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What should Israel do?

Here is the chance for Israel to end this once and for all. They must destroy all offensive weapons they find in Gaza and cripple the Hamas leadership. Then there may be some peace for a while at least.
Here is the chance for Israel to end this once and for all. They must destroy all offensive weapons they find in Gaza and cripple the Hamas leadership. Then there may be some peace for a while at least.
If Israel was capable of doing that, they would've done it during the two previous conflicts. No, what will happen is that Israel will bulldoze some houses, kill some civilians and withdraw with some concessions on freeing prisoners or some such. Then it'll be in the same situation again next year.
Israelis must know by now that these people only ever understand is violence. Their religion forbids them peace until there is no other religion but islam.
I think we all understand by now that this ^^ is a fine example of the racism and religious bigotry at the heart of the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Here is the chance for Israel to end this once and for all. They must destroy all offensive weapons they find in Gaza and cripple the Hamas leadership. Then there may be some peace for a while at least.
If Israel was capable of doing that, they would've done it during the two previous conflicts. No, what will happen is that Israel will bulldoze some houses, kill some civilians and withdraw with some concessions on freeing prisoners or some such. Then it'll be in the same situation again next year.
It'll be a little different.

The settlements will be a little larger.

The oppression of Gaza and the West Bank will be a little tighter.

In other words, the root causes of Palestinian resistance will increase. This is the game Israel has been playing for decades. The use of resistance to oppression to justify further theft and oppression.

And fools fall for this sick game every time. And actually blame the oppressed, because they resist oppression.
Oh, there's no racism in anti-Semitism?

Is that an attempt at a Tu Quoque fallacy? It's pretty weak.

BTW, the Christian and Muslim Palestinians are just as semitic as the Jewish ones. Their religious beliefs don't affect their ethnicity.
Oh, there's no racism in anti-Semitism?

Is that an attempt at a Tu Quoque fallacy? It's pretty weak.

BTW, the Christian and Muslim Palestinians are just as semitic as the Jewish ones. Their religious beliefs don't affect their ethnicity.
From Wiki.................Today, Christians comprise less than 4% of Palestinians living within the borders of former Mandatory Palestine. They are approximately 8% of the West Bank population, less than 1% in Gaza, and nearly 10% of Israel's Arab population.
Here is the chance for Israel to end this once and for all. They must destroy all offensive weapons they find in Gaza and cripple the Hamas leadership. Then there may be some peace for a while at least.

There's no chance that Israel will get them all. At best it's going to knock them back for a while.

Anyway, for those who say this is an escalation: They're after tunnels. In other words, Hamas invasion of Israel. Tunnels that predate the ground invasion--in other words, Hamas did the ground invasion first, albeit stealthily.
I think we all understand by now that this ^^ is a fine example of the racism and religious bigotry at the heart of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

He's telling the truth about jihadists. Their religion does not permit peace with non-Muslims. "Peace" is a temporary state to build up your strength to continue the war.
I think we all understand by now that this ^^ is a fine example of the racism and religious bigotry at the heart of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

He's telling the truth about jihadists. Their religion does not permit peace with non-Muslims. "Peace" is a temporary state to build up your strength to continue the war.

Severe oppression contributes to this fixed state of mind for the Jihadists. What has contributed to yours? Who oppressed you? Have Muslims hurt you personally?
I think we all understand by now that this ^^ is a fine example of the racism and religious bigotry at the heart of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

He's telling the truth about jihadists. Their religion does not permit peace with non-Muslims. "Peace" is a temporary state to build up your strength to continue the war.

Then he should understand the truth about militant Zionists. He should understand that their religion does not allow them to share Eretz Yisrael with non-jews, that "peace" is a temporary state while they continue the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, and that acts of brutality, murder, and mayhem are justified by their interpretation of their holy texts. He should know that the Zionists who burned a 16 year old boy alive are carrying on the work of the Irgun, Lehi, Haganah, the Jewish Underground, Kach, and others.

He should understand that acts of violence, terrorism, and horrendous cruelty committed by a few thousand Zionist Jews do not justify racism and bigotry against Jews, just as violence, terrorism, and horrendous cruelty committed by a few thousand jihadists do not justify the racism and bigotry being displayed in this thread against Palestinians and Muslims.

