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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Awe, so my judgement is through a myopic lens. I always use Earth minutes no matter what planet (or dwarf planet) I'm talking about--my bad.

And yet you have difficulty grasping the concept of "the rest of the world"...
No. Not even close. Trump lies almost all of the time - 69% of his statements are rated "mostly false" or worse. HRC gets those ratings 26% of time.

Is Trump always lying or is he often just plain wrong a lot of the time? When Hillary speaks mistruth, I think she pretty much always does so knowingly. With Trump I'm not so sure.
No. Not even close. Trump lies almost all of the time - 69% of his statements are rated "mostly false" or worse. HRC gets those ratings 26% of time.

Is Trump always lying or is he often just plain wrong a lot of the time? When Hillary speaks mistruth, I think she pretty much always does so knowingly. With Trump I'm not so sure.

Ehe... I'd say being an idiot is worse than being a liar. If he honestly doesn't know what the fuck he's doing then perhaps he shouldn't have that job? My favourite is an interview with one of his former secretaries who commented that Trump doesn't actually know what a job is. He thinks he can drop by whenever he wants, and the less he's in the office the better his businesses do. Because he's an idiot. He's never challenged on his idiocies because he surrounds himself with employees. She's convinced that he's way out of his depth to be president, or to be in charge of anything. He's never had to take a grown up decision in his entire life. His life is run by advisors.

I don't think he's going to do jack shit as president. He clearly doesn't understand how the world works. I think he'll be the weakest most vacillating American president in history. Let's hope nothing momentous happens on his watch. Because that will not end well.

That's why he lies as much as he does. Nobody has ever called him on his bullshit. I think he thinks he telling the truth when he lies. Because he thinks reality bends around his statements. This is very typical for narcissists. They're usually like this. Luckily they're rarely allowed to be in charge of stuff.
Awe, so my judgement is through a myopic lens. I always use Earth minutes no matter what planet (or dwarf planet) I'm talking about--my bad.

And yet you have difficulty grasping the concept of "the rest of the world"...

You didn't criticize me right. It's like you said, you got that right but got this wrong. What it should of been like is, you got that wrong and got this wrong too. If ya gonna take me out, take me out right.
By American standards Sanders is a leftist. Too many people found his ideas on redistribution as going too far, there was no way he would be elected. Trump would have won by a far greater margin if he had faced Sanders.

Maybe. But that doesn't change the fact that 'American standards' are not the standards of 95% of humanity. Sanders is also an extraordinarily tall man, by the standards of the shortest 5% of the world population, and a young whippersnapper, by the standards of the oldest 5% of humanity.

Since it was Americans voting, American standards apply. He was too far left to win.
No. Not even close. Trump lies almost all of the time - 69% of his statements are rated "mostly false" or worse. HRC gets those ratings 26% of time.

Is Trump always lying or is he often just plain wrong a lot of the time? When Hillary speaks mistruth, I think she pretty much always does so knowingly. With Trump I'm not so sure.
I remember hearing exactly the same sort of bullshit hedging regarding Gore and W. Sure, W is a simpleton business failure, but will Gore be his own man in the White House?
Your calling Sanders a leftist is exactly analogous to a Stalinist calling a Trotskyite center-right.

The 'rest of you' form a minority of the 5% of the world population who live in the USA.

By American standards Sanders is a leftist. Too many people found his ideas on redistribution as going too far, there was no way he would be elected. Trump would have won by a far greater margin if he had faced Sanders.
No! The vast majority of Americans would support his plans if there was no label attached to them. Sanders is spun by the right-wing as a "leftist", when he supports a higher minimum wage, universal health care, better worker rights, and a lesser bloated military. These aren't far left ideas in the US. Americans support this stuff.
By American standards Sanders is a leftist. Too many people found his ideas on redistribution as going too far, there was no way he would be elected. Trump would have won by a far greater margin if he had faced Sanders.
No! The vast majority of Americans would support his plans if there was no label attached to them. Sanders is spun by the right-wing as a "leftist", when he supports a higher minimum wage, universal health care, better worker rights, and a lesser bloated military. These aren't far left ideas in the US. Americans support this stuff.

