. The letter they sent refers to the disclosure to the public that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn had several conversations with the Russian Ambassador.

The matter is relevant not only because of the House Intelligence Committee's responsibility to conduct oversight of the intelligence community, but also as it may relate to surveillance of Russians known to US intelligence or any others who may have spoken with any advisers or individuals around then-candidate Donald Trump.

Conservative talking heads will magnify this, turn it into a scandal, and use it to say Trump staffers were surveilled.
Trump isn't giving up on the claim. Says he has "a lot" of evidence that he will be "submitting ... before the committee very soon." (The quotes here mean he is actually being quoted. Go figure.)

I'm hoping that this will be, if not his total downfall, the end of any credibility he has with anyone who isn't just as crazy as him. He can't admit that he was wrong about anything so keeps digging the hole deeper. People aren't going to forget about his one.

Why do you think people won't forget about it? His supporters hated Barack Obama. They'd much rather believe the lies Trump spouts, so they will.
Why do you think people won't forget about it? His supporters hated Barack Obama. They'd much rather believe the lies Trump spouts, so they will.
I don't think 'forget' is quite the right word.

The trumpette's are all insisting that Trump is not taking the Presidential Salary, because he said he wouldn't, despite a noticeable lack of evidence for that. They remember plenty, they're just not listening to the 'sore losers' asking Trump to provide evidence.
Trump isn't giving up on the claim. Says he has "a lot" of evidence that he will be "submitting ... before the committee very soon." (The quotes here mean he is actually being quoted. Go figure.)

I'm hoping that this will be, if not his total downfall, the end of any credibility he has with anyone who isn't just as crazy as him. He can't admit that he was wrong about anything so keeps digging the hole deeper. People aren't going to forget about his one.

Why do you think people won't forget about it? His supporters hated Barack Obama. They'd much rather believe the lies Trump spouts, so they will.

They also have not exhibited any sign that they even have memories. These are the people who think the stock market went down under Obama, immigration was up and nobody got deported.
Maybe it's the "opioid epidemic" - a conspiracy-minded person might surmise that Big Pharma (whose price gouging is largely responsible for the cost of US health care) is deliberately trying to dumb down the population to make them more receptive to Cheato's insanity, and distract from the fact that THEY - not Obama - are the main obstacle to affordable universal health care.
Why do you think people won't forget about it? His supporters hated Barack Obama. They'd much rather believe the lies Trump spouts, so they will.

They also have not exhibited any sign that they even have memories. These are the people who think the stock market went down under Obama, immigration was up and nobody got deported.
Maybe it's the "opioid epidemic" - a conspiracy-minded person might surmise that Big Pharma (whose price gouging is largely responsible for the cost of US health care) is deliberately trying to dumb down the population to make them more receptive to Cheato's insanity, and distract from the fact that THEY - not Obama - are the main obstacle to affordable universal health care.
But the Trump damn of inconceivable impenetrability may be starting to show a hairline crack. Even Trumpette's are breaking away from the Ketchup pouring Cheeto :D

RE: Ketchup on steak:
Well, according to a new poll from Public Policy Polling, they don’t like it one bit. In fact, only 34% of Trump voters are on Team Ketchup. The distaste cuts not only across party lines, but also gender, race and age. America has spoken.
But the Trump damn of inconceivable impenetrability may be starting to show a hairline crack. Even Trumpette's are breaking away from the Ketchup pouring Cheeto :D

RE: Ketchup on steak:
Well, according to a new poll from Public Policy Polling, they don’t like it one bit. In fact, only 34% of Trump voters are on Team Ketchup. The distaste cuts not only across party lines, but also gender, race and age. America has spoken.

How the fuck can this deplorable piece of shit have a 43% approval rating?
Trump isn't giving up on the claim. Says he has "a lot" of evidence that he will be "submitting ... before the committee very soon." (The quotes here mean he is actually being quoted. Go figure.)

I'm hoping that this will be, if not his total downfall, the end of any credibility he has with anyone who isn't just as crazy as him. He can't admit that he was wrong about anything so keeps digging the hole deeper. People aren't going to forget about his one.

Why do you think people won't forget about it? His supporters hated Barack Obama. They'd much rather believe the lies Trump spouts, so they will.

