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Trump - "We think we can cut regulations by 75 percent, maybe more, but by 75 percent"

You know who has too many regulations? The National Basketball Association. I mean why does the rim have to be 10 feet high? Or the free throw line 15 feet away? Or why do I have to dribble the ball to move? The NFL doesn't have those requirements, what is the NBA protecting me from? NBA regulatory officials don't even regularly police traveling without dribbling anyway, why should we pay them to sit around doing nothing? I bet we can eliminate 75% of the NBA rules, maybe more than 75%, but 75% and then think how terrific the sport would be.


You think that's bad? You should see the NCHA Rule Book. 192 (count 'em! A hundred and ninety two!) pages of rules for a go-round that lasts 2½ minutes. C'mon, Donald!
You know who has too many regulations? The National Basketball Association. I mean why does the rim have to be 10 feet high? Or the free throw line 15 feet away? Or why do I have to dribble the ball to move? The NFL doesn't have those requirements, what is the NBA protecting me from? NBA regulatory officials don't even regularly police traveling without dribbling anyway, why should we pay them to sit around doing nothing? I bet we can eliminate 75% of the NBA rules, maybe more than 75%, but 75% and then think how terrific the sport would be.


Riiight. You probably should send them a letter.

You accidentally posted that in a thread in which it has absolutely no relevance.

It has relevance, you just didn't get it since page#1.
Riiight. You probably should send them a letter.

You accidentally posted that in a thread in which it has absolutely no relevance.

It has relevance, you just didn't get it since page#1.
Hold on there. dismal is the undisputed king of posting responses that have absolutely no relevance to the thread topic, so take his assessment seriously.
You know who has too many regulations? The National Basketball Association. I mean why does the rim have to be 10 feet high? Or the free throw line 15 feet away? Or why do I have to dribble the ball to move? The NFL doesn't have those requirements, what is the NBA protecting me from? NBA regulatory officials don't even regularly police traveling without dribbling anyway, why should we pay them to sit around doing nothing? I bet we can eliminate 75% of the NBA rules, maybe more than 75%, but 75% and then think how terrific the sport would be.


Riiight. You probably should send them a letter.

You accidentally posted that in a thread in which it has absolutely no relevance.

Oh, right. We were talking about cheese, and not at all about a random spectator railing against rules and regulations that only very minimally affect his life - yet is certain as to their detriment in both quantity and impact.

Tell me again how we're going to make cheese grate again through deregulation!

Riiight. You probably should send them a letter.

You accidentally posted that in a thread in which it has absolutely no relevance.

Oh, right. We were talking about cheese, and not at all about a random spectator railing against rules and regulations that only very minimally affect his life - yet is certain as to their detriment in both quantity and impact.

Tell me again how we're going to make cheese grate again through deregulation!


Tip: the NBA is a private organization. They don't have to give a crap about what you think.
Tip 2: Trump is the President of the United States. He gets to make or destroy rules about cheese that affect us all with his pen and phone.
Oh, right. We were talking about cheese, and not at all about a random spectator railing against rules and regulations that only very minimally affect his life - yet is certain as to their detriment in both quantity and impact.

Tell me again how we're going to make cheese grate again through deregulation!


Tip: the NBA is a private organization. They don't have to give a crap about what you think.
Tip 2: Trump is the President of the United States. He gets to make or destroy rules about cheese that affect us all with his pen and phone.

Is this going to effect our supply of Cheetos, or are they not involved in any cheese regs?
Tip 2: Trump is the President of the United States. He gets to make or destroy rules about cheese that affect us all with his pen and phone.

I'm not sure the Administration Procedures Act (1947) agrees with that since the act limits the executive in that regard. Trump in his orders is not making or destroying rules. The power to change rules is within the executive's discretion, but all rule changes must undergo an administrative procedural process that does not involve the president. It is also within the power of Congress to remove this power from the executive. I could go on and list the ways how rules are made and changed, and the exceptions and the Supreme Court rulings, but am sure you will not engage in any meaningful learning or discussion.
I neither said, nor implied, that this is the case.

On the other hand, apparently the cheese industry thinks they are needed, as they requested and paid for these regulations. Why do you have a problem with that industry regulating itself in this fashion?

Oh, I'm sorry, should we be equating "needed" with "the cheese industry requested and paid for" when it comes to federal cheese regulation?

Do you imagine that the cheese industry often requests, and pays for, things that they do not need?
Oh, I'm sorry, should we be equating "needed" with "the cheese industry requested and paid for" when it comes to federal cheese regulation?

Do you imagine that the cheese industry often requests, and pays for, things that they do not need?

I don't give a frip about what the big cheese companies want. I care about America (eagle cry). If you have no ability to independently and directly state why we the people of these United States need Gamelost cheese regulations (but can do just fine without Havarti cheese regulations) then I will just assume you are a cheese company whore.
Tip 2: Trump is the President of the United States. He gets to make or destroy rules about cheese that affect us all with his pen and phone.

I'm not sure the Administration Procedures Act (1947) agrees with that since the act limits the executive in that regard. Trump in his orders is not making or destroying rules. The power to change rules is within the executive's discretion, but all rule changes must undergo an administrative procedural process that does not involve the president. It is also within the power of Congress to remove this power from the executive. I could go on and list the ways how rules are made and changed, and the exceptions and the Supreme Court rulings, but am sure you will not engage in any meaningful learning or discussion.

So, you don't believe Trump can order the USDA to stop enforcing § 133.186 and thus leave us prey to Sap sago cheese that is not shaped into truncated cones?

