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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

How is Ted Cruz better than Hillary when Bernie Sanders is the best? It makes no sense.

Ted Cruz is vowing to get rid of the Iran deal, shut down Planned Parenthood, put as much of his religion as possible into the government, and every other stereotypical wacky thing a Republican wants to do. He'd put Pat Robertson on the Supreme Court if he could.

So how is Hillary worse than that?
Maybe he meant the worst of the Dums ;)

I'd only disagree in that Cruz would pick a much younger ideolog, as Pat is an old school fart. Rubio only looks better, as he occasionally tries to not act like a neanderthal, thereby seeming less bad than Cruz. There is some guy running for Entertainer in Chief. And then there is ssssslllloooooowwwww Ben Quixote still looking for his windmill...

No, I didn't mean that. Since I'm not wearing the colors of either gang, I view the Crips and the Bloods as basically equal. So, when I said Bernie was the best and Hillary was the worst, I was indeed including all the Republicans in between them. Of course, I should be fair and note that Rubio is tied with Hillary for last place.

My scale? How likely are they to kill poor brown foreign kids.

Of course I don't expect anything good from any of them in areas such as civil policy or economic policy. Yes, Cruz is pretty bad on civil liberties. Hillary's no princess though, given her position on the NSA being able to exercise unconstitutional wartime spying powers on US citizens. Just check their position on Snowden.
MSNBC just reported he would need 59%.

There are 4763 DP delegates. A candidate needs 2382 to get the nomination. Clinton has 577 and Bernie has 386. Since there are 577+386=963 votes cast, there are remaining 3800 delegate votes. Sanders needs (2382-386)/3800 ~= 52.53%. Clinton needs (2382-577)/3800 ~= 47.5% to win.

What you are saying is that once you account for superdelegates who pledged to vote for Clinton, Sanders needs even more, 59%. I believe that because the super delegates make up a big chunk of the total delegates, like around 10% or so.

Sounds about right. They didn't get into the math.
Whoever is the nominee of both parties, it still seems like the US will end up with a fundamentalist president.

Apparently "fundamentalist" is one of those words like "boot" or "bonnet" that has a completely different meaning in UK/Strine English than it does in American.

I was not aware of that...
When it comes to foreign policy, the sad truth is that Trump is the least disastrous of the three principal republican candidates.

I have no idea where people in western Australia get their news from. Every reasonable person, left and right, consider Clinton to be a pragmatist, which is Sanders' principal objection, i.e. that her pragmatism has led her too close to the financial power centers. Calling her a fundamentalist is as farcical as calling Obama a Kenyan Muslim.
When it comes to foreign policy, the sad truth is that Trump is the least disastrous of the three principal republican candidates.

I have no idea where people in western Australia get their news from. Every reasonable person, left and right, consider Clinton to be a pragmatist, which is Sanders' principal objection, i.e. that her pragmatism has led her too close to the financial power centers. Calling her a fundamentalist is as farcical as calling Obama a Kenyan Muslim.

I'd need to see her long form pragmatism certificate before I'd feel comfortable avoiding calling her a fundamentalist.
The GOP debate is about to begin. With all the bad blood today between the Trumpster and Romney, and others chiming in, this debate should be loud and boistrous. Tonight its on Fox.
Has anyone here been watching that debate? Has Ben Carson shown up in it? I ask that because I want to see if he is sticking his flounce.
They'd say that Donald Trump, being a Republican, is the lesser of the two major evils.

Is Carson Dropping Out or Not? by Ed Brayton:

Adviser and business manager Armstrong Williams:
While appearing this morning on “Breitbart News Daily,” Williams said that Carson “was brought into this race by We the People” and will continue to run as long as they send him money even though “clearly there’s no pathway to the nomination.”

“The people who care about him, who are asking him to stay in the race, they are still sending him their small donations of $5, $10 and $20,” he said. “He’s had a phenomenal week of raising money and it says to him that they want him staying in the race.”
Ed Brayton:
So who the hell knows what this means. “I know I can’t win but send me money anyway” is not a great campaign slogan.
Ben Carson Leaves Race for New Job at Voter Outreach Group | NBC Chicago
Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who told his supporters Wednesday he no longer sees a "political path forward" in the race for the White House, has a new job.

Carson is now a national chairman of My Faith Votes, a nonpartisan organization that encourages Christian Americans to vote, according to the group's website.
Ben Carson Spent Heavy on Consultants, Light on Campaigning - US News
The political newcomer, who now says he sees "no path" to the Republican nomination, raised more money than any other GOP contender.

But an Associated Press review of campaign finance reports shows Carson's campaign is an extreme example of the big-money business of presidential politics. The campaign raised $58 million, but it spent more on fundraising and consultants than on mass media advertising, on-the-ground employees and other things that could have swayed voters.
So Ben Carson's campaign looks very suspicious.
My brain refuses to comprehend this. You cannot satirize US politics anymore.

Caitlyn Jenner volunteers to be Ted Cruz's 'trans ambassador'

In a new interview, Caitlyn Jenner said she is a fan of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, and suggested she could one day become "trans ambassador to the president of the United States."