Sane people won't forget because Congress is involved and the press isn't going to let it die. His strongest supporters will believe him until they die. Nothing can be done about that. The people that need to be convinced are the "wanted to try something else" or "couldn't vote for either" voters. That is happening, slowly but surely. Accusing your predecessor of a felony without evidence and continuing to push it when even your own party is dismissing the claim is a far cry from claiming to have had the biggest inauguration. He has no credibility with anyone except the similarly crazy. That won't work again.
Trump isn't giving up on the claim. Says he has "a lot" of evidence that he will be "submitting ... before the committee very soon." (The quotes here mean he is actually being quoted. Go figure.)

I'm hoping that this will be, if not his total downfall, the end of any credibility he has with anyone who isn't just as crazy as him. He can't admit that he was wrong about anything so keeps digging the hole deeper. People aren't going to forget about his one.
No basis for suggesting this is even possible. Hell, the media was cumming left and right over his address to Congress. He should be censured for his act. But that won't happen, his credibility won't matter, and we will continue down this dark path.
Why do you think people won't forget about it? His supporters hated Barack Obama. They'd much rather believe the lies Trump spouts, so they will.

Sane people won't forget because Congress is involved and the press isn't going to let it die.

Sane people didn't get him elected.

His strongest supporters will believe him until they die. Nothing can be done about that.


The people that need to be convinced are the "wanted to try something else" or "couldn't vote for either" voters. That is happening, slowly but surely. Accusing your predecessor of a felony without evidence and continuing to push it when even your own party is dismissing the claim is a far cry from claiming to have had the biggest inauguration. He has no credibility with anyone except the similarly crazy. That won't work again.

I am discouraged that publicly accusing a predecessor of a major crime - with no evidence whatsoever - hasn't caused impeachment proceedings to begin. Almost as if Repugs have decided that they don't care how corrupt, dishonest or dangerous Cheato might be to the Union, they're going to stick with him until the bitter end because he's not Obama
But the Trump damn of inconceivable impenetrability may be starting to show a hairline crack. Even Trumpette's are breaking away from the Ketchup pouring Cheeto :D

RE: Ketchup on steak:

How the fuck can this deplorable piece of shit have a 43% approval rating?
Well, just focus on the silvery BB pellet sitting in the steaming pile of shit, Don the Con is pretty much starting his presidency with the lowest rating in history. But yes, it is a sad reflection of just inane our electorate has become.

Don the Con and the right wing Repugs might finally provide people with a dis-functioning demonstration of just how stupid their policy prescriptions are. It seems that the US will have to learn it's wisdom by the third way. It will be interesting to see just how low his numbers will go... As the Cheeto raft starts sinking, there will be no love lost as Repugs start scattering, and fewer and fewer will fear his mighty Tweet.

"By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest." -- Confucius
I am discouraged that publicly accusing a predecessor of a major crime - with no evidence whatsoever - hasn't caused impeachment proceedings to begin. Almost as if Repugs have decided that they don't care how corrupt, dishonest or dangerous Cheato might be to the Union, they're going to stick with him until the bitter end because he's not Obama

Things take time. The Saturday Night Massacre was in October, 1973 and Nixon didn't resign until August, 1974. The press will keep pushing for evidence and Trump will keep waffling and slowly but surely his credibility with the public will fall. Even Fox News is getting exasperated with his lies about this. And continued policy failures such as ACA repeal, Muslim bans, and border walls in the news will contribute as well. His credibility is going to continue to plummet. I doubt that he will ultimately be impeached over this (although I still maintain some hope :) ), but his chances of making major policy changes are extremely poor now due to having destroyed his credibility with both parties. In some regards this is the best we could have hoped for once the election was finalized.
I am discouraged that publicly accusing a predecessor of a major crime - with no evidence whatsoever - hasn't caused impeachment proceedings to begin. Almost as if Repugs have decided that they don't care how corrupt, dishonest or dangerous Cheato might be to the Union, they're going to stick with him until the bitter end because he's not Obama

Things take time. The Saturday Night Massacre was in October, 1973 and Nixon didn't resign until August, 1974. The press will keep pushing for evidence and Trump will keep waffling and slowly but surely his credibility with the public will fall. Even Fox News is getting exasperated with his lies about this. And continued policy failures such as ACA repeal, Muslim bans, and border walls in the news will contribute as well. His credibility is going to continue to plummet. I doubt that he will ultimately be impeached over this (although I still maintain some hope :) ), but his chances of making major policy changes are extremely poor now due to having destroyed his credibility with both parties. In some regards this is the best we could have hoped for once the election was finalized.