I thought the left believed the President could choose not to enforce pretty much anything.
I'm not sure the Administration Procedures Act (1947) agrees with that since the act limits the executive in that regard. Trump in his orders is not making or destroying rules. The power to change rules is within the executive's discretion, but all rule changes must undergo an administrative procedural process that does not involve the president. It is also within the power of Congress to remove this power from the executive. I could go on and list the ways how rules are made and changed, and the exceptions and the Supreme Court rulings, but am sure you will not engage in any meaningful learning or discussion.
I thought the left believed the President could choose not to enforce pretty much anything.
Yes, the rules can go unenforced, but to stay on your derail how many of these cheese standards have been enforced under the Obama administration? How many creameries abused the industry standards and how many did the Obama administration sanction?
Do you imagine that the cheese industry often requests, and pays for, things that they do not need?

I don't give a frip about what the big cheese companies want.

Even if what they want is quality standards on cheese sold in America?

I care about America (eagle cry).

Then you should care about the quality standards of foodstuffs (including cheese) that are sold in America.

If you have no ability to independently and directly state why we the people of these United States need Gamelost cheese regulations (but can do just fine without Havarti cheese regulations) then I will just assume you are a cheese company whore.

There are probably a lot of government regulations that I have no ability to independently and directly state why they are needed. My ignorance of the reasons for those regulations does not mean that the regulations are not necessary or valuable, it just means that I have no expertise in the industry that is being regulated, or is self-regulating. What is your expertise in the cheese industry, or are you just wallowing in your own ignorance?

Swiss - 15 pgs
Cheddar - 2 pgs
Mozzarella - 7 pgs
American Cheese - 12 pgs

Good help us all!

- - - Updated - - -

I can't wait until Trump gets rid of those pesky fire codes!
Or OSHA! All those reduced numbers of injuries means more workers working, instead of getting to hire temp help for lower wages.
I thought the left believed the President could choose not to enforce pretty much anything.
Yes, the rules can go unenforced, but to stay on your derail how many of these cheese standards have been enforced under the Obama administration? How many creameries abused the industry standards and how many did the Obama administration sanction?

I'm sure Saint Barack I enforced all of these vital cheese regulations because we did not get the parade of horribles that inevitably would have followed them being gone.

If you have some factual evidence of Sap sago cheese not being shaped into truncated cones I may reconsider.

Swiss - 15 pgs
Cheddar - 2 pgs
Mozzarella - 7 pgs
American Cheese - 12 pgs

Good help us all!

- - - Updated - - -

I can't wait until Trump gets rid of those pesky fire codes!
Or OSHA! All those reduced numbers of injuries means more workers working, instead of getting to hire temp help for lower wages.

Not to mention the cap of civil compensation for worker's families who sue for industrial-safety negligence when they are killed while working in meat industry to $5,000.

Oh wait, we'll need to keep that one and maybe readjust the amount downward, so as not to hurt the poor industry and make them provide safe workplaces for their illegal immigrant workers.

- - - Updated - - -

Yes, the rules can go unenforced, but to stay on your derail how many of these cheese standards have been enforced under the Obama administration? How many creameries abused the industry standards and how many did the Obama administration sanction?

Blah blah blah, I don't know what I am talking about so it will obfuscate!
I don't give a frip about what the big cheese companies want.

Even if what they want is quality standards on cheese sold in America?

I care about America (eagle cry).

Then you should care about the quality standards of foodstuffs (including cheese) that are sold in America.

If you have no ability to independently and directly state why we the people of these United States need Gamelost cheese regulations (but can do just fine without Havarti cheese regulations) then I will just assume you are a cheese company whore.

There are probably a lot of government regulations that I have no ability to independently and directly state why they are needed. My ignorance of the reasons for those regulations does not mean that the regulations are not necessary or valuable, it just means that I have no expertise in the industry that is being regulated, or is self-regulating. What is your expertise in the cheese industry, or are you just wallowing in your own ignorance?

So, you believe all specific regulations we have regarding Sap Sago cheese are necessary for the American people to be safe?

What horribles would follow if Sap Sago cheese were not shaped into truncated cones?

What horribles have we been experiencing due to the lack of specific regulations regarding Havarti cheese?

Or is this more of a religious belief?
Blah blah blah, I don't know what I am talking about so it will obfuscate!

Shit, you're the one that threw out the entirely speculative and evidence free slander that Saint Barack didn't enforce our vital cheese regulations.
Blah blah blah, I don't know what I am talking about so it will obfuscate!

Shit, you're the one that threw out the entirely speculative and evidence free slander that Saint Barack didn't enforce our vital cheese regulations.
I made no such claim. Your claims rest upon the enforcement of the cheese standards and that a president can decide not to enforce them -de facto (different than eliminating them -- de jure) stands upon evidence that these standards were enforced to begin with. Were they? I know this will take work, but there should be published cases of creameries in non-compliance and the steps the Federal government took to bring them into compliance.

You might want to switch from cheese to Title IX, because that is a larger and more robust example of a law being extended through court precedent (aka common law), legislative action (statutory law), and administrative rule making and rule interpretation (aka administrative law that devolved from the legislature and handed over to rule making "experts" under control of the executive, this includes executive orders (both administrative rule making and rule interpretation has been upheld by the Supreme Court as being law)).

So would you like to discuss how this system developed and how it can be changed? We can even trace it from roots in Germanic and Norman tribal law which still forms the basis for our legal system. It would be a robust discussion and we will all learn more.
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