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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Some that make charity state-controlled and others leave it to the known generosity of most people.
Given right-wingers' hostility to anyone who might need any sort of help other than themselves, this talk of generosity is pure posturing. They'd regulate it to death if they could.
Some that make charity state-controlled and others leave it to the known generosity of most people.
Given right-wingers' hostility to anyone who might need any sort of help other than themselves, this talk of generosity is pure posturing. They'd regulate it to death if they could.
Are you kidding? They'd deregulate it to run 'help the soldier' charities that spend 30+% on overhead and CEO salaries instead of actually promoting their alleged cause.
From the Entertainment Section
Walker Voted off The Island

The Tribal Council has voted.
Ya, they're not getting that money back. Walker's already spent it all on hookers and blow.

Serves them right for lending money to Scott Walker.

Tom, that was satire.

No, it wasn't.

Satire is obvious fiction, that makes a point about a powerful person or organisation while avoiding a direct attack.

'Animal Farm' is satire. To qualify as satire, the text must be impossible to believe, while the subtext implies something about the real world.

If the text is sufficiently believable as to require non-textual clues (such as the identity of the source - eg 'it's from The Onion', to disprove it, then it is not satire, any more than rain on your wedding day is ironic.
But the good kind: Cubans.

How do we know he's not a secret Cuban commie Manchurian candidate?

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Kochs Demand Walker Return Nine Hundred Million Dollars

MADISON, WISCONSIN (The Borowitz Report)—Just minutes after the Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker dropped out of the Republican Presidential race, the billionaire Koch brothers demanded that he return the nine hundred million dollars they had allocated to his campaign.

Aaawww, aren't they precious.

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Ya, they're not getting that money back. Walker's already spent it all on hookers and blow.

Serves them right for lending money to Scott Walker.

Tom, that was satire.

Regarding Walker's drop-out:

I’m glad that the nation will be spared the unanaesthetized brain removal surgery that would have been a Walker administration. The man was by far the most dangerous candidate running as far as the long-term survival of the republic was concerned, up to and including The Donald, and anything that that keeps him out of the Oval Office – even as a tourist – is by definition a good thing.

On the other hand, this is a guy whose entire career has been defined by overweening ambition and ruthless petty vengeance against those who have crossed him, and I fear for Wisconsin. He’s back, he’s angry, and like any sociopath he has no conception that any of his ills were his fault. He’s already on record blaming others for his fall. We will pay for the wisdom of the American people in rejecting him, no doubt.

Ted Cruz is more evil, in my opinion; but the quoted passage has an excellent point.
Did anyone see Donald Trump on Stephen Colbert last night? He actually acted like a human being for a change.

I'm convinced that his entire Presidential run is really a performance to troll the Republican party.
Did anyone see Donald Trump on Stephen Colbert last night? He actually acted like a human being for a change.

I'm convinced that his entire Presidential run is really a performance to troll the Republican party.

That's giving him a lot of credit that I doubt he deserves. Trolling the GOP is an unintended consequence of his insatiable quest for the limelight.
Did anyone see Donald Trump on Stephen Colbert last night? He actually acted like a human being for a change.

I'm convinced that his entire Presidential run is really a performance to troll the Republican party.

That's giving him a lot of credit that I doubt he deserves. Trolling the GOP is an unintended consequence of his insatiable quest for the limelight.

But now he's at war with Fox News.

What's a Trump Supporter and Fox News viewer to do?

Does such a person eschew Fox News? After all, with the modern GOP voter, it's all or nothing. Or do they have the wisdom to go with the long-term choice of Fox News?

But that would require an understanding that Trump will never be POTUS.

Oh these shades of gray; they're so gray-ey
That's giving him a lot of credit that I doubt he deserves. Trolling the GOP is an unintended consequence of his insatiable quest for the limelight.

But now he's at war with Fox News.

What's a Trump Supporter and Fox News viewer to do?

Does such a person eschew Fox News? After all, with the modern GOP voter, it's all or nothing. Or do they have the wisdom to go with the long-term choice of Fox News?

But that would require an understanding that Trump will never be POTUS.

Oh these shades of gray; they're so gray-ey

Nope, no gray at all. Trumpkins have given up on Fox News and have for awhile now.


Oh joy...someone found and quoted rantings of a nobody at his personal blog, started during his unemployment as a "historian". A reader will enjoy his obsessive denunciations of 'that teabagger' Walker salted among years of pictures of his kids...when he isn't talking about himself. But hey, the guy is paid "class by class" to teach history at "Mid-Range Campus" (whatever that is).

You can't make this stuff up.

Jesus, Huck...

"I'm disappointed if a person who says, 'I'm a Christian,' but you invite the pope into your home and then you invite a whole bunch of people who are at odds with the Catholic Church policy.

"There's something very unseemly about that."

Yeah, because the Pope is clearly a guy who can't handle being around people at odds with the Catholic Church. :rolleyes:
Btw, I retract my earlier comment about Carson not being an asshole. There is now no non-asshole anti-establishment Republican candidate.

And pickings aren't so good among the establishment characters either.
What a crazy bunch of losers are chasing the nomination. Not that the progressive side is all that much better.
They are much better. None of them would nominate an Alito to the Supreme Court. And they are mostly rooted in reality. Clinton is a shrewd politician who thinks of Hillary first. Sanders is long-time politician who is actually progressive. Chaffee is the crazy guy in the Dem race, and that is because he wants to adopt the Metric System.

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Oh joy...someone found and quoted rantings of a nobody at his personal blog, started during his unemployment as a "historian". A reader will enjoy his obsessive denunciations of 'that teabagger' Walker salted among years of pictures of his kids...when he isn't talking about himself. But hey, the guy is paid "class by class" to teach history at "Mid-Range Campus" (whatever that is).

You can't make this stuff up.
I'm sorry for your loss.
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