I do admire your oulook, Artemus. Of course all those scenarios have occurred to me, but the idea that total paralysis is an optimal outcome doesn't exactly make me jump for joy. As you allude though, that would be preferable to impeaching Cheato and letting Pence (or God forbid, Ryan) have three years to convince people that sanity has returned to the Republican party.
I'll try to stop ranting, sit back and enjoy watching Cheato twisting in the wind, and playing his repetitive tune to hopefully ever-decreasing numbers of brain-dead sycophants.
Trump isn't giving up on the claim. Says he has "a lot" of evidence that he will be "submitting ... before the committee very soon." (The quotes here mean he is actually being quoted. Go figure.)

I'm hoping that this will be, if not his total downfall, the end of any credibility he has with anyone who isn't just as crazy as him. He can't admit that he was wrong about anything so keeps digging the hole deeper. People aren't going to forget about his one.

His frankness about his own lack of personal integrity astounds me:
"I have my own form of media," Trump said. "So if I tweet two or three or four or five times a day, and if most of them are good, and I really want them all to be good, but if I make one mistake in a month — this one I don't think is going to prove to be a mistake at all."

He added: "Maybe I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Twitter, because I get such a fake press, such a dishonest press."
Trump isn't giving up on the claim. Says he has "a lot" of evidence that he will be "submitting ... before the committee very soon." (The quotes here mean he is actually being quoted. Go figure.)

I'm hoping that this will be, if not his total downfall, the end of any credibility he has with anyone who isn't just as crazy as him. He can't admit that he was wrong about anything so keeps digging the hole deeper. People aren't going to forget about his one.

It'll turn out to be the same as his claims about Obama's birth. He has fantastic, unbelievable, amazing evidence.
Twitler said:
"Let's see whether or not I prove it. I just don't choose to do it right now."

This is all game to him. Peak a boo!
What will it take? What will this maniac have to say that will show to his supporters that he is insane? Shape sifting aliens are against him?
Twitler said:
"Let's see whether or not I prove it. I just don't choose to do it right now."

This is all game to him. Peak a boo!
CNN Article said:
"Let's see whether or not I prove it. I just don't choose to do it right now," Trump said. "I choose to do it before the committee, and maybe I'll do it before the committee. Maybe I'll do it before I see the result of the committee. But I think we have some very good stuff."

Trump supporters cum inside their pants when he says this. Most everyone else should be in a fetal position. "But I think we have some very good stuff". That'd be called the fucking warrant for the wiretapping of Trump Tower, and a memo from Obama stapled to it stating he wanted to get 'inside information' on the Trump Campaign.
Hey, Spicey and General H.R. McMaster had to appologize to the UK for the claim that...well fuck just read it:

Britain’s Sky News, citing a spokesman for Prime Minister Theresa May, said Friday that the White House has since assured the U.K. government that allegations citing GCHQ involvement will not be repeated. The Telegraph, citing intelligence sources, reported that Spicer and General H.R. McMaster, head of the NSA, had made a formal apology to the British government.

I wonder how the retired General feels about having to grovel to the UK in place of FFvC. It would piss me off...

And the few Trumpetire trolls on this breaking news are funny. See it's not FFvC's fault that he can't get anything done: :hysterical:
"@Steve B @Arthur Korandanis Maybe help me understand. What has he done that has made you happy? In fact, what has he actually accomplished? Are you pleased with his failed attempts at banning Muslims, his support of the proposed health plan, his paranoia about being spied on? I'd love to know."

Steve B 19 minutes ago
"@Arthur Korandanis @Steve B kind of hard to pass a bill when his college buddy is a judge....Obama's minions are still in place to obstruct anything he tries to do"
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