"We can say, 'Ted, love what you're doing, but here's what's going on,'" Jenner told The Advocate. A lifelong Republican, she said she likes Cruz because "he's very conservative, and a great constitutionalist, and a very articulate man." Jenner, who said she met Cruz before she transitioned, hasn't officially endorsed the candidate, and noted that "he's an evangelical Christian, and probably one of the worst ones when it comes to trans issues."

Cruz has called gender-open bathrooms "lunacy," and opposes transgender soldiers, saying, "We shouldn't view the military as a cauldron for social experiments," USA Today reports. Jenner said that while "the Democrats are better when it comes to these types of social issues," if "we don't have a country, we don't have trans issues. We need jobs. We need a vibrant economy. I want every trans person to have a job."
Trump will win.

Cruz has won in Kansas 48.2% - Trump 23.3% 100% of votes counted.
Cruz is winning in Maine 43.0 - Trump 36.6 with 9% of the vote in.
Trump is winning in 39.9 % Cruz 33.3% with 8% of the vote in.
Nuffin' From Louisiana yet.

Rubio ain't doing dirt all. Nor Kasich.

Nothing from the Democrats as yet.

Ben Carson announces campaign is over - POLITICO (March 4)
'I will still continue to be heavily involved in trying to save our nation,' the retired neurosurgeon said.

Checking on the vote so far, Ted Cruz won Kansas and he will likely win Maine. Donald Trump will likely win Kentucky and RealClearPolitics's polls suggest that he will win Louisiana. Marco Rubio isn't doing as well, almost as poorly as John Kasich.

Puerto Rico is coming up March 6
HI, ID, MI, MS, on March 8
US Virgin Islands on March 10
DC, Guam, WY on March 12
FL, IL, MO, NC, Northern Marianas, OH on March 15
American Samoa, AZ, UT on March 22

JK may do well in Michigan, though DT will likely win. DT is also favored for winning Florida, meaning that MR won't be much of a favorite son there. He will likely be second, with TC and JK being neck-and-neck for last place. In Ohio, DT and JK will likely be neck-and-neck, as well MR and TC. But DT is likely to win Mississippi and North Carolina.

Who's in and who's out:

Ted Cruz: 2015 Mar 23 -
Rand Paul: 2015 Apr 7 - 2016 Feb 3
Marco Rubio: 2015 Apr 13 -
Ben Carson: 2015 May 3 - 2016 Mar 4
Carly Fiorina: 2015 May 4 - 2016 Feb 11
Mike Huckabee: 2015 May 5 - 2016 Feb 1
Rick Santorum: 2015 May 27 - 2016 Feb 3
George Pataki: 2015 May 28 - 2015 Dec 29
Lindsey Graham: 2015 Jun 1 - 2015 Dec 21
Rick Perry: 2015 Jun 4 - 2015 Sep 11
Jeb Bush: 2015 Jun 15 - 2016 Feb 20
Donald Trump: 2015 Jun 16 -
Bobby Jindal: 2015 Jun 24 - 2015 Nov 17
Chris Christie: 2015 Jun 30 - 2016 Feb 11
Scott Walker: 2015 Jul 13 - 2015 Sep 21
John Kasich: 2015 Jul 21 -
Jim Gilmore: 2015 Jul 29 - 2016 Feb 12

Hillary Clinton: 2015 Apr 12 -
Bernie Sanders: 2015 Apr 30 -
Martin O'Malley: 2015 May 30 - 2016 Feb 1
Lincoln Chafee: 2015 June 3 - 2015 Oct 23
Jim Webb: 2015 Jul 2 - 2015 Oct 2
Lawrence Lessig: 2015 Sep 6 - 2015 Nov 8
Ben Carson Leaves Race for New Job at Voter Outreach Group | NBC Chicago

Ben Carson Spent Heavy on Consultants, Light on Campaigning - US News
The political newcomer, who now says he sees "no path" to the Republican nomination, raised more money than any other GOP contender.

But an Associated Press review of campaign finance reports shows Carson's campaign is an extreme example of the big-money business of presidential politics. The campaign raised $58 million, but it spent more on fundraising and consultants than on mass media advertising, on-the-ground employees and other things that could have swayed voters.
So Ben Carson's campaign looks very suspicious.

What sways voters is the message coming from Trump. People are up to their eyeballs with political correctness and the apologists for moslems. Trump is telling the punters what they want to hear. Whether they would vote for him in a presidential race is another matter.

What sways voters is the message coming from Trump. People are up to their eyeballs with political correctness and the apologists for moslems. Trump is telling the punters what they want to hear. Whether they would vote for him in a presidential race is another matter.

Trump is a sad commentary on the State of the Republican/Conservative "Union" public in the USA.
Remember that the right wing in Germany were also told what they wanted to hear, by Hitler. Trump is using similar propaganda methods and Goebbels' principle of the bigger the lie, the more people believe it.


With all great deceivers there is a noteworthy occurrence to which they owe their power. In the actual act of deception they are overcome by belief in themselves: it is this which then speaks so miraculously and compellingly to those around them.
................NIETZCHE 1878. (In Human, All Too Human.)
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