I agree wholeheartedly regarding Sanders' electability in this past election; people just wanted significant change, and the Dems said "fuck you!" and nominated the poster child for "same old same old". Sanders would have mopped the floor with Trump if only for the contrast in likeability and perceived honesty. Probably won't work in 2020 though, after giving the Trumpsters 4 years to further poison the well.
But people's perception of where the "center" lies varies wildly. I'm sure WildWilly sees the center somewhere to the right of Bush Junior, and I see it somewhere to the left of Barack Obama. I don't think there really is a "center" as far as policies and philosophies go; objectively, "the center" is wherever the most votes go, and in 2016 Trump was closer to it than HRC. "The Center" is determined more by personality than anything else.
No! The vast majority of Americans would support his plans if there was no label attached to them. Sanders is spun by the right-wing as a "leftist", when he supports a higher minimum wage, universal health care, better worker rights, and a lesser bloated military. These aren't far left ideas in the US. Americans support this stuff.

I agree wholeheartedly regarding Sanders' electability in this past election; people just wanted significant change, and the Dems said "fuck you!" and nominated the poster child for "same old same old". Sanders would have mopped the floor with Trump if only for the contrast in likeability and perceived honesty. Probably won't work in 2020 though, after giving the Trumpsters 4 years to further poison the well.
But people's perception of where the "center" lies varies wildly. I'm sure WildWilly sees the center somewhere to the right of Bush Junior, and I see it somewhere to the left of Barack Obama. I don't think there really is a "center" as far as policies and philosophies go; objectively, "the center" is wherever the most votes go, and in 2016 Trump was closer to it than HRC. "The Center" is determined more by personality than anything else.

You think WilyWily is right-wing? He's clearly a leftist.
What isn't discussed here and in the rest of the Western World is the elephant in the room of mass mainly moslem immigration. An exit poll in the States found that concerned around 20% of voters. That's a huge slice of people who bothered to vote.
Trump promised to stem the flow!
What isn't discussed here and in the rest of the Western World is the elephant in the room of mass mainly moslem immigration. An exit poll in the States found that concerned around 20% of voters. That's a huge slice of people who bothered to vote.
Trump promised to stem the flow!

You are right - nobody EVER mentions Moslem immigration on this discussion board. Particularly not you - this must be the first time you have raised the subject in HOURS. :rolleyes:

Trump promised to fix a non-problem that his supporters made a big fuss about. It's easy to fix a problem that only exists in people's fearful imaginings, so it was a smart move on his part.

That doesn't make it honest or laudable though.

It's on page one of the authoritarian playbook - whip up fear of a minority, and ride to power on a promise to protect the people from them. You would be amazed how much power and freedom people are happy to sacrifice to a great leader, if he promises to save them from their enemies. Even when the enemies are clearly far less of a threat than the great leader himself.

Of course, when I say 'you would be amazed', I only refer to those, like you, who apparently learned nothing whatsoever from history. But as you appear to be in the majority, and you appear to be disinclined to stop worrying about pretend threats for long enough to engage your brains, I guess we will all just have to suffer through yet another round of authoritarianism, and hope that it is neither as damaging nor as long-lived as recent historical examples.
What isn't discussed here and in the rest of the Western World is the elephant in the room of mass mainly moslem immigration. An exit poll in the States found that concerned around 20% of voters. That's a huge slice of people who bothered to vote.
Trump promised to stem the flow!

You are right - nobody EVER mentions Moslem immigration on this discussion board. Particularly not you - this must be the first time you have raised the subject in HOURS. :rolleyes:

Trump promised to fix a non-problem that his supporters made a big fuss about. It's easy to fix a problem that only exists in people's fearful imaginings, so it was a smart move on his part.

That doesn't make it honest or laudable though.

It's on page one of the authoritarian playbook - whip up fear of a minority, and ride to power on a promise to protect the people from them. You would be amazed how much power and freedom people are happy to sacrifice to a great leader, if he promises to save them from their enemies. Even when the enemies are clearly far less of a threat than the great leader himself.

It is worth noting that if we were to double the number of Muslims in the United States via immigration, they would count for a whopping 2 percent of the population.

