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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

I mean wow. Talk about no sense of perspective. Thanks everybody. Have a good night!

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Seeing we don't vote based on a national vote total, general national polls are meaningless.
Yeah, but it does make you wonder if trump realizes that all the states are winner take all in the general. It looks to me like it could be an electoral landslide.
Right now, it looks like 2012. One trouble with Trump is his statements that he thinks NY and CA are in play. Not only are those states not in play, but they are incredibly expensive to run ads in. If Trump tries to wins states he can't win, that minimizes his chances in Battleground states where at least he is within a chance of winning.

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Seeing we don't vote based on a national vote total, general national polls are meaningless.
Actually most times polling turns out to be correct.
Are you a Bot?
Reuters: Half of Likely Voters Back Temporary Ban on All Muslim Entry to United States
Perhaps Trump should be given the chance to lead the free world from a position of strength, not on knees like it is at present.
Perhaps Trump should be given the chance to lead the free world from a position of strength, not on knees like it is at present.
Trump isn't strong at all. If you want to look at successful business men, look at someone like Buffet. Trump has never been the long term guy. He wants instant gratification, that isn't how you handle diplomacy or a nation with 325 million people.
Seeing we don't vote based on a national vote total, general national polls are meaningless.
Whatcha mean?
National polls don't mean anything. Gore won the plurality in '00, but "lost" the electoral vote. Early polling in CA and NY indicate that Democrat strongholds are untouchable. They also indicate purple status for states like Mississippi, Utah, Georgia, and Arizona. The polls that actually only matter, other than another Utah poll indicating Clinton leading would be Iowa, Colorado, Virginia. Trump can not win without those three states, amongst others. They are purplish and the best indicators of who will will. Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Indiana, North Dakota, and Montana would tell us if it'll be an ugly landslide '08 style... or even worse.
Reuters: Half of Likely Voters Back Temporary Ban on All Muslim Entry to United States

From a web page with arguments against gun control:
Another estimate, conducted by Congressional Research in 2012, places the total number of weapons in US civilian hands at 310 million as of 2009. By today, that means almost 1 gun for every single citizen, including infants. What would gun control even mean at this point? Assume this federal law: from 2014 on, no more assault rifles. Those who already own one may keep theirs, but such weapons will disappear from gun stores and pawn shops. Have we controlled much of anything? There are still at least 3 million assault rifles out there.

Translate this to:

Pew Research Center estimates that there were about 3.3 million Muslims of all ages living in the United States in 2015. That's about one muslim for every 100 citizens, including infants. What would banning Muslims even mean at this point? Assume this federal law: from 2016 on, no more Muslims. Those Muslims already in the United States can stay, but no more will enter. Have we controlled much of anything? There are still at least 3 million Muslims out there.
From a web page with arguments against gun control:
Another estimate, conducted by Congressional Research in 2012, places the total number of weapons in US civilian hands at 310 million as of 2009. By today, that means almost 1 gun for every single citizen, including infants. What would gun control even mean at this point? Assume this federal law: from 2014 on, no more assault rifles. Those who already own one may keep theirs, but such weapons will disappear from gun stores and pawn shops. Have we controlled much of anything? There are still at least 3 million assault rifles out there.

Translate this to:

Pew Research Center estimates that there were about 3.3 million Muslims of all ages living in the United States in 2015. That's about one muslim for every 100 citizens, including infants. What would banning Muslims even mean at this point? Assume this federal law: from 2016 on, no more Muslims. Those Muslims already in the United States can stay, but no more will enter. Have we controlled much of anything? There are still at least 3 million Muslims out there.
Jesus Christ man... you are establishing their argument for sterilization.

Trump: Shit! They can reproduce! I've go it, sterilization. Let's make America great again. *snip* *snip* *stupid fucking smirk*
Latest Polls shows Trump's negative are at a 70%. Keep talking Donald! Keep bloviating!


Seven in 10 people, including close to half of Republican voters, have an unfavorable view of Trump, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. It's an opinion shared by majorities of men and women; young and old; conservatives, moderates and liberals; and whites, Hispanics and blacks — a devastatingly broad indictment of the billionaire businessman.
I wouldn't put too much confidence in the polls at this time. People can, and might, change their minds between now & November. I also don't trust the Republicans to nominate Trump if they think he's going to get blown out. I would not be surprised if they found a way to send Kasich, Cruz, or someone else if they think that they can pull off the switch without a revolt of their base.

A new Bloomberg poll published Tuesday shows Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump 49 percent to 37 percent among likely voters nationwide. It also showed that 55 percent of those polled said that they would never vote for Trump.

Yeah, polls can change, but so far, I like the changes in the polls this week. Still, this leaves 14% either undecided or who will vote for neither.


[h=3]2016 General Election: Trump vs. Clinton[/h] 45% Hillary Clinton
39% Donald Trump
I wouldn't put too much confidence in the polls at this time. People can, and might, change their minds between now & November. I also don't trust the Republicans to nominate Trump if they think he's going to get blown out. I would not be surprised if they found a way to send Kasich, Cruz, or someone else if they think that they can pull off the switch without a revolt of their base.

Exactly. Polls at this stage are still not going to be an accurate predictor of the outcome in November. You can find plenty of historical examples where polls in June were way off at predicting the final outcome--e.g., in 1988, polls showed Dukakis with a solid lead over Bush, while in 1992 Perot was winning the popular vote. It won't be until August or September, probably, that general election polls will start to be more reliable. Even then, it's best to focus on the various averages of polls that HuffPo, RCP, et. al., publish.

As for the Republicans dumping Trump, I am pretty doubtful that they would do so, if only because 1) they would anger a sizable portion of their base--if even 30-40% of the voters who supported Trump in the primaries decided to sit the November election out, that would cost them 4-5 million votes, and 2) the obvious alternative, Cruz, is widely disliked among the GOP establishment.
Possibly, but there aren't many third parties with a candidate to vote for and they won't be anything more that, a protest vote. Greens and Libertarians. The Reform party hasn't fielded a candidate. You might see some write in votes, but just a few. The big problem may be voters who stay home out of disgust.
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