He (and you) should know that special pleading and double standards are a sure sign something can't be justified on its own merits.
Israelis must know by now that these people only ever understand is violence. Their religion forbids them peace until there is no other religion but islam.

Yeah, exactly. Those people will only understand violence. There is no point in negotiating with them since they won't ever stop trying to kill you. Eliminate them before they eliminate you. Eradicate the population and salt the earth. Only when all your foes are dead will you find peace.
Israelis must know by now that these people only ever understand is violence. Their religion forbids them peace until there is no other religion but islam.

Yeah, exactly. Those people will only understand violence. There is no point in negotiating with them since they won't ever stop trying to kill you. Eliminate them before they eliminate you. Eradicate the population and salt the earth. Only when all your foes are dead will you find peace.

You simply gotta be kidding! ;) Right? :thinking:
Yeah, exactly. Those people will only understand violence. There is no point in negotiating with them since they won't ever stop trying to kill you. Eliminate them before they eliminate you. Eradicate the population and salt the earth. Only when all your foes are dead will you find peace.

You simply gotta be kidding! ;) Right? :thinking:

I was going for satire...but I guess I wasn't over the top enough to not hit Poe's Law.

But...what exactly are those who advocate not negotiating with the enemy because "the only thing they want is you dead" going for anyways...

The only options regarding occupying a hostile territory are either you commit to a long-term strategy where you improve the conditions of those living under your occupation so that more and more people will choose to live under your control rather than the alternative; or you endure a constant, low intensity conflict; or you essentially commit genocide.

If you aren't willing to offer a better living and you don't want to suffer constant conflict, there isn't much options left.

The Palestinians are never gonna simply give up their support of the group hitting back against the people who's been killing their friends and family until you stop killing their friends and family.
You simply gotta be kidding! ;) Right? :thinking:

I was going for satire...but I guess I wasn't over the top enough to not hit Poe's Law.

But...what exactly are those who advocate not negotiating with the enemy because "the only thing they want is you dead" going for anyways...

The only options regarding occupying a hostile territory are either you commit to a long-term strategy where you improve the conditions of those living under your occupation so that more and more people will choose to live under your control rather than the alternative; or you endure a constant, low intensity conflict; or you essentially commit genocide.

I got your satire! But it does seem useless for anyone to negotiate with Hamas. If I were Israel, I'd give far more concessions to Abbas and the PA moderates.
He's telling the truth about jihadists. Their religion does not permit peace with non-Muslims. "Peace" is a temporary state to build up your strength to continue the war.

Severe oppression contributes to this fixed state of mind for the Jihadists. What has contributed to yours? Who oppressed you? Have Muslims hurt you personally?

Try a little reality. I'm talking about a pattern that has existed for more than 1000 years. It has nothing to do with the Jews. Islam does not permit peace with non-subjugated non-Muslims. The average Muslim on the street doesn't adhere to this but the fundamentalists do.

- - - Updated - - -

And aiming at civilians is never valid even if your cause is just.

Sorry, which side were you talking about again?

Hamas putting a bunch of civilians on military targets doesn't mean Israel is aiming at civilians.
Severe oppression contributes to this fixed state of mind for the Jihadists. What has contributed to yours? Who oppressed you? Have Muslims hurt you personally?

Try a little reality. I'm talking about a pattern that has existed for more than 1000 years. It has nothing to do with the Jews. Islam does not permit peace with non-subjugated non-Muslims. The average Muslim on the street doesn't adhere to this but the fundamentalists do.
How funny. You talk about some deluded half-baked racist nonsense as a little reality.

The reality is the Palestinians are an incredibly peaceful people. They carried out very little violence even as the Israelis conducted a brutal and illegal occupation for about 10 years. More than you can expect of any people. Then a tiny fraction of the Palestinians began to carry out violent resistance (the oppressor calls this terrorism) which has lasted since.

The so-called terrorism is violent resistance to a brutal oppression that has lasted 50 years.

Only the brutal oppressors call it terrorism.

For the sane it is the logical consequence of decades of abuse.
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