Terrifying, isn't it?
What isn't discussed here and in the rest of the Western World is the elephant in the room of mass mainly moslem immigration. An exit poll in the States found that concerned around 20% of voters. That's a huge slice of people who bothered to vote.
Trump promised to stem the flow!
Mass Muslim immigration is not really an issue in the US like it is in Europe. The mass immigration in the US comes from Mexico and Central America.
What isn't discussed here and in the rest of the Western World is the elephant in the room of mass mainly moslem immigration. An exit poll in the States found that concerned around 20% of voters. That's a huge slice of people who bothered to vote.
Trump promised to stem the flow!
Mass Muslim immigration is not really an issue in the US like it is in Europe. The mass immigration in the US comes from Mexico and Central America.

Mass Muslim immigration is not really an issue in Europe either. There was a much bigger wave of Muslim immigration to the UK (mostly from Pakistan and Bangladesh) in the 1950s and 60s than there is today, and it was contemporaneous with a similar wave of Christian immigration from the Caribbean, as the former British Empire collapsed. The Little Englanders were incensed by that wave too - but nobody today seriously believes that the net effect was anything other than beneficial.

The only people who care about this are those whose worldview is dominated by terror of the unfamiliar, and those who seek to exploit that fear to consolidate their own power and authority, and to abrogate the freedoms that the rest of us have so far taken for granted.

Immigrants are in no sense a threat to ordinary citizens in the OECD nations. The threats come from those who claim that the solution to the (nonexistent) immigrant menace is their unobstructed, incontested, and unquestioned leadership.
What isn't discussed here and in the rest of the Western World is the elephant in the room of mass mainly moslem immigration. An exit poll in the States found that concerned around 20% of voters. That's a huge slice of people who bothered to vote.
Trump promised to stem the flow!

But it's bullshit. He just lied. There's no way he can. USA has freedom of religion. No matter how much he might want to the American constitution isn't something he can ignore when it's inconvenient.

The American voters who voted for Trump because he would stop the Moooooslems are idiots. There's no two ways about it. Just morons who don't understand how democracy and the American constitution works.

If you want to live in a country that wants to stop Muslim immigration, move to North Korea. Hot tip.
May I repeat what the right has to say on the matter? I will anyway: not all Muslims are terrorist, but most terrorist are from the followers of Mohammad the pedophile and terrorist.
According to these followers, the sadistic pedo was the most perfect man ever, and for every moslem a perfect example to follow.
One doesn't have to look far to see where terrorist groups such as Islamic state are coming from.
Because of security in the West being on the ball, many terrorist attempts have been nipped in the bud.
Its because of Islamic ideology not been compatible with Western culture that there will always be terrorist attempts at least, in the Western world.
May I repeat what the right has to say on the matter? I will anyway: not all Muslims are terrorist, but most terrorist are from the followers of Mohammad the pedophile and terrorist.
According to these followers, the sadistic pedo was the most perfect man ever, and for every moslem a perfect example to follow.
One doesn't have to look far to see where terrorist groups such as Islamic state are coming from.
Because of security in the West being on the ball, many terrorist attempts have been nipped in the bud.
Its because of Islamic ideology not been compatible with Western culture that there will always be terrorist attempts at least, in the Western world.

In the unlikely event that I wanted a second-hand account of what Muslims believe and how they behave, you would be the last person on my list of sources for such information. The depth of your ignorance is exceeded only by the scale of your unreasoning and unfounded fear.

You have no more idea than I how many, or how few, terrorist attacks are 'nipped in the bud'. But your belief that it is a lot implies that you have a much higher opinion of the abilities of our intelligence agencies than is justified by what little evidence we have about their actions.

Terrorists will exist as long as there are people with passionate beliefs who have little to lose. Islam doesn't enter into it - terrorists existed before Islam, and they will likely exist long after Islam is a footnote in history.
Your disdain for Australian intelligence is noted. Regards Islam, I suggest you read a reliable translation of the Hadith's, the Quran and what Islamic imams are teaching in their mosques.
Islam is not so much a religion, as a ideology that is never going to be compatible with Western democracy and culture. All the polling suggests that most Moslems support sharia. In other words they wish to destroy the democracy they escaped to and supplement it with their barbaric, freedom destroying ideology.
Unless the anti immigration politicians get a foothold in the coming Netherlands, French and German elections, our unique spot in history will witness the end of Western civilization within a century.
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